Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 145


After finally coping with Bai Yushi, who was full of expectations for his big fat grandson in the future, the "husband and wife" Bai Duan finished the task of serving tea and left the front hall, they all heaved a sigh of relief—as for the next step, there are only three days left Gui Ning, kowtow to the emperor to thank the emperor... Well, probably the imperial concubine will also come to join in the fun.

Walking back to the courtyard where the two lived in silence, Bai Duan was at a loss for a moment, not knowing what to do next. According to the fantasy before the wedding, he and Cao Yuying should be in the moment of newlyweds and affection: he may take his "new wife" out to enjoy the flowers and outings, to make up for the regret that "she" has been living in the deep palace; maybe Will stay quietly in the house with "her", talk softly, talk to each other, and even... kiss me and me, and do things that I can't help.

—but now...

Bai Duan paused, turned to look at Cao Yuying who had been watching him carefully, and said in a low voice, "Go back to your room and rest, I'll go to the study."

"I'll go with you too." Cao Yuying said hastily.

"No need." Bai Duan shook her head, her tone was firm, "I want to be alone."

Of course Cao Yuying knew that Bai Duan wanted to be alone and think carefully about the relationship between the two of them, but how dare he let his little lover think wildly by himself—what if he got into a dead end? ! He has a deep understanding of the stubborn temper of his little lover. Once the other party has made a decision, it will be difficult to reverse it!

Cao Yuying understands her lover's indulgence to her, and this time, he has no choice but to continue to use this indulgence. As long as he works hard to hang around in front of Bai Duan, try to play tricks and act coquettishly to please his lover, Bai Duan will definitely not be able to harden his heart towards him—he must try his best to calm her down before Bai Duan decides to draw a line with himself!

"I'll be with you." Cao Yuying's attitude was more determined than Bai Duan's. Standing beside Bai Duan, it seemed that he would rather die than take a step away from her.

Bai Duan and Cao Yuying stalemate for a while, but finally had to compromise - after all, he had promised to protect Cao Yuying's identity as a "pseudo-princess" and create the "false image of a princess consort singing in harmony. However, it was impossible for Bai Duan to forcibly expel the opponent by force, and he couldn't even put on an ugly face.

Cao Yuying relied on Bai Duan's gentleness to be unscrupulous, but Bai Duan cared more about whether she would reveal her secrets than he did—naturally, it was clear who would lose in the end.

"... up to you." Bai Duan said harshly, leading Cao Yuying to his study room - as long as he returns to the room and closes the door, then he doesn't have to be wary of the eyes of the people around him, and forces himself to be "comfortable" to Cao Yuying up.

Comforting herself in this way, Bai Duan's footsteps became a little more urgent. However, he never thought that as soon as the door of the study was pushed open, his and Cao Yuying's gazes would coincidentally focus on the wooden statue placed in the most conspicuous position on the desk next to the door.

Suddenly, the corner of Bai Duan's mouth twitched.

He originally wanted to dispose of the wood carving quickly, but Cao Yuying's movements were faster than him.

Stepping over the white satin and coming to the desk, Cao Yuying reached out and picked up the wood carving, lovingly fondling it: "This carved me?"

Bai Duan's woodcarving technique is probably an innate skill, which was developed when the two met for the first time. Now, Cao Yuying still remembers the wooden marten that the other party gave her, and even after leaving that world, he still keeps it carefully.

Compared with the wooden mink, this wooden figure is obviously full of deeper emotions. Not only are the carved lines more delicate and exquisite, but Cao Yuying can even faintly feel the full of love unconsciously preserved by the white satin on it. Spiritual fluctuations of joy, joy, and nostalgia—obviously, it has always been loved by its owner as a treasure, and it is always held in the hands to see things and think about others.

Resisting the urge to hold the little lover in her arms and caress her, Cao Yuying carefully held the statue and smiled at Bai Duan: "It's so beautiful!"

The face of the white satin was slightly red, and it was not known whether it was because of the sincere praise from the sweetheart, or because the inner feelings were revealed to the world without warning. Suppressing the slightest hint of sweetness, Bai Duan snatched the wood carving from Cao Yuying's hand, feeling somewhat at a loss.

He was ashamed and annoyed, and wanted to shake off this extremely inappropriate wooden carving on the ground, and use this to draw a clear line with Cao Yuying, but deep down in his heart, he was full of reluctance, I don't want to treat the baby I have cherished for a while so rudely and coldly.

In the end, Bai Duan still did not throw away the wood carving, but took out a brocade box and put it inside.

Cao Yuying looked at the wood carving reluctantly, and said with a bit of regret in her tone, "Do you want to put it away?"

"Yeah." Bai Duan's tone was cold, "I don't like it now, so naturally I won't put it out to be an eyesore."

"You don't like it, but I like it..." Cao Yuying looked eagerly, "Can you give it to me?"

Bai Duan raised her head, cast a glance at Cao Yuying, quickly closed the brocade box, and then stuffed it into the cabinet where other carvings were kept: "It's a beautiful idea!"

Cao Yuying, who has been hated by people since revealing her real gender: "..."

—To this day, Cao Yuying has to admit that when she concealed her gender, it might not be because of the huge difference in Bai Duan's treatment.

When he was mistaken for a woman or an Omega, Bai Duan was gentle and obedient to him, holding him in the palm of his hand and caring for him; but whenever he approached Bai Duan as a man, his lover's attitude suddenly became tough, It is basically the norm to be jealous and arrogant from time to time.

Although it is very uncomfortable to be mistaken for her gender, Cao Yuying really enjoys her lover's thoughtfulness and tenderness, and even more likes the way the other party actively and shyly pursues herself-it really makes me laugh out of my dreams!

It's a pity that Su Shuang is only temporary, once exposed, what awaits him will be cruel punishment. Cao Yuying silently lit a root of wax for herself, and continued to do small things, begging her lover to give her a chance to "rehabilitate".

When Bai Duan reads, he fans him; when Bai Duan writes, he grinds for him; when Bai Duan is thirsty, he makes tea for him... Even though she didn't say a word and was as quiet as a chicken, Cao Yuying tried her best There was a sense of presence frantically in front of Bai Duan, and Bai Duan... really couldn't resist the invasion in this silence.

Although she tried her best to ignore Cao Yuying and read and write in peace, Bai Duan became more and more irritable. Finally, he had to give up his resistance, put down his pen, and turned his head to look at Cao Yuying who had been staring at him eagerly.

Cao Yuying finally got the "favor" of her lover, and she was shocked immediately.

"When you were washing up this morning... what do you want to say to me?" Bai Duan took a deep breath, feeling that she had to have a frank and unfair talk with Cao Yuying, to find out where each other was, "Now that I have time, you Sit down, let's talk slowly."

Cao Yuying's eyes lit up, he sat down on another chair beside the desk, and organized his words a bit: "I know, you are angry that I lied to you, and you even think that I am just using you to escape from the palace, right?"

Bai Duan pursed her lips, but did not refute.

"I admit, I did deceive you, and to a certain extent... used you, I'm sorry, but I didn't just use deception to you." Looking at Bai Duan sincerely, Cao Yuying did not hide her affection , "Just as you fell in love with me at first sight, so do I for you, even deeper than you think—otherwise, besides you, who else can make me willingly put on a wedding dress and get married as a woman ?”

While speaking, he raised his eyebrows, and he felt a sense of arrogance spontaneously. With that female attire, he looked like a noble and incomparable empress. But soon, Cao Yuying's face suddenly fell down again, and her tone was full of sadness: "In order to marry you, I even embroidered a married Xipa with my own hands stitch by stitch, and I really experienced the feeling of a newlywed...God knows, here Before, even pretending to be a woman, I never embroidered anything!"

Bai Duan was stunned for a moment by Cao Yuying's domineering momentum, and then he couldn't laugh or cry because of his grievances and complaints. However, Bai Duan had to seemed to be the case.

When he saw Cao Yuying for the second time and had real contact with him, Bai Duan felt the dignity and arrogance in his bones. Even though he always dressed as a woman, he was more proud and powerful than most men. To judge others by oneself, even Bai Duan, who has always been gentle, can't imagine that she will put on a wedding dress and marry another man as a woman. But it did.

... If it is just to be used, do we need to do this to this extent

Bai Duan hesitated in his heart, and Cao Yuying seemed to understand his thoughts, and answered his doubts: "In these years in the palace, I have quietly established A force, not only can protect me safe and sound in the palace, but can even help me escape from the palace." Cao Yuying paused, "If I hadn't met you, maybe not long after, you would have heard the words 'Second Princess death' news. In fact, before I met you, I was almost ready to feign death."

— Cao Yuying did not lie in this sentence. If it wasn't for Bai Duan, he would have faked his death and left the palace after establishing an intelligence network in the palace and making a plan to deal with the imperial concubine. How could he continue to stay in the capital under the control of the imperial concubine despite the risk of being exposed? Inside

"You should know that with my troublesome status, it is the safest way to stay away from the capital and the Emperor Tiangao." Cao Yuying said softly.

Bai Duan remained silent, which could be regarded as acquiescing to Cao Yuying's rhetoric.

"But I didn't do it because I met you. Because you are in the capital, I don't want to leave and have nothing to do with you; I am even more worried that one day you will obey your father's arrangement, marry a wife and have children, and have a harmonious family. Happy." Stretching out her hand, carefully covering the back of the white satin hand, Cao Yuying confessed softly, "I hope that I can occupy the position next to you openly, even as a 'wife', and then live in the same room and share the same room with you. Lying in one bed, skin to skin..."

Hearing Cao Yuying's last few more and more ambiguous and lingering words, Bai Duan's face flushed suddenly, and he couldn't help but think of the physical entanglement between him and Cao Yuying last night.

Quickly throwing away these messy thoughts, Bai Duan tried not to let her focus be misled by Cao Yuying's sincerity: "Then you... shouldn't lie to me..."

"I really shouldn't." Cao Yuying confessed sincerely, "But I'm also afraid that you only like my appearance in women's clothing. Once you know that I am a man, you will take back this feeling... So, I despicably took advantage of your appearance." 'Misunderstanding', I just want to cook the rice as soon as possible, and when it's done, you and I will be married, and you will never be able to leave me... "

——If the previous words are all true, then this sentence is a lie. Once Bai Duan regains his memory, he will know that gender is definitely not an obstacle between the two of them.

However, in these worlds, Cao Yuying did not know how many times she had fooled her with her lover's amnesia, plus the biggest time bomb that caused Bai Duan's amnesia, as the saying goes, "you don't have to worry about debts", Cao Yuying has given up struggling... If you can fool around for a while, just fool around for a while.

Cao Yuying knew that her words were pure sophistry, but Bai Duan didn't know anything about it, and even put herself into the other party's perspective to understand his actions a little bit.

Bai Duan thought that even if he knew that Cao Yuying was a man, he would not be able to leave him alone, but would help him wholeheartedly, even if it cost him his marriage. But Cao Yuying didn't know this. After all, the two had only met twice, and even though they loved each other, they had never established trust. Therefore, Cao Yuying used such extreme methods, although it was unforgivable, but it was also reasonable.

Bai Duan has always been more considerate, and this trait is brought into full play after meeting her lover. But despite this, the knot formed by the "use of deception" before can't be easily let go of it for a while.

The tense expression eased a little, Bai Duan lowered his eyes and nodded lightly: "I understand, but even if your actions are justifiable, I still..." After a pause, he shook his head again .

Although he was secretly happy that he and Cao Yuying were in love with each other, Bai Duan, who had been educated in the traditional way, still couldn't accept that he married a man, let alone explain to his father that he married a man—of course, he also Also doubting how sincere Cao Yuying's confession was just now.

"We... are still like we said this morning. On the surface, we are husband and wife, but in fact..." Bai Duan looked up at Cao Yuying, "Let's get along as friends."

"Friend?!" Cao Yuying could feel the looseness in her lover's heart, but when she saw that he was still trying to push her away, she couldn't bear it anymore, "After last night, do you think we can still be friends?!" While speaking, he Standing up, she walked quickly to Bai Duan, pressed his shoulder with one hand, and squeezed his chin with the other regardless of her lover's struggle and refusal, "You and I are already a legitimate couple. There is the reality of husband and wife. No matter what misunderstandings and conflicts there are between you and me, in my heart, you are already my partner, my body and mind belong to you, and yours—also belongs to me!"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head, forcefully knocked open Bai Duan's teeth, and entangled the tip of his tongue that was stiff from fright.

Although I don't know how many times I was pressed and kissed by Cao Yuying last night, this is the first time that Bai Duan has clinged to him in a sober state, and his mind is blank, and the already loose Taoist contract is even more joyful. Longing for the closeness and intimacy of Taoist companions.

When he came back to his senses, the white satin had been transferred from the seat to Cao Yuying's lap, and he found that he was sitting on his side, panting, leaning against the other's chest, and was completely wrapped up by the "wife" in women's clothes. in the arms.

Bai Duan with a blank face: "..."

——Even though he clearly knew that it was a man who was holding him, looking at the woman's attire, Bai Duan still felt that his integrity and his self-esteem as a man... shattered to pieces.