Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 110


"You..." Liu Yun opened her mouth, but still didn't know what to say.

Having lived in the big city for so many years, she is much more open-minded. Even if she is shocked that her brother likes men, she will not think him disgusting and sick. And... in her current situation, she can't confidently put on an attitude of an elder to reprimand the other party, not to mention... Second Liu Yun glanced at Bai Duan, and found that the young man who was called "Tianshi" was cold and noble, obviously not Those who can be raised by ordinary families are even more emboldened.

After hesitating for a long time, Liu Yun finally sighed, and let go of the matter of his brother coming out of the closet: "I... really have dirty things on me?"

"Well, yes." Bai Duan nodded lightly, "It's in the shape of a baby, probably a ghost baby."

"Baby... ghost baby..." Liu Yun's face became even uglier. She opened her eyes and muttered to herself as if she had realized something, "No wonder, I often have horrible nightmares about babies, and I often hear babies in broad daylight." The sound of crying, seeing the phantom of the baby... I thought... it was because I harmed the child, and my conscience was disturbed, so..." After a pause, she laughed at herself, "That's right, a woman like me, where can I be so innocent? What conscience can there be?"

"Second Sister!" Liu Tao raised his voice, interrupted Liu Yun's bewildered murmur, and reached out to hold her hand, "What happened, tell me, okay? My boyfriend and I will definitely help you !"

Liu Yun turned her head blankly to look at her younger brother who was full of worry and concern, her eyes turned red, and tears welled up: "I'm sorry, little brother, I can't, I can't say it! I... can't say this kind of thing! It's my sister who is bad, it's my sister who committed a crime... She deserves to be haunted by ghosts... "

Seeing that Liu Yun's emotions were a little out of control again, Liu Tao frowned, and showed a hint of mental strength to comfort him. It took a long time to find out the whole story from Liu Yun's mouth.

The second sister in the original body was high-spirited. The first salary she got after coming to the big city was used to clean up and dress herself up. She wanted to make herself more integrated into the life in the city and become as fashionable and beautiful as the city people—and And she did succeed.

Liu Yun was already pretty, with a slender figure, plus she knew how to dress up, so she soon showed her charm, and was favored by the owner of the big hotel where she worked.

The boss is gentle and considerate to her, and generous. Liu Yun, who is not experienced in the world, falls into the sweet trap of the other party without much struggle, and is fascinated by the other party's money and care. Even though he knew that the boss was already married, he still nodded in agreement when he proposed to take care of him, and eventually became the boss's lover outside.

Liu Yunming knew that this was wrong, but she still couldn't convince herself to leave the boss and go back to the poor and difficult working life. Even though her third sister persuaded her in every possible way and finally left angrily, she didn't change her mind.

In order to make her feel better, she began to send money home, a lot of money, and was afraid that her family would know what she was doing, so she could only make up her own experience, trying to let everyone know that she was doing well, very successful.

People's habits are always strong. It didn't take long for Liu Yun to get used to this kind of luxurious life, and she became more and more at ease in front of her mistress. She was obsessed but sober, knowing that with her background, she would always be just a plaything, so she never expected more, and this cute gesture made her boss love her even more.

Liu Yun didn't think about squeezing out the boss's wife to take the position, but her existence itself was a great stimulus and insult to the boss's wife.

The boss's wife and the boss are well-matched. She comes from a famous family, but she has no brothers and sisters, and she lacks the strength to run the company. After her parents passed away, her family's property was devoured by her husband bit by bit, without any backing, she was just a housewife, and she couldn't even take any effective means of protest against her husband's cheating.

The boss's wife was attached to the boss like a dodder, so naturally she didn't dare to quarrel with her husband, so she poured her hatred on Liu Yun who was his mistress.

And even if Liu Yun was guilty and anxious, and her aggressive personality could not allow the boss's wife to bully and scold her, she naturally fought back, and the struggle between the two women quickly escalated from verbal to physical.

The boss's wife is relatively old, and she has always been pampered. How can she be a match for a rural girl like Liu Yun who is in the prime of her life and has been doing farm work since she was a child? During the push and push, Liu Yun pushed the boss's wife to the ground, hitting the corner of the table just in time...

Liu Yun didn't know that the boss's wife was pregnant. After all, she was only three months pregnant at that time, and she hadn't shown her pregnancy yet. It wasn't until the boss's wife clutched her stomach and wailed, with blood overflowing from her body, that she was struck by lightning.

Liu Yun was completely shocked. Her first instinct was to call the boss, explain the situation tremblingly, and then called an ambulance under the boss's stern voice... But it was too late, the child In the end it was not saved. The boss's wife was an older pregnant woman, and her nerves became more sensitive after she was pregnant, and she was severely stimulated by the news that her husband had a lover, which affected her physical condition, and she lost her fertility forever after a round of hell.

For this matter, the boss is naturally angry.

Although he doesn't have much affection for his wife, he looks forward to having a child of his own, but it's a pity that he has been married for many years, but nothing comes out. The boss keeps a mistress outside, firstly because he is lustful and lustful, and likes the flesh of young girls, and secondly, he wants to have more opportunities to have children-now his wife finally conceived, but was miscarried by his mistress. It really is... retribution accurate.

The boss was annoyed that his wife was pregnant and ran around doing such dangerous things, and even more angry that the mistress killed her only child without knowing what to do. He gave Liu Yun a slap, told her to leave, and ended the nurturing relationship. Fortunately, he did not do so. Not only did Liu Yun keep the real estate and car under her name, but he also gave her a large sum of money.

For such a result, Liu Yun didn't have any resentment, and obediently took the money and left. She thought that the matter was over, but she never thought that the nightmare had just begun.

Not long after, Liu Yun had nightmares every night, and also had auditory and visual hallucinations. What lingered was the newly formed fetus in the pool of blood. Because she couldn't eat or sleep well, she quickly became haggard and dispirited, and her body gradually collapsed. Major and minor illnesses came one after another, and she never had a comfortable day again.

She's been to the hospital, she's been to a psychiatrist, but nothing works. She was terrified, but she had no one to confide in, let alone someone to seek encouragement and comfort from, and she didn't even dare to mention it to her family—because she knew what a despicable and despicable identity a mistress was.

Under such endless torture, Liu Yun soon collapsed—she began to think about committing suicide.

Visiting Liu Tao this time meant that Liu Yun was preparing for his death. She wants to see her younger brother who lives in the same city with a bright future and the hope of the whole family; she wants to go to another city to see her brother who used to depend on each other in a big city, but then had a fierce quarrel and finally disagreed with each other Sister; she even wants to go back to her hometown to see her parents and elder sister whom she has not seen for many years—after she bids farewell to her family, she is ready to end her absurd and short life and get rid of endless mental and physical torture.

However, she never thought that she would meet her younger brother's boyfriend who is a celestial master at the first step before committing suicide, and she would be able to see the problems in her body at a glance, and she would uncover the gorgeous disguise around her body, revealing her rotten and ugly inner...

After telling her experiences of the past few years, Liu Yun buried her face in her hands, weeping uncontrollably, and dared not look up at her younger brother, for fear of seeing disgust and rejection in his eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay, my boyfriend and I will take care of the ghost baby." Putting his arms around Liu Yun's shoulders, Liu Tao's tone was gentle, but his expression was extraordinarily indifferent.

After so many lives, he has seen too many people, poor, hateful, pitiful and hateful, although he also despises the way the woman in his arms is willing to degenerate, and thinks that she is self-inflicted, but Liu Tao can't just stand on the sidelines—who How about making her one of the family members Yuan Bo wished for? His mission is to make her live a safe and prosperous life.

"Wait until this matter is resolved...Second Sister, don't spoil yourself like this anymore, live your life steadily..." He comforted in a soft voice.

Liu Yun nodded heavily, let out a clear choked sob, and felt for the first time that her little brother had indeed grown up and become a man she could rely on.

Finally comforted Liu Yun and let her fall asleep again. Liu Tao and Bai Duan left the ward together and looked at each other.

"What do you think about this ghost baby?" Liu Tao asked.

"Don't you know better?" Bai Duan snorted, but did not take Qiao, and quickly explained her thoughts, "The fetus of more than three months has just formed, and it has no self-awareness at all, and it cannot be formed naturally. Ghost baby, so it must be artificially made. As a fetus, its only connection with this world is the mother who gave birth to it. After forming a ghost baby, it haunts Liu Yun. Therefore, it is most likely the one who made the ghost baby. The mother of the boss, the wife of the boss." Bai Duan sneered, with a cold expression, "These two women are both pitiful and hateful. Liu Tao's second sister became a mistress and caused a miscarriage, but was haunted by evil spirits. As the victim, the boss's wife made her unborn child into a ghost, and used it to claim the life of the enemy... The only poor thing is that innocent child who was killed by one person but never survived, and was killed by another People are 'resurrected', life is better than death."

"So, we did a good thing by sending that child away." Liu Tao shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "What a mess." It's not something ordinary people can do, we have to find out where the boss's wife learned this trick, and then solve the problem at the root - I don't want to solve a ghost baby, and then another ghost comes out , revolve around the second sister in this body for the rest of her life."

Bai Duan nodded in agreement. He turned his head slightly, and suddenly thought of another question: "Speaking of which, I have always called you Liu Tao, what is your real name?"

Liu Tao was stunned, with a slightly complicated expression: "You can just call me Liu Tao, I'm quite used to it, but it's my real name... I haven't used it for a long time." He raised his hand, scratched his hair, and lowered his voice, " As for my real name... I'm called 'Guan Wu'."

—Guan Wu, what a... name without any sense of existence =w=