Love is More Than a Word

Chapter 108: Behind the scenes (9)


The masked man in red landed on his feet, drew out the weapon in his sleeve, and rushed towards Xitang.

It's too late, but it's fast.

A dozen servants suddenly rushed out from both sides of the wedding hall and went up to meet them.

For a moment, the sound of weapons being exchanged was endless.

Yue Ling said to Gu Xiaojia: "Is that sentence just a code?"

Gu Xiaojia was stunned, and Yue Ling took two shots before he realized, and shouted: "There are assassins!"

Old Tao was beside him and said leisurely: "Don't worry. I have placed many Jianghu masters in Gu's residence, and I just let them come and go."

Gu Xiaojia scratched his ears anxiously, "Then what should we do now?"

"Continue." Gu She said calmly.

Gu Xiaojia was taken aback and said, "Huh?"

Gu She looked at Tao Mo calmly, as if all the wind and rain outside could not affect his current thoughts.

Yue Ling smiled and said: "That's right. It's rare that someone is willing to make do with your young master, so don't let him go."

Gu Xiaojia was confused by the sound of fighting outside, finally managed to sort out some thoughts in his head, suppressed the tension and worry, and said loudly: "Second obeisance to the high hall."

Gu She and Tao Mo both turned around and bowed slowly.

The two spiritual tablets stand high on the hall, like the eyes of two kind elders staring silently.

"Husband... Husband worship!" Gu Xiaojia's brain finally came alive.

Gu She and Tao Mo turned sideways, facing each other.

Tao Mo raised his eyes and glanced, but couldn't look away anymore.

There are ripples in Gu She's always clear and indifferent pupils, like wind passing through spring water, wanting to be still but not stop.

Gu Xiaojia saw the two people staring at each other as if they were frozen, and couldn't help but shouted again, "Husband and wife pay respects!"

Gu She suddenly smiled and lowered his head first.

Tao Mo woke up like a dream, and hurriedly bowed down.

They stood too close, so when they bowed down, Tao Mo could clearly feel Gu She's hair brushing against his forehead, and the numbness went straight to his heart.

Suddenly, a dart turned into a silver light and shot in!

In a flash, Lao Tao stood in front of Tao Mo and Gu She, and easily grabbed the dart in his hand. Seeing Tao Mo looking at him in horror, old Tao calmly said, "Leave the outside affairs to me."

Seeing that the situation was under control, Gu Xiaojia finally felt relieved and said, "Li Cheng!"

Tao Mo looked at the swords and swords outside, and then at the tall and heroic figure in front of him, feeling more and more that everything in front of him was unreal, like a dream. He breathed very carefully, for fear of making a big move and waking up from the dream.

Gu She took his hand and walked out.

Old Tao was taken aback and said, "Where are you going?"

Gu She said calmly, "Enter the bridal chamber."

Both Gu Xiaojia and Master Jin showed slight astonishment. Although they accepted the marriage between Gu She and Tao Mo, they obviously hadn't thought about such a practical issue of entering the bridal chamber during the acceptance.

Yue Ling smiled ambiguously, "It's rare to see Brother Gu so impatient."

Gu She said: "I only married once."

The hand that Tao Mo was holding his was slowly dripping with sweat, and the three emotions of tension, emotion and excitement were intertwined in his chest, like twisted twists, which could not be dispersed no matter what.

Yue Ling laughed and said, "I never thought Brother Gu was still an infatuated person."

Lao Tao commanded the members of the Demon Cult who pretended to be Gu's servants to drive the assassins out, so as to leave a passage for Gu She and Tao Mo to enter the bridal chamber.

Yue Ling shook his head and said, "Gu Xianzhi is really Gu Xianzhi, even if they get married, they are so grand. Guess who sent these assassins?"

Gu She turned to look at him, "Brother Yue is idle, why don't you guess more?"

Pay more attention to sex than friends, that's it!

Yue Ling rubbed his beard in dissatisfaction, watching Gu She and Tao Mo disappear from view under the cover of Lao Tao.

The sound of swords gradually faded away.

Occasionally, a few fish that slipped through the net rushed towards them, but Lao Tao blocked them one by one.

All around quiet down.

Tao Mo heard his heart beating like thunder, and finally came to his senses, "Here, the assassin is still here."

Old Tao said behind him: "Don't worry, young master, I can handle it."

Tao Mo said: "I don't know who sent them here, what are their intentions? Ah, there are still guests attending the cinnabar feast, if we accidentally hurt them, wouldn't it be our fault?"

Old Tao said: "Don't worry, I have also arranged manpower up front."

After thinking about it, Tao Mo didn't feel right, so he turned around and wanted to go back, but Gu She pulled him back. Seeing Gu She's displeasure, Tao Mo's voice suddenly softened, "I, I'll go and have a look. If someone dies, wouldn't it be a happy event..."

"Bah, bah, bah!" Old Tao cut off the conversation before him, "The young master's marriage is naturally a happy event, a big happy event! Nothing will change."

Tao Mo said: "As the parent officer of Tanyang County, how can I ignore the murder when I see it happen?"

Old Tao said: "Those people are murderers who take money and sell their lives, why should the young master pay attention to them?"

Tao Mo said, "But the helper you invited..."

Lao Tao waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, young master, these people will naturally be taken care of by me."

Tao Mo still shook his head and said, "I still have to watch to feel at ease."

Lao Tao looked at Gu She helplessly.

Gu She suddenly took Tao Mo's hand and walked back.

Lao Tao looked at the two passers-by, was taken aback for a moment, hurriedly chased after him and said, "Young Master Gu?"

Gu She said calmly: "Where is the bridal chamber, it's not far away."

Tao Mo looked sideways at Gu She, with gratitude in his eyes. He knew how proud Gu She was. Just because I know how proud he is, I know how rare his compromise is. That's why I was moved, grateful, and I couldn't help myself.

Walking outside the Xitang, only to find that there were far fewer assassins.

A servant said to Lao Tao: "They have gone to the front."

Lao Tao frowned, and ran forward.

Tao Mo wanted to follow, but was caught by Gu She.

Tao Mo looked at him suspiciously.

Gu She said: "You and I wear the same clothes."

Tao Mo paused for a moment, only to realize that the wedding robes on the two were indeed very similar, the only difference being that Gu She's was bigger and his was smaller.

"This..." If they go out dressed like this, even a fool can guess what they are doing.

Gu She said to Gu Xiaojia, "Go get the cloak."

Gu Xiaojia hurriedly took orders, and after a while took out an azure cloak.

Gu She put him on his body, "Let's go."

Tao Mo said, "Or I'll go and have a look, and you stay here?"

Gu She looked down at him.

Tao Mo felt an invisible pressure slowly pressing down on him.

Gu She paused, and then said, "Let's go."

This time Tao Mo didn't dare to raise any objections, and honestly let him drag him forward.

The front was really in a mess.

From time to time, I heard the sound of tables and chairs colliding and the exclamation of guests.

Against the backdrop of these sounds, the sounds of fighting seemed gentle and orderly.

"Master Tao!" Someone saw Tao Mo with sharp eyes and yelled out loudly.

At a time like this, what everyone wants to see most is undoubtedly the officials and the police.

Tao Mo lived up to expectations and rushed over immediately.

Fortunately, Lao Tao who was standing in front blocked him, otherwise he would have rushed into the battlefield.

"Stop!" Tao Mo yelled.

The fight continued.

Tao Mo said again: "In broad daylight, who dares to commit murder with weapons?!"

His two sentences were indeed majestic, but no one paid any attention to them.

Lao Tao comforted Tao Mo and said: "This kind of murderer has long put life and death aside, it is unbearable."

Tao Mo continued to sing a one-man show: "Who are you instigated by? Where did you come from? Why are you so happy..."

"Ahem!" Old Tao coughed heavily.

"Hi, hi..." Tao Mo couldn't go on.

Gu She said slowly, "Come to the West Wing to make trouble."

Tao Mo glanced at him gratefully, and said, "Do you know that murder is a felony?!"

The masked man in red fought more vigorously with his servant.

Under the cover of the servants, many guests successfully escaped from the Gu residence, only two groups of people remained in the hall, reluctant to part.

One is Mr. and Mrs. Hammer.

One is Lin Zhengyong.

Gu She glanced at them, turning a blind eye.

Lao Tao frowned, and said to Gu She, "I'm going to catch a turtle in the urn."

Gu She said to the concierge who was nervously watching the door, "Close the door."

Mr. Yichui and his wife and Lin Zhengyong all leaned towards them.

"The three are still not leaving?" Gu She directly issued the order to evict the guests.

Lin Zhengyong smiled and said: "I have been in the officialdom for decades, and I am used to fighting and killing. This little thing still won't scare me away."

Mr. Yichui said: "Haha. That's right. The undead who died unjustly in the hands of Mr. Lin don't know how many people there are. How could they be afraid of these mere mortals?"

Mrs. Yichui looked at Gu She worriedly and said, "Where did you provoke these people?" She knew that Gu She had always been a low-key person and that he was Gu Xiang's beloved son. It stands to reason that someone shouldn't attack him so blatantly. is.

Tao Mo whispered, "Maybe it's me."

He spoke very softly, but Gu She was standing beside him, so he could hear him clearly, so he couldn't help but gently hugged his shoulder.

Seeing that Mr. Yichui and his wife and Lin Zhengyong were present, Tao Mo couldn't help being startled, and turned to the side.

Mr. Hammer saw it, and a faint smile flashed in his eyes.

Lao Tao suddenly shouted, "Retract the net!"

I saw the servants who were still chaotic and doing their own thing suddenly pulled out the rope from their sleeves and formed a formation, trapping the masked man in red in the center.

The masked man in red seemed to have a premonition of what was going to happen next, and his swordsmanship suddenly became fierce.

One of them made a feint, trying to get a knife on his left shoulder, trying to break free from the formation, and rushed in the direction of Tao Mo and Gu She.

But Tao Mo and Gu She still had an insurmountable mountain in front of them.

Old Tao snorted coldly, drew a circle with his left hand, encircled the assassin's sword in the circle and couldn't break free, his right hand bent into claws, while grabbing the opponent's sword hand, and snapped it hard. There was only a burst of bone cracking, and at this moment there was a cry of pain, and the sword in his hand fell to the ground weakly.

Before the assassin retreated, Lao Tao had already grabbed his lapel with his backhand and threw him back into the formation.

Up to this moment, the aura of the masked man in red has completely retreated, struggling like a fish caught in a net.

A burst of hurried footsteps came from the direction of the door.

After a while, I saw Cui Jiong rushing in with the arrester in a panic.

It happened that the servant closed the net, and Cui Jiong picked up a ready-made bargain.

"My lord!" Cui Jiong looked at Tao Mo nervously and said, "Are you all right, my lord?"

Tao Mo waved his hand.

Gu She suddenly said: "You came so fast."

From the moment the guest escaped to the yamen asking for help, it took at least a stick of incense, but he unexpectedly showed up without even using half a stick of incense.

Cui Jiong said: "This subordinate wants to report something to the lord, and happened to meet Mr. Sun on the road."

Tao Mo asked, "What is the report?"

Cui Jiong said: "The Wu couple tried to escape, but they have been arrested by their subordinates."