Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 122


Although Bai Duan was suspicious and wary of this uninvited guest who came suddenly at night, ten minutes later, he still sat face to face with him in the room.

The visitor put his hands in his pockets, looked around the room, and smiled casually: "It seems that you are doing well here!"

"It's okay." Bai Duan watched warily at the man who had no sense of being a "guest", and didn't know what to say.

The visitor called himself "Nie Lanlei". He looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, but his temperament was far from what a young man of this age should have. People's attention, even if you don't pay attention, you will be involuntarily addicted to it.

"It's so late, why did you come here?" Bai Duan still didn't put down the pistol in his hand, but the muzzle of the gun was already hanging down.

"Of course it is to seek shelter!" Nie Lanlei shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands, "I am only one person, so of course I have to choose a direction with fewer zombies to escape. The western mountainous area with vast land and few people is a good choice. However, I I found that the farmhouses on this road were almost searched by people. I finally came here, and I was a little unwilling to return to the urban area. I could only continue to bite the bullet and go forward, but I didn’t expect that the more I walked, the more deserted I was. Until now I just found this house."

"There are so many dogs in the yard, you're not afraid?" Bai Duan raised his eyebrows.

"It's a good thing to have dogs, isn't it?" Nie Lanlei blinked and chuckled, "These dogs bark fiercely, but they look like they have been trained, they are definitely not wild dogs, and there are people who are farming beside them The field, which means that there is an owner in this house, so I should stay even more."

"Then you're not worried that there are bad people in the house?" Bai Duan frowned slightly.

"I believe that someone who can find such a beautiful place in the last days, who raises dogs, farms, and keeps aloof from the world must have a pure heart." Nie Lanlei complimented without guilt, "And even if it is a bad person, I think I also have the ability to protect myself."

"Are you a supernatural person?" Bai Duan narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Yes, I am a person with psychic powers, and my strength is not bad, so I can come here alone." Nie Lanlei's tone was full of confidence.

"If you are a capable user, I suggest you go to the military base in the south of the city. A powerful user like you is very welcome there. I believe you will be able to flex your muscles and get good treatment." Bai Duan suggested .

"Military base? I also know about it, and I also heard that the internal struggle there is getting more and more fierce." Nie Lanlei curled her lips, her attitude was extremely disdainful, "I don't like that kind of environment, and I prefer to come to places like the western mountains In a place like this, find a piece of geomantic treasure land and be self-sufficient in a leisurely way.”

Hearing Nie Lanlei's words, Bai Duan felt a joy of meeting a friend, and couldn't help but nodded, "I thought so too! That's why I left the military base and came here."

"It seems that we are like-minded." The smile on Nie Lanlei's face deepened a little, and he looked at Bai Duan sincerely, with a hint of affection, "It's the so-called 'fate to meet thousands of miles away', since we If they fit so well, why don’t we live together together?”

Bai Duan, who was confused by the sharp jump of the topic: "..."

"How is it? Is my proposal good?" Looking at the stunned lover, Nie Lanlei slapped her face down, leaned against him and sat down, wrapping his arms around his shoulders, "I believe that we will love each other and be harmonious Happy~"

Bai Duan: "... Get lost!"

Although Bai Duan felt that Nie Lanlei's motives for coming to the western mountains were not as pure and innocent as he said, but because he was so angry (?) by his sudden teasing (expression) play (white) that his heart was beating wildly, but in the end, Nie Lanlei was still allowed by Bai Duan to spend the night in the house. As for the morning of tomorrow, of course, he had to get out and there was no room for negotiation.

For Bai Duan's merciless expulsion, Nie Lanlei didn't take it seriously at all, and happily made a floor bunk, then stretched her body and lay on it, sighing happily, as if she was sleeping on some kind of soft Simmons bed.

And Bai Duan also blew out the candle, and also lay back on the bed, secretly wondering when she was so kind, and kept such an unknown and extremely threatening "stranger" overnight.

The room where Bai Duan lives is not big, so his wooden bed is very close to Nie Lanlei's floor, Bai Duan can clearly hear the soft and soothing breathing of the other party, as if it is close to the ear.

Bai Duan is not used to being so close to others when sleeping. He thought he would stay awake all night and keep vigilant, but unexpectedly, hearing the sound of the other person's breathing, Bai Duan forced himself to tense his brain more and more. The more relaxed, it didn't take long before he fell into a deep sleep without any room for struggle, even more relaxed than when he was alone.

Of course, Bai Duan, who was deeply asleep, didn't know that after he fell asleep, Nie Lanlei sat up on the floor, went to the bed and sat down, with gentle eyes describing his handsome and delicate facial features. Not satisfied with this, he even bent down and pressed a kiss on the corner of Bai Duan's mouth.

After a lapse of several months, nearly half a year, Nie Lanlei finally found his lover, and his heart was full of longing. God knows, when he traveled so long and finally stood in front of his lover's house, how eager he was to rush in and hug him fiercely, and then press him on the bed for a hearty fuck.

—However, his lover gave him a bullet.

Nie Lanlei, who was in such a complicated mood, said, "..."

Fortunately, although the first "hello" they met for the first time was not friendly, Nie Lanlei finally managed to enter the lover's hut and lived with him under the same roof. As for the next step, it will be easy to handle, as long as you get the opportunity to "get close to the water", then Nie Lanlei will definitely be the one who "gets the moon first". It is absolutely impossible—and no accidents are allowed.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Nie Lanlei carefully changed to a more comfortable position, raised her legs, put one hand on Bai Duan's waist, and rested the other on her chin, staring at his sleeping face in the moonlight. Even though his body was extremely exhausted all the way, Nie Lanlei's spirit was very excited, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

This world is also an unexpected mission, so Bai Duan was reborn as an orphan again.

However, unlike the situation in which the Western Fantasy world was on the verge of destruction and was forcibly reversed, this apocalyptic world has fallen into turbulence and its future is uncertain due to the emergence of mutation factors.

The so-called "mutation factor" is what this world calls "zombie virus". It has a probability of appearing in any world. If the mutation is successful, it will push this world to a higher level and produce more abundant Energy—Of course, any mutation is risky, so this process requires the intervention, observation, and guidance of the defenders when necessary, in case the plane fails to evolve and transform, but collapses.

When the variable factor appears, different individuals respond differently to it. The mutating factors in this world mainly act on human beings. After exposure to mutating factors, some human gene chains are extremely stable. If they are not directly invaded by the mutating factors, they will still maintain the original "ordinary" posture; They are relatively active and can be affected by mutation factors to a small extent, so they produce supernatural powers under its influence; some people's gene chains are the most unstable, and they are deeply affected by mutation factors, so they simply become "zombies" and become "zombies". a whole new species.

The birth and evolution of new species must go through a long process, just as it took millions of years for humans to evolve from an ape without self-awareness to a human being. Although the mutation factor has greatly accelerated the speed of this process, it still takes decades or even hundreds of years for new species to evolve into an existence that can match or even surpass humans.

As the saying goes, "one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers", it is impossible for human beings to sit back and watch their dominant position in this world be replaced by another species, so there will inevitably be conflicts between the two sides.

It may be that human beings rely on their current intelligence advantages to defeat new species and become new human beings with supernatural powers, stronger bodies, and stronger adaptability; or it may be that they are counter-killed by new species that are more tenacious and have higher potential values, and they decline and die. ;Of course, there have also been situations where the two sides have bloodshed and sacrificed, and no one can defeat the other, and finally reach an agreement and coexist peacefully.

As a foreign defender, Nie Lanlei would never intervene in the fight between the two unless there was a major accident that would cause both sides to lose and die together. Defenders need to always stand at a neutral point of view, neither favoring any species nor hindering the growth and evolution of any species.

Natural selection and survival of the fittest. Only by defeating the opponent in species selection can a more excellent and powerful new world leader be born.

Nie Lanlei didn't know how long this process would take. The biggest possibility was that when his physical body came to the end of his life, he still couldn't see the result. After Nie Lanlei's lifespan is exhausted and he leaves the plane, a new defender will take over his task and continue to observe the evolution of the world until a new leader is born and the plane returns to stability.

As part of this, what Nie Lanlei needs to do is to record his observations and hand them over to his successor, so that the other party can understand the progress of the world more conveniently and quickly.

Of course, besides the observation records, Nie Lanlei also had a "sub-task", which was to fulfill the wish of the original body and pay the "expenses" required to use this body.

In this era of moral degeneration and the disappearance of laws, innocent people die of hatred every day, so it is very easy to find a possessed body. And the "original body" chosen by Nie Lanlei is also the most common one among the many dead in vain.

His biological mother died, and his father quickly remarried, which not only gave him a stepmother, but also added an illegitimate brother who was not a few years younger than him. After that, Yuanshen's status in the family quickly plummeted.

Before the apocalypse, he was ignored by his biological father, hostile and oppressed by his illegitimate younger brother, and driven away by his stepmother, and after the apocalypse, he was pushed behind him by his stepmother who was unwilling to flee with a dragging bottle of zombies chasing them .

The moment the original body was thrown down by the zombies, he reached an agreement with Nie Lanlei, but even though Nie Lanlei was well-versed and prepared, in this critical situation... he was still bitten by the zombies several times.

Nie Lanlei was very upset that he was infected with the zombie virus as soon as he entered the world. If there is no Bai Duan, he doesn't care whether he is a human or a zombie - anyway, he has strong mental power, even if he becomes a zombie, he will not be obliterated by the mutation factor like ordinary people.

However, Nie Lanlei still remembers his promise to his lover in the last world to "reincarnate as a human". Of course, the most important thing is that if he becomes a zombie, Nie Lanlei will maintain a rotten and disgusting appearance for a long time.

This is a necessary process of species evolution, and even Nie Lanlei cannot violate this natural law. His various internal organs will stop functioning during the evolution process, and his whole person will look like a walking dead; his skin will also rot and fall off, making room for new and stronger body surface attachments... Such changes are various and varied. But enough, even if he further speeds up and upgrades based on the acceleration of the mutation factor, and completes the entire evolution process faster than other zombies, the final perfect body... still doesn't know what kind of ghost it will become.

It is impossible for Nie Lanlei to let his lover see his disgusting and terrifying appearance, nor can he bear to be away from his lover during the years or even decades of evolution. Therefore, after confirming that he was infected with the zombie virus, Nie Lanlei chose to cheat and bought it from the system. Swallow the drug that inhibits the umlaut factor—in this way, his species cannot be regarded as a human or a zombie, but can only be said to be an intermediate between the two, maintaining a delicate and dangerous state under the action of the drug. balance.

After confirming that he maintained his human form, it took Nie Lanlei several months to regain the skin and flesh gnawed off by the zombies. Of course, during this period, he did not do nothing, but quickly completed his side missions and fulfilled the wish of the "original body" for revenge—in such an apocalyptic world where killing has become common, revenge is an important thing for Nie Lanlei. It was such a lighthearted experience.

As for the stepmother who pushed the original body to the zombie, Nie Lanlei retaliated and gave her to the zombie as food; as for the illegitimate younger brother who had been causing physical and mental harm to the original body, Nie Lanlei destroyed what he just had. The ability allows him to be an ordinary person for the rest of his life; Nie Lanlei also ignores his biological father who ignores his original body, allowing him to struggle for survival in the apocalypse with an arrogant and willful son who will never have abilities.

As for what will happen next to the father and son, whether it is still "the love between father and son" or "turning against each other", Nie Lanlei doesn't care. Anyway, from the perspective of countless people, it is absolutely impossible for the two of them to live a good life Days may not even be able to survive the end of the world.

After avenging his "original body", Nie Lanlei, who had nothing to do, finally followed the system's guidance and "traveled long distances", only then did he find his lover hidden in the deep mountains of the western mountains.

Nie Lanlei is very satisfied with the place of residence chosen by her lover. After all, as a defender, he should not go outside to stir up wind and rain, so as not to affect the process of natural evolution, so living in seclusion with his lover in the mountains, farming, and having a small love in the world of two is the life he dreams of in the last days. !

—He and his lover really have a good understanding!