Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 73: Not qualified


She was silent for a while.

"The first type, the concubine welcomes the emperor."

"Well." The emperor was very satisfied.

There is no sound.

She began to black line and cold sweat.

After a while, he said lightly, "What else?"

"The last one is the truth. I'm so scared. So ignore what you said just now." She finished speaking quickly, covering herself with the quilt.

Feeling the weight of the bed, she let go of the quilt and rolled inside.

The emperor said lightly: "Are all the daughters of Nianfu like you?"

Is he questioning something? She was slightly startled and didn't dare to say anything. Say more and more wrong, not to say good.

The tip of her nose was his pleasant breath, and she trembled.

Suddenly I heard him ask, "Sit on your back or on your back?"

Is he asking her? Same question as that night... what was this man thinking

She thought about it for a while, then gritted her teeth and said, "Which one will you hold me to sleep with, I will do it."

After speaking, her heartbeat almost stopped.

He seemed to be stunned, and then came the laughter of laughter.

Arms that didn't belong to her passed around the back of her neck.

She was held on to him.

He doesn't seem to be emotional - although his harem is not full, but there are many beautiful people, are you used to it, smile, she is actually a little lost

The sound under the bed distracted her. The little wolf slapped the edge of the bed with his claws, and the sound was a bit aggrieved. It may be a good thing to be distracted.

"Your Majesty, can you let the little wolf come up to sleep?" she asked.

"No." He simply refused.

"It's already had a bath."

"Well," the emperor paused, "it still won't work."

"The concubine didn't ask."

"That's what I meant."

"… "

She smiled, but finally couldn't help it, and whispered: "Your Majesty, you are not happy, why?"

After saying what she wanted to say since he came in, he was tense with a certain emotion, she knew, don't ask why, but she knew.

The hand on her shoulder slammed her down, with a muffled "dong" sound, her head hit the edge of the inner bed, gritting her teeth in pain - but, in the end, she held back and didn't cry out. Have some dignity for yourself.

Reaching out his hand to touch his forehead, he licked between his fingers.

Is it bleeding

It's really a misfortune, the feet are in the morning, and the head is now.

He didn't say anything, it seemed normal.

Yes, he is the emperor. She deserves it.

If you are wise, you should keep your mouth shut, but she still asked.

"I don't have the qualifications, do I?"

Except for the faint fragrance lingering in the nose, there was no response.

Just when she thought he wouldn't say anything, his voice came coldly.


Really shouldn't ask, a glimmer of hope is better than smashing it all. If you go with what he wants, at least there is a hug, even if it's not sincere. It's just this kind of charity, she still... don't.

The next day, he was gone.

She smiled, he was strange to her.

When he got out of bed, he found the little wolf curled up under the bed and sleeping happily, exposing his snow-white belly generously, his feet turned upside down, and his mouth was whimpering.

There was a light knock on the door, and she said, "Diefeng, come in."

Diefeng walked in with a basin of clear water, and said with a smile, "My lady got up really early."

"You came on time." She smiled back, suddenly remembering something, "You won't be waiting outside all the time."

Diefeng nodded, "My servant heard something moving inside, so I guess the lady knocked on the door when she woke up." She suddenly said in shock, "My lady, what's wrong with your forehead? The servant will help you pass on the doctor!"

"Isn't it necessary?" Xuanji felt that it was a bit too much to pass on the doctor girl's words. It didn't seem to be such a serious matter. In modern times, it was done with a Band-Aid, and sometimes she even ignored it.

It's just that, last night, it hurt a lot. Perhaps, this pain is actually boring.

But Diefeng was very anxious, "This wound is not shallow, it's better not to have a scar, Your Majesty—"

She understood what Diefeng meant, and the emperor would hate it.

Taking the bronze mirror handed over by Diefeng, she looked at the face in the mirror. She had a pointed chin, her face was a little pale, and a mark on her forehead was in the shape of a vague half-moon. She looked back at the carving on the bed, but it was a coincidence, not too ugly, but the mark was a little deep, and it was really ugly... She Suddenly I thought, if he saw it, would there be any guilt

The answer is... no.