Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 124


Although Bai Duan seemed to have accepted the practice of his small animals devouring crystal nuclei to evolve, he was still quite worried about it in the end, and he didn't even try to drive Nie Lanlei away—after all, he seemed to understand animal evolution quite well A method that may be able to help him at a critical moment

Tossing and turning all night, the next day, when the military dogs were about to go out to hunt, Bai Duan followed them for the first time.

For the addition of Bai Duan, the military dogs were obviously very happy, wagging their tails and surrounded Bai Duan, and even their attitude towards Nie Lanlei changed a lot.

Not long after leaving the courtyard, other white satin wild dogs that were either familiar or had never seen before joined in one after another, as if they had long been accustomed to this group hunting method. After all, after the end of the world, many animals ran out of the zoo and gathered in the western mountainous area following their instincts. Among them were many ferocious large predators such as tigers, wolves, lions, and leopards.

Although these animals can coexist peacefully in the white satin courtyard, it does not mean that they will be friendly to each other when they meet in the wild. The best result is that when they are not so hungry, they will be more inclined to hunt "strange" prey, but if they are really hungry, they will not violate their own nature and "sacrifice themselves for others".

Therefore, hunting in the forest is a very dangerous thing, and it is easy to become a delicacy in the mouth of the opponent if you are not careful. Compared with large predators, dogs are not so superior in individual combat, so in order to better protect themselves and obtain prey as much as possible, they quickly learned to work as a team, using the strength of the group to make up for the lack of individual strength insufficient.

Bai Duan and Nie Lanlei fell far behind the pack of dogs, watching them skillfully hunt and kill small animals in the forest, it didn't look strange. But soon, they discovered that the dogs were not moving in the deep woods, but in the outskirts of the woods, where the farmhouses were densely populated.

Although they have been away from the military base for a while, the military dogs have not forgotten the training they have received to kill zombies. Following the rotting smell of the zombies, they led the dogs to find the wandering zombies quite accurately, threw them down, and bit their bodies. The scene was really... bloody and shocking.

As for the untrained wild dogs, they also imitated the movements of military dogs. Although they couldn't stand alone like military dogs, they could also assist from the sidelines, and the cooperation was very tacit.

From time to time, they would also encounter zombies with supernatural powers, and Bai Duan was also surprised to find that besides the head dog, there were several other military dogs with supernatural powers. Their fighting instincts allowed them to quickly learn how to fight. Using this kind of power, you won't lose the slightest bit when facing supernatural zombies.

The pervasive smell of blood and rancidity soon attracted more animals to join in. Bai Duan saw birds circling in the sky, including common medium-sized birds such as crows and magpies, as well as raptors such as goshawks and vultures. I don't know whether they also flew out of the zoo or were attracted from other places.

Besides the birds, Bai Duan also saw the golden snub-nosed monkey which he is most familiar with. The golden monkey led the group of monkeys to jump down from the roof, grabbed stones, iron objects and other hard objects on the ground and smashed them skillfully at the zombies thrown down by the dogs. They smashed their heads open, and then stretched out their hands to find the crystal nucleus.

The monkeys are well-trained, and they gather all the crystal nuclei collected by the golden monkey, and they are stored in the space by it; while other less organized animals seem to understand the magic of the crystal nuclei, and they use various methods to break them open. The skull of the zombie, and directly swallowed the crystal nucleus inside it into the abdomen.

This kind of zombie hunt lasted for about an hour. The animal species participating in it are quite rich, even lions, tigers and other fierce beasts will get involved-here, the animals will not attack each other, their only goal is the zombies .

After more than an hour, the nearby zombies were basically cleaned up, and the animals dispersed in twos and threes and returned to the forest.

Bai Duan watched the group of monkeys and dogs get together again, and went straight to the nearby stream under the leadership of the golden monkey and the head dog. The monkeys took out and cleaned the crystal nuclei that had been taken into the space by the golden monkeys, while the dogs went into the water one after another, washed off the dirt stuck on their bodies, and climbed back to the shore shaking their fur.

The golden monkey divided the washed crystal nuclei into two groups, and was pleasantly surprised to find that another one was green. He quickly held it and ran to Bai Duan, holding it in front of him.

The hair of the golden monkey was still stained with blood from the zombies, but there was pure joy in the swarthy eyes, which made Bai Duan feel rather complicated.

He bent down, thanked the golden monkey, and took the green crystal nucleus in his hand.

Seeing that Bai Duan had accepted the crystal nuclei, the golden monkey ran back to the stream and began to distribute the crystal nuclei. Bai Duan didn't know exactly how it was distributed, but neither the monkey group nor the dog group expressed any objection to this, and quite calmly swallowed their winning prize, chewed it, and it was crunchy.

Nowadays, there are more and more evolved zombies, so the monkey group and the dog group have gained a lot. On average, each animal can get two or three crystal nuclei, and many can even get seven or eight.

After devouring the crystal nucleus, the wild dogs dispersed first, and the golden monkeys greeted Bai Duan, and led the group of monkeys back to the forest. The military dogs returned to Bai Duan, looking at him with pure and puzzled eyes, as if asking him if he wanted to go back together.

Bai Duan bent down and rubbed Tougou's still wet head: "Then go back."

The head dog rubbed against Bai Duan's palm, and led the other military dogs on the way back to the residence. Probably full of food and drink, the military dogs seemed to relax a lot, adding a bit of wild vitality compared to the prohibition in the military base.

Following the military dogs, Bai Duan was quite emotional: "If you come to this 'cooperative hunting' for more than an hour every day, the zombies around here will probably be wiped out in a short time."

"It's almost wiped out now." Nie Lanlei chuckled, "After I came to the western mountainous area yesterday, I didn't encounter a few zombies along the way. Since most of the food was also taken away, I thought it was a zombie. Your masterpiece."

"I'm not that capable." Bai Duan curled her lips, "When I go out to search for supplies, I try to avoid any fights that can be avoided. When I see zombies, I always walk around."

"You only have one person, so be careful." Nie Lanlei agreed, and then changed the subject, "However, since they hunt and kill zombies like this, they must have accumulated a lot of zombie viruses on their bodies. You must be careful when you come into contact with them." Notice."

"Of course, I've always been careful." Bai Duan said seriously.

"That's good." Nie Lanlei nodded, "As a supernatural being, you have a certain resistance to the zombie virus. If you pay attention, you should not be so easily infected as a zombie."

Actually, Nie Lanlei didn't care at all whether Bai Duan would turn into a zombie. Even if the appearance is ugly and disgusting after becoming a zombie, it will not have any impact on Nie Lanlei, who has experienced countless worlds and whose taste has long been too serious—Bai Duan's mental power is already strong enough that it will not be obliterated by the mutation factor , so as long as the soul in that body is Bai Duan, that is enough for Nie Lanlei.

If Bai Duan turned into a zombie, Nie Lanlei would definitely remove the medicinal property of suppressing mutation factors in his body. It seems that being a pair of heavy-tasting zombie couples together with also a special experience

Nie Lanlei reminded Bai Duan of this sentence, mainly considering that if he becomes a zombie, his little lover who has lost his memory may not be able to bear it, which will cause unnecessary twists and turns to their relationship development in this life; and more importantly, it is In order to ask lovers not to get too close to these animals with increasingly intelligent minds—he can tolerate petting their fur, but kissing and hugging are absolutely not allowed! He doesn't want to be rivals in love with a group of animals at all!

Looking up at the military dogs chasing and playing in front of him, the look in Nie Lanlei's eyes became more and more complicated—the performance of this group of animals today is obviously smarter than he expected. They not only know how to cooperate with animals of the same race, but even learned how to Cross-ethnic division of labor and cooperation, really... everyone has become a master!

Maybe it won't be long before they will be able to truly join this battle for future supremacy, fighting against humans and zombies.

If the intelligence of animals develops to such a degree, it seems that interracial love is not a fantasy, so he must cut off this sign from the root, and now he must gradually isolate Bai Duan from animals.

Of course, Bai Duan didn't know that the guy next to him had already drank the future flying vinegar ahead of time, and he was having a headache worrying about how to deal with Nie Lanlei who suddenly appeared and asked to stay with a deadpan face.

Bai Duan had never thought that another human being would appear in his life, but whenever the other party pitifully refused to leave, he was always reluctant to use force, and he was even embarrassed to say cruel words...

This kind of experience is simply too special for Bai Duan. After all, he has coldly rejected many people since the end of the world. , all on Nie Lanlei.

When Bai Duan was hesitating about what to do with Nie Lanlei, Nie Lanlei unceremoniously took advantage of this opportunity and quickly invaded Bai Duan's life.

Hardworking and careful, he made all kinds of simple but practical furniture to replace the outdated facilities in the hut; he took over the heavy responsibility of cooking, and made Bai Duan completely bid farewell to the meals that were "enough to eat" , even with the cheapest and most common ingredients, you can still make delicious food with delicious fragrance; His strength further strengthened; unknowingly, he also conquered (?) the animals around Bai Duan, even the most capricious golden monkey succumbed to his "desire", whenever Bai Duan was caught There is no other way to get entangled, and Nie Lanlei always helps him out. Just one stare can make the golden monkey run away in desperation...

In this way, before he knew it, Nie Lanlei was like a silent spring rain that moistened things. With every detail, he quietly invaded Bai Duan's life. When Bai Duan reacted, he even I am used to Nie Lanlei's presence, and I can't imagine how I will face the suddenly declining quality of life if he leaves.

——It’s really “easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but hard to go from extravagant to frugal”…

After realizing this, Bai Duan never said anything to tell Nie Lanlei to leave, and Nie Lanlei also followed suit. After asking about the remaining fuel capacity of the jeep, he proposed to go into the urban area with Bai Duan to search for supplies. proposal.

"The big bed has been made a long time ago, and we need a mattress now, that kind of soft, elastic, and comfortable high-end mattress." He spoke seriously, but there was a glint in the black eyes that made Bai Sain feel a little nervous. Instinctive hairy brilliance.

"...that kind of thing, the jeep can't fit it, even if you find it, you can't bring it back." Subconsciously, Bai Duan retorted.

"The jeep can't fit in it, but it can." Nie Lanlei raised his hand and pointed, "Did you forget that it still has a space?"

Slumped on the window sill basking in the sun, but found that he was hit by Nie Lanlei, the golden monkey sat up in a jerk, with a confused face: "... Squeak?"