Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 139


Bai Duan was anxiously observing the expression of the second princess, and coupled with the faintly loose Taoist couple contract, he immediately felt the unhappiness of his sweetheart.

He didn't understand what he had done wrong, and he didn't dare to ask, his forehead was sweating a little, and finally the second princess put away the overflowing jealousy in her heart and smiled: "Aunt said, I hope I come to see you today, Let's get to know each other... How about, Mr. Bai tell me about you?"

I have to say, this is really a standard blind date routine. Hearing what the second princess said, Bai Duan, who was at a loss, heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly continued to talk about the topic, no matter what the second princess wanted to know, she would not hide anything, even if the embarrassing things that happened when she was young were related to her clumsy Literary talent, all confessed.

The second princess listened with great interest, and chuckled a few times from time to time, causing Bai Duan to work harder, racking her brains to make the beautiful woman smile - even Bai Yushi probably didn't know that his son who was as boring as a gourd could have such eloquence.

While asking about Bai Duan, the second princess would occasionally mention "her" life in the palace. However, most of those difficult years were not experienced by the second princess herself, so there was no sense of substitution, and her words were as calm and indifferent as an outsider.

However, seeing the appearance of the second princess, in Bai Duan's eyes, she felt more and more distressed, wishing to replace her, or save her from the sea of suffering in the next second.

Impulsive in his heart, Bai Duan blurted out: "Your Highness, please marry me! I will treat you well and never let you suffer any more!" After finishing speaking, he realized his abruptness, but he didn't intend to change his words , just blushed, and continued to say bravely, "Of course, I will ask my father to ask the Holy One for me. I, I just want you to know my heart for you..."

Looking at her lover who is still a little bit young, but already has the determination and responsibility of an adult, the second princess believes that no one can refuse the straightforward and passionate confession of this handsome young man. Even "she", who had heard so many love words from the other party, couldn't help but feel his heart throbbing at this moment, and couldn't hold back the princess's reserved and dignified posture anymore.

Concealedly licking her lip stained lips, the second princess' eyes darkened, and she raised her hand to beckon to Bai Duan: "Come here."

Bai Duan instinctively sensed a hint of danger, but he didn't put up any precautions. He foolishly followed the second princess's movement and approached her. Then, the other party grabbed the skirt of her clothes and dragged her hard.

Bai Duan couldn't stand firmly and almost fell into the arms of the second princess. Afraid of crushing his sweetheart, he quickly grabbed the edge of the table to stabilize his body, but unexpectedly felt the soft and moist touch of his lips in the next moment.

Bai Duan was so frightened that he stiffly maintained the awkward movement of bending over to support the table. He watched his sweetheart sit back after leaning over and kissing him. He smiled at him, and then lifted the finger dyed red Kodan to his lips. There is a slight touch at the corner, implying countless ambiguous teases.

Subconsciously, Bai Duan licked her lips and tasted the sweet taste of lip balm, which made the second princess' eyes darker.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..." Bai Duan snorted, still unable to recover from the shock without warning.

The second princess curled her mouth, stretched out her index finger to press Bai Duan's lips: "I promise you to call me Yuying."

"Yu, Yuying..." Bai Duan foolishly repeated the words, and the second princess smiled brightly.

"What you just said... This is my answer." The second princess withdrew her index finger, finally caressed Bai Duan's face as she wished, and gently squeezed, "I'm waiting for you to propose marriage to the emperor."

"Okay, okay!" Although Bai Duan still couldn't keep up, his instinctive spirit was shaken, "I will tell my father when I get back!"

The second princess nodded with a smile, lowered her arm, covered it with white satin and still grasped the hand on the edge of the table, and with a little force, pulled him to sit beside her—close to her.

Bai Duan only felt a clear fragrance lingering in his nose, and the next moment, a... not so soft body leaned against his shoulder, causing Bai Duan to tremble violently, and couldn't help but tense up.

Noticing the nervousness of the little lover, the second princess Cao Yuying smiled secretly. "She" lowered her eyelashes slightly, and played with Bai Duan's hand - Bibi, it was almost the same size as herself. Satisfied with this, Cao Yuying looked up at her lover whose blush was still lingering: "If you marry me, you have to treat me well—even if I lied to you, you must not annoy me or despise me."

At this moment, Bai Duan has long been "fainted by color", so he could not understand the deep meaning of it, but nodded instinctively: "Of course! That's exactly how it should be!"

Seeing her lover bewildered by her, Cao Yuying was both proud and sad, she wished she could immediately put him under her body and let him know what kind of "girl" he likes.

——If Bai Duan finds out the true gender of the "girl" she loves so much and can't accept the fact, turn her face and deny her, Cao Yuying thinks that she can try the little black room she has been coveting for a long time.

Poor Bai Duan has no idea that he has already been booked into a small black house in the future. He just "kissed love" with his sweetheart, which is the sweetest time in his heart. Snuggling with Cao Yuying, Bai Duan began to seriously plan their future with his "wife" after exchanging heart-to-heart talks.

Bai Duan had always thought that he would follow his father's expectation and go to a remote area to be a small official. But when he marries the princess, his official career will be blocked, so how to support his family is an important issue-although Cao Yuying, as a royal princess, should bring a lot of dowry, but Bai Duan is definitely unwilling. Depend on "wife" to eat soft food.

Even, besides making a living in the future, Bai Duan also considered children, such as how many children to have and their education.

The second princess who doesn't have the function of having children at all:... Hehe.

The "little couple" who have just made love cuddle together intimately and talk about life and the future, as if they have endless things to talk about, and they can talk forever. It's a pity that they don't have that much time.

The guards and maids sent by the eldest princess thought that the second princess and the future son-in-law would just meet and talk a few words and it would be over. After all, neither the second princess nor Bai Duan had always been good at talking. However, they didn't expect that when it was getting dark, neither of them had the intention to stop. Everyone was so anxious that they had to send one person to act as the mallet to beat the mandarin duck.

The maid who had led the way for Bai Duan before went to the gazebo bravely, and raised her voice slightly through the curtain: "Your Highness, it's getting late, it's time to go back..."

The conversation in the gazebo stopped abruptly, and Bai Duan realized that the sun was slanting, and looked at Cao Yuying apologetically.

Cao Yuying, who has always noticed the time issue, also put on an unexpectedly innocent face, with a faint reluctance between her brows.

"After I go back... I will definitely invite my father to the palace to propose marriage immediately." Bai Duan summoned up her courage, took the initiative to hold the hand of her sweetheart for the first time, and made a solemn promise again.

Cao Yuying smiled back at him: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

The two reluctantly bid farewell for a moment, and then both got up. Cao Yuying gently pulled back her skirt, supported by white satin, stepped out of the pavilion from the curtain raised by the maid, and saw the carriage waiting not far away at a glance.

"Then... I'll go first." Cao Yuying said softly, and then she was helped into the carriage by the maid under Bai Duan's gaze.

Bai Duan watched the carriage gradually disappear into the peach grove, feeling a bit lost, but soon he pulled himself together and hurried back home—he couldn't wait to tell his father the good news, and couldn't wait If you want to marry your sweetheart, you have to raise your eyebrows and love each other.

After returning home, Bai Duan started to prepare for marriage proposal. On the other side, Cao Yuying also rode the carriage back to the Eldest Princess' Mansion. The first thing she did after getting off the car was to meet the Eldest Princess who helped her to get married.

The eldest princess has already received the news that Bai Duan and her niece have a very happy conversation. Seeing her niece returning, she immediately burst into laughter, her face full of kindness and comfort: "How is it? The husband-in-law chosen by your aunt is still in line with your wishes?"

Cao Yuying lowered her head, her face was full of shyness, she was not at all as strong and dignified as she was in front of Bai Duan just now. "She" moved lightly with lotus steps, walked to the eldest princess and blessed her body, and added a feminine softness to her subtle voice: "Thank you, aunt..."

The eldest princess looked at Cao Yuying, who was as cautious as Xiaojiabiyu, without the airs of a royal princess, and felt pity in her heart, and even more resented the enchanting concubine who brought her younger brother down and caused trouble in the palace. She stretched out her hand and patted Cao Yuying's hand lightly: "The population of the White House is simple, the family style is simple, and there are no such messy things in the palace. I am very relieved that you will marry me. More importantly, Mr. Bai is right His wife is single-minded and devoted to her life. She did not remarry even after she passed away. She is really a clear stream among men. Under his education, Mr. Bai must not be romantic, even if he loves you from now on If it fades, I will never wrong you."

"Yeah." Cao Yuying's cheeks were red, her eyes were full of light, and she was completely in the mood of a little girl who fell in love, "My niece believes in my aunt, and also...believes in him..."

Seeing her niece's appearance like this, the eldest princess couldn't help teasing a few words, and then told "her" in detail the changes she should make after marrying a woman, hoping that "her" would have a happier and more happy life after marriage .

Cao Yuying listened with a serious face and distracted mind, until after dinner, she just showed a proper look of fatigue, and then was "rushed" back to the room to rest by the eldest princess who saw it.

After a whole night of silence, Cao Yuying left the eldest princess' mansion the next day, and returned to the palace in the same obscurity and silence as when she left the palace. The eldest princess also contacted Bai Yushi vigorously and began to discuss the marriage of the two young people.

Bai Yushi had already confirmed from his son that he was determined not to marry the second princess, and he had already made preparations. The two "parents" hit it off immediately, and after some discussion, they entered the palace together.

Bai Yushi is an upright official, and has always been liked and appreciated by the emperor, while the eldest princess is the emperor's eldest sister, and she also has a friendship with him.

After hearing Bai Yushi's marriage proposal and the matchmaking of the eldest princess, the emperor readily agreed. Obviously, he didn't mind marrying a daughter that he had completely forgotten about himself, to show how much he valued and praised Bai Yushi , Encourage officials in the DPRK and China to learn from Bai Yushi.

It went very smoothly, and the marriage was finalized in a few words. However, the three people in the imperial study did not expect that the emperor had just agreed to the marriage, and the news would be sent to Cao Yuying's remote and lonely residence.

—Obviously, although she has not been in this world for a long time, "she" has already established her own intelligence network quickly and effectively, and almost has the entire harem in her hands.