Love Me Again

Chapter 14


The heat in her ears made Luo Anhai tremble. She wanted to step back, but Han Dingrui's hand hugged her even tighter, not giving her a chance to back away, "Han Dingrui, you..."

"Shhh. There are a lot of people looking at us now. Are you sure you want to continue struggling to make yourself look ugly?" Han Dingrui knew how much she loved her face. Sure enough, Luo Anhai stopped immediately, Han Dingrui laughed lowly, slid away, and danced with her arms around her. , Luo Anhai was forced to dance with him, the big hand around her waist was domineering and powerful, the bodies of the two were almost ambiguous, and she could feel the surprised eyes around her... What was he trying to do

Suppressing the panic in his heart, Luo Anhai forced himself to raise his eyes and glared at him, and whispered what the hell are you trying to do? "

"What about you? When are you going to escape?" Han Dingrui asked Luo Anhai, who immediately retorted, who escaped. ..." "Then who doesn't go home these days?"

Luo Anhai suffocated, then raised his chin arrogantly, "You have no right to control me, it's my business whether I want to go back or not"

Han Dingrui knew that she was bluffing again...

"I know you're avoiding me, don't deny it." He didn't give her a chance to refute, his eyes locked on her tightly.

"Luo Anhai, when will you be honest with yourself? What are you afraid of? Do you know that the more afraid you are, the more you are telling me, in fact, you like-"

Slap; a slap interrupted Han Dingrui's words

Everyone present was stunned and looked at the two of them in astonishment.

Luo Anhai clenched his hands, glared at Han Dingrui angrily, his body trembled violently, ignoring the stunned gazes around him, and turned to leave the banquet.

She walked quickly, as if trying to escape from something, her right hand still had the pain when she slapped him hard, she closed her eyes

Han Dingrui's unspoken words seemed to hit a tightly locked place deep in her heart. The lock that she had never dared to think about or touch, was almost brutally opened at that moment. .

She didn't want to listen, she didn't dare to listen, she just wanted to escape a sudden force attacked her from behind and carried her up "Ah!" Luo Anhai exclaimed, "Han Dingrui, you—" Before she finished speaking, she herself He was thrown into the car rudely and wanted to get out, but the door was immediately locked. "Open the door! Let me in!" She yelled at him. Han Dingrui didn't listen and stepped on the accelerator!

Han Dingrui drove the car to Luo Anhai's residence. Luo Anhai went from scolding in the car to being quiet, and finally letting Han Dingrui hold her into the room.

No lights were turned on in the room, only a faint light coming in from outside, in the gloom, the two were silently opposed.

Han Dingrui walked to the bar and poured a glass of water, then returned to Luo Anhai and handed the water glass to her, "Are you thirsty, drink some water"

Luo Anhai took the water cup, poured the water directly on him, and then threw the cup forcefully towards his face.

She heard the sound of the glass hitting his forehead, her heart tensed, and then the slamming of the glass falling to the ground.

Han Dingrui endured the pain in his chin and asked, "Is your anger gone? If you haven't, I'll let you fight here too."

He raised his right cheek towards her, and Luo Anhai slapped it down unceremoniously, making more slap prints on Han Dingrui's face, but it was not enough. She hit, the pain fell on her body, and he didn't say a word.

As if to vent his anger, Luo Anhai used all his strength to turn his anger, unwillingness, and unspeakable grievances into fists, this abominable bastard! Why! Why did he force her! Why tell her that!

"Han Dingrui, you bastard! Why do you treat me like this? Why do you! You don't know anything! You don't know anything! Why are you forcing me!" "Go away! Go away! Stay away from me"

Han Dingrui didn't move, she stood firmly in the same place, her deep eyes locked tightly on her in the darkness.

That god almost drove Luo Anhai crazy, so familiar eyes, just like the man in Ji Yili, that fool kept looking at her photos with this kind of eyes...

"Don't look at me like this! No! No!" She grabbed his collar savagely, opened her mouth and bit his neck hard. She bit so hard that her teeth were almost sinking into the flesh, and her mouth could taste it. The smell of rust didn't let her go, and the hot tears were in her eyes. She tried her best not to let the tears fall, as if she had shed tears, as if she was admitting something.

What she has been resisting, what she has never wanted to admit...

Han Dingrui was silent, feeling quietly. Feeling her trembling, listening to her rapid breathing, she seemed to be holding back her tears. She was really stubborn. She was so stubborn, but she knew that there was someone who felt bad for her, and someone who wanted to do everything to protect her. I'm here." His voice was soft. very soft. Like feathers, it gently surrounds her. "I won't leave. I won't leave you. I'm here,"

Luo Anhai opened his eyes, his eyelashes trembling slightly. For a long time... Tears fell from my eyes accidentally. One after another, they fell on Han Dingrui's shoulders. Iron his heart.

Han Dingrui felt that his heart softened. Maybe he has been waiting for this moment, when she is willing to cry, instead of crying repressed in her sleep.

There are too many secrets in her heart, and he wants to open her secrets one by one, so that she will no longer be armed, even if she is sad, she can still cry heartily "I love you, Luo Anhai" murmured confession crashed into Luo Anhai in the dark "You want me to stop loving you, but it's too late" Long, long ago... When his eyes could no longer be taken away from her, it was too late "Luo Anhai, let me love you, okay? "

Luo Anhai closed his eyes and let the tears flow. She never knew why she came back all her life. She wanted to be good to her father. She could never forget the grief and haggardness of her father standing in front of her grave. But once again, she still didn't know how to get along with her father. Perhaps, she was right in her heart. Her father still has a grudge against Han Dingrui... She has always hated him, she hated him for taking away the father's love that belonged to her, and hating him and his mother taking away the home that belonged to her. She hated him so much, she thought he too Just like her, there should only be hatred between them, but he wandered around her room every night after her death, holding her photo alone every night, and on her birthday, bought a small cake and sang birthday for her Happy Song, lying alone on her bed with her eyes open until dawn, she just looked at him like that, day and night... She didn't understand, how could he love her? The hatred in her heart turned into a daze, and it turned into heartache before she knew it. She didn't want him to be like this, she didn't care!

Love, she never needed it!

Love will only make people crazy, like a mother who is crazy about love. She has been crazy about love all her life, but before she died, she held the hand of the ground and cried and told her, don't believe in love, love will only make you mad. People suffer, just like her.

She remembers her mother's words, she doesn't love people. Look, what my mother said is right, look at Han Dingrui, he is so pitiful and pathetic because he suffers for love, what's the use of holding her photo even in death? She won't respond to him, she won't... Even if she starts all over again, she won't love him, she only needs him to hate her!

It should be like this... He should hate her.

But, does she really want him to hate her? Do you really want his love

Luo Anhai, what are you escaping from - that day, when he asked her that, the eyes that looked at her seemed to see through her.

What is she escaping from... Luo Anhai thought about the tears she shed in front of his grave, the heartache and unwillingness at that time.

She was saddened by his stupidity and unwilling... She was unwilling to be unable to respond to him. She never dared to admit that she had no hatred for him, and the hatred in her heart had long since been exhausted by his stupidity. She called him a fool. There is no distress for him in the words, but her mother's precedent made her afraid and made her dare not believe in love easily, so she pretended that love did not exist, and she let herself ignore the tension with him. :

He loves her, how could she not know that the ambiguity between the two has existed for a long time, but she let herself pretend not to know.

Just like she could ignore him, but she always provokes him on purpose, asking him to look at her and not forget her existence.

That man used his stupidity to engrave him in her heart, even if she had a new life, even if she was afraid of love, even if she said she hated him, she still remembered his stupidity, and she secretly cherished his love in her heart, but dare not admit it. She fled, she hid, arming herself in front of him, but she was afraid that he would really turn and leave, but when he approached, she couldn't help but be afraid of running away. Until now, he has been pressing step by step and will no longer let her escape.

And she was tired of running away. Maybe she didn't want to run away anymore, she wanted to love and be loved.

They were like S and M torturing each other, one advancing and the other retreating, but they both held the line tightly and neither let go--in fact, she had always been afraid that he would let go, she thought, maybe God would let her go again Living once is for him, in order not to let him down again, Luo Anhai loosened his teeth and Han Dingrui asked with a smile, "Don't bite?"

Luo Anhai didn't speak, she lowered her eyes, her hands were still clutching his collar, and she was shaking slightly. The smell of blood in her mouth made her want to laugh, but her heart was also sour. This person, let her bite like this, a fool.

"What?" Han Dingrui didn't understand that Luo Anhai didn't answer him, he just pulled him down hard, then raised his head and bit his lips, tears rolled down the corners of his eyes - fool, she didn't run away.

Luo Anhai bit hard and pushed Han Dingrui down. His lips were bitten, and Han Dingrui hissed in pain.

The sudden kiss shocked Han Dingrui, and immediately understood what she meant, a surge of ecstasy surged in his heart, he immediately grabbed the back of her head and bit back.

But after all. He was reluctant to bite her, his vicious teeth turned to gnawing when they touched his lips, his tongue went directly into his small mouth, and he held his slippery uvula and took a hard breath, "Mmm..." Luo Anhai let out a light snort from his nose, and the tip of his tongue was sucked. She felt numb, her lips and teeth were filled with the smell of him, all the breath she exhaled was swallowed by him, she didn't retreat, her small tongue greeted her back, pressed against his lips and tongue, entangled each other's breaths, and sucked out the lingering silk thread. Luo Anhai's hand held him tightly, she needed his warmth to give her courage, wanted him to hug her hard, and let her love her boldly, her initiative made Han Dingrui pause for a moment, and then violently counterattacked.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time, he thought he would have to wait a few more years, after all. How stubborn this woman is, he understands better than anyone that he is ready for a long-term war of resistance, but he did not expect that she would face the attraction between the two so quickly, no longer dodge and escape, but truly approach the taste he had in advance It was so beautiful that Han Dingrui almost went crazy. He roughly pushed her against the door, held her round buttocks and hugged her up. Luo Anhai stretched his legs around his waist, inserted his fingers into the thick black hair, lowered his head and kissed him fiercely and deeply. People's breathing gradually became rough, saliva overflowed from the entangled lips and tongue, dripping down to her snow-white chin, Han Dingrui stretched out his tongue and licked it off, his scorching lips down, sucking over the jade neck, and kissing a series of kisses under the beautiful collarbone print Marks, the palm can't wait to pull down the little dress.

It was noon the next day when Luo Anhai woke up, and she was alone in the bed.

Excessive indulgence made her whole body sore, but she didn't feel any sticky feeling... She thought that last night Han Dingrui took her into the bathtub to take a bath, and then entered her again and did it again. She cried in shame and begged him to stop, finally In the end, she couldn't take it anymore, and she passed out. Luo Anhai's face was red with recollection. She didn't expect Han Dingrui's desire to be so terrifying. She had already forgotten how many times she had been done to her last night. Not to mention the waist.

Luo Anhai held her hot face, although she was a little disappointed not to see Han Dingrui when she woke up, but she was relieved.

Even if she has decided not to run away, she wants to love someone and Han Dingrui, but she has never loved someone after all, and she is still very unfamiliar with love.

And with Han Dingrui... They were tit-for-tat enemies before yesterday, but the situation changed in just one night. The change made her a little helpless, and the confident and arrogant queen suddenly looked like a little girl who fell in love for the first time.

When Luo Anhai was troubled, her nose smelled the fragrance from outside. She hesitated for a while, and finally got out of bed, wrapped the sheets, and walked out of the room barefoot.

Han Dingrui was only wearing trousers, and his bare chest was covered with scars. There were traces of being beaten by her, and finger marks that had been harassed by lust. He walked out of the kitchen with a dinner plate. When he saw Luo Anhai, Jun Pang smiled: "Wake up."

"...Hey" Luo Anhai moved his eyes awkwardly, feeling that his face seemed to be a little hot... She knew - she was blushing!

Luo Anhai was ashamed and embarrassed. This kind of reaction made her not used to it, and she wanted to turn around and rush back to the room.