Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 104


After dialing the police number and explaining the case and location in a few words, Liu Tao hung up the phone, met his lover's puzzled gaze, and shrugged his shoulders: "Death is a big event, and we are also involved in it. The police retrieved the video and went to investigate, it is better to be the first person to find out and get rid of the suspicion as soon as possible." After a pause, he looked at Bai Duan with affection in his eyes, "Of course, if you killed the person, I will definitely not say anything Help you finish it, and keep it so that the police will never find the murderer for a lifetime; but since this matter has nothing to do with us, we don't need to do extra things, so as not to cause trouble and become a blame man."

If it was Bai Duan who hadn't figured it out before, he would probably blush at Liu Tao's provocative love words, but now, his performance is much calmer.

Seeing that Bai Duan just nodded casually without any superfluous reaction, Liu Tao suddenly showed some surprise. He frowned slightly, and couldn't judge whether such a development was good or bad for a while—and the only thing he could be sure of was that it was a pity that he couldn't see Bai Duan's shy and embarrassing fried hair.

Probably... he needs to increase the intensity of teasing

Liu Tao began to think secretly about how to "go further", and within a few minutes, the piercing sound of police sirens came from downstairs.

Due to the report of the "murder case", the police arrived extremely fast. In an instant, a team of policemen in uniforms and guns rushed up from the stairs. The head of the police officer looked sharp, and quickly locked on Bai Duan and Liu Tao who were standing at the door: "Are you the one who reported the crime?"

"It's me." Liu Tao nodded, raised his finger and pointed to the door, "The deceased should be inside."

"... You didn't go in, so you knew someone was dead inside?" The police officer showed suspicion. He stepped forward to check the locked door without any signs of damage, and turned his head to glance at Liu Tao.

"As for how we know, we will explain slowly later. First of all, you should make sure that the person inside is indeed dead. Only on this premise can we have a good talk, can't we?" Liu Tao spread his hands, neither overbearing nor overbearing Humble, not to mention guilty.

The officer seemed taken aback by his attitude. After pondering for a moment, he quickly made a decision and winked at the policeman behind him.

Soon, the two police officers quickly completed the work of breaking the door, and rushed into the house first, while the remaining police officers followed closely, well-trained search and record the situation of the entire house.

As for the leading police officer, he stood with Bai Duan and Liu Tao, blocking their escape path without any trace. Both Bai Duan and Liu Tao saw his thoughts, but they were not dissatisfied - after all, they were indeed quite suspicious.

Soon, a police officer came to the police officer and reported the situation inside the house with an ugly expression—there was indeed a dead person in the house, a family of three, and the entire room showed no signs of intrusion from the outside, and the three dead people died in strange ways. The cause of death was not found during the preliminary inspection of the corpse, but the deceased must have fought with something before his death, which made the house messy and messy, and the face of the deceased was also ferocious and full of fear.

After listening to the subordinate's report, the police officer took off his police cap, turned to look at Bai Duan and Liu Tao: "Now, we need to have a good talk. How much do you know?"

Liu Tao didn't answer the police officer's question, after all, it was impossible for the original body to know these things due to his identity and background. And Bai Duan was also aware of this problem immediately, and rushed to speak before Liu Tao, and explained in detail the whole process of the school students playing pen fairy, one of whom had jumped off the building and "committed suicide", and he was asked to solve the matter in detail. Later, he added his opinion on the death of Zhang Bin's family: "I felt a faint aura in the house, probably because Zhang Bin's parents heard that their son was haunted by evil spirits, so they specially invited something to think about it. To exorcise ghosts. That thing did have some effect, but in the end it didn't get rid of the ghost. Instead, it angered the other party, and probably injured the other party. Therefore, the ghost didn't just attack the target Zhang Bin, but brought disaster to the target. His whole family—after all, the ghost was injured and needs to devour more souls of living people to heal, so it is impossible to let Zhang Bin's parents go easily."

The police officer was dumbfounded, and he instinctively wanted to refuse, but Bai Duan's tone and expression convinced him involuntarily - of course, this was also due to the subtle influence of mental power.

After all, the magnetic field in this world is different, and the existence of "ghosts" is not people's imagination, but the real thing. Since it exists, it will naturally leave traces. In fact, although things like "ghosts harming people" are not common, they do happen, and others cannot be vetoed.

After hesitating for a moment, the chief police officer let out a long breath and frowned: "If this is a 'ghost haunting', then it is beyond our scope to deal with it, and it needs to be reported to the relevant departments that specialize in handling supernatural cases."

"If it is reported, how long will it take to accept it?" Liu Tao asked.

"First of all, we need to investigate and collect evidence. We can't just rely on your one-sided words to determine the nature of the matter. After all, we have also handled cases where people used the name of ghosts to harm people." The police officer replied ponderingly, "When we judge that this incident is true If ghosts and gods are involved, it will be reported immediately—at the earliest, it will be accepted within a week.”

"The fastest?" Liu Tao said indifferently, "The slowest?"

The police officer didn't answer, with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face.

Liu Tao spread his hands and mocked slightly: "Even if calculated according to the fastest speed, one week is enough time for that ghost to kill the person it should kill. By the time the program is finished, the day lily will be cold!"

Bai Duan stood aside, watching Liu Tao slam the police officer speechlessly, and suddenly felt that such a scene was very familiar. And Liu Tao felt the same about it.

In the first life when he met Bai Duan, the division of labor between the two of them was like this. Bai Duan was in charge of dealing with some "professional" issues in an unfathomable manner, while Liu Tao was in charge of the trivial matters of interpersonal communication.

Missing this division of labor very much, Liu Tao turned his head to look at Bai Duan, and met his dazed eyes that seemed to be touched, and the mocking expression on his face softened.

However, the police officer didn't notice the small interaction between the two. He sighed: "We don't want this kind of thing to happen, but what can we do? We have many criminal investigation experts, and the intelligence network is all over the country. If it is a man-made crime, the criminal will definitely be arrested quickly. But ghosts are invisible and intangible, and they can easily harm people even in the crowd, which is far beyond our ability, and the whole country is really capable of dealing with it There are very few people who are ghosts, and most of them are not willing to be monitored and dispatched by the state, and even the government is very powerless in this regard."

The police officer's explanation is very sincere, and Liu Tao and Bai Duan are not people who worry about the country and the people. They have nothing to do with the government's weak ability to deal with ghosts and harm people, and they are too lazy to comment. Liu Tao just made a few sarcastic remarks just now, lest the police officer use his official position to point fingers.

"Then, you go ahead with your procedure, we will handle this matter in our own way." Liu Tao shrugged his shoulders, and wanted to pull Bai Duan away, but was stopped by the police officer raising his hand. Stopping, he raised his eyebrows, his words were dissatisfied, "What do you mean? Think we are still suspected and need to stay for investigation? We don't have so much time to waste."

"That's not what it means." The police officer shook his head, then looked at Bai Duan, "You just said that you made paper dolls for the other two targets to lure the ghost?" He stretched out his hand, With a serious tone, "This is too dangerous, please give me these two paper figurines."

Bai Duan frowned slightly, but did not move.

Sensing his resistance, the police officer sighed and said earnestly: "I know, you are very dissatisfied with the police's action, but you are still students, you should not interfere in such a dangerous thing, go back to school and study hard, this is what you should do." What needs to be done. If you are also killed by ghosts, how sad will your family be?"

"... If I hand over the paper dolls to you, what are you going to do with them?" Bai Duan said slowly, calmly seeking truth from facts, "If you destroy the paper dolls, the other two students will be in danger all the time. Judging from the speed at which the ghosts are committing crimes, they will all die within a week; but if you don't destroy them, the ghosts will follow their breath to find them. Once they find themselves deceived, they will definitely be even more angry. If no one can subdue It will probably cause more serious casualties."

Regarding Bai Duan's inference, the police officer could not refute it at all. In fact, he really didn't know what to do with the two paper figurines, but his duty as a policeman still didn't allow him to watch the two students take risks with their own lives.

After a moment of silence, his tone was firm: "I understand what you said. Don't worry, give them to me, and I will have a way to deal with them."

It's a pity that neither Bai Duan nor Liu Tao are young people who are easy to fool.

"If you can't say how to deal with it, we won't be able to do what you want." Liu Tao narrowed his eyes slightly, and his attitude was tougher than that of a police officer.

The two sides were deadlocked, and neither could convince the other. In the end, Bai Duan really didn't want to continue wasting time, so he proposed to take a step back: "In this case, then police officer, you can act together with us. We will draw out the ghost according to our own plan, and try to expel or destroy it. If we don't Success, then the police officer can use 'your method of handling', okay?"

The police officer heard the irony of Bai Duan's last words, and nodded helplessly—to be honest, he had no choice but to sacrifice himself.

If the two students in front of him were unable to eliminate the ghosts, then he would use his body as a shield to give them time to escape. And being able to exchange one's own life for the temporary safety of the four children should... also be regarded as worthy of the oath when entering the job and worthy of his police uniform, right

Having made up his mind, the police officer showed a smile, and stretched out his hand towards Bai Duan and Liu Tao: "Then, we will get along for a while, let's get to know each other. My surname is Xu, and my name is Xu Jiahong."

Bai Duan and Liu Tao looked at each other, introduced themselves, and shook hands with Xu Jiahong.

Next, Xu Jiahong took them to the police station and handed over some tasks hastily, so as not to cause trouble to his colleagues with the unfinished work at hand after he died in the line of duty.

After finishing the "funeral affairs", Xu Jiahong turned his head to look at Bai Duan and Liu Tao, with a serious tone: "If there is an unsolvable danger, you should run away immediately and call the police. Once I am really killed by a ghost, then there is no need to investigate this case For the evidence collection process, it can be reported directly to the relevant department, and someone should come to deal with it soon."

"Really?" Liu Tao raised his eyebrows, a little strange, "What is your identity? You are so expensive?"

Xu Jiahong smiled wryly: "It's not me, Jingui, it's my family...and some background." When he mentioned his family, his expression was slightly apologetic, "My parents and grandpa...wouldn't just sit by and watch me die unknown. white."

Seeing that Xu Jiahong was so pessimistic and seemed to be fully prepared to die, Bai Duan and Liu Tao felt helpless.

"...Actually, things are not that bad, and we won't risk our lives." Bai Duan coughed lightly.

Liu Tao followed suit and nodded, with a delicate expression: "Well, we are still sure about dealing with a 'pen fairy'."

Xu Jiahong: "……………………"

—I always feel that the tragic emotions that have just been brewing are vented in an instant, a little...a little embarrassing

—The kids nowadays are so uncute!