Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 147


On the day of Guining, Bai Duan and Cao Yuying came to the palace together, and then they had to split up. Bai Duan went to meet the emperor, while Cao Yuying turned to meet the imperial concubine and "chat with her".

Since she had "expectation" for their love long before their marriage, the imperial concubine has been sending people to pay attention to their situation. Naturally, under Cao Yuying's laissez-faire, she learned about the sweet love between the two when they got along.

The imperial concubine was very satisfied with this, and it was inevitable to mention one or two things when chatting with the emperor, and even the emperor knew that the young couple had a very good relationship, and when Bai Duan came to pay their respects, he put on a smiling face of approval. He gave generous rewards without hesitation.

—Even if she is not favored, the princess represents the face of the royal family, and the royal family will never allow their blood to be bullied by courtiers.

It's a pity that although the emperor is rarely so amiable, Bai Duan didn't have the heart to deal with the other party's inquiries, and all his attention was directed to Cao Yuying, for fear that something might happen to him in the imperial concubine's palace, revealing his true gender, and causing trouble. Murder.

However, in the eyes of the emperor, Bai Duan's absent-mindedness turned into concern for his newlywed wife. Although the emperor was "fascinated" by the noble concubine, he also knew that the noble concubine's character was quite arrogant and did not like the children born to other concubines. In addition, his second daughter was timid and cowardly, Bai Duan was so concerned about "her ", can be regarded as excusable.

Thinking that he understood Bai Duan's worries, the emperor laughed and joked about "sons and daughters love each other" and allowed him to resign. Bai Duan breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't wait to thank her, exited the imperial study, and then went to Lanyue Hall where the noble concubine lived under the guidance of the palace staff.

The palace man's footsteps were not fast, Bai Duan followed behind him, he couldn't help feeling a little impatient, at first he was able to walk slowly patiently, but later he simply overtook him, leaving behind the palace man who was leading the way for him.

Because of her excellent ability to know the way since she was a child, although Bai Duan has only been to Lanyue Palace once, she will not be confused by the intricate roads in the palace.

Hurrying all the way to Lanyue Hall, Bai Duan stopped in her tracks, waiting for the notification, and at the same time calmed down her shortness of breath.

After a while, he received a response from the imperial concubine that he allowed to enter, then adjusted his clothes, and walked in at a leisurely pace.

Although the appearance of Bai Duan looked very reserved and polite, the imperial concubine had already heard from the female officer's ears about his "wretched" appearance when he hurried to Lanyue Palace, and the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up slightly. When he saw him enter the hall, his first reaction was to observe Cao Yuying who was carefully sitting sideways at the lower head, and he felt even more satisfied—this is indeed the appearance of taking his "wife" seriously.

Even though Bai Duan is regarded as a scourge that might bully her "wife", the imperial concubine is still in a good mood, but she is a little regretful that Bai Duan and Cao Yuying are standing is really not a good match.

The white satin jade tree faces the wind and looks better than Pan An, but Cao Yuying is plain in appearance and cowardly and dull, which makes people feel bored just looking at her. If it wasn't for waiting for Bai Duan and seeing the young couple standing together with her own eyes, she would have sent him away long ago.

It has to be said that even though Cao Yuying has royal blood in her body, she still seems to be unworthy of a handsome consort.

It's just that, apart from the power of "love", what other reason can make such a "husband and wife" so different? The imperial concubine couldn't see any falsehood in Bai Duan's eyes, the unfeigned worry and concern and the faintly flowing affection were really heart-stirring.

Satisfied, she relaxed her body and leaned on the imperial concubine's couch. The imperial concubine chatted with Bai Duan for a few words, and then sent the two of them away without much interest—after all, she had achieved her purpose of meeting the two and confirmed their love with her own eyes, so that was enough up.

Bai Duan took Cao Yuying to bow to the imperial concubine and bid farewell, and he was relieved until he left Lanyue Palace.

"Before I came, didn't anything happen?" Bai Duan looked Cao Yuying up and down again, and asked softly.

"Very well." Since she was still in the palace, Cao Yuying still maintained a low-browed look, and replied shyly, "The noble concubine... didn't make things difficult for me."

"That's good." Bai Duan nodded, without further questioning.

The two went out of the palace gate, boarded the carriage, returned to Yushi's Mansion, and then reported to Bai Yushi about the process of entering the palace.

After dealing with these matters, they returned to the courtyard where they lived, and they could really close the door and have a "private conversation".

"The imperial concubine didn't suspect that you were a man, did she?" Bai Duan sat down at the table and took a sip of tea.

"Of course not." Cao Yuying chuckled softly, leaned against him, and began to move her hands and feet sticky again, "I haven't exposed myself after staying in the palace for so long, don't worry."

"How can it be the same?" Bai Duan pushed his hand away a little unbearably disturbed, and frowned, "You used to be a little transparent in the palace, and you probably never met the imperial concubine, but now, you are Spent a lot of time with her face to face."

"That's okay." Cao Yuying frowned, enjoying Bai Duan's worry, "I'm still young, I've just started to develop secondary sexual characteristics, and I can pretend to be a woman."

Bai Duan had never heard of the phrase "developing secondary sexual characteristics", but she understood the meaning by accident.

He pursed his lips: "If you were older... wouldn't it be difficult to pretend to be a woman?"

"That's not a problem." Cao Yuying smiled, "My character in the palace is timid and withdrawn. It's normal to stay in the back house after marriage and not go out to visit relatives and friends."

— What's more, he also has the mental power of cheating, which can blur the judgment of his gender by the people around him, so that others can't doubt him.

It's a pity that Bai Duan didn't know that Cao Yuying had such a cheating weapon, so her expression became more serious. He pondered for a while, and finally made a decision: "You said before that because of your special status, the best way to protect your secrets is to leave the capital, far away from the emperor—I agree with that."

Cao Yuying raised her eyebrows: "You mean...?"

"Let's leave Beijing." Bai Duan said solemnly, "Early when I failed the imperial examination, my father suggested that I go out for a walk. As the saying goes, 'reading thousands of books is worse than traveling thousands of miles'. It's just that I was not young at that time. Daddy, my father was worried that I would leave home alone, and later he wanted to look after my marriage, so he procrastinated day by day—now, I am... married, and your status is really not suitable for staying in the capital, we How about going outside for a walk?"

"If father-in-law is willing, I have no objection." Cao Yuying naturally smiled expectantly at the thought of a two-person honeymoon trip with her lover.

"I will tell my father, and my father will definitely agree." After making a decision, Bai Duan relaxed and smiled, "Is there any place you want to go?"

"Where I want to go... How about going to Miaojiang?" Cao Yuying quickly replied, "I originally wanted to send someone to Miaojiang to find a way to get rid of the Gu worm on the emperor. Now that I can go there in person, the possibility of success is naturally greater gone."

Bai Duan with a blank face: "..."

After a moment of silence, Bai Duan opened his mouth, his voice dry: "...Wait, wait a minute, did I hear wrong? What did you just say? The... Gu worm on the emperor?"

"Yes, you heard me right." Cao Yuying chuckled lightly, a bit like she was playing a prank, "He has gone against his former wiseness and martial arts all these years, he doted on the demon concubine to the point of stupidity, and he didn't even hear about his murdered son. Don't ask, it's because he was bewitched by the imperial concubine."

Bai Duan: "………………"

—Suddenly hearing such an earth-shattering royal secret, there is always a panic of standing on the edge of a cliff and dying...

Seeing her lover's expression collapsed, Cao Yuying casually recounted the "love and hatred between the emperor and the imperial concubine" that she had learned from the harem, allowing Bai Duan to sort out the whole story.

After listening to the whole story, Bai Duan couldn't help feeling a little bit sad, and felt that poor people must have something to hate, whether it's the emperor or the imperial concubine, it's all like this.

"Speaking of which, what would you do if you encountered the same situation as the imperial concubine?" Cao Yuying couldn't help being curious when she remembered that she had brought herself into the emperor's perspective.

"If it were me..." Bai Duan pondered for a moment, "I'll probably try my best to leave and be at ease, right? Letting the other party and myself go, it's considered... a good get-together and a break-up."

For this answer, Cao Yuying frowned. Although Bai Duan's answer seemed free and easy, he could hear the taste of indifference from it. Because there is no real love, only this one person, so he can choose to let go so easily—just like when he first imagined that he and Bai Duan would not be able to withstand the test of reincarnation, forgetting the original intention, so they parted ways and settled down separately. so good.

Not satisfied with this answer, Cao Yuying continued to ask: "What if it was me? Just imagine, if one day, you suddenly found out that I have other lovers..."

Before he finished speaking, he noticed that Bai Duan's complexion darkened, and the aura around him suddenly became cold.

"If it was you..." Bai Duan narrowed his eyes slightly, and glanced down at the place between Cao Yuying's legs, "I will probably castrate you and lock you up so that you can no longer mess with women. "

Cao Yuying's lower body turned cold when Bai Duan looked at her, and she said in an embarrassing tone: " just lock me up? It's unnecessary, isn't it? In this way, your 'sexual blessing' will be gone, right? ?”

Bai Duan stared at Cao Yuying, and smiled coldly: "It's a good idea, you have touched someone else, and you think I will allow you to continue to touch me?"

Cao Yuying: "………………"

"What's more, only the punishment in the previous item will have any effect on you." Seeing through her lover's "masochism" at a glance, the corners of Bai Duan's mouth twitched slightly, "If it's just locked up, it won't punish you at all effect!"

Cao Yuying, who was completely unable to refute: "..."

-how to say? Although this answer did show that Bai Duan cared about her, Cao Yuying didn't feel like Su Shuang at all, instead her back was sweating slightly.

Secretly feeling that the little lover is getting more and more cruel, Cao Yuying silently fell silent, and did not continue to discuss this topic.

However, Bai Duan did not intend to let go easily. He frowned suspiciously, and said in a deep voice, "You're asking... you don't really have any lovers in the palace, do you?"

"How is that possible!" Cao Yuying hurriedly cried out, "I was trembling in the palace, fearing that my true gender would be exposed, so how could I find someone to be my girlfriend! What's more, you are the only one I like, and other people are no different from air in my eyes! "

Bai Duan's expression softened a little, and she also felt that Cao Yuying should have no courage to commit adultery in the palace, but—"Then why are you so familiar with love affairs...?"

Cao Yuying: "………………"

—If you don’t die, you won’t die, why is my mouth so indebted!

—Little ancestor, haven't we already discussed this issue in the last world? Let's not repeat the old story, okay

Cao Yuying, who made a big death herself, had to use all her strengths to convince Bai Duan that she was "extraordinarily talented" in being so proficient. However, he still paid the price—for several nights, Bai Duan drove him to the low couch outside the bedroom and couldn't sleep alone.

Fortunately, apart from the "embarrassment" between the young couple, the progress of the "honeymoon trip" is still very smooth. Bai Yushi readily agreed to Bai Duan's proposal, and thought that since a man could not be an official in the court, he should go out and see more, see all kinds of people's livelihood, and travel to famous mountains and rivers. Only in this way can we grow into a truly responsible and courageous man.

Of course, for the young couple traveling together, Bai Yushi also has a request, that is, once Cao Yuying becomes pregnant, she must return to Beijing immediately, and there must be no delay—in case of hurting Jinsun, Bai Yushi will never agree!

Bai Duan and Cao Yuying silently promised: "..."

—If they follow Bai Yushi’s request, they probably will never have the chance to return to Beijing →_→