Love Rival Romance System

Chapter 56: throw down


When it comes to Thailand, most people should immediately think of beautiful ladyboys, which has become a representative of Thailand and is almost a word bound together. When you come here, you will naturally see a lot, and there are also gorgeous performances. At the same time, I have to sigh with emotion that I really can't tell they are men at all, and they are all very beautiful.

However, it is just to look at it with admiration. Jiang Yang and the others are not interested in taking pictures together.

They didn't have this idea, but they couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the other party. After all, this is a way for others to make money, and a photo is 20 baht.

Every time he passed by a place where there were demons, Qin Xu was even more nervous than Jiang Yang, and dutifully helped to stop the demons from touching Jiang Yang. When he saw the other party stretching out his hand, he immediately pulled the demons away. Later, escaping their conditioned reflex, they entered a restaurant and saw two beautiful ladyboys with exquisite makeup and gorgeous costumes standing in the middle. Qin Xu immediately stood in front of Jiang Yang without thinking about it.

The two beautiful young ladies just smiled as the welcome guests. When they suddenly saw such a customer, they froze for a moment, then smiled deeper, and said in a soft voice, "Sawadika."

Qin Xu paused and replied.

They didn't know it, and they were misunderstood as a young couple. Of course, the ladies in charge of welcoming guests in the restaurant will not take the initiative to invite tourists to take pictures, but if there are tourists who request, they will not refuse. For a pleasing couple like Jiang Yang and the others, the young lady naturally knew how to keep a distance, and she just smiled friendly and let it go.

In this way, Qin Xu was a little embarrassed, but if he did it again, he would still do the same thing. The reason is also very simple, that is, I don't want to feel uncomfortable seeing Jiang Yang getting too close to those beautiful women. Jiang Yang didn't think so either, Qin Xu helped him block, he was a little confused at first, but it did save him a lot of worry, he automatically and consciously classified it as help between his companions, just like two people walking together, Seeing a car coming, pull the other party to avoid it.

After eating, they drove to the Grand Palace, which is a famous tourist attraction in Bangkok and a large-scale ancient building complex. Before I actually arrived, I could already see a corner of the palace through the car window. After getting out of the car and stepping in, you can see the grandeur of the palace even more. Looking around, the green grass in the courtyard, the ancient trees with different postures, the spiers of palaces and pagodas piercing into the clouds, are resplendent and magnificent, and the glazed tiles glow golden in the sun, dazzling.

Tourists walked among the 28 temples. Because of the dress code, many women bought colorful skirts with local characteristics, wrapped around their waists, and waves were drawn by the wind as they walked, which is not exotic.

Stop and go, stop and watch from time to time, take out the camera to take pictures.

Jiang Yang's mind was on the magnificent palace, and he almost kept looking up. Qin Xu was walking side by side with him. Apart from admiring the palace, he would turn his head to peek at his expression from time to time, and then couldn't help but smile. Jiang Yang didn't notice because of his concentration.

Halfway through, a young girl ran up to them and politely asked them in English if they could take a photo.

Jiang Yang looked at the other party's oriental face, and didn't know which country she was from for a while, subconsciously replied in English, took her mobile phone, helped take a few pictures, and when handing it back, the girl smiled and said thank you, hesitated for a while, She even asked a little shyly if she could take a photo with him.

Jiang Yang was stunned, unable to respond for a moment. Qin Xu listened to him, and he couldn't calm down. He put his arms around Jiang Yang's waist and said seriously, then he lowered his head and said to Jiang Yang with some resentment: "You already have me, how can you be with someone else? Girls taking pictures?"

Glancing at Jiang Yang with aggrieved eyes, he pretended to be generous and sighed: "Forget it, I love you even so, you go."

These words are all in Chinese. The girl was a little shocked when she heard it, and blurted out: "You are also Chinese... sorry." This apology, under her blushing and embarrassing expression, was of course not because of the unnecessary act of speaking English to the Chinese, but because she thought she was interrupting. An embarrassment for a couple.

Jiang Yang came back to his senses, and unceremoniously slapped off someone's restless hand on his waist, rubbed his forehead and felt a headache, waved his hand and explained to the girl: "It's not what you thought... Forget it, it's okay."

After thinking about it, it was a bit strange to deliberately explain it. Anyway, it was just a passer-by who just met once, so he pulled Qin Xu and turned away to avoid this embarrassing situation.

But someone who was the culprit was not guilty at all, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He even raised the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm good at acting, right? I helped you. I know you don't like taking pictures with strangers."

Jiang Yang heheed twice, with an indifferent expression on his face: "It's a pity that you don't become an actor."

"Yeah, I'm a buried genius, but gold shines everywhere, have you seen my bulinbulin?"

"No, honesty has clouded my eyes."


Jiang Yang had an indifferent face, but Qin Xu seemed to have heard some funny joke, his brows and eyes were crooked, his smile was bright and sunny, and he was in a very good mood, which made Jiang Yang extremely doubt whether he had been fooled by the sun, but he looked up The sky is not very hot, and this is not Chongqing.

In the end, Jiang Yang just shook his head, didn't bother to pay attention to the mentally handicapped beside him, and continued to focus on looking at the palace. Even when Qin Xu put his arm on his shoulder, he didn't respond.

Qin Xu had a happy face. Those who didn't know thought he was looking at a peerless beauty, not a scenic spot. We are different.

After playing for seven or eight days, it is almost the end of their travel plan. The return ticket has already been bought, and it is cheaper to buy it in advance. They should buy souvenirs and special products to pack their bags and go home. Because of Jiang Ma's pragmatism, she doesn't like piles of useless things at home, Jiang Yang didn't buy those exotic decorations, but bought more than a dozen packs of golden pillows, which are dried durians, which taste very rich and sweet, Jiang Yang I also like to eat. Qin Xu, on the other hand, bought more casually, and wanted to try anything he hadn't eaten before, but the amount of each purchase was not much, and the big suitcases of the two of them could still fit.

The day before going home, Qin Xu said, "I'm going back anyway, so why not record a commemorative video?"

Jiang Yang tilted his head and subconsciously asked, "Mission?"

"No." This time, Qin Xu simply shook his head, blinking his bright black eyes, fully expressing his inner expectation.

Jiang Yang remained silent, Qin Xu thought it meant rejection, the light in his eyes gradually dimmed, obviously disappointed, but suddenly heard Jiang Yang's faint voice, saying: "Okay."

Qin Xu couldn't believe it, he almost jumped up for joy, rushed over to hug Jiang Yang, hugged Jiang Yang with both hands, twisted shamelessly like a child, and then Jiang Yang slapped him in the face unceremoniously Go up, push him away, with a look of disgust on his face.

Qin Xu's handsome face was deformed in his palm, his mouth was crooked and his voice was muffled, but he still smiled in a good mood.

"What to shoot?"

Jiang Yang refused his childlike coquetry and stickiness, and asked seriously.

Qin Xu picked up his mobile phone, moved closer to him, and showed him a short video on the app. The characters were different, but the movements were the same.

One person does not move, stretches out his palm, and then another person not far away, whether he is eating, drinking, reading or playing with his mobile phone, will run over when he sees the other person for the first time, Put your chin on the man's palm, then tilt your head and smile brightly.

Some are cute babies with big white eyes and some are tall and handsome boyfriends, but they are all loving and warm doing such greasy movements.

Jiang Yang looked at it, felt a little naive, curled his lips in disgust, but didn't say no.

After they agreed, they walked out to the corridor outside to see that no one was passing by, and it was empty, which was just convenient for them to shoot. Jiang Yang raised his mobile phone to face himself, then slowly raised his hand, spread his palm, and looked back. At the corner of the corridor not far away, Qin Xu walked out as if nothing had happened, then turned his head as if aware of it, saw Jiang Yang, immediately raised the corners of his lips into a good-humored smile, and then made a move, and rushed like a rocket Come here, at that speed, it is definitely the kind of wind that blows under your feet, and any light things next to it can be swept away.

Jiang Yang was a little dazed. He didn't expect him to rush over like this. There was only an afterimage in the gust of wind. Wouldn't it be enough to just run over in two steps? Why do you act like a prehistoric troll. Shit, kind of scary. Jiang Yang fully felt the coming impact, so he quickly dodged and ran forward.

Qin Xu didn't stop at all, and when he saw him running, he seemed to be happier and accelerated, as if he was stepping on a hot wheel.

In the end, the distance between the two was still not long enough. Jiang Yang ran a few steps later, and was overtaken by the crazy chasing boy Qin Xu. As soon as his face was attached to Jiang Yang's palm, he couldn't hold back. Following the inertia, he threw Jiang Yang down directly. The video screen being recorded by the mobile phone was also shaken for a while, and it was knocked to the ground.

Jiang Yang gasped in pain, and angrily pushed the person on him, scolding him for something wrong. Qin Xu grinned, and continued to cling to him shamelessly, picked up the phone with one hand, and raised it up to them. Qin Xu put his arm around his shoulder and blinked his eyes as a signal.

Jiang Yang secretly rolled his eyes, but still reluctantly cooperated.

Two handsome and energetic teenagers of the same age casually sat cross-legged on the ground, leaning their shoulders together, showing a big smile on their mobile phone, with a deep and hoarse voice unique to this period, high-spirited and loud: " In 2018, we are in Thailand!"

Before filming the video, when Qin Xu proposed to say this sentence, Jiang Yang felt awkward and refused, but when the two actually said it together with their heads leaning against each other, there was an inexplicable vibration in the chest, which was a wonderful feeling. What Jiang Yang was sure of was that he didn't hate this.

Tilting his head slightly, he looked at Qin Xu's handsome side face, and seemed to feel something different.

slight noise.

In the bottom of my heart, little by little, slowly blooming.