Love Me Again

Chapter 15


Han Dingrui held back his laughter, knowing that if he really laughed, the woman in front of him would definitely turn into anger. He knew how much she loved face, but Luo Anhai in front of him was really eye-catching.

The hair on the temples is slightly messy, and the body is only surrounded by a snow-white sheet. The exposed shoulders, neck and collarbone are full of hickeys left by him. The cheeks are slightly red, and the red and swollen lips can tell that they have been kissed at a glance, and the shy eyes are still wide. in spring...

She exuded the erotic smell of being ruthlessly loved all over her body.

"What are you looking at!" Luo Anhai was annoyed by his explicit gaze, and couldn't help but stare at him, "You are so beautiful!" Han Dingrui praised without hesitation.

Luo Anhai was stunned, many people said she was beautiful, and she was used to being praised, but this was the first time I heard Han Dingrui say she was beautiful... Her lips were slightly curved, but she still pretended to be disdainful.

"Don't think it will do you any good if you praise me." Han Dingrui put the dinner plate on the bar, then walked to her, picked up the hair on her chest, lowered her head and kissed her, staring at her with black eyes, "I don't need favors, I Just. I want you."

Luo Anhai felt her heartbeat quicken. She blushed and grabbed her hair back from his hands, "Han Dingrui, you've taken the wrong medicine!" She could actually say such flattering sweet words, and she, What kind of love story I haven't heard before, but this is the first time my face is red and my heart is beating like this. Luo Anhai stretched out his hand and pushed him away, daring to look at him, and walked quickly to the bar.

Behind him, Han Dingrui grinned, with a playful look in his eyes. It was rare to see the shy look of a woman who had always been arrogant, and he couldn't help but want to tease her.

He stepped forward, put one arm around her waist, and picked up the ground.

"Ah!" Luo Anhai exclaimed, instinctively reaching out to hug his neck. "What are you doing!" She glared at him, but didn't struggle. Han Dingrui took her to the chair in front of the bar and sat down, letting her sit on his lap, hugging her waist with his palms, and gently rubbing the tip of his nose against her ear. "Don't be nervous, I know you're not used to this kind of change... In fact, I'm the same as you"

The two of them have been fighting each other for too long, and have always been like enemies, but now they have become lovers, and neither is used to it, and even subconsciously cautiously "Take your time, it's okay, we have a lot of time. :" He whispered his words. Let Luo Anhai slowly let go of his nervous heart, and then nodded lightly. "Well," "So," Han Dingrui bit her earlobe lightly, and joked that you should return to your arrogant look. I'm really not used to you being so obedient as a little daughter-in-law." "Who's a little daughter-in-law!" Staring at him, I also felt that the woman who was just shy and twisted was not like me at all

, She felt that her face was all lost. "Go away! Don't hug me." She pushed him and wanted to leave his arms. Han Dingrui would never let go, knowing that she didn't really want to push him, otherwise she would just use her hand strength. You can knock him off the chair. "Sure enough, you are still so fierce, I'm used to it." Although she is cute when she is shy, he still likes Luo Anhai, who is proud and stubborn. She is suitable for unrestrained Zhang Yang, making people ticklish. , but couldn't help but fall in love. And he was poisoned by his infatuation with her.

"Sick" Luo Anhai wondered if he was being masochistic. She gave him a look, but she stopped pushing him, and let him hold him arrogantly, but her lips were quietly curled, a feeling of being pampered. How could she not understand, Han Dingrui said those words deliberately, to want her to relax, not to think too much, as long as they maintain this, even if they bicker or quarrel, there is no need to worry, and slowly get used to the change of the two. relationship is fine.

Seeing Luo Anhai's quietly curved smile, Han Dingrui also raised the corners of his mouth. He found that the arrogant Luo Anhai made him infatuated, while the arrogant she made him arouse, or should I say, when he saw her surrounded by The sheet walked out of the room, with a moving appearance nourished by love, and his lower abdomen was already full of pain.

The lips of the two were entangled warmly and ambiguous, and the tip of the tongue occasionally poked into each other's mouth, getting involved in each other's breath.

The two who were indulging in their passion did not notice that the elevator door in front opened, and the people inside watched this scene in astonishment, and then roared.

"What are you two doing?!"

Luo Chenghe has always felt guilty about his only daughter. He knows that he is not a good father, and he also knows that Luo Anhai actually blames him for being a father because of his dead wife Sally.

Luo Chenghe admitted that he was really sorry for Sally. He and Sally had a commercial marriage, he had no love for Sally, and he had known Mei Fang before the marriage. At that time, he had been dating Mei Fang for many years, and he also planned to marry Mei Fang. Entering the door, but because of improper investment, Luo's enterprise was unable to turn around its funds and was almost facing bankruptcy. At that time, his father forced him to marry the daughter of Hank's family, and his mother cried and begged him... He could be poor or be the eldest young master, but Unable to watch her elderly parents lose everything, she had no choice but to break up with Mei Fang and marry Sally according to her father's wishes.

He had thought about treating Sally well, but a few years before his marriage, in order to save the Luo family, he was so busy with his career almost every day that he didn't have time to accompany his wife. And Sally's personality is sensitive and suspicious. I don't know where he learned that he had a girlfriend who talked about marriage, so he started to fight with him every day. He was busy and tired for the company, and he had to face Sally's when he got home. Making trouble unreasonably made him even more tired and tired. Later, he met Mei Fang again, and saw that Mei Fang was living alone in a slum with her children, helping to make money by washing dishes in a small shop selling food. He couldn't help but come forward to help. It was he who took her first.

He and Mei Fang gradually began to communicate. Mei Fang's tenderness and thoughtfulness reminded him of his past friendship, and when he returned home, he was always faced with his wife's noise, so his heart began to favor Mei Fang. Luo Chenghe admitted that he was selfish, and his long-term quarrel with Sally had worn away his remaining warmth for her. He asked Sally for a divorce, but of course he refused. The two were deadlocked for a few years until Sally passed away. Marry Mei Fang into the door. And Luo Anhai, the daughter who has been neglected by him, she has been taken by his wife all the time, he does not know what his wife has said to his daughter, Luo Anhai has not been close to him since he was a child, and because he is tired of going home, he has to meet The right quarrel, so I don’t go back often. After a long time, the relationship between the father and daughter has also become estranged from the entanglement of the previous generation. Luo Anhai didn’t know it at all, and Luo Chenghe never told her that Luo Chenghe’s personality was stubborn and authoritarian. Good face, he didn't feel that he should explain to his daughter, nor did he feel that he should let her know what happened in the past, and Luo Anhai kept making him worry. It was common for father and daughter to conflict, even if he wanted I don't know how to change this situation. Contrary to Luo Anhai, Han Dingrui, the stepson, is sensible and obedient, and his work is stable and organized. He has always liked this stepson and treated him like his own son. He even thought that if Luo Anhai, the worry-free daughter, was half as sensible as Han Dingrui. .

But Luo Chenghe didn't expect this step-son, who has always been obedient and sensible, to do such a thing! When he saw that the two of them were... Luo Chenghe fainted out of breath and woke up, he was already in the hospital "Uncle Luo, you are awake, how do you feel?" Seeing Luo Chenghe awake, Han Dingrui immediately got up and came to the hospital bed to see Han Dingrui , Luo Chenghe thought of what he had seen before he passed out, and his breathing immediately became short. Han Dingrui quickly patted his chest and reassured him, "Uncle Luo, don't get excited, or your blood pressure will rise again, which is not good for your health." He knew that he and Luo An Hai's incident must have stimulated Luo Chenghe a lot. Lu Chenghe's conservative and stubborn personality would not be easily accepted, not to mention that Luo Chenghe had seen that scene. Thinking of that scene, Han Dingrui also felt embarrassed. At that time, seeing Luo Chenghe and Mei Fang standing at the door, he and Luo Anhai were both stunned, Luo Anhai hurriedly jumped off him, picked up the sheet on the ground and wrapped it around, just as he was about to say something, Luo Chenghe was already angry. Gotta pass out.

They were all startled and rushed Luo Chenghe to the hospital. "You, tell me! When did you and Anhai start?" Luo Chenghe gasped and asked Han Dingrui after thinking about it. If the relationship is confirmed, "The correct time is yesterday" "Yesterday?" Luo Chenghe was stunned, and then said: "Well, it's not long anyway, I want you to separate."

"No! I'm sorry, Uncle Luo, I can't do it" Han Dingrui firmly refused, looking at Luo Chenghe's eyes earnestly and persistently "Uncle Luo, I won't break up with An Hai, I want to be with her"

"Nonsense!" Luo Chenghe roared, "You two are brothers and sisters."

"We are not" He never thought that Luo Anhai was his sister. "I don't have any blood relationship with An Hai"

"But you are brothers and sisters in name! Do you know what jokes you are making now? Everything at the banquet last night was reported, and now everyone suspects that your relationship is ambiguous!"

Luo Chenghe went to Luo Anhai's residence with Mei Fang only after reading the magazine. :

In the photos published in the magazine, Luo Anhai and Han Dingrui hugged intimately. :

The same report was also written vividly, discussing Luo Anhai's love history one by one, saying that those men were shields, in order to cover up the fact that she was in love with her step-brother. Luo Chenghe can't afford to lose this face, even if the two are not blood related, but they are brothers and sisters in name, he will never allow them to lose the face of the Luo family!

Han Dingrui had already guessed that what happened at the banquet last night would be reported, and he was already mentally prepared to face Luo Chenghe's questioning, no matter what Luo Chenghe said, he would not give up Luo Anhai "Uncle Luo, I don't think I Falling in love with An Hai is a joke, we are in love with each other, I don't care what others say." "You!" Luo Chenghe trembled with anger, "Xiao Rui, are you going to disobey me like An Hai now?" "Uncle Luo ,I… "

"It turns out that your face is more important than mine." Luo Anhai listened outside the door for a long time, and finally couldn't help but open the door and come in, while Mei Fang stood beside Luo Anhai with a worried look. She and Luo Anhai went to listen to the doctor's report together. Thinking of hearing the conversation between Luo Chenghe and Han Dingrui outside the door, and Luo Anhai's face gradually sinking, Mei Fang was really afraid that the two father and daughter would clash again "An Hai!" Han Dingrui shook his head gently at Luo Anhai, signaling her not to Impulsively seeing Han Dingrui asking her to calm down, Luo Anhai tried his best to suppress his anger.

When her father passed out, her whole heart hung up, afraid that something would happen to her father, and when the doctor said that her father's blood pressure was only elevated, it would be good to rest and recuperate. What Han Dingrui said made her dissatisfied again, and she almost wanted to argue with her father. Thinking of the doctor's explanation that Lu Chenghe could no longer be emotional, she turned her face away, and her anger was cold, "The doctor said that your blood pressure has risen, so you need to pay attention to your diet recently. Don't be too emotional." But what she said when she entered the door, and her current attitude completely angered Luo Chenghe, "It's not because of you that my blood pressure rises! What are you doing? Now it's Xiao Rui again! Are you trying to piss me off?"

"Seeing that your lung capacity is so good, don't worry, you can live for a long time." Luo Anhai couldn't help but reply, "What the hell are you talking about! You?" "Chenghe, calm down, don't be angry." Luo Anhai pursed his lips and said nothing.

How could Han Dingrui not see the insult in her eyes, he held her hand, squeezed her palm lightly, and said to Luo Chenghe, "Uncle Luo, don't be angry, An Hai didn't mean it."

"I think she did it on purpose! She just wants to piss me off!" Luo Chenghe cursed while panting.

"Uncle Luo..." Han Dingrui wanted to speak again, but Luo Anhai pulled him, raised his chin, and looked at Luo Chenghe stubbornly.

"Does it mean that everything I do is wrong in your heart? No matter what I do, I won't let you like it. No matter what I do, I will only be scolded by you. Dad, do you hate me so much?"

Luo Chenghe was speechless. This was the first time Luo Anhai had said this to him. Looking at his daughter's stubborn face, he could hear the sadness in her words.

For a moment he was silent,

The only daughter, how could he hate it? He was even proud of having Luo Anhai as a daughter in front of others, but he was used to being strict with her, and he said those words just now when he was in a hurry. important.

It's just that even if there is no blood relationship, they are brothers and sisters after all. Now they say they love each other, but what if they don't love each other one day? How will the two children get along

Moreover, An Hai has always hated Xiao Rui, how could he like him now? Although he didn't want to think about that aspect, Luo Chenghe couldn't stop his thoughts.

Mei Fang understood her husband's thoughts, she clapped her husband's hand, then looked at Luo Anhai, "Anhai, I just ask you one thing, are you and Xiao Rui together to get revenge on me?"