Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 140


After listening to the personal maid's report, Cao Yuying nodded, and waved her to leave the room, which evoked a happy smile. But soon, "she" saw her smeared appearance from the vanity mirror opposite, and the smile on her face was distorted for a moment.

Standing up and walking to the sink, Cao Yuying picked up a towel and wiped off the make-up on her face. When the whole face was refreshed, what was reflected in the vanity mirror was no longer a girl in palace costume but a heroic man. Only then was the boy satisfied and put the towel on the shelf.

Pulling out the slightly undulating "mysterious bulge" of the chest, and raising her hand to take off the complicated and cumbersome skirt on her body, and throwing it aside, Cao Yuying finally breathed a long sigh of relief as if she was alive again, stretched her slender body, Lie down on the bed.

Although she has lived in the palace as a woman for several weeks, Cao Yuying still can't get used to dressing up as a woman, and every time she puts on women's clothes, she can't help but feel depressed.

—In addition, he actually met his lover with this appearance, and he fell in love with him at first sight and tried hard to marry him... Hehe, this feeling is really sour and indescribable.

Cao Yuying had to wonder if she was really unlucky, or if someone was entrapping her secretly. Otherwise, why had he passed so many worlds smoothly before, but now he was trapped again and again, always encountering... such a strange possession... object

Yes, this time, Cao Yuying was tricked again. Before possessing himself, he didn't know that his task object had been disguised as a woman, otherwise he would definitely reject him categorically.

Originally, Cao Yuying only thought that the original body was just a poor little girl who was struggling in the palace and was not favored. Her mother and concubine died early, and her father became fascinated by a demon concubine, allowing her to cover the sky with one hand in the harem.

Generally speaking, Cao Yuying doesn't like to take over the prince's body. After all, this identity can easily get involved in power struggles, but now he just wants to have a good relationship with his lover, and he doesn't want to care about too complicated issues at all. However, the original body "Cao Yuying"-yes, Cao Yuying always thought that the original body was called this name, because the original body did not recognize the girlish title of "Yuying" - but she was very self-aware. He knew that it was impossible for him to win the throne, and his only wish was to stay away from the court and be at ease. It would be best if he could find a confidant, a couple for life.

Cao Yuying was very satisfied with the wish of the original body, so even though the status was a bit troublesome, she took over this body, but after possessing it... he just laughed.

— No wonder Yuanshen was so self-aware that he never thought about competing for the throne. Because in the eyes of everyone, including his own father, he is not a prince but a princess!

God fucking princess! Cao Yuying couldn't understand at all, why in an environment like the imperial palace where there are so many people around, no one is aware of the original body's true gender! This is not scientific at all!

After seeing Yuanshen for the first time—he insisted on not admitting that it was himself—in women's clothing, Cao Yuying's whole body collapsed. He hid in the room for three days in a daze before reluctantly accepting such a setting.

After accepting the reality, Cao Yuying quickly took action - the situation in the palace is obviously not optimistic if the original prince can be forced to disguise himself as a woman in order to survive. Although the original body's wish was to leave the palace, Cao Yuying was definitely not someone who would be beaten passively. Even if she didn't reveal her true gender, she still had to plan ahead and take the first action to solve the threat from the source, so as to ensure a smooth and worry-free life for herself.

Since there is still a lover waiting for her outside, Cao Yuying has no interest in playing Gongdou at all, and the means of spreading her intelligence network are also extremely simple and rude, just like the previous world hinted at her rival Bai Ting, directly using her spiritual power He engraved himself deep in the minds of the palace people, and made them regard themselves as the master and be loyal.

Cao Yuying's mental strength was strong, and the others didn't have the slightest defense against the unknown "princess" who seemed to be an invisible person in the original body. Cao Yuying soon gained an unknown number of eyes and ears, scattered in every corner of the palace—even the emperor The most trusted personal eunuch is also under the control of Cao Yuying.

This old eunuch still has two brushes, even when facing the timid and harmless original body, his nerves are always tense, so that Cao Yuying has to spend more mental energy to control him—of course, such trouble It was also very fruitful, Cao Yuying learned about the emperor's every move, and even some things that the emperor himself didn't know were passed on to Cao Yuying's ears through various channels.

It was because of these eyes and ears all over the palace, deep or shallow, that Cao Yuying knew a secret that no one knew except the person concerned, and understood the real reason that caused the chaos in the palace.

When she first came to this world, Cao Yuying, relying on her rich experience and keen intuition, realized that the emperor who was rumored to be obedient to the demon concubine was somewhat inconsistent.

In all fairness, the original emperor's father was not a mediocre king, he could even be called hardworking and talented. He was born as a concubine and a long-term son, so he was established as a prince for granted. He received an emperor's education since he was a child, and he succeeded as emperor as a matter of course when he grew up.

In the court, he was close to the virtuous ministers and the villains, and the officials were clear and bright; in the military, he personally commanded the army to conquer the east and west, and pacify the Quartet. After succeeding to the throne for more than 20 years, he has firmly controlled the entire country in his own hands with his strong and excellent political skills. As their beloved daughter, there has never been too much disturbance in the court. Even if they feel unjust, everyone is intimidated by the emperor's majesty and will not speak out.

How could such a wise and powerful emperor fall headfirst on such a woman who did evil wantonly based on his own preferences, and doted on her so much? Even if he doesn't have the slightest affection for the concubines in his harem, and he doesn't need to use the harem to balance the court, but "a tiger's poison does not eat its offspring", he should always care about his heirs, right

However, after a period of time since the demon concubine entered the palace, the eldest prince died of poisoning; the second prince was seriously ill and had a fever; In addition to the two princes born to the "false princess" and the demon concubine, the emperor no longer has a son with a full beard and tail.

It is almost clear at a glance who killed these princes. It's no wonder that the original mother, who has no power and power, took great pains to pretend to be a princess, so as to ensure his smooth growth. After all, the Yaofei seems to pay more attention to the living princes, and let the princesses go.

It is obviously abnormal for the emperor to turn a blind eye to such a clear crime. If this is "love", Cao Yuying obviously can't understand it. He thought that he loved Bai Duan to the extreme, no matter what the other party wanted to do, he would not refuse, but when he brought the two of them into the role of emperor and concubine, he found that he could not accept that Bai Duan would treat him childishly. Innocent children—or, if Bai Duan would do such a thing, he would never have any affection for him from the beginning.

Cao Yuying is not a "love type". In his heart, all feelings have reasons and conditions.

He fell in love with Bai Duan because of Bai Duan's appearance, nature, and how he behaved in the world, and because of the gradual understanding and running-in, the relationship deepened. He eliminated all external conditions and only focused on the inner soul. It is true that Bai Duan's personality has changed after several lifetimes of tempering, but no matter what kind of change, Cao Yuying will not arouse any resentment, and now he is already deeply trapped in it, unable to extricate himself.

However, even if she loves so deeply, if Bai Duan does something that makes Cao Yuying unacceptable and disgusted, Cao Yuying can't guarantee that her feelings for Bai Duan will gradually fade away, or will she be born of love. Hate, hurt others and hurt yourself.

Therefore, he couldn't understand why a wise and powerful emperor would subvert the education and concepts he had always received and cultivated without any struggle because of the so-called "love". This is really... too incredible.

Because she couldn't understand it, Cao Yuying paid special attention to the "love story" between the emperor and the demon concubine, and gradually restored a shocking fact through the details of the discord.

The demon concubine is not from the Central Plains, but a woman from Miaojiang. The acquaintance between her and the emperor was nothing more than a bloody beauty saving a hero.

At that time, the emperor was leading an army to quell the rebellion in the southwest. Although he is brave and good at fighting, he is young and energetic after all, and his enemies are not vegetarians.

If you walk too much at night, you will easily encounter ghosts, and if you fight too many battles, you will easily fall into a pit. So that time, the emperor fell into the enemy's trap and was almost defeated and captured.

The emperor who managed to escape was seriously injured and was rescued by the Miao girl who went out to collect medicine. The emperor is handsome and majestic, which attracts Miao girl's heart, and Miao girl is charming, affectionate, innocent and lively, coupled with her life-saving grace, naturally also wins the emperor's love.

Therefore, after the war ended, the emperor brought the Miao girl into the palace and accepted her as a concubine, doting on her very much-if it was just like this, there would probably be no troubles in the future.

Miao girls have a deep love for the emperor, and the Miao people do not have the "custom" of three wives and four concubines like the Central Plains people. They are all monogamous and monogamous.

Cultural conflicts lead to cognitive differences. Only after Miao girl entered the palace did she realize that her lover had so many wives and concubines and so many children, and his liking for herself was not much different from liking for other concubines in the palace. Xu, a lover who will never leave, is more like a pet used to pass the time and relax in his spare time.

Such a huge gap is unacceptable to Miao Nu. In addition, she has no status or background. In the palace, she was squeezed out and hurt by concubines, and she was struggling. As for her sweetheart, she didn't care about it and kept going. Put all your energy on the court. Her complaints made her sweetheart even more impatient.

It doesn't take long for love to hate.

Miao Nu couldn't bear the infidelity of her sweetheart, couldn't bear his growing indifference towards her, and couldn't bear the crowding out and oppression in the palace—in the end, she turned black.

Miao girl is not just a Miao girl, she is also a Gu girl. The world knows that Miao people are good at Gu art, but few people have really seen Gu art, and even most Miao people have only heard about it.

There are not many Miao people who know Gu skills, and they have a very high status in the Miao nationality—fortunately or unfortunately, this Miao girl is one of them.

Unable to bear it any longer, Miao Nu cast a gu on the emperor, making him her emotional puppet. Except for matters related to Miao Nv, the emperor is still the wise and mighty emperor, but in front of Miao Nv, he will be controlled by a kind of fanatical and illogical emotion, and he will obey Miao Nv's words.

No one realized that there was anything wrong with this. After all, the emperor's political skills were still there, and he had always doted on Miao girls—but now he doted even more.

Miao girl thought that such a "loyal" lover could satisfy her, but when she knew the falseness of this relationship, she felt an incomparable emptiness. She is not willing to let the other party go, nor is she willing to let go of herself. She would rather be in hell than drag the person who hurt her down together.

After despairing of love, Miao Nu's behavior became more and more reckless. She gave up love and started revenge and grabbing power instead.

She took revenge on those concubines who hurt and oppressed her, killed the emperor's only legitimate wife whom she had always been jealous of, and killed the other princes time and time again in order to let her children ascend the throne.

The once innocent and innocent Miao girl has become the current demon concubine full of resentment and blood on her hands—if all the ministers in the DPRK and China hadn't jointly protested and deterred her ambition a little, she would probably have ascended to the post by now.

Yuanchen's mother had no identity background, and she was able to survive in the palace only by relying on her usual sensitivity, meticulousness and prudence.

After several princes had accidents one after another, she sensed that something was wrong and took decisive action. If not, the original body would probably follow in the footsteps of his older brothers, and he would not even be able to survive.

Of course, the success of Stealing the Dragon and Turning the Phoenix also depends entirely on Miao Nu's frankness and unfamiliarity with the court's secrets.

When the original body was born, most of her attention was on her own love and the cruelty of the prince, and she didn't notice the mother who was secretly pregnant like a small and transparent original body. And when she noticed that there was an extra child in the palace, she didn't investigate carefully. The palace man reported that it was a princess, so she believed it was a princess, and "showed mercy" because the princess did not threaten her son. Let him go.

As for later, on the one hand, she eliminated the threats of the living princes one by one, and disposed of a few unborn children of unknown sex. On the other hand, she used Gu insects to prevent the emperor from getting close to other women. Apart from her, there is nothing in the entire harem.

After learning the whole story, Cao Yuying was speechless for a long time, not knowing how to complain for a while. However, this made his plan to deal with Yaofei a little easier.

As long as the emperor's Gu is released, everything will be solved easily. The proud and powerful emperor could never accept that he was controlled by a woman for so long, and even the child she gave birth to might be angered by the emperor. As long as Cao Yuying watched quietly, she could watch the emperor solve all the troubles for her.

So, the next question is - how to get rid of Gu

Cao Yuying has experienced so many worlds, but she has never learned Gu art, so she can't understand how those little bugs have so many various and extremely powerful effects.

Because she didn't understand, Cao Yuying didn't dare to act rashly for a while, so she could only stand still for the time being and watch Yaofei's every move through her own eyes and ears, hoping to gain something.

If it really doesn't work... I don't know if I can get rid of the Gu worm by rushing directly in front of the concubine Yao and controlling her with mental power. Of course, this is definitely the next step.

—As for now, Cao Yuying has more important things to do, and that is... to dress herself up beautifully, and then marry her little lover in a splendid manner.

——I'm really looking forward to it, but also sad...