Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 149


Bai Duan didn't know exactly what Cao Yuying was doing, but one of his strengths was that he never "meddled his own business" seriously. In his heart, Cao Yuying has a reason for everything she does, and he just needs to follow obediently and not cause trouble for the other party—of course, if he needs his help, Bai Duan will not hesitate to help.

In this way, after a few days of observation, Cao Yuying almost understood the general character and status of the residents of the Miao Village, and also determined a proper entry point. As for the next thing to do, it is to wait patiently for the time to come.

Fortunately, Cao Yuying didn't have to wait long before she realized that her target had left the village—it was a boy who was about the same age as Cao Yuying and Bai Duan. As the son of the patriarch, he has a high status in the village. Because he is still young and has been pampered all the time, he is more simple and straightforward than ordinary Miao people.

It's a pity that such a simple and kind boy has become the target of Cao Yuying.

The Miao teenagers should go out to collect herbs, but they stop and go, run and jump, and seem to be mostly playing and relaxing.

Cao Yuying watched him gradually move away from the village, and the corners of her mouth curled up with a secret malicious arc. Bai Duan was lying beside Cao Yuying, seeing his appearance, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, thinking that the young man seemed "more ominous than good".

Sure enough, within a short while, there was a sudden sound of tigers roaring in the mountains and forests nearby. Even Bai Duan, who had been prepared for a long time, was taken aback, let alone the boy who was having fun.

The expression of the young Miao nationality changed suddenly, from smiling to pale, even with a bit of disbelief. He subconsciously threw away the plant he had just picked, and ran in the opposite direction from the sound.

However, how could that tiger—or Cao Yuying—will let him go? The Miao boy ran out two steps when he saw a colorful tiger rushing out from the bushes, staring at him with fierce and salivating eyes, and with a slight flick of its iron-like tail, it swept away a piece of wood. Branch leaves.

The Miao boy was so frightened that he couldn't even cry for help, so he could only run forward with all his might. It's a pity that this is probably the first time he has encountered such a critical situation. Excessive fear made his movements stiff, his legs weak, and he also stumbled when running, and almost tripped over tree roots and weeds several times.

And that fierce tiger had several chances to throw him down, but it kept sticking behind the young man like a cat playing with a mouse, driving him farther and farther away from the Miao village without a trace...

Bai Duan was led by Cao Yuying, followed by the tiger and the Miao boy, and cast doubtful eyes on Cao Yuying: "You made this tiger...?"

"Well, it's me." Knowing that Bai Duan had never been a sympathetic person, Cao Yuying nodded frankly.

Sure enough, Bai Duan was more concerned about the fact that Cao Yuying put innocent teenagers in danger - "How did you do it? You can control a beast like a tiger! It's amazing!"

Bathed in the adoring eyes of her sweetheart, Cao Yuying was quite proud: "I am able to do this because of a power called 'spiritual power', and I will teach you slowly in the future."

Bai Duan's eyes lit up, and he nodded as if realizing something, unable to hide his eagerness to try.

While speaking, the tiger had already driven the young man far away, and the young man gradually calmed down from his panic when he saw the tiger just now.

Realizing that he would hardly have a chance of surviving if he continued to run away, the Miao boy gritted his teeth, took out a milky white vial from his waist pocket while running, pulled off the cap, and threw it towards the tiger behind him .

Cao Yuying noticed his movement, squinted her eyes, and immediately found a knuckle-sized bug flying out of the bottle mouth - it must be the so-called "Gu worm".

The Gu worms in Miaojiang have always been a taboo in the clan, and they must not be used at will unless there is an emergency, and some worms even spend a whole life feeding them. At such a life-threatening moment, the Gu worm brought out by the Miao boy must be extraordinary, how could Cao Yuying watch this little thing ruin her plan

As early as the moment the boy moved, Cao Yuying bent down and picked up a small stone, then raised her hand before the bug touched the tiger, and shot the stone out.

Under the blessing of mental power, the stone piercing through the air was extraordinarily sharp and fast, the Gu worm couldn't react in time, collided with the stone in mid-air, and fell to the ground.

The Miao boy didn't notice this scene, after all he was still busy running for his life, after releasing the Gu worm, he didn't have the energy to pay attention to whether it got into the tiger's body smoothly. After running a few steps, seeing the tiger behind him still chasing after him, nothing unusual, the young man realized that his Gu worms had no effect, and at this time, he had already been driven far away by the tiger, completely Unable to see the Gu insect that fell on the ground and struggled to fly again, Cao Yuying pinched its wings and put it in a sealed box—this box was prepared by Cao Yuying before entering the dense forest. The opportunity to "steal" one or two Gu worms for research, and now it just comes in handy.

The only Gu worm that could be used to save his life unexpectedly failed, the hope in the eyes of the Miao village boy suddenly extinguished, and the whole person changed from the previous panic to be ashamed and helpless. Maybe it was because of the blow he had received too much, or maybe it was because he had run for so long and his physical strength was almost exhausted. The young man staggered suddenly, tripped over a tree root protruding from the ground, and fell to the ground.

He wanted to get up in a panic, but found that his ankle was twisted, and he couldn't stand up at all, let alone run for his life. He could only turn over and watched in despair as the tiger bent its strong hind legs and rushed towards him in the air. come over!

The boy's pupils constricted suddenly, and it seemed that time slowed down a lot at that moment, but he could only watch the tiger getting closer and closer to him, and he could even feel the smelly and hot humid gas it expelled—— In an instant, when the boy was ready for pain and death, he found that the tiger suddenly let out a painful whine, twisted his body, and fell to one side in embarrassment.

The Miao boy didn't know whether he was lucky or shocked at that time. He just instinctively turned over several times in a row, rolling and crawling as far away from the tiger as possible, until he successfully opened a distance, and then sat leaning against a tree. Standing up, Yu Sheng watched a young man about his own age flying out with a sharp sword in his hand, standing in front of him and facing the ferocious tiger.

The young man was dressed as a Han Chinese, with long hair tied back and a heroic posture. The sharp sword in his hand waved like a silver light, forcing the tiger to keep jumping and dodging, and let out bursts of threatening growls. But the tiger is fierce, and the sword-wielding boy is not weak at all. In just a few moves, the tiger's shiny fur has bloodstains and flesh curls.

Soon, the tiger realized that he was invincible, roared unwillingly, turned his head and fled into the dense forest, but the sword-wielding boy did not continue to chase.

It was the first time for a young Miao boy to experience martial arts in the Central Plains, and he felt that the sword moves were both graceful and powerful. He looked at the young man with the sword full of admiration and gratitude.

Cao Yuying put her sword back into its sheath, met the eyes of the Miao village boy and approached, and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

The young man of the Miao nationality was stunned for a moment, and stood up in embarrassment while leaning on the tree trunk. His eyes were still staring at Cao Yuying eagerly, and he uttered a sentence of "garbled characters".

Cao Yuying was also taken aback for a moment, then smiled slightly, changed the language exactly like the boy, and repeated the question again.

The boy finally understood this time, and shook his head hastily, the gratitude on his face grew deeper.

Bai Duan, who was listening at the side, was confused. Seeing the two chatting for a long time, and finally came to an end, she interjected and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"We are communicating in the language of the Miao nationality." Cao Yuying chuckled, "I told him that we came for an adventure in the forest, but we strayed too deep into the dense forest and lost our way. We lead out of the woods."

Bai Duan nodded silently, trying not to show contempt: "Bringing out of the woods—this is definitely not your purpose."

"Of course." Cao Yuying stroked the long sword at her waist, with a gentleman's magnanimity, "It's just that it's getting late and it's not safe, and his ankle is injured again, so we discussed it first." Go back to the Miao village where he lives for a rest, and wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow before leaving."

Bai Duan: "………………"

Subconsciously, Bai Duan cast a pitiful glance at the Miao boy.

This poor young man obviously didn't know what "it's easy to ask God to send God away" is, or he was dazzled by the grace of saving his life, and he brought strange Han people into his village so easily—however, just as It was because of this character that Cao Yuying chose him as a legitimate springboard to enter the Miao Village.

Receiving Bai Duan's gaze, the Miao youth gave him a friendly smile, his pure and clear eyes were full of curiosity, he pointed at himself and said something, and then made a movement - probably the etiquette of the Miao nationality.

Cao Yuying looked at the confused Bai Duan, smiled and translated: "He said his name is Mizukushima, and he was greeting you just now."

Bai Duan didn't understand the Miao dialect at all, so he could only smile and nodded when he heard this. And Cao Yuying turned her head away, and responded to his greeting instead of Bai Duan, which caused the young man to show a very surprised expression, and then... laughed enviously and blessedly.

"... What did you say again?" Bai Duan narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling something was wrong.

Cao Yuying smiled triumphantly: "I told him that we are 'husband and wife', not friends."

Bai Duan: "………………"

"What are you talking about!" blushing slightly, Bai Duan said reproachfully, "There is no need for this!"

—He is really "enough" with this "wife" who likes to show affection everywhere, as if she is afraid that others will not know their relationship, even changing into men's clothes!

"Why isn't it necessary? I think it's very important!" Cao Yuying raised her eyebrows, "You see, the emperor and the imperial concubine back then were the 'beautiful rescue heroes' who incurred the debt of love. For the grace of saving my life, what should I do if I want to make a promise with my body, and then give me a Gu worm if I can't ask for it! Of course, you must make it clear in advance to avoid these troubles!"

Bai Duan, who was shocked by the thickness of his lover's face: "..."

Subconsciously, she wanted to complain about his face, but after glancing at the Miao boy with flushed cheeks and bright eyes, who was obviously still immersed in the extreme admiration for Cao Yuying, Bai Duan silently swallowed the ridicule.

—Well, what you can do is what you say, in order to avoid lessons learned from the past, it is better to kill all rotten peach blossoms in the cradle. My partner is more narcissistic... Is there anything wrong with it

A pure and innocent young man of the Miao nationality: "... What???"