Love Me Again

Chapter 8


She had also heard rumors of discord between the Luo family's sisters and brothers, so she was not surprised by what Han Dingrui said. The rich family's family relationship is somewhat weak, not to mention the unrelated brothers and sisters.

Hearing Luo Anhai's name, Han Dingrui looked away from the book and looked up at An Qi.

"What's up with her?"

An Qi blinked and observed Han Dingrui's expression. "You don't know the most Anhai. Is Luo's story very lively?" Even magazines are published every day.

Han Dingrui raised his eyebrows. "What's the matter?" He hasn't met Luo Anhai since that night. She has her own private residence and hasn't been home for a week.

"I heard that she dumped Baker from the Hunter family. Recently, she changed male partners every day. Suddenly she became the popular male model Lear, and suddenly she became the CEO of Hawke's company. The love history is very lively. It's nothing, last night she Going to the Queen with a group of…”

Queen? Han Dingrui raised his brows, the queen is a famous Cowherd shop, that woman actually went to the Cowherd

"Then the abandoned Baker got the news out of nowhere, and went to the Queen to block people. Do you know what happened?" An Qi was excited, and without waiting for Han Dingrui to answer, she immediately told that Baker wanted to bring An Hai. Luo go, An Hai. Luo refused, but Baker actually wanted to use the force, but An Hai was the result. Luo directly fell over the shoulder! An Qi cupped her cheeks, her face full of admiration. "God, she actually threw a big man over his shoulder!" "

That's nothing for a guy with 6 dan in judo and 4 dan in karate. Han Dingrui thought silently in his heart.

"Then what?" Being thrown over the shoulder by a woman in public, that Baker must have turned into a rage and fought back angrily... Then he would definitely be beaten even worse.

"And then... that Baker cried."

"What?" Han Dingrui suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"Not only did I cry, but I also knelt down and begged An Hai. Luo don't want to break up." Speaking of this, An Qi was speechless. She had seen that Baker. She was usually very arrogant, but she didn't expect to be so infatuated. "Look, the magazines have been photographed, with notes attached." She took out the magazines hidden under the dance plan and put them on the table, and eagerly turned to the hottest scandal in this issue.

Han Dingrui saw the magnified red title at a glance - the infatuated young master knelt down and begged to turn back, and the flowery queen relentlessly embraced her new love and left.

The detailed process was recorded, and photos were also taken of Luo Anhai bringing the Cowherd to the stage, getting into her sports car, and returning to her residence together.

Han Dingrui looked at the photo of Luo Anhai and Niulang together... It was taken from a distance, the faces of the people were not clearly visible, but the gestures of sticking together were very intimate.

"Looks like An Hai. Luo's notoriety in love is going to a higher level." An Qi sighed that famous ladies and daughters all cherish fame, only Luo Anhai is different, notoriety spreads far and wide, but his business ability is extremely high, even if he is famous No matter how bad, the sales of the shopping website she opened not only did not decrease, but also increased month by month.

"Han, you said..." She was about to chat with Han Dingrui about Luo Anhai's gossip, but the ringing of her cell phone interrupted her.

Han Dingrui picked up the phone. "Mom, what's the matter?"

"Xiao Rui, come back soon!" Mei Fang's voice was urgent, "The Hunter family called to tell you about An Hai's affairs, your uncle Luo was so angry that he was yelling at An Hai to come back right away in the study. Home, the two of them will definitely quarrel when the time comes..."

"Mom, don't worry, I'll go back right away." Han Dingrui stood up immediately, grabbed the magazine on the table, and said to An Qi as soon as he hung up the phone, "An Qi, I have to leave beforehand, and the student union will be handled by you. ." After he finished speaking, he quickly walked out of the student union office.

It was rare to see Han Dingrui, who had always been calm, showing an urgent expression. An Qi couldn't help but be surprised. She stared blankly at Han Dingrui leaving... To be more precise, she was looking at the magazine in his hand.

Well, my magazine, at least give it back to me!

And that magazine was thrown into the school incinerator by Han Dingrui before he left the school.

Luo Anhai felt that she was weak, and since that night, things have been going wrong for her.

When I was invited to watch the clothing presentation, I just chatted with Lille, and it was rumored that I had an affair with a popular male model. Forget it, having dinner with Lear's CEO boyfriend, and being said to have a new love, didn't they see three people at the same table? I really know how to take pictures, and I just picked Lear to go to the bathroom.

Well, anyway, there are a lot of rumors about her. Although she feels innocent, she doesn't think there is anything to care about.

But she didn't expect that being gossiped was not enough, and even celebrating a birthday would have an accident.

Here's the thing--

Although the shopping website she founded has flexible working hours, she still bought the top two floors of a commercial building in the city center. The top floor is her residence, and the lower floor is her company.

She likes the feeling of standing high and looking down, so when the building is completed, she buys the most expensive floor. According to Ai Er, the general manager of the shopping website, this shows her arrogant and annoying personality.

Luo Anhai sneered when he heard this. Hey, what idiom did a foreigner say to her!

Luo Anhai didn't come into the company very often. If there was something that needed her to decide and sign, he usually went directly to the top floor to find her.

And last night was Ai Er's birthday. In order to help the general manager celebrate, the company's people took over the queen and all the cowherds in the store.

As for consumption, of course, it will be reported to the public account and paid by the boss.

Luo Anhai doesn't care, she can afford this kind of small money, but she doesn't plan to go crazy with the queen. There have been too many bad things recently, so she thinks it's safer to stay at home.

But Aile spoke up. She did her best for her company. She worked hard and tried her best, but she didn't die. Her birthday boss didn't even attend

Luo Anhai had no choice but to touch his nose and go.

Then her bad luck came. She even saw Lille who was drunk in the Cowherd's shop, and she knew that she had quarreled with her lover. Seeing that Lille was ready to open a room with someone, she hurriedly stopped her and prepared to take someone away first. , Unexpectedly, the drunk Baker rushed into the queen to find her at this time, making a lot of noise, insisting to take her away, she refused, and Baker wanted to arrest her directly.

As soon as she got angry, she threw directly over her shoulder—she really didn't do it intentionally, it was purely a subconscious defensive action.

Seeing Baker lying on the ground, Luo Anhai was so annoyed that he wanted to groan. Who knew it wasn't the worst. The next moment, Baker actually cried bitterly, knelt down and begged her not to go.

At the moment, Luo Anhai's whole head hurts.

The group of women in the company watched the play happily. Luo Anhai gave them a sullen look and told the queen's waiter to take good care of Baker before leaving the queen with the half-drunk Lear.

She originally wanted to send Lille home, but Lille kept yelling not to go back. She had no choice but to take Lille back to her own home.

What can happen to a woman with a little Shou Shou? Even on the same bed, Lear hugged her and cursed the man for not having a good thing, eating secretly without wiping his mouth, humming.

After listening to the drunken man getting drunk, she called the culprit to pick up her lover home tomorrow, and fell out of bed without even having the strength to take a shower.

Who knew that she would receive a call from the old man before she was fully slept, shouting to her to get out of the house immediately.

That's why she's standing at the door of Luo's house now.

While she was driving over, Elle had already called her, gloating to report that the incident at the Empress last night had already spread, and the newspapers and magazines were very hot.

She probably guessed the reason why the old man angrily told her to go home.

Sighing helplessly, Luo Anhai resignedly opened the door, and just as he stepped into the entrance, a roar came.

"Luo Anhai! You still have the face to come back to me!"

Along with the roar, something was thrown at her. Luo Anhai was about to dodge, but a figure rushed in in time, hugged her, and protected her in front of him.

Then she heard a grunt from the person protecting her, followed by the sound of glass shattering.

Luo Anhai was stunned, and when he looked up, he saw Han Dingrui's brows furrowed, but his black eyes were fixed on her, his eyes focused.

Her heart trembled slightly.

"Xiao Rui!" Mei Fang exclaimed in surprise, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask. "What's wrong with you? Did you get burned?"

Han Dingrui resisted the pain in his back, shook his head at his mother, pulled out a smile and reassured: "Mom, I'm fine."

"It's fine." Mei Fang reluctantly suppressed her clenched heart, and immediately turned her head to scold her husband, "Luo Chenghe, what are you doing! Just regenerate the air outlet, you actually threw a teapot at An Hai! There's still hot water in there. It's not Xiao Rui blocking it... What if An Hai is scalded by hot water or smashed!"

"I..." Luo Chenghe also knew that he was dizzy, and he regretted it when he threw the teapot out. Fortunately, Han Dingrui stopped him...

His anger subsided temporarily, and he was worried about whether his daughter was injured, but he couldn't help himself if he wanted to ask.

Unexpectedly, Luo Anhai suddenly pushed Han Dingrui away. "Go away! Who wants you to meddle in your business!"

Unexpectedly, Luo Anhai would suddenly push him. Han Dingrui was already enduring the pain in his back.

Luo Anhai was stunned and watched helplessly as he sat down on the ground with his right palm just pressing the broken teapot.

"Xiao Rui!" Mei Fang exclaimed.

"Luo Anhai! What are you doing?" Luo Chenghe was stunned, and the anger that had subsided rose again, "You treat your brother like this, what else would you do other than make trouble?!"

She didn't mean it, she, she just...

Luo Anhai looked at the blood on Han Dingrui's hand, the hand that was hanging by his side trembled slightly, but his face did not reveal the slightest, still arrogant.

"Who taught her to be careless." She replied coldly.

"You!" I didn't expect that she didn't think about it, and even said this, Luo Chenghe was shaking with anger, "Get out of this house! Get out of this house! Don't let me come back!"

"Okay! Chenghe! What are you talking about?" Mei Fang yelled at her husband unbearably, and then said softly to Luo Anhai, "Anhai, don't listen to your father." Finally, she looked at her son distressedly. "Xiao Rui, wait a minute, Mom will get the medicine kit."

Mei Fang hurried to get the medicine box, Luo Anhai pursed his lips, turned around and walked out the door without saying a word.

She walked very fast, and she could hear Luo Chenghe's scolding, but in her mind she only remembered Han Dingrui's bloody hand, and when he was protecting her, he lowered his head and stared into her eyes... The dark pupils reflected her, She was so focused that it scared her.

She couldn't help but run away.

Luo Anhai took out the car keys with shaking hands, but was snatched away by someone. She was stunned, but when she looked up, she saw that Han Dingrui had opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat.

"Han Dingrui, what are you doing? Get out of my car!" She glared at him.

Han Dingrui started the engine directly, turned to look at her, "Get in the car."

"This is my car! You..."

"Get in the car." Han Dingrui was impatient. "I count to three, and if you don't get in the car, I'll drive away."

"… "

Luo Anhai stared at him, she wouldn't give in, she... Seeing the blood in her right hand, her stubborn pupils shrank.

When Han Dingrui counted to three, she opened the door and got in the car.

Han Dingrui didn't know why he caught up with Luo Anhai, but when he saw Luo Anhai's leaving back, an impulse instantly rose in his heart, and he always felt that he couldn't let go of her. Before thinking about it, his body instinctively action.

He snatched her car keys and forced her to get in the car. She didn't know where to go for a while, so she had to drive the car to the commercial building where she lived.

The two of them didn't say a word along the way. When they reached the parking lot, Luo Anhai got off the car, Han Dingrui touched his nose, got out of the car and followed behind.

He followed her into the exclusive elevator to the top floor where she lived.

The elevator stopped, Luo Anhai entered the code on the combination lock, and the elevator door opened. The huge sixty pings were her residence.

This was the first time Han Dingrui came to the place where Luo Anhai lived. He thought that with Luo Anhai's high-profile personality, her residence would be the ultimate luxury and fashion, but he did not expect it to be simple and warm.

In front of the living room is a 40-inch LCD TV. In front of the TV is a single sofa and an L-shaped couch. In the middle is a round glass table. The floor is covered with a soft carpet, and several soft cat-shaped cushions are randomly placed.

The kitchen and living room are separated by a glass screen, and there is a circular bar in front of the kitchen, next to the bar is the wine cooler and coffee machine.

There are three rooms on the right. From the open door, you can see the study on the left, the guest room on the right, and the master bedroom in the middle.

There is also a small fish tank at the corner, with a few small goldfish kept in it, and a small green potted plant next to the fish tank.