Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 141


After confirming the marriage, the wedding was vigorously prepared under the arrangement of the Ministry of Etiquette. Although the princess's marriage does not require the Bai family, the "husband's family", to prepare all the procedures, they also need to cooperate with the Ministry of Rites, lead the decree to thank you, accept the blessings, and prepare the wedding house. The satin father and son were so busy that they took every step cautiously,

Under the leadership of Bai Yushi, Bai Duan excitedly accepted the imperial decree of bestowing marriage, and bowed his head to the emperor to express his gratitude and gratitude.

Sitting high on the throne, the emperor looked down at the beautiful and outstanding white satin with jade trees facing the wind, and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart—such an outstanding young man was finally taken down by his... ugly daughter, it's not right. Does it explain the dignity and detachment of royal blood

Smiling and encouraged him, he urged him to be on par with the princess after marriage. The emperor was busy with government affairs and did not let Bai Duan and his son stay longer, so he waved them to leave, but when the two were about to leave the door, they suddenly stopped them : "By the way, Bai Duan, you can go down to Lanyue Hall and pay your respects to the noble concubine."

Bai Yushi paused and frowned, "Your Majesty, this is against the rules..."

"What's not in compliance with the rules." The emperor became dizzy when he encountered something related to the imperial concubine. "Now there is no heir in the middle palace, and the second princess has no biological mother. The imperial concubine is in charge of official affairs, and she is also half of her mother. Bai Duan is the son-in-law. Yes, what's wrong with going to see your mother-in-law? Bai Yushi, you're a deadhead!"

Bai Yushi is upright and upright, and he is basically used to flirting with the emperor on a daily basis. As soon as he blew his beard, he wanted to argue with the emperor about the gap between a noble concubine and a queen, but as soon as the words came to his lips, he felt his sleeves being pulled for a moment.

Bai Yushi turned his head reflexively, looked at Aiko behind him, and received a patient and comforting look from the other side.

The corner of Bai Yushi's mouth twitched, although he was still angry in his heart, his concern for his beloved son finally overwhelmed his "loyalty to the emperor and patriotism" thought. Anyway, it wasn't once or twice that he persuaded the emperor not to favor the concubine Yao, less than once... maybe it doesn't matter? Or Aiko's marriage is more important, what if the emperor gets angry because of the concubine's affairs, what if something happens at the wedding? !

Breathing out silently, Bai Yushi lowered his head and did not refute.

It was so difficult for the emperor to "defeat" Bai Yushi so easily, he couldn't help being in a good mood. Sitting on the top, he could see clearly, and he had a little more affection for Bai Duan who prevented Bai Yushi from admonishing him. He only thought that this young man was well-behaved and interesting, and he was much more pleasing to the eye than his old-fashioned father.

As for Bai Duan, she frowned slightly in her heart, and found that when the emperor mentioned the word "imperial concubine", she seemed a little weird—Bai Duan couldn't tell why it was so weird, but felt the emperor's aura... as if it was messed up for a moment .

In short, despite all the reluctance and reluctance, the emperor said that Bai Duan would still go to the imperial concubine's palace. If the noble concubine doesn't want to see him, she just needs to pay her respects outside the palace, but if the noble concubine wants to see him, then Bai Duan will have to chat with the noble concubine for a while.

Bai Yushi had heard too many rumors about the demon concubine's unrestrained behavior and unpredictable emotions, so he was naturally very worried that his son would go to see her, for fear that he would suffer. However, not everyone can enter the harem, no matter how worried Bai Yushi was, he still had to stop in front of the arch leading to the harem, looking forward to his son continuing to walk in.

Bai Duan followed the palace servants all the way to Lanyue Palace where the noble concubine lived without turning their eyes. This is not the most luxurious palace in the palace, but the environment is the most beautiful and pleasant, which won the favor of this noble concubine from Miaojiang - Bai Duan himself also likes it very much.

After waiting for a while outside the palace gate, the imperial concubine's personal maid welcomed Bai Duan into the palace.

Bai Duan politely bowed his head to pay respects, and heard a woman's charming chuckle: "Get up! Raise your head, and let me see what the most beautiful man in the capital looks like?"

The imperial concubine is not from the Central Plains, so her words are very straightforward and bold. Bai Duan didn't dare to refuse. After getting up, she slightly raised her head towards the upper head position, and unavoidably caught a glimpse of the imperial concubine leaning on the imperial concubine's couch.

The imperial concubine is dressed in traditional Miao costumes, with exquisite silver crowns, bright colors, complicated and eye-catching. It is said that when she first entered the palace, she had changed her palace attire, but after she was favored, the emperor felt that she was homesick, and allowed her to continue to dress as a Miaojiang person.

Miao costumes are not as conservative as those in the Central Plains. The imperial concubine leaning on the couch will inevitably reveal her white and tender arms and slender calves. Coupled with her charming, affectionate and cute face, people can't help but feel distracted. Is the mother of three children.

However, for Bai Duan, except for his sweetheart, no matter how beautiful and charming other people are, they can't move him at all.

Even though he saw the imperial concubine's arms and calves, Bai Duan didn't feel the slightest blush and heartbeat, but politely lowered his gaze, unwilling to overdo it.

Seeing Bai Duan's posture, the imperial concubine's eyes flashed with admiration. Since she came to the Central Plains, she realized how different the Central Plains culture is from the Miao people. Not to mention the Ninth Five-Year Master, even the rich and noble families in the folk have wives and concubines in groups. The imperial concubine hates this "custom", but she can't fight against it on her own, so she especially appreciates the men who don't "collide" with it-such as Bai Yushi who has only one wife in his life, no concubine, and no intercourse.

In the heart of the imperial concubine, only such a loyal and dedicated man is a good man worth entrusting, so even though Bai Yushi hated her very much and often spoke ill of her to the emperor, the imperial concubine tolerated it and did not act like As with other difficult officials, use your control over the emperor to trouble him.

There is a saying in the Central Plains that "love the house and the black", the imperial concubine appreciates Bai Yushi's loyalty to his dead wife, and even has a good impression of Bai Duan. Before the two were married, she had no impression of the second princess. She just called "her" to take a look after the marriage. Her impression of "her" was that she was cowardly, careless, and extremely ordinary.

However, Bai Duan really expressed the phrase "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" to the fullest. When mentioning her future wife, although the expression on her face has always been reserved and polite, the shining eyes full of admiration reminded the imperial concubine of herself who was once deeply in love. Even though the two are extremely mismatched in appearance and personality, and their identities are also very different, the imperial concubine can't doubt the boy's sincere feelings for the second princess, and suspect that he married the princess just because of his love for power.

For a moment, the imperial concubine didn't know whether she should feel relieved or envious of this young couple who loved each other.

—She is already desperate for her love, but she instinctively yearns for pure and profound feelings, even if she is just a bystander, it is good.

Thoughts flew back to her girlhood, and she was quickly pulled back. The imperial concubine straightened her body, her lazy and smiling face became serious, her eyes were fixed on the white satin at the bottom, and her charming voice became gloomy: "After marriage, you You must be single-minded and loyal to the second princess. If I find out that you have a second heart—don't blame me for being rude!"

This sentence is not for the support of the second princess, but because she does not want Bai Duan to destroy her fantasy of beautiful love again. If Bai Duan did this, the imperial concubine whose hands were already stained with blood would not hesitate to drag this person who had failed her "feelings" to hell.

Bai Duan was confused by the imperial concubine's sudden change of attitude, but she didn't panic at all. He raised his head and looked at the noble concubine in doubt, his eyes were clear and straight, and he did not dodge: "Since Cao Min asks to marry the princess, he will naturally fall in love with her forever, and he will never accept two colors in this life!"

Bai Duan's voice was not loud, but powerful. After hearing his words, the noble concubine's complexion suddenly softened, and she raised a smile: "Okay, I will remember your promise."

After that, she leaned back lazily again, raised her hand and waved it slightly. The female officer standing by immediately walked up to Bai Duan and bowed to ask him to leave.

Bai Duan bowed to the concubine again, and exited the palace, while the concubine stared at his back, with a deep sorrow flashing in her eyes, but it disappeared in an instant, returning to her usual nonchalant allure.

Since the imperial concubine is still looking forward to this marriage, the poor little transparent second princess successfully got the dowry that the princess should have, and the etiquette department did not dare to cut corners when arranging this wedding—after all, no matter how good the princess is, Being favored is also a royal princess. This wedding not only represents the status of a princess, but also demonstrates the dignity of the royal family.

Bai Duan was dragged by the officials of the Ministry of Rites outside the palace, familiarizing herself with the whole wedding process over and over again, making sure that there were no mistakes; and the second princess Cao Yuying, who was "to be married" in the palace, was not having an easy time either.

As a bride, on the wedding day, Cao Yuying only needs to go through the scenes step by step under the guidance of the bridal wife, and someone will take care of her every move, so her most important task now is to embroider her own wedding dress.

Wedding dress is the most important clothing in a woman's life. Most women start to sew slowly after learning how to embroider when they were young. Each stitch represents their expectations for future married life, even the princesses in the deep palace are no exception.

It's just that the original body has always regarded himself as a man deep in his heart, and he never thought that he would marry someone out of the palace, and "she" has no biological mother and adoptive mother, and no one told "she" that she needs to sew a wedding dress, so the etiquette department started at the beginning. When preparing for the wedding, I realized that the second princess had never made a wedding dress for herself.

At this time, it was too late to sew the wedding dress, so the Ministry of Etiquette had to settle for the next best thing, handing over the work to the Shangyi Bureau, and only asked the princess to embroider the hipa herself, so as to do her best for the wedding and seek auspiciousness. That's it.

After receiving the task of sewing the red hijab, Cao Yuying's whole body collapsed.

It's not that he didn't dress up as a woman in his previous world, but it was all to avoid the enemy's pursuit. Where would he have the opportunity to sit there honestly... playing embroidery

Holding the embroidery needle for the first time, Cao Yuying looked dazed, and even felt a little pain in the ass. However, he didn't turn his back on the table, throw away his hands, and didn't use his mental power to manipulate other people to sew for him. Instead, under the guidance of the maid, he embroidered his own hipa earnestly.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Cao Yuying has a strong mental strength, and her learning and hands-on skills are exceptional. Even if she has never learned embroidery, she can understand by analogy. Except for some stumbles at the beginning, she quickly embroidered quickly and well, which made her The maid praised "she" after she got married, she must be a good wife and mother.

Cao Yuying, who was loved by a good wife and mother: "..."

The wedding gown sewn by the Royal Clothing Bureau must be delicate and complicated, and in order to match that wedding gown, Cao Yuying's hipa must not be simply perfunctory.

After spending dozens of days and finally sewing the Xipa, Cao Yuying looked at the exquisite and exquisite embroidery made by herself, and felt that her whole body seemed to have been sublimated in a certain way, and it really happened spontaneously Kind of... The shy look of the bride-to-be.

- It's just... hell!