Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 129


Bai Ting has been a precocious and proud girl since she was a child. Although she looks gentle and patient to outsiders, Bai Ting knows how ambitious she is.

Although Dean Bai tried her best to make the orphans live better, her own financial resources and social support could only guarantee the orphans' food and clothing and compulsory education. The life in the orphanage made Bai Ting clearly understand the feeling of poverty. She has no new clothes, no new toys, and she has to rely on other people's "compassion" and "charity" for food, clothing, housing and transportation. Compared with a child with parents who love her, she lacks and lags behind too much.

Bai Ting is not reconciled to living so miserable and humble all her life, she wants to become a master and live a better life than others. So she studied hard since she was a child, and tried her best to make everyone around her like her, and she did. Finally, with everyone's blessings, she was admitted to a key national university, with a bright future.

As for the next life plan, I will find a high-paying job based on my ability and education, and then find a handsome and wealthy husband based on my talent and appearance, so as to truly stand at the pinnacle of life.

Bai Ting's plan is full of ambition but reasonable. If the apocalypse hadn't come, she would probably have been able to follow the plan and live the life she had dreamed of since she was a child. However, the apocalypse disrupted everything.

She fled the orphanage with the dean and the remaining orphans in a panic and panic, and hid in Tibet, precarious. The only thing to be thankful for is that she has also obtained supernatural powers, at least she has some capital to settle down in the apocalypse .

However, supernatural powers alone are not enough. Bai Ting may be able to rely on supernatural powers to protect herself, but she cannot protect those old people and children who rely on her to survive—these people have indeed become Bai Ting's burden.

After realizing that it was impossible for her to take these old people and children to the military base, Bai Ting asked many people for help, but most of them rejected her, and some expressed that they could just take Bai Ting away, and even hinted that if she wanted to Dedication, from now on you don't have to endure such days of fear and struggle to survive.

It has to be said that Bai Ting did hesitate, because she was already desperate for her current life, and she was unwilling to take on the responsibility of taking care of those "drags".

However, she did not take that step for a long time, and did not leave the dean and the children behind and follow the others. Firstly, it was because Bai Ting couldn’t really make such a heartless decision because of the guilt and self-blame in her heart, and secondly, she was worried that she would join other people’s team alone, and if she was coerced, she would have no room to resist—the most important thing Yes, the pride in Bai Ting's heart is unwilling to let her give up her self-esteem and commit herself to those men she can't even look down on before the end.

She hesitated, waited left and right, until she was even more desperate and frightened, and finally waited for Bai Duan. The moment she saw Bai Duan, Bai Ting seemed to have seen the dawn of hope and the straw of life.

Before the apocalypse, a successful man meant money and power; but after the apocalypse, only a powerful man can attract women's attention. Undoubtedly, the power displayed by Bai Duan instantly convinced Bai Ting, coupled with that handsome face, it almost completely fits Bai Ting's changed view of choosing a spouse after the end of the world.

Under Bai Duan's "temptation", Bai Ting finally plucked up the courage to take the first step of abandoning the principal and the children. She hoped that Bai Duan could take her away—only her. After all, no matter how powerful Bai Duan is, one person's ability is always limited, not to mention that he is carrying another oil bottle. It is obviously unrealistic to expect him to take care of so many elderly and children.

The moment she called Bai Duan to stop, Bai Ting wanted to hold on tightly to this man who was two years younger than herself, and make him an arm she could rely on—and the fate of the two acquaintances made Bai Ting even more confident. hundred times.

If at this time Bai Ting was only interested in Bai Duan's strength and appearance, after getting in touch with him, she was really moved by Bai Duan.

He is indifferent and reserved, and unlike other men, he turns a blind eye to his own beautiful figure and face; Such a heavy burden; more importantly - after learning about his despicable and selfish heart, he didn't stand up and talk without pain in his back, and blindly blamed and reprimanded her. She, who had gradually fallen into depravity, was pulled back to the bright side, tenderly... making Bai Ting powerless to resist.

Women are always a little irrational after their hearts are moved. Deep down in Bai Ting's heart, she didn't quite believe that Bai Duan could really bring these old people and children to the military base by herself, but looking at his calm expression and serious eyes, Bai Ting couldn't express her doubts at all. .

In the end, she could only comfort herself to trust Bai Duan. After all, Bai Duan, like her, was precocious since she was a child, and she knew more clearly what she wanted and was full of action.

Bai Ting knew from the time she was sensible that she had to study hard and get admitted to a prestigious university, and put in a lot of effort for it. Bai Duan, too, started working part-time to earn money from a very young age, adapting to a working life.

Bai Duan's academic performance has always been very good. Everyone in the orphanage believed that he would be the second famous college student after Bai Ting, and Dean Bai even prepared materials for him to apply for a bursary in advance. However, contrary to everyone's expectations, when Bai Duan turned 18 years old and got his high school diploma, he quickly found a full-time job without even taking the college entrance examination, and became a social person, which shocked everyone. eyeball.

Although most people can't understand Bai Duan's choice, Bai Duan is indeed living a good life, and this choice is also in line with his consistent style and plan since he was a child.

—A person with such an idea and a plan would probably not make unreachable decisions out of control and put himself in danger, right

"Thank you, the dean and the children... I'll leave it to you." Saying this, Bai Ting finally looked at Nie Lanlei, who seemed to have always been hostile to her, and for the first time faced the person who was following Bai Duan squarely. "Tug oil bottle", "This is...?"

"Nie Lanlei." Bai Duan turned his head and glanced at Nie Lanlei, his eyes subconsciously softened, "My lover."

His tone was extraordinarily calm, as if what he said was an ordinary thing. It's just that his words startled the other two.

Nie Lanlei was both surprised and delighted, he never expected his lover to be so "honest" in this life, it flattered him who had been awkwardly entangled in the previous few worlds for a long time before confirming the relationship. As for Bai Ting, it was pure shock.

Bai Ting never imagined that she just fell in love with someone, but found out that the other person has a lover—and it's a man—such a magical turn, even for her with a strong ability to accept, she can't bear it.

Bai Ting's face distorted for a moment, but she calmed down quickly, but she didn't intend to give up at all—as the saying goes, "Heaven will destroy people if they don't do it for themselves." In this difficult end times, she desperately hopes to have someone to rely on. , and Bai Duan was the first man she fell in love with, no matter what, Bai Ting was unwilling to quit silently without even trying.

As long as you like it, you have to fight for it. Bai Ting thinks that she probably won't meet another such an excellent man. It's just a third party intervening, which is not worth mentioning in the last days where morality is degraded and murder and robbery are commonplace.

Maintaining a friendly smile, Bai Ting nodded towards Nie Lanlei, but there was a bit of hostility and contempt in her eyes that was exactly the same as Nie Lanlei's—this is probably... a "heart-to-heart" between rivals

Nie Lanlei was unhappy that this new woman had delusions about her lover, and she believed in his lover's loyalty to the relationship, and she didn't worry about anyone getting involved; and in Bai Ting's eyes, Nie Lanlei, an ordinary person protected by Bai Duan, would not be an ordinary person at all. own opponent.

Now Bai Duan pampers him, just because he likes him, but it won't be long before the cruelty of the last days will gradually wear down this so-called "liking", making Bai Duan realize that only people who are also supernatural beings can be with him He walks side by side.

As for the issue of sexual orientation, Bai Ting was even less worried. Bai Ting has known Bai Duan since she was a child, and knows that although he has never dated a girl, he has never been interested in the same sex. Since the end of the world, couples who are both men have gradually increased. This is just because a large number of women are weak and unable to adapt to the arrival of the end of the world, resulting in a sharp decline in the number of women. But Bai Ting believes that, apart from being naturally gay, the vast majority of men still prefer women and are instinctively attracted to women.

—So, even if she is a step slower now, there is still a possibility that the latecomers will come out on top.

With such confidence, Bai Ting quickly took Bai Duan to the basement where the principal and the orphans were hiding.

Since she hadn't met Bai Duan since college, Bai Ting was eager to fill the gap during this period, hoping to quickly get acquainted with Bai Duan again, but she didn't dare to reveal her true purpose, lest arouse Bai Duan's resentment and alienation.

—Although it is said that "women chase men's interlayer gauze", seeing Bai Duan's merciless rejection of her earlier, Bai Ting didn't think that she could attract Bai Duan to move on by virtue of her female status. I made a long-term plan to boil frogs in warm water.

Knowing that Bai Duan is more concerned about Dean Bai's affairs, Bai Ting has been telling him about Dean Bai's situation since the end of the world. She wanted to abandon them, but she was indeed their savior.

At the same time, Bai Ting also worked hard to show her strength, bravely facing the zombies together with Bai Duan, and the movement of waving the iron rod in her hand was accurate and precise. One look at her shows that she has long been used to this kind of life, and she is definitely not hiding The delicate flower behind others.

"Jiaohua" Nie Lanlei hiding behind others: "..."

—Hehe, I just quietly watched you do it.

—If Bai Duan hadn’t promised to take you to the military base safely, you probably wouldn’t be able to see the sun tomorrow.

——As an excellent partner, how can you go against your lover's wishes? But it's okay, here we come! day! square! long! ^_^