Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 135


After experiencing the comfortable and tangled "first time", Bai Duan and Nie Lanlei officially entered a harmonious and happy cohabitation life. The couple worked together to renovate their "farm villa", and they would probably live in seclusion in the mountains and hide from the world for the rest of their lives. Out of the posture.

Bai Duan got the seeds of all kinds of crops that he had been longing for, and couldn't wait to open up a few more fields, trying to make his and Nie Lanlei's diet more abundant. While he was busy farming, he also discovered who the "snail girl" who helped him take care of the fields after he left home was.

Although they did not entrust the land to them before they left home, the military dogs and the monkey group, whose intelligence is no longer underestimated, instinctively understood how much Bai Duan valued the land. In the days when Bai Duan had no time to take care of the fields, they imitated Bai Duan's appearance to water the fields. Although they stumbled and trampled several plants, they were enough for those who had been nourished by Bai Duan's supernatural powers and had enough vitality. The extraordinarily strong crops lasted until the return of the white satin.

When Bai Duan opened up new farmland, monkeys and military dogs often came to help, and even became more and more proficient under Bai Duan's training, which greatly improved Bai Duan's work efficiency. Can take care of several fields with ease and leisurely.

Bai Duan was working hard on this side of the farm and making a lot of food, and Nie Lanlei on the other side was not idle at all. He made a special trip to a large distribution center for daily necessities, but he brought back not only mattresses and furniture, but also a variety of household appliances and hardware tools—even in the last days, most areas had no water or electricity.

Outside, Nie Lanlei installed solar water heaters and then covered the entire roof with solar panels. Although these power generation panels come from different manufacturers for the convenience of collection, Nie Lanlei easily connected them all and made a complete power supply and power consumption system—after all, he is a person who has been in countless worlds , even mecha starships can be manufactured, how could it be difficult to be stumped by such a simple circuit modification

In addition to solar power panels, Nie Lanlei also added spare small household wind generators and diesel generators to the circuit to ensure a stable power supply. With sufficient power, those electrical appliances will naturally come in handy.

Refrigerator, water heater, air conditioner, induction cooker... With these household appliances, Bai Duan and Nie Lanlei's pastoral life has become more and more comfortable and convenient.

What's more, in order to prevent his little lover from being bored, Nie Lanlei even secretly collected LCD wide-screen color TVs hanging on the wall, game controllers, and high-end equipment filled with various novels, TV movies, and games. Computer—As for the origin of these novels, movies and games... The system that has never had a sense of existence has deep merits and fame.

Daily life consists of Bai Duan taking care of the farmland with the help of the animals, expelling insects and weeds with supernatural powers, and promoting the growth of crops; while Nie Lanlei is responsible for all housework, plus maintenance of the power supply system.

After finishing their work, Bai Duan and Nie Lanlei, who had nothing to do, naturally squandered their time as much as they wanted. When they are in good spirits, they roll around on the big bed and do some "healthy" exercises; when they are too lazy to move, they lean together to read novels, watch movies, or pick up game controllers to play Serve a few plates.

This kind of life is really happy like a fairy, at least when the first batch of crops mature, Bai Duan has already gained a small circle of fat visible to the naked eye, and it can be seen that it has been well-raised.

After harvesting the crops, Bai Duan, who had stayed in the mountains for several months, was finally ready to move out of the nest and go down the mountain to visit Dean Bai in the military base.

After preparing the daily necessities and all kinds of fruits and vegetables to be given to Dean Bai, Bai Duan and Nie Lanlei drove down the mountain—now, this military off-road jeep has also been transformed into "clean energy" by Nie Lanlei, so there is no need to worry about gasoline.

On the way, the two were lucky enough to meet a group of soldiers who had just completed their mission and returned to the base. The soldiers readily agreed to pass on a message for Bai Duan, asking Dean Bai to come out of the base to meet them.

After waiting at the gate of the base for less than an hour, Bai Duan met Dean Bai. She seemed to be in good spirits, with a kind smile on her lips, her eyes lit up instantly when she saw the white satin, and she even quickened her pace a bit.

When he came to Bai Duan, Dean Bai held Bai Duan's hand and looked it up and down for a moment, then laughed: "You're fat!"

Bai Duan rubbed his nose in embarrassment, then turned his head and glared at Nie Lanlei. But Nie Lanlei remained motionless with a smile on his face, secretly recalling the softer and softer touch of his lover.

Dean Bai looked at the pair of lovers with a smile, and felt that the relationship between them seemed to be getting better, and he felt extremely relieved.

"Dean, how are you doing at the base?" Bai Duan was a little embarrassed by Dean Bai, and quickly changed the subject.

Dean Bai smiled and nodded: "I have a good life in the base! There are quite a lot of orphans in the base. Xiaoting helped me get rid of the relationship and let me continue to take care of the children." Her tone was very happy, obviously very satisfied There is even a hint of pride in this job, "The people who took care of the children in the past were all young girls. How can I compare with my experience? And I have passed the teacher qualification test before the end of the world. Not only can I make the children obedient , can also teach them to learn, at least the knowledge of nine-year compulsory education, I have no problem!"

"That's true." Bai Duan agreed, "Before, the children in the orphanage couldn't keep up with the progress of school, and it was you, the dean, who helped with tutoring."

"So, this job is very suitable for me." Dean Bai patted the back of Bai Duan's hand, "The base will pay me a salary, which is enough for me as an old lady, and Xiaoting will also take care of me, so you don't have to worry. "

"En." Bai Duan responded casually, raising her eyebrows, "What about Sister Bai Ting? How is she doing?"

——This question is not because Bai Duan cares about Bai Ting, but just wants to know whether she has the ability to continue to take care of Dean Bai.

Hearing Bai Dun mentioning Bai Ting, the smile on Principal Bai's face faded, and he sighed softly: "Xiao Ting...she is doing well."

"... You don't look like you are living a good life." Bai Duan frowned.

"Actually, I haven't had a bad time..." Dean Bai shook his head, "Xiao Ting is a supernatural power user, and she has a relatively special light healing power, so the base treats her very well. She also found a senior I can take care of the orphan because Xiaoting entrusted her boyfriend with a well-behaved and powerful supernatural being as her boyfriend." After a pause, Dean Bai gave a wry smile, "The problem is, her boy Friends... so good, there are more girls who like him. Although he has established a relationship with Xiaoting, there are other girls with ambiguous attitudes around him. Xiaoting is very sad about this, but she doesn't want to break up. This person has lost a lot of weight just by looking at it..."

Hearing Dean Bai's words, Nie Lanlei snorted lightly, and his voice was full of gloating that "the three are the same".

Dean Bai was deaf and didn't hear the snort, but Bai Duan did. He gave Nie Lanlei a sneaky look, signaling him to restrain himself, lest Dean Bai would feel even more uncomfortable when he found out.

Nie Lanlei adjusted his expression silently after receiving Bai Duan's gaze.

"Dean, Sister Bai Ting always knows what she should do, so you don't have to worry too much." Bai Duan comforted her, then turned her head and took out the things she had prepared from the back seat of the jeep, and handed them to Dean Bai.

Dean Bai was startled: "So many things? No need, I'm an old lady, I can't use these!" She waved her hands again and again, glanced at the contents of the bag, showing an even more surprised expression, "Why are there still vegetables and fruits? ?”

"What you don't need, you can sell or exchange for other needed supplies. As for the vegetables and fruits, we grow them ourselves." Bai Duan smiled softly, "You are getting old, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables It’s healthy for the body.”

"It's really not necessary." Dean Bai shook his head, but still refused, "There is also farmland in the base, and I can also eat fresh vegetables, so I don't need you to send these!"

—It is true that there has been farmland cultivated in the base for a long time, but the area of farmland is not enough to feed the people of the whole base. Only the senior management of the base and those powerful people with strong abilities are eligible to enjoy it. Because Bai Ting is a healing power user and has a powerful boyfriend, she can also allocate some shares and give some to Dean Bai to improve the food, and Dean Bai can appreciate fresh fruits and vegetables even more because of this. Rare, unwilling to accept such a "precious" gift.

It's a pity that Bai Duan is not so easy to fool. Although he has been away for a long time, he knows more about the situation in the base than Dean Bai, so he naturally knows how much fresh fruits and vegetables are in short supply in the base: "Dean, I am a wood-type supernatural being, and I have cultivated several fields by myself. Only Nie Lanlei and I can't finish it." He forced the bag into Dean Bai's hands, "Look at me, how can I feel wronged?"

I have to say that Bai Duan's "self-defense" is indeed very effective. Seeing Bai Dun, who had red lips and white teeth, was radiant and had gained a lot of weight, Dean Bai couldn't help laughing, and didn't say anything to refuse.

Seeing that Dean Bai took the things, Bai Duan breathed a sigh of relief: "Dean, the bag is opaque, others don't know what's in it, and I have attached a layer of spiritual power to it, which can temporarily hide it from the entrance inspection." You, an old man living alone, may cause trouble if you suddenly get these supplies, so don’t tell anyone—not even Sister Bai Ting.”

Dean Bai didn't understand what Bai Duan said about "spiritual power", but he also knew that "everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty". She nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, I have been in shopping malls in the early years, and I have seen a lot after the end of the world, and I know that people's hearts are dangerous." Then, she changed the subject, "However, Xiao Duan, you and Lan Lei has already found a place to settle down? I thought you were going to another city... "

"In this world, it doesn't matter which city you go to." Bai Duan shrugged, "We have found a place with few people and zombies, and we are living well."

Dean Bai was always at ease with Bai Duan, and nodded upon hearing the words, but still couldn't help admonishing a few words: "You two must be careful when you go out alone. I heard from those supernatural beings who often go out that it is becoming more and more difficult outside. Chaotic, more and more dangerous... It seems that there is a zombie king who can manipulate other zombies in the city center, and there are also many animals with supernatural powers in the western mountain area, which are very fierce."

Bai Duan and Nie Lanlei looked at each other, comforted Dean Bai, and assured her that he would come to report every once in a while, which dispelled Dean Bai's worries.

After bidding farewell to Dean Bai and returning to the jeep, Bai Duan frowned slightly: "It seems that the military base has also begun to notice animals in the western mountains... Also, what happened to the zombie king in the city center?"

"The emergence of the Zombie King is inevitable." Nie Lanlei said calmly, "Most of the zombies have not yet developed their minds. They are completely scattered and urgently need a leader—of course, I believe this is not the only zombie king in the country. As for the zombie king in the western mountainous area Animals... probably won't be calm for long."

Nie Lanlei has seen several such worlds invaded by mutation factors, and the "prophecy" he made is naturally accurate.

Gradually, many zombie kings appeared all over the country, basically every big city with a large population has such a one, and under the leadership of these zombie kings, the scale of the zombie wave also changed from small to large, which is consistent with the area where human beings are active. The competition became more and more intense.

During this period, animal groups also gradually became stronger, smarter, and lived longer. Bai Duan didn't know whether these animals figured out the function of crystal nuclei by themselves, or learned the magical function of crystal nuclei from other animals—especially free-flying birds. The way the zombies obtained the crystal nucleus conflicted with the zombie king who had developed wisdom and realized the threat of animals.

For such development, human beings are happy to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but it didn't take long for them to be involved in this war-because in addition to crops, animal meat is also one of the main foods for human beings.

Today's human beings don't have enough food to feed animals, so if they want to obtain meat, they have to start with external animals, and then use new research methods to remove the zombie virus in the animals and process them into meat that humans can eat.

Animals that have evolved and become more intelligent after the end of the world are obviously unwilling to become human beings' dinner. During the hunting and resistance, the animals were "surprised" to find that human beings with supernatural powers, like zombies, also possess the crystals they need. nuclear.

Thus, a complex food chain unfolded—zombies feed on human flesh and blood, but are coveted by humans and animals for the crystal nuclei in their brains; animals are food for humans, but they will also actively attack humans and zombies to obtain crystal nuclei; As the zombies evolve gradually, the decaying old bodies are replaced by new organs, and they also slowly become edible prey for animals.

This food-based and evolution-oriented war will last for a long time, and those who are unwell will be eliminated, leaving behind stronger and more vigorous survivors. Every race is doing its best to survive, but who is the final winner is still in the fog.

The military dogs raised and trained by humans since childhood have been guarding Bai Duan's side and have not joined the conflict between humans and animals. However, the golden monkeys have left Bai Duan after a few years and led an increasingly large group of monkeys. The bright and well-developed mind has become one of the leaders of the animal group.

Of course, occasionally, it will lead its monkey grandson back to the western mountain area to meet Bai Duan, and because of its existence, although Bai Duan and Nie Lanlei are human beings, they are still able to live in the western mountain area that has evolved into an animal base camp. The peace and ease of living in the inner world, while other human beings are completely driven out by animals.

—Of course, Nie Lanlei himself does not admit that he is protected by the golden monkey, and insists that even if there is no golden monkey, he can guarantee that he and Bai Duan will not be harmed by animals.

Dean Bai lived safely in the military base for more than ten years, and finally passed away—nearly eighty years old, which is already considered a long life among non-supernatural beings after the end of the world.

When Dean Bai passed away, Bai Ting had already married her boyfriend, but they still quarreled from time to time because of the intervention of a third party. As for how she lived after Dean Bai passed away, Bai Duan didn't know, because since then, he never went back to the military base, and spent the rest of his life with Nie Lanlei in the western mountainous area.

After seeing off his lover, Nie Lanlei sorted out his observation notes in this world and transmitted them to the gray space.

The white coat who succeeded Nie Lanlei as the observer and carefully read his notes: "... ... ... ... ..."

—It is really a shame for this young couple to be able to play the survival of the last days as a vacation farming.

Volume 9 Ancient Beauty Like Jade