Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 138


Bai Yushi was preoccupied all the way, just entering the house, before he had time to take a breath, he met his Aiko's scorching eyes full of expectation, and couldn't help but sigh "I don't want to stay here".

Glaring at Aizi angrily, Bai Yushi took the teacup from Bai Duan's hand, took a sip, and after a long time of wheezing his appetite, he finally said, "I have already found out the identity of your sweetheart."

Bai Duan had already guessed the result from Bai Yushi's pretending, but she still couldn't help being excited: "Then who is she?"

"Who is it? It's the princess!" Bai Yushi said angrily. He really didn't know whether he should feel that his son had such good eyesight that he fell in love with the royal girl, or whether he should be troubled by the fact that the girl he liked had such a great history. The second princess!"

Regarding this identity, Bai Duan was also taken aback for a moment, but what he was worried about was completely different from Bai Yushi: "Princess? Then the Holy One...would you agree that the princess will marry me?"

"You don't have to worry about that." Bai Yushi sighed. Bai Duan didn't like to socialize with people, so he didn't know the situation in the palace. She didn't know that the princess sounded noble, but she was actually very pitiful. "I want to know if you are ready to be the princess. It is impossible for you to enter the court and become an official."

Bai Yushi's tone was heavy, but Bai Duan didn't care about it. He took a peek at his father, thinking about his words: "Actually, I don't have much desire to be an official..."

Bai Yushi sighed, he always knew that Aiko had no ambitions, and he also hated the intrigue in court. Aiko studied hard and took the scientific examination at a young age, just to meet the ardent expectations of her father.

"So, you are more willing to marry the woman you like than to become an official in the court and shine on the lintel?" Bai Yushi frowned slightly.

"... Sorry, father." Bai Duan lowered her head.

"That's all." Bai Yushi shook his head, "You are just raising people now, and it is unlikely that you will continue to take the exam for fame. If you enter the court as an official, you must have me running around for you. Find a vacancy at the bottom of the grade. Even after becoming an official, nine out of ten will be sent to those remote and cold places that other officials don't want to go-although our family is not rich and powerful, but you are How could I endure such hardships since I was a child and pampered him?" Bai Yushi couldn't tell whether he was complaining about his son or trying to convince himself. In the end, he waved his hand, "I will not intervene in how to choose. You should think about it for yourself, and if you think about the answer, I will reply to the eldest princess."

Bai Duan answered softly, turned and went back to the room—however, both Bai Yushi and himself knew that no matter how they thought about it, Bai Duan's answer would not change.

Therefore, Bai Yushi went to the eldest princess's mansion again the next day and solemnly expressed to her his wish to marry the second princess.

The eldest princess was very happy, and immediately agreed to match Bai Duan and the second princess—and five days later, Bai Yushi and Bai Duan received a message from the eldest princess, praising the wanton blooming and scorching green area in the western suburbs of the capital. Hua Taolin.

Bai Duan and Bai Yushi, who understood the meaning in seconds: "... ... ... ... ..."

Bai Duan, who has always been indifferent to her appearance, has carefully tidied herself up from head to toe for the first time since she was born. She strives for perfection in her clothes and accessories, making sure that she does not make any mistakes, and strives to make herself appear more handsome and unrestrained. , Yushu facing the wind.

It has to be said that Bai Duan's efforts were fruitful, at least when he opened the door, the maids and servants who were used to Bai Duan's "beauty" in Yushi's mansion were already able to do it unmoved. Once, they all looked straight at him, and even Bai Yushi was stunned for a moment when he saw his son, and said with emotion, "What a handsome young man in troubled times".

——Bai Yushi is still very proud of being able to give birth to such a good-looking son. He believes that as long as his son stands there, even a royal princess can be taken down in an instant.

"Father, is there something wrong?" Seeing Bai Yushi looking at him, stroking his beard with a bewildered smile and saying nothing, Bai Duan lowered his head to inspect with some anxiety. Although he also knows that he is good-looking, but when meeting his sweetheart for the first time(?), he very much hopes to get the approval and encouragement of the person he respects and trusts the most.

"There's nothing wrong, it's great!" Bai Yushi raised his hand, patted Aizi's shoulder, and chuckled, "Looks like, father is going to start preparing for my son's marriage! Being in-laws with the royal family, we You can't be rude!"

After understanding Bai Yushi's meaning, Bai Duan's cheeks were stained with a touch of blush, her heart was jumping with joy, and her whole person looked more energetic and beautiful.

Looking at his son who looks better than Pan An, and thinking about the lifelike wood carvings of the second princess, even though Bai Yushi is full of loyalty and patriotism, he still feels... his son seems to be more beautiful.

—Really... I feel something weird →_→

Bai Duan was unaware of Bai Yushi's entanglement. After confirming that he was perfect, he ran to the suburban ten-mile Taolin with a lively heart, and met a maid in pink waiting at the gate of Taolin.

The maid couldn't help being in a daze when she saw Bai Duan for a moment, but she was still well-trained to react, and stepped forward to salute first: "May I ask if it's Mr. Bai?"

"It's me." Bai Duan looked at the maid with burning eyes, and she couldn't help but blush with her focused and expectant eyes: "The servant is sent by the eldest princess to guide you, please come with the servant."

"Thank you." Bai Duan hurriedly thanked her and returned a salute. The maid's graceful appearance made the maid even more confused, but she had to restrain her restless heart and lead him to meet another woman.

This peach forest has always been loved by noble children, and they often come here to enjoy flowers and entertain friends, but Bai Duan seldom attends such gatherings, and has basically never set foot there a few times, so naturally he doesn't know that there is something wrong with this place.

Following the maid, Bai Duan soon came to a gurgling stream running through the peach forest, and when she looked up, she saw a delicate gazebo. The gazebo is surrounded by pink curtains, fluttering in the spring breeze, and an elegant and dignified figure can be faintly seen sitting beside it. Outside the gazebo, there are a lot of guards at three steps and one post, and two steps and one sentry. It is obvious that the eldest princess deliberately arranged them for fear of any accidents and unnecessary troubles.

The maid in pink led Bai Duan to stop in front of the pavilion, said softly, "The nobleman you want to see is inside", and then quietly retreated after Bai Duan nodded, leaving the space between Bai Duan and the pavilion. people.

The guards and maids were far away. If they were not talking loudly, they would not be able to hear what they were talking about. Bai Duan felt a little relieved, coughed lightly, bowed to salute, and said with a bit of caution in his tone: "Cao Min Bai Duan, I have seen Your Highness."

"Excuse me." The person in the pavilion spoke slowly, his voice was not like other women's melodious singing, but low and clear - of course, it was equally pleasant to Bai Duan's ears.

Bai Duan straightened up in response, and through the cover of the curtain, stared straight at the girl in the pavilion with her eyes, wishing to see the face that she had been thinking about for a long time through the curtain.

As if sensing Bai Duan's emotions, the people in the pavilion chuckled lightly: "Mr. Bai, please come into the pavilion to talk."

Hearing his sweetheart's invitation, Bai Duan was stunned for a moment, almost stunned by the gold ingot that fell from the sky - he thought he was lucky enough to be able to chat with his sweetheart through the curtain, but he didn't expect... to go further

Reason tells Bai Duan that doing so is not good for his sweetheart. After all, unmarried men and women are unmarried—even if they are about to get engaged soon (shame)—they still need to keep a distance. But just like the uncontrollable feet when we met for the first time by the lotus pond last time, when Bai Duan reacted, he had already lifted the curtain with his sweetheart's smile and murmured, and met the eyes of the girl who was looking over .

His heart was beating more and more violently, and Bai Duan's movements were stiff, and he almost stepped into the pavilion on the same hands and feet, allowing the pink curtain to slowly fall behind him, blocking the sight of others. Inside the curtain, Bai Duan felt as if he was in a pink world, and there was nothing else in this world except him and his sweetheart.

Under the gaze of his sweetheart, Bai Duan became more and more nervous, he was not good at words, and now he didn't know what to say, he just stood there in a daze, at a loss what to do.

The second princess showed an interesting smile on her face, and raised her hand to signal to the opposite side: "Young Master Bai, don't be so nervous, sit down first."

Bai Duan acted like a marionette on a string, and only when she sat down opposite her sweetheart did she regain her senses and realize how stupid her behavior was just now. His face flushed all of a sudden, and Bai Duan looked at his sweetheart with more careful eyes, even with a touch of moisture, for fear that his sweetheart would think he was too stupid and leave a bad impression.

At this moment, he didn't realize that the faintly domineering appearance of the second princess didn't look like a poor little girl whose father didn't love her "mother" and was bullied and embezzled by the palace people. Of course, even if he realizes it, he will probably convince himself in an instant that this is the noble bearing that a royal princess should have... Even if she is a poor little girl...

—And such a majestic and noble princess, can she really set her sights on a white body like him who accomplishes nothing and is dull and boring

Bai Duan was worried here, but he didn't know that his worries were unnecessary. Not only will his sweetheart not dislike him because of his "stupidity", on the contrary, he is already trembling by his cute heart - such a stupid and soft lover, how many years and how many worlds "she" has never seen up

With an indifferent, dignified and detached look on her face, the second princess involuntarily rubbed her hand under the table a few times, trying to resist the desire to pinch that white, tender and blush cheek. Just as Bai Duan was worried about "her" being abrupt, the second princess was also worried that she would scare away her little cutie—after all, Bai Duan was born and raised in this world after losing her memory, and was educated in feudal ethics since she was a child. Obviously, he pays more attention to the defense of men and women than "she".

In this life, Bai Duan was obviously taught very well by Bai Yushi, gentle and courteous, with a certain amount of advance and retreat, especially for women... Meticulous, gentle, respectful and caring.

Thinking of this, the corner of the second princess' mouth twitched, and she couldn't help looking at Bai Duan with a bit of resentment in her eyes - "she" still remembers that the last time Bai Duan fell in love with "her" at first sight and cared for her was in that damn The world of ABOs. When we first met, "she" looked exactly like an Omega, and the status of an Omega in the ABO world was no different from that of a woman.

So, does "her" little lover still like girls more

This discovery is still really... very uncomfortable!