Love When the Stars Falls

Chapter 77


Turbid Heart Island. Xiaofeng actually fell asleep.

Qing Kui didn't call him either, but only after she finished picking out all the thorns and cleaned the wound for him, she patted him on the shoulder lightly: "It's ok."

Xiaofeng woke up suddenly, he raised his head suddenly and found that Gu Haichao was still guarding him. How dangerous that he fell asleep while someone was cleaning his wound. He got up, and was about to tease Qing Kui again, but he saw the tired look in her eyes.

This is natural. She is a mortal woman, so she picked the thorn of the hour. How easy is it to pick out the needle-sized thorns that have penetrated into the skin one by one

The teasing words were swallowed involuntarily. He was wearing a robe when suddenly, someone strode in from outside. Before the person came to her, the words had already come: "Princess Yetan, I hunted a piece of animal skin today, if you see it, you will definitely like it..."

Xiao Feng raised his head and saw his elder brother Wu Dai walking in, holding a piece of animal skin in his hand. Wu Dai naturally also saw Xiaofeng. Although he is a rough man, he can still understand that Xiaofeng is putting on his clothes!

Wu Dai immediately asked angrily, "What are you doing here?"

Knowing that he was impulsive, Qing Kui immediately stepped forward and said, "Your Highness the Third Highness is injured, come here and apply medicine."

Wu Dai handed her the animal skin, still dissatisfied: "Why do you need to take off your clothes because of the injury? Don't you know the difference between men and women?"

Xiaofeng snorted coldly, dressed slowly, swept his eyes over the animal skin he sent, and said: "You took this fur just to make the Pomeranian laugh, but to the beast, it is a bone-destroying beast." Pain, catastrophe. Why did Big Brother kill it just for a momentary whim?"

"What?!" Wu Dai was really confused, these words are not terrible, what is terrible is that these fucking words come from the mouth of a mocking wind! As long as you have a little bit of free time, which time does the hunting of monsters miss you? !

However, it was this nonsense in Wu Dai's eyes that actually won Qing Kui's approval. Holding the skin, Qing Kui said solemnly: "What Your Highness said is true. All things have spirits, and they should not be deprived of their lives because of selfish desires. I don't like animal skins, and Your Highness will not give them to me again in the future."

Hearing this, Wu Dai had a headache, and he snorted angrily: "Do you want love!" After hunting all day, he finally managed to peel off this complete animal skin, and in exchange for this bullshit! reason!

He turned around to leave, but Qing Kui saw a tear in his sleeves by the beast's claws at a glance. Wudai didn't have a wife, and his servants were not dedicated, so it was inevitable that he didn't take care of him well. After all, she had a crush on His Majesty, so she immediately said, "Wait a minute."

"What for?" Wu Dai kindly treated her as a donkey's liver and lungs, so naturally she didn't have a good face.

Qing Kui didn't care, took the needle and thread, and said: "His Royal Highness's clothes are all torn." As she spoke, she squatted on the ground, threaded the needle and thread, and sewed up the hole for him. Wu Dai stood where he was, all his anger dissipated without a trace. This woman, the gentleness and calmness of her eyebrows and eyes can melt the hardest ice in the world.

Xiaofeng left the palace silently and came to the island, waiting for the boat to come.

All the way without words.

Gu Haichao followed behind him, and it took him a long time to say, "You're jealous."

"I'm jealous?!" Xiao Feng pointed to his nose and sneered, "Jealous of that brainless brat?" He pointed to the hall, and when he thought that Qing Kui was still sewing clothes for Wu Dai, his anger rose: " Just because of that same brainless woman who is also a good person?!"

The spirit boat came and slowly docked. When Xiaofeng bowed his head and boarded the boat, he suddenly saw his face in the water, and then froze.

Gu Haichao said: "Envy makes people ugly."

Xiaofeng rubbed his face with his hands until he didn't look so ferocious. He said: "Speaking of which, you are incompetent! You are as stupid as my elder brother. How can you tear your robe? It's such a simple thing , everyone has thought of it, but you can't think of it?"

Gu Haichao reasoned with him for the first time: "Why should your Highness be angry? The ruins are broken, and the four worlds are in danger. His Highness took the initiative to invite Ying, but His Highness the Third Highness hesitated. This princess has a very high heart, and it is not surprising that she looks at His Highness differently." .”

Xiaofeng was silent for a moment, and with a wave of the scythe in his hand, he swept Gu Haichao into the water.

"The truth is really ugly." He put away his scythe and said angrily.

Heaven, Chuihong Hall.

As soon as Ye Tan finished school, he came here excitedly. Feichi came up to meet him, but before he could speak, Yetan had already bypassed him and headlong into the hall.

Xuanshang Jun sighed, and slowly put down the wolf hair in his hand - she was still so rude, but she was already numb.

"Shao Dian has a piano!" Ye Tan was happy and a little embarrassed when he saw him. But who can resist the temptation of a huge inheritance? She said, "Didn't you say that you want people to see your baby?"

Only then did Xuan Shangjun remember that she had asked him last night if he would leave her any inheritance. He looked helpless: "Come with me."

Take a look at Junshang's... baby? Why does this sound so weird? When Feichi and Hanmo outside heard this, they didn't dare to follow.

Xuan Shangjun really has countless treasures!

Ye Tan followed him to the inner hall, and Lord Xuanshang opened a secret room. Ye Tan immediately felt that his eyes were going to be blinded—there were hundreds of treasures inside, full of magic weapons.

Xuanshang Jun pointed at it casually and said, "These are magic weapons that I forged and forged by myself, you can take a look first."

Ye Tan opened his mouth wide, stood like a statue for a long time, and asked in a daze, "Yes, how many?"

Lord Xuanshang frowned: "I didn't count them in detail, but in the past 2,700 years, except for gifts to disciples, all the others are here. About... more than 3,000 pieces."

Get rich! Yetan was ecstatic in her heart, but her face was solemn and serious. She asked: "I will be your widow, won't it change? Or... we will marry now, and I will give you another wedding candle for free, so as not to have long nights and dreams. what do you think?"

I don't think so! Xuanshang Jun really despised this guy's character to the extreme in an instant. He said angrily: "You are also the princess of the Li Guang clan, even if you can't worry about the world, you should have the heart and bearing of a princess! But you are so utilitarian, how is it different from a villain in the market?"

However, as soon as his words fell, Ye Tan immediately said: "Yes, yes, I was wrong! From now on, I will work hard to cultivate, with a heart for the common people, to help the world, and I don't envy the golden cup or the white jade cup..."

"You..." Xuanshang Jun covered his heart, his heart ached.

Ye Tan stretched out his hand like a dog, and caressed his chest: "Oh, my husband, don't be angry, there are thousands of mistakes, and it's all my fault. Although my slave is here to keep festivals for you, there is no need for you to die now. After all, other You haven't confessed your inheritance yet."

Xuan Shangjun slapped her hand away vigorously. With this kind of virtue, even if he didn't die in Guixu, he would die in her hands sooner or later. Xuan Shangjun said angrily: "These four halls are all there, search for yourself!" Afraid that she would really rummage, he hurriedly added, "Every utensil must be returned to its original place in time when it is used up. Don't throw it around! "

Ye Tan cheered, and rushed in like a wild dog, running so happily that Mr. Xuanshang saw some kind of radiant magic weapon on her waist at a glance. What looks so familiar

He took a few steps forward and took it off, but was immediately stunned.