Love Me Again

Chapter 9


Han Dingrui looked at the fish tank and potted plants in surprise. No matter what, he couldn't equate these two things with Luo Anhai, just like this warm and elegant house.

Luo Anhai took out the medicine box from the cabinet, and saw that he was still standing at the door, stunned, and said, "Why are you standing there? Come here." Her tone was cold, she ignored him after speaking, and sat down on the sofa. Open the medicine cabinet.

Seeing the medicine box, Han Dingrui was surprised again. Could it be that she wants to help him deal with the wound? When did she become so kind? It was obvious that he had been pushed down by her unappreciatively just now, and there was another wound on his hand.

Shouldn't she want to get revenge on him for robbing her car keys and forcing her to get in the car by rubbing the medicine? Oh, yes, and the hatred for tricking her into losing her car keys before.

Although he was suspicious, Han Dingrui stepped forward and sat on the sofa.

"Hand." she ordered.

Han Dingrui obediently stretched out his right hand.

The blood on the hands had dried up and became lumps. Luo Anhai held cotton with a small clip, dipped it in salt water, and carefully helped him clean the wound.

Han Dingrui was very surprised, but she didn't expect that she really wanted to help him with medicine instead of revenge. The wound stinged because it touched the salt water, but he could feel that she had tried her best to move lightly, as if she was afraid of hurting him, which made him feel amazing and couldn't help but look at her.

This is the first time the two have been so close. She lowered her head, and her long eyelashes were like butterfly wings, which made him want to reach out and touch. The fair skin is delicate and flawless, the light breath gently brushed his hand, and his heart seemed to be gently scratched.

Luo Anhai knew that Han Dingrui was looking at her, she tried her best to maintain a cold expression, cleaned his wound, and made sure that there were no glass fragments left, before applying iodine and wrapping it with a bandage.

After carefully tying the bandage into her knot, Luo Anhai looked up at him and said indifferently, "Take off your clothes."

"What?" Han Dingrui was stunned, what did she want to do

Seeing that his surprise has always been calm, he couldn't help but be shocked at this time. Help him deal with the injury on his hand, and now look at the injury on his back...

"Luo Anhai, have you changed?" When did she care so much about him

Luo Anhai didn't want to pay attention to what he said, and said again: "Take off your clothes and turn around!"

Han Dingrui was full of surprise, but he turned around and rolled up the T-shirt according to her words. The high movement of his arms stretched the muscles of his back, and he hissed lightly.

Luo Anhai couldn't help frowning when he saw a large piece of blue in the middle of his back. She got up and walked to the bathroom, and took a towel out after a while.

Han Dingrui raised his eyebrows and looked at the towel in her hand. After receiving Luo Anhai's cold stare, he turned around consciously, the warm towel pressed against his back, and his tense shoulders and neck slowly relaxed.

"Although you are nosy, this injury is because of me... I don't want to owe you." Luo Anhai finally explained his behavior, but couldn't help but add a sarcasm, "Stupid, I can't hide." Ready to run away.

"Even if you escape the teapot, what about the hot water in it? Besides, if you are cut by debris... You are a girl, and your face can't be destroyed." Han Dingrui knew that she would not appreciate it. Anyway, he didn't want her to thank her for protecting her, he just subconsciously move.

Luo Anhai's eyes flickered, and he suddenly thought that when he met the gangster that year, he was only ten years old like this, desperately blocking the gangster and telling her to run away.

"Still just as stupid."

"What?" Her voice was so soft that Han Dingrui couldn't hear it clearly.

Luo Anhai didn't speak any more, took off the cold towel, poured medicinal wine into his hand, paused when he was about to rub his back, and then pressed it down heavily.

"Oh!" Han Dingrui cried out in pain, not expecting her to exert such force. "Luo Anhai!" She really wanted to take revenge on him, and the gentleness in front of him was just trying to get him to let go of his guard.

"How do you rub away the bruises without using any force? Don't you love being a hero? It's just a little pain." Luo Anhai sneered coldly.

Han Dingrui suddenly thought that when he was ten years old, he was beaten by thugs because of her, and what he got was her taunting words.

Oh, at least one thing was different, she wasn't so kind to help him with the medicine--but he'd rather not have her kindness.

As if on purpose, the more her hands rubbed harder and harder, Han Dingrui was sweating from the pain, but she insisted on not uttering a word despite the man's face.

In order to divert his attention, he said, "Don't be angry with Uncle Luo."

Luo Anhai stopped, "What? It's not enough to be a hero, do you still want to be a peacemaker?"

Han Dingrui knew that she would have such an attitude, and turned to look at her helplessly, "Luo Anhai, can you stop stabbing you all the time, can you listen to me calmly?"

"What do you want to say?" Luo Anhai put down the medicinal wine, put his hands around his chest, raised his chin, and looked at him defensively and arrogantly.

Han Dingrui is too familiar with her appearance, this is her fighting stance.

The peace just now was like an illusion, and they returned to the mode of getting along with each other. Han Dingrui was not surprised at all. As long as she talked about Uncle Luo, she was like this.

In the end, they end up arguing.

Knowing what the outcome would be, Han Dingrui still decided to speak, "The pipes you give to Uncle Luo every year, he puts them in the same wooden box and takes them out from time to time."

Luo Anhai was slightly startled, but his expression was still stubborn, showing no emotion.

"You haven't gone back these days. Uncle Luo waits in the living room every time it's dinner time. Although he doesn't show it, we all know that he is waiting for you to come home for dinner. It's not that Uncle Luo doesn't care about you, he just doesn't know. How should I get along with you, you didn't give him a chance..."

"Enough." Luo Anhai didn't want to hear it anymore.

Han Dingrui ignored her and continued: "Luo Anhai, you can hate me and my mother, but Uncle Luo is not your enemy. He is already old, he..."

"You said enough!" Luo Anhai got up angrily and glared at him. "What do you know! You don't know anything at all! You don't need to worry about it! Get out! Get out of my house!"

After shouting, not wanting to see him again, Luo Anhai strode into the room and slammed the door hard.

Looking at the closed door, Han Dingrui held his forehead and closed his eyes helplessly.

Sure enough, this is the result again.

Luo Anhai knew that he was dreaming. This dream, she has had countless times, every day, every night, has long been accustomed to.

In the dream, she was still a little girl, standing in the corner timidly, watching her mother cry, smashing everything frantically, her beautiful pale face as gloomy as a ghost.

"Why? Why did you do this to me? Why? An Hai! An Hai!" The woman suddenly hugged her, trembling and force. "An Hai, Mommy has only you, only you, your father doesn't want us anymore, why? Why doesn't he love me? I love him!"

And she, let the woman hold her, didn't dare to cry even if she was afraid. She knew that if she cried, it would only make the woman crazier.

"I heard that the husband raised a woman outside and wants to divorce his wife... The wife is so pitiful."

"Rich people get married like this. They are all for profit. Madam can't see it. She loves Mr. Miserable."

They didn't notice the little girl standing around the corner, listening to them all.

"Luo Chenghe! How can you treat me like this! You want to divorce me for a wild woman! Don't think about it! Never think about it! Luo Chenghe! I won't let you get your wish! No way!"

"I have asked a lawyer to draw up the divorce agreement."

"No! Don't do this to me! I love you... An Hai! An Hai! Go and beg your father, please don't abandon Mummy, Mummy loves him!"

She looked at her mad mother, and the love she said made her confused. She looked at her mother's misery, her father's heartlessness, and the two people who occupied her family. The hatred gradually accumulated.

But in a blink of an eye, in front of her tomb, the relative she resented, the father who she thought didn't care about her at all, was devastated by her death. And the person she hated the most in her life always entered her room late at night, hugged her photo so tenderly, and lay alone on her bed.

She looked at him, and she understood something in a trance, but she couldn't believe it.

He meant to love her... The man she hated, the man who was always silent, the man who wanted to take everything from her, actually loved her.

Love is so silent and repressed, so tragic and ridiculous.

Why is this happening... She doesn't understand, she just feels scared. Whether it's her mother's crazy love or his heavy love, she's scared.

She looked at the man lying on her bed, the ethereal figure slowly floated down, knelt in front of the bed, and touched the tears in the corner of his eyes with her fingertips.

The trembling and throbbing heart frightened her, she didn't want him to be like this, and he didn't want him to love her.

She wouldn't love him, absolutely not.

Her mother's madness was deeply etched in her heart, she was really afraid, she didn't want to be like that.

Han Dingrui... She gently hugged him lying on the bed, closed her eyes, and muttered his name. Han Dingrui... Han Dingrui...

"Luo Anhai!"

She opened her eyes, her eyes were still confused, and she stared blankly at the familiar face in the dream.

"Are you alright? I heard you have a nightmare." Han Dingrui heard her moaning outside the door, thinking something had happened to her, opened the door, but saw her curled up in a ball, like an insecure Child, shrink yourself into a chrysalis.

That scene suddenly hurt his heart.

He walked into the room without thinking and wanted to wake her up, but when he saw the glittering corners of her eyes, he couldn't help being stunned.

Is she crying

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would definitely have thought it was an illusion, that the arrogant Luo Anhai, the queen who was aloof, would actually cry.

This kind of her made Han Dingrui feel a little flustered. What did he dream about that would make Luo Anhai, who has always been stubborn and unyielding, cry

"Han Dingrui..."

Hearing her name, Han Dingrui thought she was awake, but she still closed her eyes. He was stunned, and couldn't help but wonder, could it be... she dreamed of him

How can it be! Han Dingrui felt that he must be thinking too much. Looking at the tears in her eyes, he couldn't help frowning.

"Luo Anhai, wake up, Luo Anhai!" Han Dingrui reached out and shook her, trying to wake her up from her dream. No matter what she was dreaming about, he couldn't bear her appearance.

Proud Luo Anhai is not suitable for tears.

Seeing that she finally opened her eyes and stopped dreaming, her expression was fragile and dazed. She looked at him with watery eyes, as if she wanted to suck in his soul.

Han Dingrui felt as if his heart had been hit hard.

Luo Anhai blinked and found that the face in front of her was more childish than she remembered. She woke up instantly and realized that this was not a dream. She turned her face away in embarrassment, "Why are you still here? I didn't tell you to get out."

Knowing that she was back to her normal appearance, Han Dingrui felt helpless and funny.

This woman is always stubborn like this.

He didn't expose her, he walked into the bathroom, twisted a towel out, and threw it to her.

"Wipe your face, you are still drooling when you sleep. You should really take a picture and show it to those men who don't have long eyes. They will definitely be disillusioned."

"I want you to take care of me, get out of my room." Luo Anhai covered his face with a towel, and his voice came out from the towel.

"I've cooked dinner, wipe my face and come out to eat." Without saying much, Han Dingrui walked out of the room wisely, giving her space to calm down.

Luo Anhai took down the towel and looked at the door with complicated eyes. She knew that she was crying. Every time she dreamed, she always woke up crying. He must have seen it.

She was all ready to accept his ridicule, but he didn't expect him to say anything and help her cover up with those ridiculous words.

It always seemed like that, he always did things that she didn't expect.

She treated him extremely badly, but he protected her in front of her and helped her block the teapot thrown by her father. It was clear that they had only quarreled in the afternoon, but he did not make fun of her when she lost her temper.

The eighteen-year-old boy was just like the man in her memory, and she let her see through it.

Luo Anhai felt at a loss. At this moment, she didn't know what to do. Continue arguing with Han Dingrui? But she felt that she could no longer have the strength to quarrel...

She was tired from being armed all the time.

"Well, I'm still here with her."

Luo Anhai raised her head, listened to the sound from outside the room, and thought for a while, she got out of bed, walked out of the room door, and walked towards the kitchen on the left.

"It's all right, Luo Anhai has helped me apply the medicine." Han Dingrui held the phone and saw Luo Anhai. .

"You, I always call An Hai by her first name and last name, and I don't listen to it. I told you since I was a child that I want to be called An Hai sister..."