Lovely Allergen

Chapter 85: Transparent raincoat


As soon as the law school opened the show, the audience was shocked by the appearance and appearance of the gods, like a beautiful picture of an ancient lady walking in the rain.

"I'm going, it's a garden flower, Nan Jia, this is too beautiful." At the second fixed point, the moment Qin Yan took off the hat, Qin Yan looked stupid, and turned his head to find that Song Yu didn't really watch the show at all. , The head is biased.

He tugged at Song Yu's arm, "I found you really shameless, don't we look down on Nan Jia who is so beautiful?"

Song Yu didn't come back, and whispered "Is something wrong?" as if talking to herself.

"What did you say?"

Before Qin Yan could figure it out, Song Yu stood up and left the meeting directly.

"Hey!" Lin Rong, who was indulging in photography, found her son suddenly got up, keeping the lady's posture and calling him in a low voice, "Xiaoyu, what are you doing? Come back soon, the clothes designed by my brother are coming out!"

But Song Yu left without looking back.

Qin Yan thinks Song Yu can be strange sometimes, but after thinking about it, maybe he really feels boring.

How could there be such a boring person who is not interested in the beautiful face and beautiful figure on the stage.

When he secretly complained about Song Yu's indifference, Song Yu had already appeared in the background. Seeing the chaos in the backstage, he grabbed someone and asked what had happened, only to find out that there was something wrong with the model of closed show.

Le Zhishi calmly conducts on the spot, "You should hold it up first, and be sure to stabilize the frequency of the show. Chenpi, ask volunteers and assistants to clear the boxes and props here." He blamed himself, "I should have been watching just now. Let them clear this place out."

Chen Pi is still very angry, "It's not your fault, it's all to blame for those who don't care, they are all unclear. After the game is over, you must appeal and let them compensate Chen Yu!"

Now that I can’t take care of what’s going on, Le Zhishi took Monday’s arm and said, “Monday, I’m going to trouble you to help Chen Yu to change clothes.”

"I'll go." Xiaoqi changed her former weakness and stood up to support Chen Yu's arm, "I will be responsible for mobilizing the model later on Monday, let me go."

In the beginning, in order to take care of Xiaoqi, everyone was afraid that she would be too timid to speak, so she was assigned to the styling group. Now the styling is completed, and the noisy backstage really needs a boy.

Halfway through the show for the first sub-theme, the straight voice gave catwalk feedback calmly at the front desk, and there was not much time left for them.

"Can you do it?" Chen Pi was a little skeptical. After all, Chen Yu is a tall man of about one and eight meters, not to mention helping the wounded. Xiaoqi standing with him is the cutest height difference.

"Yes." Xiaoqi was very firm, "I have called two boys in our class to help me."

When the situation was urgent, everyone let Xiaoqi help Chen Yu to change clothes. Chen Pi thought about it afterwards and felt that something was wrong.

"Xiaoqi, a tenth-level social-fear girl, would actually call someone for help for Chen Yu? Go to the hospital where there are so many people?"

Monday also felt weird, "I watched Chen Yu staying in front of Xiaoqi some time ago. Xiaoqi is still a little afraid of him, shouldn't it be now..."

"Yes, injury won Loli's heart, this wave is not a loss!"

Lezhi didn't care about the scandal in the group when he got the clothes, and hurried to the modeling room to find Song Yu.

Song Yu didn't make much makeup on his face, combed his hair to reveal his superior facial features, but in order to match the Easter eggs in the last closed show, the stylist put a pair of blue-gray artificial iris cosmetic contacts on Song Yu.

"Have you got your clothes?" When Song Yu looked at Lezhi, his deep blue eyes more and more highlighted his cold and calm temperament.

"Yeah." Le Zhishi took off the clothes, because these clothes have a fixed collocation, but Song Yu was the rescuer and didn't know how to wear it, so Le Zhishi, a designer, needed to assist in changing clothes.

There were only two of them in the modeling room. Lezhishi separated the clothes and gave instructions while communicating with his teammates through the headset.

"Received." He lowered his head and glanced at his watch. "Three minutes is enough."

Song Yu took off her woolen sweater and left her upper body naked. Lezhishi accidentally met her eyes when handing her clothes, and bowed her head embarrassedly. Outside."

Seeing that his ears were red, Song Yu was about to tease that he was so embarrassed that he had done everything, but the door suddenly opened. Le Zhishi reflexively opened the shirt that should be worn on the outer layer to cover Song Yu, and quickly turned his head and said to the model in the other courtyard who broke in by mistake: "Someone is changing clothes."

The other party quickly apologized and closed the door. Le Zhishi breathed a sigh of relief, but Song Yu laughed.

"Is it necessary?" He squeezed Le Zhishi's face, then pointed at the shirt in his hand, spitting out his panic, "This dress is transparent."

This dialogue is really familiar.

Le Zhishi squatted his clothes into his hands, and urged them with their backs, "Hurry up and change them."

"It seems that the puppies are very protective of food." Song Yu said casually, putting on the blue shirt on the inner layer, and suddenly found that the shirt was stained with dark red, like deliberate decoration, but more like blood stains.

Le Zhishi's heart was beating fast, and it had been like this since Song Yu suddenly appeared. He felt that he still didn't understand Song Yu.

"Why did you come to the rescue?" He sniffed and whispered, turning his back to him, "I thought you didn't want to show off."

"I don't like it. But my attitude is targeted, and you have never invited me."

Le Zhishi turned around subconsciously and confronted him to defend: "Didn't Nan Jia look for you?"

Song Yu had changed his clothes, hung the western cowboy hat in Lezhishi's hand on his hips according to his previous requirements, then raised his eyebrows at him, repeating the previous words, "You did not invite me ."

Le Zhishi frowned first, his big eyes blinked twice, and finally he narrowed his mouth.

"How come you are so awkward, I thought you..."

"How come you are such a stupid person?" Song Yu interrupted his thoughts, "After waiting for so long, when I waited for someone who looked like me, you made me angry."

Le Zhishi was about to act like a baby, and a straight voice came from the headphones. He didn't stop any longer, took Song Yu's hand and led him to the model waiting area.

In the crowded and chaotic passage, his favorite person accompanies him to run toward the bright stage, and the clothes that he thought would not wear him were finally shown to everyone by him in a fair manner.

"Now it's the last set of the second theme." Qu Zhi stood in the audience and directed, "It's a bit faster, it will take a few seconds to fix it."

Le Zhishi brought Song Yu to the model waiting area, where the boxes had been cleared away. When Chen Pi saw Song Yu, his eyes widened, and he sighed sincerely, "A handsome guy is a handsome guy... Lele, can I be reborn in your house in my next life?"

"Don't hide it." Le Zhishi stared at the monitor screen, and the luminous one-piece designed by Quzhi for the second sub-theme had been displayed, and the model was walking back.

He instructed all the last set of models who were going to play, "Everyone open the umbrella and remember to go out with an umbrella."

In the face of such a tense and complicated game, the child who once could only follow him around is now able to stand alone. Song Yu has some different emotions in his heart, and he wants to touch Lezhishi's hair.

Chen Pi started the countdown. Lezhishi's heart beats fast. The last group is a sublimation of their "rain" theme. They are basically conceptual designs independently completed by Lezhishi, and other team members refine and fill in the content.

If Song Yu is not standing next to him at the moment, no matter how nervous Lezhishi is, he will not show any tension. At most, he will hold his hand hard and walk a few steps back and forth. But he is now in a place where he can reach with his hand at Lezhishi.

Remind him all the time that he has someone he can rely on.

Le Zhishi took Song Yu's arm and called out to his brother, saying that he spoke quickly, "You always listen to the voice in the headset, if there are special circumstances, we will communicate directly, oh yes, there is a fixed point, you still remember Did I say that? You just walk naturally, what else... Let me think about it."

Song Yu was really nervous when he saw him. In order to divert his attention, he deliberately asked, "I do you such a big favor, what reward will I give me?"

After hearing this, Le Zhishi raised his head, his brown eyes widened, but he soon accepted Song Yu's exploitation, "Then tell me, I'll give you everything I want."


"Really, I'll give it all to you." Lezhishi is as sincere as a child who takes out all the toys.

The corners of Song Yu's mouth raised slightly, and finally rubbed a handful of Lezhishi's hair.

The lights of the second group show are cyber-style highly saturated blue-red, so the lights on the stage are dimmed during the mid-to-long transition.

"Three, two, one." Chen Pi directed the third set of opening models, "Go!"

Bunches of silver-white top lights came down from top to bottom, illuminating the long and narrow T stage, and the rain falling on the top of the stage was heavier than in the previous two games.

The first model appeared was very tall, wearing a black beret and a black mask, and holding a large black transparent plastic umbrella. The handle was wrapped with a silver-white chain, winding until it held the umbrella. Hands.

"You designed this set too?" Song Yu stared at the model's steps, feeling that he was walking in female steps.

"Well, I designed half of this group."

The model's coat is a large black suit that doesn't fit well, and there are many white seals on the suit, as if to seal him up. When the model walked to the halfway position of the T stage step by step, Lezhi Shi held the headset and told the model in the internal communication: "Okay, move fast."

As soon as the voice fell, the model raised his left hand and tore off his suit, revealing the bright red slim dress inside. He threw the unfit suit to the stage. Amidst the audience's exclamation, he took off his hat and turned his head. The long, jet-black hair dripped down like a waterfall, and the mask was taken off at a fixed moment, revealing the feminine and charming eye makeup and red lips.

Someone in the audience has already discovered, "Is this a trans?"

"Yes, no wonder I found a male model, it should be the implication!"

"So cool!"

The beginning of the third stage has already ignited the emotions of the audience. The model left with a black umbrella all the way, leaving a back that was not so compliant with the secular regulations, but was very beautiful.

Immediately afterwards, one by one models came to the stage, young people wearing "ragged" clothing made with a variety of fabric reconstruction techniques, unbuttoning the buttons at a fixed point, and the inside was a golden heart.

The other was wearing a large black windbreaker, printed with derogatory words such as "You are bad", "You are too ugly", etc., with a smiling mask on his face, which is taken off at a fixed point. The mask is still a mask underneath. , It’s just that the lip shape of the crying face is printed on it.

In addition, there are girls in white raindrop dresses with beautiful fronts but torn backs, muddy and crumbling; “superiors” in rich clothes printed with banknotes but no smiles; old men with special effects old makeup The wife wore a floral dress that only young girls would wear... These very different models walked towards the audience in the rain. All the prints on their costumes looked like different patterns at first glance, but in fact they were all made up of the word "rain". The morphological composition, from oracle bone inscriptions to regular script, uses evolving fonts to form different words.

The same point is that everyone holds a black umbrella in their hands, and an umbrella wrapped in chains.

"It's almost you." Le Zhishi's heart beat fast, and he confirmed the change of the subtitles on the screen.

Compared with the eye-catching design of the new release, the law school’s stage background is very simple. In the last sub-theme, there is only a dynamic rain screen, which is a rainy glass window, covered with a faint mist, and there are The two lines are like sentences written with fingers.

The first line is always the same—Rain is a gift of nature.

But the second line will switch when each model comes on stage, corresponding to their theme elements.

The last line of subtitles that closed the show is a classic movie line: Love is a force of nature.

Love is by nature.

When Song Yu saw the background text that belonged to him, he found that his conjecture since changing his clothes had been verified.

Therefore, in the last few seconds before taking the stage, Song Yu, who was standing at the entrance of the stage, approached Lezhi amidst all the suppressing music, and said a word to him.

It is also a line in the movie.

"I wish I knew how to quit you."

Hearing this line, Lezhishi seemed to be overpowered, as if he had met some obscure dark language. The clear light-colored pupils were full of unexpected surprises.

He was too surprised that Song Yu was already on stage before he could say a word.

Under the eyes of the public, Song Yu wore a blue, blood-stained shirt. He obviously held an umbrella like others, but still wore a shirt-like dark yellow outside the shirt. The raincoat is a long, transparent, up to the calf. Compared with many sets of clothes before, this one has no prints and looks extra pure.

The two colors overlap, the two shirts are nested, the impact and the superimposed design are very good. He wears a western cowboy hat that looks like a mix-and-match in front of his crotch, but it is the biggest hint of the whole outfit.

And these melancholic blue eyes are exactly the same as a male protagonist in the movie.

With the heavy rain pouring down, Song Yu walked to the end of the runway under the umbrella and stood still.

The audience already guessed the name of the movie based on the lines on the screen and the costume design.

"The bloody shirts pasted together, cowboy hats and blue eyes. Is this a tribute to Brokeback Mountain?"

"So this set of implied identities is the same sex?"

At the fixed point, Song Yu's right hand holding the umbrella hung down. Unlike everyone before him, he gave up cover and accepted the rain frankly.

The downpour also accepted him. The rainwater wetted his outer shirt-style raincoat. After being drenched in water, the original transparent fabric suddenly showed a different color.

A curved rainbow gradually appeared in his raincoat.

"It turns out that your big trick is this!" Chen Pi suddenly patted Le Zhishi's arm, "It's too strong, how did you do it?"

"I made a special treatment on the fabric of the raincoat, and processed a layer of rainbow pattern on the outer layer with dyes that change color in contact with water. It is not very visible when it is dry, and it is almost transparent. I have tried many times for this. I still bought the dye in Guangzhou."

"This trip to Guangzhou is really worth it. Not only did we get fabrics for the first two sub-themes, but also special dyes. This rainbow is so beautiful."

"Yeah." Le Zhishi looked at Song Yu on the surveillance screen and smiled.

"There should be a rainbow after it rains and the sky clears, right?"

After Song Yu turned around, all the models once again walked onto the runway, but this time the umbrella in their hand was no longer black, but a rainbow-colored umbrella.

Each model is a distinctive symbol, representing a different person. They are standing on the stage where the heavy rain falls, and the original rhythmic background music has also been transformed into a classic "Song in the Rain" episode.

When sang "I'm singing in the rain", all the models were like the closed show Song Yu, putting down the umbrellas that covered and bound them, and they walked side by side along the long stage. There was no lamp post. For them to dance, so everyone stands facing the audience, raising their heads in the heavy rain that falls equally for everyone, just like Andy in "Shawshank's Redemption", opening his arms to the sky and the rainstorm, heartily Enjoy the fairness and freedom granted.

The words on the screen have also changed and become a beautiful line of handwriting.

[We are so different, but we are all in the rain. ]

The music weakened, the confused, misty glass window in the screen changed, everything became clear, the sun replaced the gloom, and the rain left the last gift, a beautiful rainbow.

The rain on the stage also stopped, the stage lighting became extraordinarily bright, and the members of the design team also came on stage one by one to gather with the models.

There was thunderous applause, and many students even stood up and applauded for them. It seemed that this was not just a clothing exhibition, but also a powerful and beautiful voice.

Under the attention of the public, Le Zhishi embraced selfishness and stood beside Song Yu, with a small rainbow flag pasted on his cheekbones, his hair was soft, and he wore a white shirt, like an angel.

Like everyone on this stage, he frankly took Song Yu's hand under the light, bent down, and bowed deeply to the audience.

The moment he got up, he turned his head and smiled at Song Yu.

Xiaoqi rushed back at the end, with Chen Yu's scarf around her neck. Qu Zhi and Nan Jia hugged each other, and Chen Pi, who had always been a pistachio, had red eyes. On Monday, he was always disappointed and confident. At this moment, he finally laughed happily and confidently.

"Thanks to the law school for bringing us a wonderful costume show, then we have the next participating school to debut!"

A fantasy dream came to an end, and everyone left the field one after another. In the surging flow of people, Song Yu walked behind Lezhishi and held his arm to separate him from the crowded crowd.

They were very close, Le Zhishi's back could almost lean against Song Yu's chest, but there was still water on Song Yu's raincoat. He didn't want Le Zhishi to get wet, so he still kept a little distance.

Thinking of what, Song Yu couldn't help lowering his head, and asked closer, "Why made the outer layer of shirt into a raincoat?"

The two shirts are stacked to pay tribute to the most tearful ending of the movie "Brokeback Mountain". Ennis lost Jack forever, even his ashes could not be taken away. When he found the shirt and a postcard in Jack's closet, he cried in sorrow, knowing that this was all they had.

Leaving the cramped passage and entering a relatively spacious backstage, Lezhishi stepped back a bit and came to Song Yu's side.

"I thought a lot when designing this group. I thought that after you were estranged from me in college, I came to school to find you for the first time. I held a transparent umbrella that could not cover anything. At that time, my thoughts were It should be completely exposed, but you are also lying to yourself. To you, I will always be transparent."

"Do you know?" He tried to speak in a relatively relaxed tone, "Before I burned my head and confessed to you, during that period of confusion, I remember it rained heavily one day. I couldn't sleep. I didn't dare to look for you, so I watched the movie and finished the novel. The novel said: "I put your shirt in my shirt, thinking that I can protect you." "

The backstage was noisy. In order to make Song Yu hear clearly, Lezhi was close, and the warm breath was gently sprinkled on Song Yu's side face.

"These two shirts represent each other. Even if they can't keep anything in the end, they are like two inseparable skins that grow together."

Song Yu listened in silence, thinking of the globes he had wrapped up one after another. The plot to keep the lover's shirt is not in line with Le Zhishi's character, but it is like a stupid thing he would do himself.

"The rain outside the dormitory was so loud at the time, it was so big that I started to think about it. I imagined that if it were me, I would not just be a cotton shirt outside, especially on such a rainy day."

He looked at Song Yu's deep eyes, with a pure smile on his face.

"I want to make a transparent raincoat so that it won't get you wet."

The author has something to say: On the night after reading Brokeback Mountain, Lezhishi decided to leave ashes in the suicide note list, but at that time he only dared to write to the recipient: My brother Song Yu.