Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 116


Bai Duan, who was rushing home, didn't know that his lover came out of the closet so neatly, until he finally took a shower, lay down on the bed relaxed and received a call from Liu Tao, and sat up in shock Come.

"What's your parents' reaction?" Bai Duan's voice was a bit lacking in confidence. After all, he understood the traditional concepts of Liu Tao's family, and it must be difficult for him to accept that his son likes the same sex. "You...haven't been treated by them, have you?"

Hearing the worry in his lover's tone, Liu Tao chuckled, and the gentle voice came out from the phone, making Bai Duan's heart itch: "Don't worry, everything is going well here, and I haven't been beaten. My parents have accepted this. something happened."

"...Really? So easy?" Bai Duan was stunned.

"It's that easy." Liu Tao lowered his voice, and said in a soft tone, "It's all thanks to you, 'Master Bai', if the person I like isn't you, I'll probably be imprisoned by 'Liu Tao''s parents until I die …”

Liu Tao is not exaggerating. In the opinion of Liu Tao’s parents, homosexuality is a disease. Even if their son is admitted to a key university and has a bright future, they will probably keep him at home and force him to marry and have children until he becomes "Normal" will be satisfied.

However, the person his son likes is Master Bai, which makes Liu Tao's parents somewhat at a loss as to what to do.

Because Bai Duan showed his talents in the village, everyone in the village—including Liu Tao’s parents—had treated Bai Duan like a god, not to mention that he not only helped the son of Sister Liu’s sister-in-law, but also made Sister Liu’s life in her husband’s house much easier. He even saved his son and second daughter from ghosts!

It can be said that if there is no Master Bai, they have already lost a son and a daughter, feeling the pain of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man to death, how can the whole family sit together happily, worrying that their son likes a Men's problems

Master Bai, that is the great benefactor of the Liu family! Although Liu's father and Liu's mother have no education, they are simple and honest, and they know how to repay their kindness.

—If the one who promises her body is not her own son, but her second daughter, it will be more perfect...

Facing his son kneeling in front of him with a stubborn face, and listening to the earnest persuasion and appeasement of the second daughter who came to the city and "has seen the world", Father Liu smoked dry cigarettes for a long time, finally sighed, and let his family suffer. Son of heart, get out.

But Liu's mother was docile, used to regard her husband as the god, and seeing that her husband did not object, she also swallowed the worries that were on the verge of her mouth, and held her second daughter's hand sadly.

Watching her younger brother Maliu's "get lost", Liu Yun twitched her lips, and raised her hand to hold Liu's mother in her arms: "Dad, Mom, there is nothing terrible about homosexuality. There are many famous people in the world who like it." What about the same sex! If someone as good as Master Bai can like my younger brother, it means that Taozi of our family is excellent. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he will not be able to catch the eyes of Master Bai!"

Listening to their daughter "converting black and white", Liu's parents have nothing to say. In fact, in their subconscious mind, they are also faintly proud of their son's excellence, which can make such an extraordinary and skillful "immortal" like Master Bai move. All hearts.

They respected and feared Bai Duan, plus they had received favors from others, how could they have the guts to stop his love affair? However, having said that... "But two men... can't give birth to a baby. Isn't our old Liu's family going to be cut off?"

"What's the matter? Isn't there a few families in our village who can't have children, are they all girls? This is also God's will." Liu Yun glanced at the sad old father, pondered for a moment, "Well, my life is also in vain Master saved my child, from now on my child will be surnamed Liu, and will be adopted by my younger brother and Master Bai, so in this way, it will be no different from my younger brother's own son, isn't it?"

Father Liu's eyes lit up when he heard what Liu Yun said, but he hesitated: "Is this okay? Can your guy agree?"

"I'll let him agree, at worst, there will be two more children." Liu Yun's tone was extremely confident, and she raised her hand to brush her temple hair. Although she didn't apply makeup, she was still charming, "Dad, you don't have to worry about it." I'm worried."

During the period of returning home, Liu Yun has already found a good friend in the village. The man looks ordinary and his family is poor, but he is honest and sincere. Liu Yun has been a mistress, and she knows what men like and what they want, so she made the man obedient and obedient to her with a few strokes. Hold her in the palm of his hand and take care of her, and he doesn't even mind that she once had other men.

——In the past, Liu Yun wanted to fly abroad and marry a rich man in the city, and she didn't look down on the men in the same village at all. However, now, she knows what "plainness is blessing" is. So what if you are poor? It is the best destination to have a man who treats me sincerely, to give me a solid arm I can rely on and a warm family.

Hearing what Liu Yun said, Father Liu said hello repeatedly, and the last trouble in his heart disappeared without a trace.

He immediately found his son and told them about their decision. Although Liu Tao didn't like letting a child enter the two-person world between himself and his lover, he nodded in order to satisfy his parents' wishes.

—Anyway, I don't know when the child will be born. Even if it is born, it can be taken care of by the nanny, so they don't need to worry too much.

As for the fact that she has pre-ordered a son in the future, Bai Duan is also confused, but she doesn't mean to reject it. He and Liu Tao talked on the phone for a long time, and finally ended the call before the phone ran out of power, lying on the bed but tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Bai Duan knew how difficult it was to come out of the closet, so she kept following a step-by-step schedule. She originally wanted to graduate from university, find a job, and then have a financial foundation before showing up to her family. , let him come out successfully.

Now that Liu Tao has made his family accept him, Bai Duan feels that he can't fall behind too much, otherwise he will really wrong his lover. It's just that he didn't know how to explain the situation to his family so that they could accept it, and he was really embarrassed and apprehensive.

However, although Bai Duan has been thinking about coming out, Bai Duan has never found the right time, and can only procrastinate day after day, but he never thought that before the time to come out, an "uninvited guest" came.

That day was a family reunion, not only Bai Duan's parents went to Bai Duan's grandfather's house, but Lin Lin and her mother also went back to her mother's house.

The family was sitting together, watching TV and making dumplings. At this moment, the door of the house was knocked heavily.

Lin Lin wiped off the white face on her hands and ran to open the door, but she was startled when she opened the door—a few people outside the door were wearing police uniforms with serious faces. When they saw Lin Lin, they took out their police ID cards and showed her for a moment.

Lin Lin had never seen such a battle before, she was completely shocked, and reflexively called out "Mom!"

Her voice was extremely sharp, full of panic and fear, and immediately broke up the harmony and warmth in the room. Everyone stopped their work one after another, stood up and looked towards the door, but unlike the others who were at a loss, Bai Duan was stunned for a moment, and took a step forward: "Officer Xu?"

Hearing his name, the leading police officer followed the prestige and was also stunned: "Bai Duan? Why are you here?"

"...this is my grandfather's house, of course I'm here." Bai Duan frowned, "Officer Xu, what are you doing here?"

Xu Jiahong's expression suddenly became subtle. He put away the police officer's card in his hand, put it back in his pocket, and walked into the house: "Of course I came here to investigate the case."

"...Our family is all good people." Bai Duan and Xu Jiahong had some friendship, seeing the other party's expression relaxed, couldn't help but made a little joke to ease the atmosphere.

Xu Jiahong finally showed a smile and nodded towards him: "Then there may be some misunderstandings about this matter, but according to the procedure, we still have to investigate."

Bai Duan nodded: "What do you want to investigate?"

Xu Jiahong turned his gaze to the only old man Bai who was sitting on the sofa, and coughed lightly: "You are Mr. Bai Zhenlin, right?"

Mr. Bai quickly stood up, and replied without knowing why: "Yes, I am, this... What's the matter with Officer Xu?"

Xu Jiahong took out a photo from the folder and put it in front of Mr. Bai: "Do you know this person?"

Bai Duan took a look with her head, showing surprise on her face - because the person in the photo was the boss's wife who raised ghost babies, and then was turned mad by ghost babies.

"No, I don't know." Old Master Bai shook his head again and again, his expression even more bewildered.

"...Then, do you know this person?" Xu Jiahong stared at old man Bai seriously, judging that he should not have lied, and took out another photo - this time, it was a young girl, about twenty years old.

Old man Bai looked at the photo carefully, and he didn't deny it like last time: "It seems... looks familiar?"

"These two photos are of the same person. What I showed you before is her current appearance, but this photo is her appearance more than 20 years ago." Xu Jiahong put the two photos together and pushed them to the In front of old man Bai, I sat opposite him, crossed my fingers on the table, and said in a calm and compelling tone, "According to our investigation, you had contact with her for a period of time more than 20 years ago. I wonder if you still remember her?" ?"

Old man Bai has never seen much in the world in his life, how can he bear Xu Jiahong's pressure, he dare not lie at all: "I... I probably remember a little bit, more than 20 years ago, I... I was setting up a stall on the road for others Fortune-telling, but not many people come to me, it is this girl, she is very interested in this aspect, she has come to me several times, I, I had nothing else to do at that time, so I just talked to her casually …”

More than 20 years ago, old man Bai was only in his fifties, his wife passed away long ago, his sons and daughters were married, and they were not by his side, and his grandson and granddaughter were not born yet. He simply picked up his old business and set up a fortune-telling stall on the side of the road. Not for making money, it would be good to be able to chat with people and relieve boredom.

In this way, he met the wife of the boss when he was young.

At that time, the wife of the boss was not yet married, and it was the time when she was in her prime. She had just graduated from university, had a good family background, and had no work pressure. She was very interested in fortune-telling and supernatural events, and she had a good chat with Mr. Bai, a magic stick. , I often go to his stall to listen to Mr. Bai talk about this matter.

The girl is young and beautiful, very good at dressing up, and very spiritual. Of course, Mr. Bai will not reject such a "chat friend". At that time, Bai Duan was not yet born, and old man Bai had learned five elements, eight trigrams and yin and yang methods all his life, but he had no one to confide in, so he was naturally easy to be a teacher to girls who were quite talented. What the other party likes and what he wants to hear, he will talk about whatever, originally just talking casually for fun, but unexpectedly, that girl is really talented, and she learned a lot of tricks from him, and even later, her marriage Unfortunately, he actually remembered the method of raising ghost babies that he heard about when he was young, which eventually caused a catastrophe.

—I have to say that some people are probably born to eat this kind of food, such as Bai Duan, or the boss's wife. If she had the conditions like Bai Duan's to learn more and get in touch with her, she would probably have a lot of success.

"So, you taught her how to raise ghost babies?" Xu Jiahong tapped the table.

"This... I don't know much about this..." Mr. Bai heard what happened to the girl from Xu Jiahong, and felt guilty and regretful, "It's been so long... I also forgot what I taught her... "

"So... the 'culprit' we've been looking for for so long is actually you, Grandpa?" Bai Duan stroked his forehead, feeling that he was a little bit unwell—it was just... a coincidence so funny.

"What's the 'culprit'?" Mr. Bai looked at his grandson inexplicably, "What are you looking for?"

"Your grandson, Bai Duan, is the one who solved the ghost baby incident." Xu Jiahong coughed lightly, and glanced at Bai Duan, "He has been worried that the person who teaches the wounded how to raise ghost babies will cause even greater harm. The trouble, so I investigated a lot in private, and then handed over this matter to me to help find it."

Old man Bai looked at his helpless grandson, and silently lowered his head.

"Since you made an unintentional mistake and your grandson also helped the police solve this incident, then I will not take you away for the crime of disturbing public order and spreading sorcery." Xu Jiahong put away the photos on the table, Put it back in the folder, then stood up, with a serious tone, "But if there is a next time, our police will never tolerate it!"

"Of course! Of course! I haven't gone out to tell people's fortunes for a long time! There will never be a next time!" Mr. Bai promised again and again, and followed Xu Jiahong and the other police officers eagerly to send them away. Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, he felt that he had scared half his life away.

Turning his head and seeing the speechless expressions of his children and grandchildren, old man Bai deeply felt that his authority and dignity at home had been damaged, and he couldn't lift his head up in front of his grandson, so he couldn't help but glared at Bai Duan sternly: "You were How did you promise me? Didn't you say you won't touch these things?!"

Bai Duan was stunned for a moment, and then remembered the guarantee she had made to old man Bai when she was "ill" that time, and her eyes couldn't help drifting for a moment: "...the person who is entangled by the ghost baby is my lover's sister, I can't just sit idly by."

Hearing Bai Duan's answer, everyone's eyes lit up immediately, and they didn't care about blaming Bai Duan for the "big thing" they did, and all their attention was on the word "lover".

"Dudu, are you in a relationship?!" Bai's mother said in surprise, she couldn't wait—her son has been a good boy since he was a child, and he has never had a puppy love. After going to college, he is like an emotional insulator. Friend, let a big stone fall from Bai Mu's heart, "What's the girl's name? How is it? When will you bring it back for us to see?"

Bai Duan silently met her mother's bright eyes, and pursed her lips: "His name is Liu Tao, and I went to his house to stay for a while after the holiday this time. If you want, I can take him home when school starts—but , he is not a girl, but a man."

The white mother froze with a joyful expression on her face: "... ... ... ..."

Everyone in the Bai family looked confused: "..."

Cousin Lin Lin twitched her lips with a tragic expression: "..."