Love Stops Rumours

Chapter 6: What should I do if my ex-girlfriend asked me to get back together


Wei Rusong took a few steps back subconsciously. It was not that he had never been confessed, but it was the first time he had been confessed by a boy.

You all know that Wei Rusong is a tender boy who is superficial and rough but has a delicate mind. No matter what state of mind Lin Kaijie expresses to him, at least at this moment he looks very sincere, very shy, full of love pink bubbles, and a Shiny crystal boy's heart, but Wei Rusong just wanted to order "One Cut Plum" for Lin Kaijie for some reason.

"Uh, no, why are you dating me..."

Maybe Wei Rusong really still has his last stubbornness as a straight man, clenching his hands and never letting go. When the word "communication" came out of his mouth, he couldn't help but get goosebumps all over.

"Because you're cute."

Xiao Nian's figure froze suddenly, and Lin Kaijie completely ignored Xiao Nian, a gigantic luminous body no matter where he went, and began to say to himself:

"When the freshmen started school, you arrived earlier. I saw that you were busy carrying luggage for everyone and thought you were a senior, but I didn't expect you to be in the same grade as us; later I saw that you were eating in the cafeteria, and you could eat one meal. Three vegetable packs, two meat packs and one bean paste pack, I think you are so good to eat, you are like a rice bucket; another time I saw that you would take half-eaten chicken legs out to feed stray dogs, the dogs were eating you and swallowing, obviously you I also want to eat it; and Xu Yinghua’s pants were not torn last time, or you sewed them for him, this is the first time I have seen such a skillful and virtuous boy…”

"Wait, wait, wait!" Wei Rusong was horrified: Did you turn on the beauty camera's filter to 100%? Isn't this a commonplace thing? Why is my image so tall and majestic when you say that I am 2.5 meters tall and I have a pink Hellokitty tattooed on my chest when I take off my clothes? "Then what happened to you and Xuanxuan?"

"I didn't expect you to fall in love with Chen Xuanxuan! Mingming, obviously I was the first..."

Wei Rusong suddenly realized:

"So you are embarrassing Xiao Nian because you think Xiao Nian is talking to me?"

"Yeah!" Lin Kaijie clenched the rose in his hand, with a firm and fiery look in his eyes, "that day you hid behind the curtain and asked us why we thought you were worthy of Xiao Nian, I saw the loneliness in your eyes, It seems that Xiao Nian is a shining prince, but you are a humble Cinderella, so let me be your knight, okay?"

"You, what nonsense are you talking about, I never said that I'm not worthy of Xiao Nian!"

Wei Rusong snatched the rose from Lin Kaijie's hand and wished to swipe it on his head, but the moment he touched the bouquet, Xiao Nian stopped him from behind. Xiao Nian's arm was so long that he wrapped Wei Rusong in his arms and couldn't move.

"Senior is very cute."

When Xiao Nian spoke, the slight vibration in his chest was like the sound of a melodious cello. Perhaps it was because he was surrounded by body temperature that did not belong to him, which made Wei Rusong's body hot. He was held motionless by Xiao Nian from behind in his arms. Because of his height, he couldn't see Xiao Nian's expression.

"Although the senior would sit up and talk in his sleep, it would be scary, he would sing loud songs in the shower, he would throw the blame for me when he lost a game, and he always grabbed my chicken legs when he was eating lunch..."

"Shut up Lao Tzu-"

Wei Rusong angrily pushed Xiao Nian away to cover his mouth, but the moment he turned his head, he met Xiao Nian's eyes, which were sparkling and contained a smile that was gentle enough to drown people:

"But the senior is very cute, and only I can see such a cute senior."

"..." Lin Kaijie's face darkened, "Xiao Nian, what do you mean?"

Suddenly Wei Rusong was very afraid to hear any answer from Xiao Nian's mouth, perhaps because expectations were always mixed with equal proportions of fear. It was an unprecedented feeling. Wei Rusong never realized that he was so afraid. A timid coward. Wei Rusong hurriedly took the lead, he pushed the rose back to Lin Kaijie:

"I hope you can apologize to Xuanxuan. If you still like Xuanxuan, please treat Xuanxuan well. If you just use her to anger me, then you should stop as soon as possible. I will admit defeat. As for you say you like me, thank you. But I don't have feelings for you."

"What about Xiao Nian?"

"What's the matter with Xiao Nian?" Wei Rusong became cautious when he mentioned the name, for fear that people would see something strange, "You keep pulling Xiao Nian to lie down, have you considered Xiao Nian's feelings?"

Lin Kaijie was silent, and Wei Rusong quickly slipped away:

"The next class is about to start, hurry up."

"Are you trying to laugh at me?"

"I don't," Wei Rusong suspects that Lin Kaijie is not only a shaker but also paranoid, "I'm not gay, but I'm not homophobic, okay, it's a brave thing to like someone who can say it, why should I laugh at you?" Are you full

In fact, what surprised Wei Rusong the most in the whole thing was Xiao Nian. Wei Rusong was indeed a little dull, but not stupid, but he was afraid of being self-motivated, and he... Wei Rusong had to admit that he was indeed, indeed, so A little bit, just a little bit, maybe maybe the love for Xiao Nian has crossed the line a bit. He is obviously not gay, but he has a feeling of "like" for Xiao Nian, who is also a man. Which part is the problem...

Xiao Nian, Xiao Nian, Xiao Nian...

-correct! Wei Rusong replayed Xiao Nian's "suspected confession" one hundred and eighth times in a loop without a single word in his mind, and then he suddenly lost his focus: When will I sleep and sit up and talk in my sleep? Why did Xiao Nian never say this

"Yes," Xiao Nian closed the book, "Do you want to read it?"

"You still made a video?!" Wei Rusong narrowed his eyes vigilantly, "Don't you want to threaten me with this?"

"No," Xiao Nian said honestly, "When you're in a bad mood, take it out and see if it works wonders."

"Fuck it's true, send it to me quickly!"

A few seconds later, Wei Rusong received the video sent by Xiao Nian. He also admired that he could sleep so deadly. Xiao Nian's flashlight hit his face and he still didn't wake up.

In the video, Wei Rusong sits upright on the bed in the posture of an eminent monk, with his eyes closed, and then slowly opens his mouth and says:

"Where is my beloved concubine?"

—Fuck me, I must have been tricked! this is not me! Wei Rusong wished that he would fall out of bed and die, how could he not remember that he had such a dream of an emperor and died early in the morning! Then Wei Rusong changed into the posture of a royal concubine lying on the couch, and took off the shoulder straps of his vest, squeezing his throat and responding charmingly:

"Your Majesty, the concubine is here."

The video suddenly shook like an earthquake, it should be Xiao Nian holding back his laughter, alas, it is also very difficult for Xiao Nian. Wei Rusong, who had finished the imperial concubine's couch, immediately sat up straight again, although the shoulder straps had not yet been put on:

"Come on, Concubine Ai, let me take good care of you."

Just after he finished speaking, Wei Rusong took another sexy pose, the two long legs in the big pants stretched into a figure-eight shape:

"Come on, the emperor, come on, be happy!"

After speaking, Wei Rusong threw himself back into the bed as if the battery had run out. He didn't forget to touch the quilt he pushed aside to cover himself, and after a while, he snored softly, and he fell asleep very comfortably.

"… "

After being silent for a long time, Wei Rusong pretended to be calm and smiled indifferently:



Seeing Wei Rusong being so stupid, Xiao Nian couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud. Wei Rusong was stunned. He had never seen Xiao Nianhui laughing back and forth in such an imageless manner, and Xiao Nian had a pair of dimples when he laughed, which made Wei Rusong feel a little sweet.

"Why, maybe you will talk in your sleep too, but I just didn't hear it!"


Wei Rusong was so ashamed and angry that he suddenly received a text message. The phone number made Wei Rusong's eyelids jump. Although he deleted the phone number before and slowly eliminated that person from his own world, he found that Sure enough, a good memory is sometimes not something to be happy about.

- Rusong, I'm Chen Xuanxuan, I'm on the rooftop on 11th at night, I have something to tell you

Is it Lin Kaijie's business? Are you going to slap yourself again? Wei Rusong didn't know how to face Chen Xuanxuan, but Chen Xuanxuan had a serious princess illness. If he refused, Chen Xuanxuan would definitely be angry. Anyway, they had talked about it before, so Wei Rusong made a good decision.

The roof will be locked at twelve o'clock, because a few years ago, there were always fresh graduates who were overwhelmed and overwhelmed on the roof to relieve their worries. Wei Rusong stepped on flip-flops and an old shirt with big floral pants and went to the rooftop like this. Chen Xuanxuan used to be late, and Wei Rusong was always early. Sometimes the wait was an hour or two. This time Wei Rusong was habitually coming ten minutes earlier, and was surprised to find that Chen Xuanxuan was already waiting on the rooftop.

It was cold autumn, and it was late at night. The cold wind blew through the exposed skin, causing Wei Rusong to feel chills. Damn, I forgot to put on my coat to go out. Chen Xuanxuan was wearing only a thin nightdress and her lips were pale. It seemed that she had been waiting here for a while.

In the past, when they were together, Wei Rusong had endless topics to make Chen Xuanxuan happy, but after breaking up, there was only endless silence. Wei Rusong is a gentleman anyway, so let him speak first:

"have you eaten?"

"lose weight."

"Don't lose weight, you're already skinny enough."

"You always say that."

"Well," Wei Rusong asked tentatively, "Don't you know that you came to me, Lin Kaijie?"

"I broke up with him."


"I brought it up."


Wei Rusong could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, if Lin Kaijie proposed to break up, he would be a sinner through the ages, although he was also quite wrong.

"I don't think he really likes me."

Yes, because he likes me!

"Even though we broke up, I will still think of you," Chen Xuanxuan didn't know whether it was because of her emotions or cold, her voice trembling, "I shouldn't have wronged you, in fact, I was really tired of you at that time, I felt you It's annoying, I don't like boys being so clingy, I just want to take that opportunity to get rid of you, sorry."

Only then did Wei Rusong realize that he was really relieved. In the past, he would definitely be furious when he learned this cruel truth, but now Wei Rusong just smiled politely:

"It's okay, it's all over, women are always right."

"If," Chen Xuanxuan raised her head, with tears in her eyes, "if I say let's start over, would you like it?"