Love is More Than a Word

Chapter 104: Behind the scenes (5)


"My lord." Master Jin came from outside the hall, and casually glanced at the Wu couple who were kneeling on the ground.

The Wu couple trembled all over, sweat pouring down like rain.

Master Jin walked up to Tao Mo, and said in a low voice, "My lord. People in the Wu family village said that the Wu couple had left the village for more than ten years, and they only returned to the village suddenly half a month ago. Their daughter Wu Qian never left the house. No one has ever seen it before, and only a few villagers heard about it from Mrs. Wu Guo. There were two families in the village who heard Mrs. Wu Guo brag about their daughter's outstanding looks, and they came to propose marriage, but they were all rejected."

Tao Mo also lowered his voice and said, "They recognized the body, but it was a man."

Master Jin asked in surprise, "A man?"

Tao Mo said, "Yes."

Master Jin pondered: "But there is a bump on the head?"

Tao Mo said: "Well, I don't know." It was only then that he realized that he had forgotten to ask the most crucial question, "Wu Zuo only said that he had frostbite on his feet and hickey marks on his body."

Master Jin said: "Probably there is a bruise on the head, otherwise how could Wu Youcai admit his mistake?" What he said was admitting his mistake, but he thought of something else in his heart, but there is no evidence at present, so he can't say it out.

Tao Mo nodded, and said to Wu Youcai: "You keep saying that Shi Qianshan forced your daughter to death, and you want to seek justice for her, but now, you even admit to your own daughter's dead body, which is really suspicious. You What's the explanation?"

Wu Youcai kowtowed, "The villain knows his mistakes, the villain knows his mistakes..."

Tao Mo felt his heart skip a beat when he heard the voice, he quickly stood up and said, "Don't do this."

Before he gave the order, two winking yamen servants had already helped him up.

Wu Youcai's head was flushed red, the skin was broken, and blood slid down her cheeks.

Tao Mo looked at Master Jin.

Master Jin shook his head helplessly.

Tao Mo said, "Ask a doctor to look at Wu Youcai's injuries."

Master Jin suddenly said: "It's better to find Miss Wu's body this morning."

Tao Mo nodded in agreement, and said to Wu Guo: "You can find it."

Wu Guoshi was originally looking at her husband worriedly, but when he heard this, his body immediately twitched, his face turned pale with fright, and he knelt down on the ground.

Master Jin looked at her with deep meaning, "Mrs. Wu shouldn't even recognize her own daughter?"

Wu Guoshi looked at Wu Youcai as if asking for help.

Wu Youcai covered the wound, and did not forget to give her a hard look, and cursed: "Idiot. Don't you even know your own daughter when I'm not here?" He looked embarrassed and aggrieved just now.

Tao Mo and Master Jin saw it, and couldn't help but believe Shi Qianshan again.

Wu Youcai was taken down to ask the doctor to recuperate, and Cui Jiong took Wu Guoshi to the mass grave to continue searching for Wuqian's body.

Tao Mo recalled the sentence about the corpse that was taken by mistake, and said to Master Jin: "I don't know whose soul has been disturbed, and he will not live safely in the ground if he is involved. You can send someone to find out his identity. If there is no family, I will Just ask someone to bury him and let him rest in peace."

Master Jin sighed and said: "Leave this matter to me. My master is getting married the day after tomorrow and wants to make a fortune. The case is not urgent at this moment. My master still thinks about how the sedan chair will get out of the county office the day after tomorrow."

"Huh?" Tao Mo stared blankly at him.

Master Jin caressed his forehead and said, "Did the Master never think about this?"

Tao Mo had been thinking about the case or Gu She these two days, but he had never thought about getting married, so he couldn't help being stunned when Master Jin asked.

Master Jin said: "Actually, both of you are men, so it doesn't matter if you don't sit in a sedan chair. But welcoming the relatives is always indispensable. How are you going to greet the relatives?" Although the county government office and Gu's residence are not far away, there are several roads between them. street. Tao Mo and Gu She, no matter who is wearing a wedding dress and passing through the street, is very eye-catching.

Tao Mo scratched his head and said, "How about changing it to the night..."

Master Jin said: "How can you change it on a good day? What's more, getting married requires a lot of fanfare. Both of you are married by a bright matchmaker. Even if you don't beat gongs and drums and make the city famous, you should enter and exit through the main gate in a dignified way." Yes."

Tao Mo's head grew dizzy when he heard it, and he asked, "Then according to Master's opinion?"

Master Jin was also taken aback by the question, "Well, my wife is a woman."

"Ah, is it?" Tao Mo said casually without regaining consciousness for a moment.

The corner of Master Jin's mouth twitched, "Could it be that my master always thought my wife was a man?"

Tao Mo hurriedly said, "No, no, I just never thought about it."

Master Jin: "..." Why do you have to think about whether his wife is a man or a woman? The harmony of yin and yang between a man and a woman is the right way in the world, right? He looked at Tao Mo, shook his head helplessly, and said, "If my master can't think of an answer, why not leave it to Mr. Gu to think about it."

"Xianzhi?" The corner of Tao Mo's mouth twitched, his smile couldn't be restrained.

Master Jin said: "Although you can't meet each other, you can always exchange letters. I will write for you." He pulled up his sleeves and was about to grind when he heard Tao Mo say: "No, I will do it myself."

"Boss?" Master Jin looked at him in surprise.

Tao Mo blushed slightly, "Xianzhi taught me a lot of characters, I think I should be able to..."

Master Jin withdrew his hand calmly, and said with a smile: "It's fine, it's fine. Of course, it's not as sincere as writing a letter by hand." With his hands behind his back, he walked out with a smile. But before his feet crossed the threshold, he heard Tao Mo calling from behind: "Master."

Master Jin turned his head.

Tao Mo asked in shame, "How do you write the character Xi?"

The outside of the Gu Mansion still looks deserted, but the inside has already been turned upside down, and it is full of red.

After listening to all the stewards going through everything from beginning to end, Yue Ling nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's very good. By the way, has the Xifu been sent to the county government?"

A steward said: "Never."

Yue Ling frowned.

The steward hurriedly said: "Young master ordered us to deliver Mr. Tao's wedding clothes to his room."

"I haven't worn it yet. Seeing things and thinking about people is not such a way of seeing things and thinking about people." Yue Ling walked towards Gu She's study in a murmur.

In the past few days, Gu She spent almost all of his time in the study.

Before entering the door, Yue Ling smelled the fragrance of pen, ink and books coming towards him, "Are you nervous? Or are you nervous?"

Without raising his head, Gu She said, "Is everything in the mansion properly arranged?"

Yue Ling hugged his chest and said, "Don't you think your tone is too...natural?"

Gu She said: "You want me to be polite to you?"

Yue Ling said: "After hearing your rudeness, I think it's good to be polite."

Gu She put down his pen, raised his head and smiled slightly: "Young Master Yue, why don't you invite yourself in?"

"...Is this what you call being polite?" Yue Ling glared at him.

Gu She said: "Isn't it?"

Yue Ling sighed, "I shouldn't have expected anything from you."

Gu She looked down at the painting he made.

Yue Ling said: "I heard that you put Tao Mo's wedding clothes in your room?"

Gu She said: "I will send someone to deliver it in a while."

Yue Ling said: "Stay in the room to see things and think about others?"

Gu She said: "I just have a look to see if it fits."

Yue Ling's face suddenly became a little strange, "Could it be that you can tell if it fits by looking at it like this? You and Tao Mo..."

Gu She said: "This is the difference between a smart person and a fool."

Yue Ling swallowed the last half of the sentence abruptly, and changed the subject: "By the way, how are you going to welcome the bride the day after tomorrow?"

Gu She smiled without saying a word.

Yue Ling said: "You don't want to sneak him in at midnight, do you?"

Gu She said: "Of course not."

Yue Ling said: "Or are you going to let him wear the wedding dress inside, and wait until the Gu family takes it off? Is this a good way, it's just wronging Mr. Tao."

Gu She said: "Since I want to marry, I will naturally carry eight sedan chairs, beat gongs and drums, and the matchmaker is getting married."

Yue Ling stared at him in astonishment.

Gu She took out a stack of red posts from the table.

Yue Ling stepped forward to take it, and looked at the series of names on it, and became more and more surprised, "You, you don't really want to make a big splash, welcome guests into the door, and announce to the world, right?"

Gu She asked back, "Why not?"

"But, but..." Yue Ling swept his eyes, and suddenly saw the painting made by Gu She, and was startled again, "This painting..." He seemed to understand Gu She's intention.

Gu She said: "Naturally, happy events should be handled with joy."