Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 148


As the saying goes, "the daughter who is married, the water that is poured out", even the princess of the royal family is no exception. As long as the princess's son-in-law does not make any mistakes in principle, the princess also needs to abide by the rule of "marrying and obeying her husband". Therefore, as long as she is accompanied by her husband, the princess will not have as many difficulties in leaving Beijing as the prince.

After getting Bai Yushi's permission to go out on a trip, Bai Duan and Cao Yuying stayed in the capital for more than a month, and bought several dog food for the princess's son-in-law's love for everyone in the capital, letting everyone know that the two of them Feeling very good. Afterwards, Bai Duan wrote to the emperor as a son-in-law, expressing his willingness to travel with the princess and increase his knowledge, and the emperor quickly gave permission for the two to go out of Beijing, and even encouraged them diligently, The general meaning is not much different from Bai Yushi's encouragement.

After receiving the emperor's permission, Bai Duan and Cao Yuying acted quickly. Because Cao Yuying is a "princess" and "golden branches and jade leaves", it is impossible for them to have two riders and ride lightly. They must bring guards, servants and maids. Even if the staff is reduced as much as possible, they still formed in the end A team of more than ten people.

As for the travel expenses for this trip, it basically came from Cao Yuying's "dowry" - when Bai Duan mistook Cao Yuying for a woman before marriage, he put in a lot of effort and planned for a long time how he would earn money to support his family. But now that he knew Cao Yuying's identity as a man, Bai Duan's desire to make money suddenly became much weaker, and he didn't blush or feel embarrassed when using the dowry of "wife".

And Cao Yuying is also very satisfied with this situation of "raising" her lover, she doesn't want her sweetheart to focus on how to make money at all - her little son-in-law only needs to think about herself all the time is enough!

After making all the preparations, Bai Duan and Cao Yuying entered the palace to bid farewell to the emperor, and then boarded the carriage that left the capital and drove to a wider world beyond the capital.

Although Bai Duan was still thinking about the Gu worms on the emperor, Cao Yuying was not in a hurry - anyway, the wish of the original body has been fulfilled, he not only successfully left the palace, but also found a consort who can love the old man. As for dispelling Gu worms, it can only be regarded as a side task, and at most the rewards are different if you do it or not.

Therefore, compared to Bai Duan who has been educated by Bai Yushi's loyalty to the emperor and who is very worried about the emperor, Cao Yuying, the "daughter", instead puts most of her attention on the sweet and loving honeymoon with her son-in-law.

Every time he went to a town, he would earnestly inquire about the surrounding places of interest, festivals, and special foods, and then he would take his lover for a walk. Bai Duan was a little absent-minded at first, always urging him to hurry up, but later he was gradually infected by Cao Yuying and enjoyed this carefree and unrestrained time.

I have to say that traveling is really an activity that can quickly understand each other. If there are people who are not compatible with each other, it will probably not be long before they part ways due to various frictions and conflicts, but when they are placed on Bai Duan and Cao Yuying, they will become more intimate and harmonious, like glue. Even the servants who follow will consciously walk away when the two get along, so as not to be blinded by the dog's eyes.

Of course, what the servants did was playing into Bai Duan's hands. The servants he brought were grown up together and were trustworthy, and the maids Cao Yuying brought along were also his confidantes who had followed him since the palace, but the remaining few guards were given by the emperor and were not with him. Under Cao Yuying's control, Bai Duan was very worried that they would discover the secret of their "wife", report it to the emperor in private, and then the imperial concubine would learn about it.

For such a nervous and prudent lover, Cao Yuying felt warm in her heart, but she did not tell the other party that he had controlled the guards with mental power long before leaving the capital, and it didn't matter even if they revealed their secrets—even before leaving the capital. After a long time, he didn't take off the women's clothing that he detested and bored for a long time, and regained his "man's body".

This approach was not because of Cao Yuying's liking for women's clothing or other unreliable reasons, but because he found out that his little son-in-law reacted extremely strongly to his women's clothing.

Every time he wears women's clothes and presses his lover under his body and hugs Jiang Jiangniangniang in his arms, Bai Duan always behaves extremely shy and nervous, which is so beautiful that it is hard to put it down.

Cao Yuying really likes to see her lover blushing and shy when she is hugged into her arms in women's clothing—ordinarily, Bai Duan is always honest about desire, and she is very open in bed, but suddenly she becomes Cao Yuying was really surprised by the contrast between the nervous, stiff and shy little pitiful.

Such a lot of benefits made Cao Yuying linger and forget herself, unable to stop, and even completely overwhelmed his disgust and rejection of women's clothing.

So, after he knew that he was able to change into women's clothing, he still dressed as a woman, respecting his husband as heaven and the little bird (?) in front of outsiders, while holding his husband-in-law in his arms behind others Tears of bullying here and there—it’s really... very emotional.

In this way, it took Bai Duan and Cao Yuying nearly a year to get from the capital to Miaojiang with stop-and-go all the way, visiting mountains and rivers, and they even made a detour on the way to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River.

During this trip, Bai Duan not only experienced the vastness of the sky and the vastness of the people's livelihood. Anyway, "Her Royal Highness" is rich, wealthy, and precious. As long as the money is in place, it is more than enough to send someone to clean up the place. With the addition of spiritual power, there is no need to worry about being disturbed when you are in love with your son-in-law.

Therefore, after this honeymoon, "Her Royal Highness" was extremely satisfied physically and mentally. Even if he needed to start dealing with side missions after arriving in Miaojiang, it only made him frowned with regret, and he was not too impatient.

Although Miaojiang is far away from the Central Plains and remote, there are not a few towns with Han as the main population. Many ethnic minorities such as Miao, Bai, and Shui live in them and intermarry with Han for generations.

Most of these ethnic minorities who choose to intermarry with other races are not of high status in the clan, and will not come into contact with clan secrets such as "Gu worms"—even if they were born high, they will inevitably be born after leaving the clan. Strictly keep secrets and pretend to be ordinary people.

Therefore, Cao Yuying did not intend to look for a needle in a haystack in the Han towns, but was going to go deep into the dense forest to find the Miao Village with pure blood and lived away from the world.

If you want to find a village that hides the Miao people very deeply in the dense jungle, it is really a very difficult thing. After all, the dense forest is dangerous, the direction is difficult to distinguish, and the territory is vast. Luck's favor.

However, these difficulties did not cause any trouble to Cao Yuying.

He has a system in his body - although the system has no sense of presence most of the time, it is more than enough to scan the area map and locate his own position. However, Cao Yuying's ambition is not just to find a Miao village in the dense forest, but to go further and find the Miao village where the noble concubine was born.

If the former mode is Easy, then the latter mode is Hard. And Cao Yuying's ambition is all due to the information he got from the imperial concubine through the intelligence network in the palace.

Because she was not happy in the palace, the imperial concubine misses the Miao Village where she grew up, but she is unwilling and has no face to go back. She can only recall the hometown that carried all her beautiful girlhood over and over again.

After being brought into the harem, the imperial concubine gradually came into contact with the culture of the Central Plains, and worked hard to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in order to please her sweetheart. Although I couldn't turn my face black after falling in love, I didn't give up these skills, but the purpose of learning changed from pleasing my lover to entertaining myself and killing time.

Even though she came into contact with the culture of the Central Plains late, the concubine's talent is good, especially in painting.

In her spare time, the imperial concubine often takes a brush and carefully draws the appearance of the Miao Village in her memory, and even describes the appearance of her relatives and friends. Those paintings are full of her nostalgia, sadness and guilt—perhaps, she also I am afraid that this memory will gradually fade with time, so I hope to freeze it on the rice paper forever while I can still remember it.

These paintings were all silently scanned and stored in the memory by Cao Yuying's system as the only basis for locating the Miao Village. Cao Yuying also controlled the most trusted female official of the imperial concubine and stole one from her palace. Silver pendants with exquisite totems brought over from the Miao Village, in case of emergencies.

Of course, these arrangements were put aside long after Cao Yuying planned to marry Bai Duan and stay in the capital. After all, if there is no systematic help, it is really difficult to achieve this goal just by dispatching personnel.

It's just that Cao Yuying didn't expect that the plan she had given up at first would turn out to be a bright future. In the end, he successfully set foot on the land of Miaojiang according to the plan, and found the jungle where the emperor once fought, was in danger, and met the imperial concubine for the first time—with his little son-in-law.

Arranging the servants in the Han towns of Miaojiang, Bai Duan and Cao Yuying found an excuse and left together to prepare for the next step into the dense forest—and Cao Yuying finally reluctantly changed out of the cumbersome women’s dress and wore Put on men's clothes that are convenient for activities.

"Let's just leave like this. Those guards won't be worried. They will pass the news of our disappearance to the emperor, right?" Bai Duan also changed into a strong outfit, and pulled it tightly to prevent mosquitoes from crawling. The neckline and cuffs of the entrance, asked a little worried.

"Don't worry, I have already made arrangements, and they will stay in peace and order." Cao Yuying naturally did not dare to reveal the secret that she had controlled the guards, and could only promise solemnly.

Bai Duan nodded slightly, and stopped asking further questions. Along the way, he has become accustomed to relying on Cao Yuying, and believes in every word he says—of course, except when he is in bed.

After preparations were made, the system also scanned the map of the dense forest area and screened out the Miao villages distributed among them. Next, Cao Yuying needs to bring the system closer to these Miao villages, conduct a more detailed and in-depth scan, and finally determine the target.

Following behind Cao Yuying, Bai Duan was very surprised to see him walking through the jungle with a clear goal: "You seem to know this place very well?"

Cao Yuying nodded without guilt, and confirmed the system map as she walked forward: "Of course, I have been preparing for this operation for a long time."

Bai Duan didn't doubt that he was there, and secretly rejoiced in his heart that he suggested that Cao Yuying leave the capital, which didn't let his years of hard work go to waste.

In this way, Bai Duan and Cao Yuying spent more than a week secretly visiting several Miao villages. In the jungle, due to the deterrence of Cao Yuying's spiritual power, wild animals such as tigers, leopards, monkeys, snakes and the like that would cause great troubles all avoided them. The two did not encounter any difficulties along the way. , the only problem is that it is not convenient for daily washing. Although Cao Yuying had tried her best, the two still inevitably looked a little embarrassed.

Looking at her lover who was disgusted and sniffing her body, Cao Yuying was very distressed: "If the next Miao village is not what we are looking for, we will leave temporarily and come back after some repairs."

Bai Duan hesitated for a moment, and wanted to say that he could persevere, but looking at Cao Yuying, who was also dirty, he was also a little worried about his condition—after all, Cao Yuying had been taking care of him all this time, so he should be more tired than him .

"Okay." Bai Duan nodded lightly, shaking Cao Yuying's finger gently, "Let's all take a good rest."

"Yeah." Cao Yuying felt the love of her lover, her eyes were full of smiles, and she even had a bit of hope of returning home - since she went deep into the dense forest, he hasn't been close to the little consort for a long time, and she really misses her very much.

Maybe it was this decision that set a big flag. When Bai Duan and Cao Yuying were planning to turn around and repair, they got "good news" after they approached the last Miao Village.

Judging from the information fed back by the system, the Miao Village has more than 60% similarity with the characters and scenery depicted in the painting of the imperial concubine. Going up a little bit more—and more importantly, the system also found the exact same totem as the imperial concubine's silver jewelry in the square in the center of the village.

Bai Duan, who was very happy to achieve his goal: "Kung fu pays off!"

Although the goal was achieved, Cao Yuying was not so happy for some reason: "Yes→_→"

—It seems that he will have to wait for a while longer before he can hold the little concubine intimately... It's a little sad...

After confirming the Miao village that was going to be attacked, Cao Yuying did not act rashly, but lurked around the Miao village with a white satin, scanning and observing the situation in the entire Miao village together with the system.

Bai Duan didn't know exactly what Cao Yuying was doing, but one of his strengths was that he never "meddled his own business" seriously.