Love is More Than a Word

Chapter 117: Live and work in peace and contentment (9)


"You are Mr. Gu?" Jinzhuang Ke's tone was a little slow.

The sound of small footsteps came from inside. A middle-aged man with a fair complexion came out. His waist seemed to be naturally hunched. When looking at people, he likes to look up from the bottom. "Mr. Gu, my master is waiting at the inn."

The two strong outfitters immediately moved out of the way.

Gu She said to Tao Mo, "You wait for me outside."

Tao Mo looked at him worriedly.

The middle-aged man said: "The sun is shining outside, the master invites Mr. Tao to come in together."

Gu She saw him call out Tao Mo's surname, knowing that the other party must be prepared, so he went in with Tao Mo.

Gu Xiaojia knew from the words "Da Nei Shiwei" that the master in the middle-aged population is either rich or noble, and he saw that the behavior of the middle-aged man was very similar to that of an eunuch in the palace, so he did not dare to be presumptuous, silently followed the inn, and stayed at the inn. Gu shot behind him.

The inn was cleaned up again. All the old tables and chairs were moved aside, leaving only two tables in the middle, one covered with a bright yellow tablecloth and the other covered with a dark red tablecloth, clearly separated.

Sitting behind the bright yellow tablecloth was a middle-aged man with a beautiful beard, his eyes were hooked, and he was staring at Gu She and Tao Mo.

Tao Mo's heart was pounding, he felt that in his eyes, he had nothing to hide.

"Grassman Gu She and Tao Mo kowtowed to the emperor." Gu She shrugged and knelt down.

Tao Mo was startled, and subconsciously knelt down together.

The emperor smiled and said, "Please rise up."

Gu She didn't move.

A glint of haze flashed in the emperor's eyes, and he quickly smiled again: "The one behind you should be the county magistrate of Tanyang County, right?"

"Yes." Gu She said in a deep voice.

The emperor said: "Get up together and let me have a look."

Gu She then stood up.

Tao Mo finally realized that the person in front of him was the Ninety-Five Supreme, and his legs couldn't help feeling a little weak, so he stood up twice.

The emperor looked at Tao Mo, smiled and said, "He is an honest and responsible child."

Tao Mo looked at Gu She and turned his head, and suddenly gained confidence in his heart, he clasped his fists and said, "I wish to do my best for the emperor until I die!"

Emperor Longyan was very happy, "I heard that you are illiterate, now it seems that the rumors are wrong."

Tao Mo said: "Caomin, oh, no, I'm an official, oh no, minister, although I can't read, I always remember the four words of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism in my heart."

The emperor nodded and said: "This will make you a good official. When you come back from outside, you must have not eaten yet. Why don't you sit down and talk."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Gu She did not refuse, and took Tao Mo to the table.

Looking at Gu She, the emperor couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I think back then, when your grandfather brought you to the palace for a banquet, you were only a little old, and you didn't want to be an adult in a blink of an eye, and even became a famous talent all over the world. I keep two paintings and calligraphy of yours in my study."

Gu She got up and cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your favor."

The emperor waved his hands and said, "Sit. Sit and talk."

Gu She sat down again.

Looking at the wine glass in his hand, the emperor smiled and said, "How about it? Do you intend to become an official in the court?"

Gu She said: "The people of grassland are loose by nature, I'm afraid they are not suitable for entering the court."

The emperor put down his cup, and said with a chuckle: "I asked Gu Xiang to persuade you to enter the court, and he said the same thing. It really is a father and son. But I think you are not young, so you should take care of yourself. I heard that you Being a litigator in Tanyang County? That's good, most of the litigators are familiar with the laws of our dynasty, and you will be handy when you become an official in the future."

Gu She said neither humble nor overbearing: "The grassroots are narrow-minded, and they can't pretend to be a family and a country."

"Nonsense!" The emperor was furious, "What does it mean that you can't pretend to be a family and a country? Could it be that you can only pretend to be a child?"

Gu Shedao: "Exactly. The grassroots can only dance with words and ink, but they don't know anything about the important affairs of the country and the people."

The emperor took a deep breath and slowed down his speech: "Aren't you afraid that father and son will gossip at the same time?"

Gu Shedao: "The emperor is wise, and the government is united in one mind, so how can there be gossip? It's just that the hearts of the people are wandering in the wild, and they can't stand the red tape, and they can't manage the world's misfortune."

The emperor said: "Do you really want to pay for your talents?"

Gu She said: "My heart is like still water, please let the emperor do it."

The emperor stared at Tao Mo with vicious eyes and said, "I heard that you and Tao Mo have a very close friendship."

Gu She said calmly: "Tao Mo and I have married."

The emperor didn't want him to be so frank, and snorted coldly: "You are frank!"

Gu She said: "Could it be Wangtu in the whole world? How can the emperor's eyes be hidden from what happened in Wangtu?"

The emperor said: "Of course. Not only do I know that you are married to Tao Mo, but I also know that Tao Mo's ambition in life is to be a good official! As his husband-in-law, don't you ever think of fulfilling him?"

Gu She said: "If he needs it, I will do my best."

The emperor said: "In this case, you should serve the country and work together with him."

Gu Shedao: "Since Tao Mo and I have married, we will share weal and woe in the future. Naturally, we will work together."

The emperor spoke so dryly that he drank the wine in his glass and said: "I promise you, if you are willing to become an official in the court, I will definitely support him vigorously, or one day you will be able to enter the court to pay homage to the minister!"

Even though he was as calm as Gu She, he was also slightly taken aback.

The world is an official, and the world seeks fame and wealth, who doesn't want to join the cabinet to pay homage to the prime minister

He didn't look back, because he was afraid of seeing Tao Mo's longing eyes when he turned around. I am afraid that 9,999 out of 10,000 people in this world cannot resist this temptation.

"Your Majesty." Tao Mo said timidly.

The emperor looked at him, with a smile that was sure of winning, and encouraged him: "Tao Qing has something to say, but it's okay to say it."

Tao Mo said: "Your Majesty, I am not an official because I want to be a high official."

The emperor smiled slightly.

Tao Mo said, "I just want to be a good official."

The emperor said: "Being a high official can also be a good one."

Tao Mo said: "But I can't do it. When I was the county magistrate of Tanyang County, I was already frightened. I was afraid that if I was not careful, I would lose the emperor's favor and the people. If it weren't for Master Jin's help, I'm afraid I would have lost my life." Something has happened. The emperor has high hopes for me, and I can't lie to him. I have a reputation of self-knowledge. As the magistrate of Tanyang County, I may be able to do it one day, but no matter how high I am, I can't do it .”

The emperor lowered his face and said: "Don't you know the benefits of being a high official? I remember that your father died in Huang Guangde's unjust case, right?"

Tao Mo's shoulders trembled, and he raised his eyes in surprise.

"You don't need to ask me how I found out. If I want to know, there is nothing in this world that I can't hide from me." He said, intentionally or unintentionally looking at Gu She, "Have you ever thought that if you Your official position is higher than that of Huang Guangde, so he can't harm you anymore? Why do you think the supervisory censor can investigate Huang Guangde? That is the power I gave him! As long as I want, I can make someone successful and famous at any time, and I have great power in my hands."

Tao Mo said: "Actually, I thought about it, if the supervisory censor could have appeared a year earlier, maybe my father would not have died wronged. It's just that life is like a play, and fate is destined. I dare not have other extravagant hopes."

The emperor looked at him in disbelief, "Don't you really want to hold the power yourself?"

Tao Mo said: "I just want to protect a paradise for the emperor."

The emperor suddenly laughed. He turned his head to look at the middle-aged man before, and said, "Listen, is this something an illiterate person would say?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "I think this grown-up understands it very well."

The emperor nodded and said, "Yes, I understand. Just like Gu She, oil and salt are not allowed."

Gu She hurriedly got up and saluted, "Your Majesty, forgive me."

"You make me unhappy, how can I forgive your sin?" the emperor said sarcastically.

Gu She said: "The emperor is the master of the Ming Dynasty, so how can he care about the grassroots?"

The emperor said: "Hmph. That sounds nice. Sit down."

Gu She sat down.

The emperor said to Tao Mo: "Since you are so attached to Tanyang County, let me take care of it! I don't want to listen to your rhetoric, I want to see your political achievements. If you don't make political achievements in three years, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Yes!" Tao Mo stood up excitedly, and the table was shaken by the bump.

The emperor waved him to sit down, and said: "A veteran general told me about Huang Guangde's case today. I know this matter well, and I will not let your father die in vain, nor let him go unpunished."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Tao Mo stood up excitedly again, and the table shook again.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but walked over and moved the table aside.

The emperor simply stood up by himself, and said: "Come on. I can't eat with you now, and you probably won't be able to enjoy eating with me. Since you want to see both, you might as well not see it. But you'd better stick to what I said. Remember, I am the emperor, you have no jokes!"


"Congratulations to the emperor!"

Gu She pulled Tao Mo to kneel down.

The emperor galloped out and got into his carriage.

The Ouchi guards guarded the carriage from front to back, left, right, left, right, and right.

"Huang Delu."

The emperor called out suddenly.

The middle-aged man quickly got into the carriage, knelt down respectfully and said, "Your Majesty."

The emperor said: "What do you think of this matter?"

The middle-aged man said: "Gu She's heart is not in court, I'm afraid it's useless to persuade him."

"I'm afraid he doesn't want to become an official in the court because of Gu Xiang." The emperor sighed and said: "Back then, I handed over General Lian to Gu Xiang to deal with it, just to test whether he would be united with General Lien. After all, Collusion between civil servants and military generals has always been taboo. I don’t want him to come here to show his innocence. I thought about it afterwards, and I really forced him too much.”

The middle-aged man said: "This matter is Gu Xiang's wishful thinking, what has it to do with the emperor?"

The emperor said: "I really decided to use him because of this incident. Speaking of it, Gu Xianzhi and him are really father and son, and they are generally ruthless. It is rare to see each other, and they refuse to say a word. It's a pity, I just need a pawn to play between Gu Xiang and Shi Taishi. He is Gu Xiang's son, but he has a rift with Gu Xiang, and he is the best candidate." At this point, he seemed to think of something, and said angrily, " If Xue Lingbi hadn't betrayed me, I wouldn't have been so stretched!"

Middle-aged people dare not answer.

"Hmph, does he think he can sit back and relax by joining hands with King Lingyang? Dreaming!" The emperor scolded angrily, "I am not the first emperor, and I will never leave the two messes of Guangxi and Yunnan to my son! During my lifetime, The disaster of Lingyang Xueyi must be put down!"

The middle-aged man said: "The emperor is wise and wise, so he can easily deal with them."

The emperor calmed down and said, "Is there a clue to what I asked you to do?"

The middle-aged man said: "Don't worry, your majesty, they have already started their actions."

The emperor sneered and said: "Since Xue Lingbi has borrowed the power of the Demon Cult, then I will treat him in his own way!"

Gu She didn't pull Tao Mo to stand up until the shadows blocking the light outside were completely removed.

But Tao Mo just moved his feet and sat down. He said awkwardly: "Legs are weak." He really didn't expect that such a small official with sesame seeds and mung beans could see the holy face in his lifetime, and the emperor still had high hopes for him. When he thought of the words the emperor said to him, He couldn't help feeling excited.

Gu She, on the other hand, not only showed no joy on his face, but frowned, and said to Gu Xiaojia, "Let the kitchen prepare meals and dry food, and we will leave immediately after eating."

Tao Mo was startled and said, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Gu Shedao: "Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger. Giving up the emperor one moment does not mean giving up the next moment. He might come back to pester him when he can't think about it anymore. Instead of that, it's better to go away and fly high to find peace."

Tao Mo really didn't expect that the emperor in his mind was so worthless in his mouth, he said dully: "But we haven't said goodbye to Grandpa yet."

Gu She said: "Zhu Hong will bring the letter naturally." Seeing Tao Mo's reluctance, he said again, "There will be opportunities to see you later."

Tao Mo sat on the ground for a while, finally regained his strength and stood up.

Zhu Hong cleaned up all the meals left by the emperor, and re-prepared a table of simple hot dishes for them. After Gu She and Tao Mo finished eating, Hao Guozi, Gu Xiaojia and others also finished preparing their luggage.

Tao Mo suddenly remembered Lao Tao, and asked in surprise, "Where is Lao Tao?"

Hao Guozi said: "He said he was going to see an old friend and he would be back in a few days."

Tao Mo looked at Gu She and said, "Do you want to wait for him?"

Gu She said: "Let's leave a letter for him."

Tao Mo saw that Gu She had made up his mind to go, so he didn't say anything anymore, but told Zhu Hong to bring the message with him.

Zhu Hong agreed one by one.

Tao Mo and Gu Shi got into the carriage, lifted the curtains and watched the scene outside the window, feeling like a dream.

"Xianzhi, if this is a dream, I only wish to fall into a dream forever and never wake up."

"Can't you wake up from the eternal dream?" Gu She suddenly laughed, "Dreams are like life, and life is like a dream. What is a dream, what is a life?" .”

Tao Mo seemed to understand but not understand.

Gu She said: "When did you wake up from the dream?"

Tao Mo was stunned. Of course he has woken up from a dream, but this kind of awakening is not the awakening he wants to talk about.

Gu She said: "If you can't figure it out..."

Tao Mo looked at him eagerly.

"Let's copy ten more times if the child wants to support but does not want to kiss."

"..." Tao Mo whispered, "The ten times are still owed."

Gu She glanced at him, "That's a hundred times."

Tao Mo widened his eyes and said, "Why not twenty times?"

Gu She said: "Because this is a dream."

Tao Mo was at a loss.

"Ten times plus ten times in the dream is a hundred times."


Gu She said: "It's too late for you to wake up now."

Tao Mo turned around suddenly, looked at Gu She seriously and said, "Don't say it a hundred times, even if you copy it a thousand times or ten thousand times, I don't want to wake up."

Gu She said calmly: "Then let's do it a thousand times."


"Ten thousand times."

"..." Why is this dream getting more and more tiring

The author has something to say: (^o^)/~The text is completed.