Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 120


Although he said it was a "send away", Bai Duan didn't want to go back after he left, but he was too lazy to talk to others, so he used the name of "send off"—most importantly, no one else Thinking that Bai Duan would be so stupid as to give up the safe and comfortable life in the base for a monkey.

However, Bai Duan's way of thinking does seem to be different from normal people. For others, animals are just pets, a spice of life rather than a necessity—besides, in order to make their lives better, even relatives, lovers, and friends are willing to abandon them, let alone just an animal up.

But for Bai Duan, who has no sense of belonging to human society, although the golden monkey can't speak, it is indeed his companion through life and death, which is incomparable to anyone else. He has accepted the golden monkey into his own world, so he will do his best to protect and accompany it, and he really can't do anything to leave it outside the base to fend for itself.

So what if other people can't understand? Zi Feiyu knows Yu's joy in peace, and Bai Duan only seeks to be at ease and happy for himself, and never considers the eyes of others.

What's more, from another aspect, Bai Duan did not like life in the base more and more.

Although the security in the base is high, but in contact with people, all kinds of intrigues are inevitable. In the beginning, human beings were busy resisting zombies and trying to survive with one mind. They had to work together and form a rope to develop the base, so that they could quickly gain a foothold in the zombie-infested apocalypse.

But as the saying goes, "born in sorrow, died in peace", when human beings gradually mastered the method of dealing with zombies and were no longer troubled by survival problems, their endless desires began to prompt them to think about "deeper" needs, such as power , such as status, such as richer and better living materials.

With the gradual evolution of zombies, the army's weapons are becoming less and less effective against zombies. On the contrary, the abilities that were not very lethal at the beginning began to gradually highlight their advantages after step-by-step training and improvement—compared with the previous ones. Damage to the body is a physical weapon used to control the enemy, and abilities can do more damage to zombies. This difference is not obvious for ordinary zombies, but it is for evolved zombies that produce crystal nuclei and possess abilities. quite remarkable. At the very least, when facing a supernatural zombie, a supernatural person has a higher chance of winning than an ordinary person with a weapon in hand.

As the role of supernatural beings is getting bigger and bigger in the battle against zombies, their treatment in the base is also getting higher and higher, and they gradually distance themselves from ordinary people.

Many people with supernatural powers who did not join the military gathered to form an organizational group. They were dissatisfied with living under the control and control of the military, and began to demand higher status from the leadership of the base, and even control over the base. . And different voices began to appear within the army—after all, before the end of the world, there was a struggle for leadership in the army itself, but it was under the pressure of the general environment. Now that the situation has stabilized, these deliberately suppressed contradictions will naturally resume again. highlight.

The base seems to be peaceful and peaceful, but in fact it is full of turmoil. Several forces compete secretly, and only after a period of fighting and grinding, perhaps even bloodshed and sacrifice, can the strongest be finally selected and become the real commander of the base.

And for a lone traveler like Bai Duan who has not joined any forces and refuses to be wooed by others, life in the base is getting more and more difficult. He does not belong to any force, so no one is willing to protect his interests. Even if he cooperates happily with the military, he is not a real "one of his own", but there is a big difference.

As the forces of various parties continue to carve up the big cake of the base, the living space for free people like Bai Duan has become more and more narrow. If he does not leave the base, it will not be long before he has to be forced to survive. Choose to join a faction.

Once he joins a side, Bai Duan will bid farewell to the leisurely life. He must obey the orders of the leader of the power, and must devote his own strength to the development and growth of the subordinate power. In case his power loses in the struggle, what awaits him will be even more severe survival pressure.

Bai Duan doesn't like this kind of life, and is even more tired of such a foreseeable future. He doesn't care about power and status, he just wants to be free and do whatever he wants.

So when the base decided to expel the animals, he quickly made the choice to leave without thinking long—even before he learned that the golden snub-nosed monkeys were going to be expelled, Bai Duan had thought of leaving, otherwise he would not have packed his belongings. I packed it early, bought an off-road jeep suitable for long-distance treks, and... Quiet Mimi stole a military map while she was on a mission with the military.

Military maps are much more detailed than ordinary civilian maps, and even marked many hidden buildings and roads. This kind of thing is a state secret before the outbreak of the apocalypse, and it is absolutely not allowed to be leaked or even stolen, otherwise it will be a major event that affects national security.

However, after the end of the world, the state power exists in name only, and the protection of this kind of state secrets is getting weaker and weaker. This gave Bai Duan a chance to "crime". Not only did he successfully walk away from the map, but he was not caught by the military. What about in good standing

Unfolding the map, Bai Duan thought about where to go next while driving.

Beside him, the golden monkey realized that the crisis of parting had passed, and was extremely happy, waving its arms and bouncing around in the jeep, howling twice from time to time, really counting as "singing and dancing".

As for the military dogs running behind the jeep, they are not as relaxed and cheerful as the golden monkeys.

At first, the military dogs were extremely excited because they could run so unrestrained, and sometimes they would take the initiative to pounce on the approaching zombies because of their previous training, so that Bai Duan had to call them back with a password.

These loyal little guys are not afraid of the zombie virus, nor will they be assimilated by the virus, but when killing zombies, they don't know how to protect themselves with clothes and distance to isolate the source of infection like humans, so hair, Teeth, claws, and even blood in the intestines and stomach will inevitably be contaminated with viruses and become carriers of zombie viruses, causing them to be eventually expelled from the base.

—It’s really ridiculous and pitiful. They fought hard to protect human beings, regardless of life and death, but in the end, this kind of devotion to duty became the reason why human beings abandoned them.

As they got farther and farther away from the base, the military dogs finally realized the problem. They ran more and more slowly, and finally stopped, turning their heads and looking back in the direction of the base.

Seeing the behavior of the military dogs in the rearview mirror, Bai Duan had no choice but to step on the brakes. He got out of the jeep, looked at the military dogs, sighed lightly, and then gave the command to "assemble".

The military dogs pricked up their ears, subconsciously gathered towards Bai Duan, and squatted obediently in two rows in front of him.

Bai Duan squatted down, hugged the head dog into his arms, and smoothed the hair: "From now on, you all stay with me, the old home, I can't go back."

Seemingly understanding Bai Duan's words, the head dog whimpered and drooped its tail in frustration. The other military dogs were also infected, drooping their heads weakly.

Bai Duan beckoned and made the military dogs gather around him, stroking their smooth fur one by one to calm their emotions.

The golden monkey stood on Bai Duan's shoulders, staring down at the military dogs, but rarely lost its temper. Its expression was full of arrogance and alms, as if to say, "Seeing how pitiful you are, I will let you down."

It has to be said that the existence of Bai Duan is indeed a great comfort to these military dogs who realize that they have been abandoned by their masters. Although they have left their former trainers and the organization they served for, being able to be accompanied by a new friend, Bai Duan, also means that they have not been completely abandoned by humans.

Under Bai Duan's reassurance, the military dogs finally stabilized a little bit, and their tails began to wag slightly.

Bai Duan breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that there were no wandering zombies or humans passing by, he simply took the map from the jeep and spread it on the ground.

Raising his hand and pointing to a certain point on the map, Bai Duan turned his head to look at the golden monkey on his shoulder, and then glanced at the military dogs squatting obediently around the map, not knowing whether he was talking to himself or asking These... companions who don't understand the language: "Here we are now... where should we go next?"

Both the military dog and the golden monkey lowered their heads and looked at the location indicated by Bai Duan. After a while, the golden monkey yelled, jumped off Bai Duan's shoulder, and patted its paw on a green area on the map.

Bai Duan was stunned for a moment, and carefully examined his "first-class protected animal". For a while, he was a little confused whether it understood what he meant, or if it just followed his example and imitated his movements casually. I took a picture on the map - as for why I took it here... Probably because green is more in line with monkeys' preferences

Raising his eyebrows, Bai Duan pondered for a moment: "Is it located in the mountainous area in the west of the city? There are few people and dense vegetation there, which is indeed suitable for animals to live in. You probably like it there. As for my wood-type ability, maybe it can also be used there. To produce better results... I just don't know if the western mountainous area is dangerous or not, and whether the plants will also produce some unknown mutations."

Listening to Bai Duan's murmur, the golden monkey let out a cry of "hehe", raised its two front paws and patted it.

The corners of Bai Duan's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that his little monkey seemed to have really grown up. Then, he turned his attention to the head dog: "What do you think? How about going to the western mountains?"

The head dog met Bai Duan's gaze and barked cheerfully. His dark eyes were full of innocence and ignorance. Following its barking, the other military dogs also raised their heads and wagged their tails. Let Bai Duan see a large piece of dogtail flowers swaying in the wind.

Silently supporting her forehead, Bai Duan didn't know how to describe the complicated and subtle feeling in her heart. He stacked up the map and stood up: "Well, since everyone supports it, we have decided that the next destination is the western mountains—the first plenary meeting was a complete success!"

Hearing Bai Duan's words, the military dogs seemed to become more excited, sticking out their tongues and making a "huhahuha" sound, and wagging their tails more cheerfully, while the golden monkey raised its arms high and jumped twice, without any worries. Don't hide your excitement.

Speechlessly looking at Bai Duan of her joyful companions: "... ... ... ... ..."

- He seems to be getting more and more entertained since he's been alone with the animals. While this should seem neurotic to others, it... feels like a good idea