Love You: Overbearing School Grass Overbearing Love

Chapter 32: You can't hide [4]


If you like me, you just want to have fun.

Even if it is sincere, I dare not accept it. Because I believe that no parent in a normal family will agree to his son to marry a disabled person.

"Zhuo Yexi, can you joke with me again? If we are ordinary friends, I will be fine. But, you really make me painful, know?"

"You said you like me, but I really don’t know where I attract you? Besides, I’m a handicapped person, don’t you see? If you say you like me, then I will think your brain is assed kicked."

I don't care how ugly what I say, but I just want to say it.

Even if it's just a breath, I feel relieved.

Who told him to piss me off like this.

"Also, why do you like me? Is it really because I accidentally ran into you that you did this?"

"If this is the case, then I am here to say sorry to you, I really didn't mean it last night. Besides, it was the first time we saw each other last night. It can be said that we even looked at our faces. I don’t know, don’t you think what you are doing is too weird?"

I finished what I wanted to say in one breath, and clenched my hand tightly into a fist, hoping that he could let go of me.

At this time, I finally saw Zhuo Yexi's face change, looking at me with an inquiring look.

I can see my hair straight, as if he wants to see through me.

He took my hand and tightened it a bit, and a rippling look appeared in his deep eyes. After a long time, he lightly lifted his lips, "Su Mengdie, don't say disabled people on the left and disabled people on the right? Isn't the disabled person a human being?"

"Aren’t the disabled people raised by their parents? Can’t someone like them? Do people with disabilities have to have low self-esteem? Since you really want to know why I like you? Well, let me know. Okay, today I will tell you why."

Zhuo Yexi's tone was quite serious, and he couldn't tell that he was joking.

His words went deep into my heart sentence by sentence.

I have to admit that what he said is right. I even said directly what I was thinking in my heart.

Yeah, what he said is all right.

However, if he was mine, maybe he wouldn't say that to me.

Disabled people are naturally different from normal people. No matter how confident I am, I am always different from others.

"Su Mengdie, do you think it was the first time we met last night? I can tell you with certainty, no." Zhuo Yexi spoke very seriously into my heart.

As time passed by, the summer sun slowly rose up, directly shining on my body, due to tension, my palms were already covered with fine sweat, and the sweat behind my back poured out like water. Down.

Not only because of heat, but more because of tension.

Moreover, as soon as he said what he said, my whole body was stunned.

He said, was not the first time I met him last night

But, why don’t I remember meeting him before

No matter whether what he said is true or not, I looked at him with a hateful look, "I don’t care if what you say is true or not, but I’m sure to tell you that if you don’t let me go, I will be true. You're welcome."

I don't want to listen to him anymore.

I admit that I am a coward, I am afraid!