Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 77: my woman


Not for the palm, but for the person who received it - Xuanji hugged Little Wolf tightly, pushed Diefeng away, and the palm fell firmly on her face.

She stretched out her sleeves to wipe away the blood, raised her head and said softly, "There are nine more."

Diefeng was startled, tears fell, she supported Xuanji's shoulder, and cried out in a hoarse voice, "Niangniang, Diefeng is damned, I am damned, don't do this..."

She stood in front of Xuanji and stared at Ashi.

Xuanji glanced at the eunuch palace servant who was brought out of Fengjiu Palace, and said, "Am I still your master?"

Everyone was newly sent over by Xuanji after being rescued by the emperor. They were very unfamiliar with this master. They only heard from the palace servants who served before that this woman had a strange temper and was domineering—

Those of them who are palace servants are better when they meet a good-tempered master. If they are in a difficult position, they will be beaten or scolded. How often have I seen a master who was humiliated by a slave.

Nian Xuanji's reputation was already extremely unbearable in this palace. Once today's incident came out, it would have no place to stand, but she still suffered for Diefeng, how could it be possible that it would not be touched

Immediately, several people stood by Xuanji's side, including several little eunuchs who got up on the ground.

"Take Diefeng down." Xuanji smiled lightly.

Everyone was puzzled, but they still did as they were. Diefeng was stunned and murmured, "My lady..."

"Go on." Xuanji hugged the little wolf tightly, lowered her head, and said to Ashi.

The little wolf struggled angrily in her arms, but it was injured and weak, but its wolf eyes stared at Ashi fiercely.

Ashi was so scared that her face paled - she beat a master, no matter what, she was also the emperor's concubine...

Xuan is filled with dead silence.

She looked at her master tremblingly, and An Jin's face turned pale. She never expected that Xuanji would have such a strong temper - she looked at the man beside her uneasily.

The emperor pursed his lips, his phoenix eyes were deep, and he stared at Xuanji.

Rao is An Jin smart, and can't guess what this man is thinking at the moment. He doesn't love Nian Xuanji, or even her, she knows... it won't change, does it

I remember that the day she first entered the palace, Nian Xuanji was being sentenced to death by the Queen Mother.

She heard from the palace staff that the emperor rescued Concubine Nian from the Queen Mother. The emperor insisted that it was Concubine Nian's personal servant who poisoned the Queen Mother, and ordered the person to be killed on the spot. The trial was also furious. That day, the mother and son who have always been kind and filial almost turned their eyes away.

She is the daughter of the county magistrate of Qiurong County, and the royal altar Qiushan is located on Qiurong County.

The young and handsome emperor came to worship her ancestors, and she followed her father to meet him.

She did not come out of the main room, and she was full of talent, but was envied and hated by her aunt and her daughters. Although her father loves her, she is afraid of his wife. She pays little for food and clothing, and ridicules the majority. She lives a hard life.

She's had enough! She doesn't want to finish her life like her humble mother.

When the emperor came to Qiurongyuan, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She swears that no matter how old and ugly the emperor is, she will try to climb this high branch!

That day, the daughters of county officials who did not dress up attended, including several of her sisters.

I never thought that the emperor was so young, Yuxiu, and talented. He talked with the officials, and listed them in an orderly manner, as he saw with his own eyes.

He was adored by thousands of people, but he gave her a slight smile.

In the Qiushan hotel, he spoke softly to her... he loved her in every possible way... He said that he loved her arrogance...

Later, she heard people say a lot of things about him on and off, including his woman - on the night of the wedding, he left the queen and favored Nian Xuanji alone.

After entering the palace, she heard something related to Xuanji again, and the emperor almost fell out with the queen mother because of her.

Finally, she couldn't help but ask him what Nian Xuanji was in his heart, he just smiled lazily and his eyes were distant, but she was sure that it had nothing to do with deep affection, it was a woman's intuition towards a man...

It must be because of Nian Xuanji's father that he treats her well, right? Therefore, when Nian Xuanji broke into the Golden Palace privately and made a rude remark in Huayin Palace, he became angry and punished her.

Because her behavior exceeded his bottom line, he no longer cared whether she was the daughter of a self-important minister and disciplined her.

That's it, isn't it.

He has no authoritative father to rely on, so what he has for himself is true...

At this moment, the emperor's body exudes a cold breath, and the people in the Xuan are so frightened that they are silent, and they dare not be stingy.

An Jin gritted her teeth and gave Ashi a wink.

Half jealous, half temptation.

Ashi hesitated, but after all, she couldn't resist the stern look in her master's eyes. She knew the emperor's love for An Jin, so she gritted her teeth and hit Xuanji.

There was no sound in that palm.

In its place was another voice. Ashi's body slanted out, hit the pillar in the hall, fell softly, and poured out a bright red.

"She is my woman, it's not your turn to do it!"

Before she passed out, she saw An Jin's face changed and the man's faint voice.

No one even saw how the emperor walked in front of Xuanji, and that sharp kick.

Xuanji still lowered her head, staring at the dying little wolf without saying a word.