Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 152


After leaving the dense forest, Bai Duan and Bai Duan said goodbye to the Miao hunter who led the way, and returned to the Han town where the servants stayed. They first found a tailor shop and asked Cao Yuying to change back into the woman's dress, then went to the hotel where they stayed and joined the large army.

Bai Duan's servant had been waiting eagerly at the door, and when he saw the return of the young master and "Young Madam", he immediately showed a relieved expression of congratulations, and hurriedly welcomed the two into the hotel. Cao Yuying's maids also heard the news, and quickly moved to prepare comfortable clothes, sumptuous meals, and hot water for bathing for the two of them, so that the dusty princess and son-in-law could wash away the dust they had collected along the way.

After taking care of it properly, Cao Yuying and Bai Duan returned to their usual elegant and elegant appearance. As the saying goes, "Thinking of lust when you are full", after drinking and eating, Cao Yuying looked at the little son-in-law who had just finished bathing and was sitting at the table wiping her hair with flushed cheeks, feeling a little restless and distracted.

Leaning over, he took the white cotton cloth from Bai Duan's hand, wiped the water droplets from his hair, and then picked up the comb to help him comb his long black hair. But combing and combing, Cao Yuying's movements became irregular.

Cao Yuying longed for her lover's body, and Bai Duan was also vacant for a while, and she was also a little moved by the other party's teasing. Tilting her head slightly, bearing the kisses that fell on her cheeks and neck, Bai Duan was hugged by her "wife" behind herself, feeling his hand stretching from her neckline, her breathing became heavier and her body became slightly hot.

Just when the two of them were so affectionate and almost shot their guns, there was a very inappropriate knock on the door. Cao Yuying's personal maid stood outside the door and said softly, "Your Highness, an old lady came outside and said she was looking for you."

Cao Yuying cursed, intending to make the witch doctor who came at an untimely time wait a little longer, but Bai Duan had already pulled his troubled hand out of her lap and urged him to let the witch doctor come in.

Cao Yuying frowned in dissatisfaction and lost her temper, but seeing that her lover had already stood up and started to straighten the slightly messy clothes on her body, he had no choice but to give up the idea of having a show, and complained in a low voice.

Fortunately, the clothes of both of them were fairly tidy, Bai Duan sat down again quickly, and put on a serious look, while Cao Yuying leaned on his shoulders, using a wide dress to cover her still swollen parts, Lazy asked the maid to bring the witch doctor in.

Bai Duan had always been educated by Bai Yushi as a gentleman, so she couldn't adapt to Cao Yuying's lazy hospitality, so she couldn't help scolding softly: "I'm going to see the guests soon, sit upright, what do you look like!"

Cao Yuying pursed her lips, showing no intention of changing at all, she even glanced at Bai Duan's white jade-like fingers on the table, she couldn't help but raise her hand to hold it.

Bai Duan has long been used to his "wife" looking for every opportunity to touch her like she is suffering from skin hunger, but it's just a handshake, so he has no intention of resisting.

However, Bai Duan didn't expect that his obedience would lead to the other party getting bigger and bigger. Cao Yuying squeezed Bai Duan's hand, then grabbed it again and placed it between her thighs.

Bai Duan was shocked, and the face that had just faded from the blush was suddenly covered with red clouds - he clearly felt the hot and hard bulge under his palm, subconsciously wanted to pull his hand out, but was held tightly by Cao Yuying, He even let out a low-pitched moan while struggling and rubbing extremely shamelessly.

Immediately, Bai Duan froze, not daring to move at all.

Cao Yuying glanced at her lover inexplicably, as if urging him to move. Received the gaze of "wife", Bai Duan was ashamed and angry, just about to reprimand sharply, but when he heard footsteps from outside the door, he swallowed back the words that had just come to his mouth.

In the next second, the door was pushed open by the maid, and behind her was a witch doctor in a black robe who looked very mysterious.

Bai Duan felt his heart beating like a drum, and almost jumped out of his throat, for fear that the maid and the witch doctor would see something wrong.

Seeing the little son-in-law looking like an enemy, Cao Yuying chuckled lightly, and whispered in his ear to comfort him: "Don't worry, no one will notice."

Bai Duan heard Cao Yuying's reassurance, but became even more angry in his heart. He couldn't help turning his head and glaring at the culprit, gritted his teeth secretly.

Fortunately, as Cao Yuying said, since he was wearing a skirt, there was nothing wrong with their actions except that they were more intimate in the eyes of others, so neither the maid nor the witch doctor showed any strange expressions—Bai Duan breathed a sigh of relief , Gradually relaxed the stiff body.

After leading the witch doctor into the room, the maid bowed back and closed the door, leaving only the witch doctor standing at the door in a daze—she was clearly looking for a Han prince, the blink of an eye she turned into a woman

The witch doctor was full of doubts and hesitated to speak, but at this time, Cao Yuying finally finished biting the ear with her little son-in-law, turned to look at her, and gave her a cold and sharp look because of her dissatisfaction with desire.

Immediately, the witch doctor was shocked, and finally made sure that he had not found the wrong person—the "woman" in front of her who was leaning on someone else's shoulder like a bird (?) was indeed the cruel, arrogant, and noble woman from last night. The prince of the Han Dynasty. And why the other party was able to survive under the eyes of his daughter and grow up to such a big size, there is also a reasonable explanation.

——I have been dressing up as a girl since I was a child, no wonder I have become such a perverted look who wants to take revenge on society.

"Since you finally came here after a night of thinking, it means that you are willing to go back to Beijing with me to detoxify the father?" , and more attention is paid to the fingers of the handsome young man beside him "playing".

Bai Duan didn't dare to look at the witch doctor's expression, she turned her gaze aside slightly, feeling Cao Yuying's fingers gently stroking the hard object under the dress again and again, only feeling that her whole body They were about to burn, but they had to keep a straight face and put on a serious look.

——Bai Duan almost scolded Cao Yuying's eighth-life ancestor!

It's a pity that the witch doctor didn't know the details inside, and even the situation of being ignored by both of them made her panic even more.

"...Yes, I am willing to go to Beijing with you... to detoxify the emperor." The witch doctor said hoarsely, "But you have to promise that you will keep my people safe."

"Of course I will do my best." Cao Yuying smiled slightly, and finally raised her eyes as if condescending, "Have you prepared everything needed to remove the poison?"

"It's ready." The witch doctor said, but seemed to have thought of something, paused, and then quickly added, "But there is still a little something missing, and it will not be too late to prepare it in the capital. These things need... fresh."

Cao Yuying raised her eyebrows, she just felt that this witch doctor was really straightforward, he couldn't even tell a lie. But he also knew the reason why the witch doctor said this, and he didn't bother to argue with her: "It's fine, I will send someone to take you to prepare it when the time comes."

The witch doctor breathed a sigh of relief, but she felt that Cao Yuying's eyes seemed to be able to see through her, so she didn't dare to make any small moves. Just telling a lie, the clothes on the back were almost wet with cold sweat—although because of the way she treated her daughter The love of the witch doctor made the witch doctor get rid of Cao Yuying's mental control, but the feeling that the whole person was controlled was still engraved in her bones, which made her subconsciously panic and fear when facing Cao Yuying.

"If there is nothing else, it's settled like this." Cao Yuying curled her lips with a half-smile, "You can take a rest today, and we will leave for Beijing early tomorrow morning."

"... I see." The witch doctor replied in a hoarse voice, bowed stiffly, turned around and walked out of the house, his pace was more sluggish and tired than yesterday.

After finally sending the witch doctor away, Bai Duan and Cao Yuying both heaved a sigh of relief.

Bai Duan endured it for so long, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and pulled his hand out from Cao Yuying's pressure. Cao Yuying gasped because of his movement, it seemed to be in pain and at the same time it seemed to be refreshing, Bai Duan was even... out of breath.

Bai Duan is always refreshed by the shamelessness of his "wife", but this is the first time that he is forced to do such a thing in front of others... even more outrageous than hugging and kissing. Recalling the feeling of fear and panic just now, Bai Duan couldn't help but become angry from embarrassment, and her whole body trembled slightly. It's a pity that just as he was about to reprimand, Cao Yuying, who was also unbearable in another way, threw her red eyes on the bed, half-coaxed and half-coaxed her clothes back—then... she no longer had the energy to lose her temper.

Since there was no chance to vent in the dense forest for a long time, this time Bai Duan and Cao Yuying did it extra violently, rolling and tumbled for the whole afternoon and one night, and then they took a mandarin duck bath contentedly, and both fell asleep on the bed. It was dark.

After some lingering and a good night's sleep, Cao Yuying and Bai Duan were both in good spirits after waking up the next day—except for the poor little son-in-law's awkward walking posture.

After breakfast, the group packed their bags and set foot on the road back to the capital. In order to avoid having long nights and dreams and unnecessary mistakes, this time they had no intention of traveling in the mountains and rivers at all, but kept going in the direction of the capital.

It took Bai Duan and Cao Yuying nearly a year to go to Miaojiang, but it took just over a month to return to the capital. Of course, along the way, Cao Yuying also cheated a lot of knowledge about Gu insects from the witch doctor on the grounds of "worries", and roughly understood the breeding and functions of such small things.

In the eyes of outsiders, raising Gu is to put a bunch of various poisonous insects into a jar, starve them for several months, and the one who survives to the end is the so-called "Gu". But this description is not accurate, or in other words, this is just a breeding method for poisonous Gu insects—for example, the flying insects that Shui Jiudao released when he encountered a tiger were refined in this way. Although the bug was only the size of a knuckle, it was extremely poisonous. Even a fierce tiger would die instantly if it was bitten, and there was no room for treatment.

As for the Gu worms that are not highly poisonous like "Love Gu", there are various ways to raise them. Of course, Gu worms and Gu worms cannot do without the step of devouring each other. This kind of "functional" Gu worms need to lock up the same type of worms together to compete for the one with the strongest vitality, so as not to be so difficult. After cultivating it, the worm died, and all the hard work was wasted.

After finding suitable Gu worms for cultivation, the next step is to feed them with appropriate medicinal materials to further improve their viability and at the same time amplify their own characteristic effects—for example, "Love Gu", which is a kind of animal that can live in the human body. For the parasites in the brain, the female and male worms will have a strong resonance if they are kept together for a long time. After feeling the partner, they will secrete a pheromone that can also affect humans.

The emperor's brain was parasitized with male worms, while the female worm was in the hands of the imperial concubine. When he got close to the imperial concubine, he would be affected by the pheromone secreted by the male worm, and he would obey the words of the imperial concubine who had the female worm. Even after being parasitized for a long time, once they heard the name of the noble concubine, the male worms would react, further strengthening the control of the "Love Love Gu".

There are two ways to get rid of Gu worms, one is to steal the female worms from the imperial concubine, and then lure the male worms out of the emperor's brain to completely solve the problem, but this will easily damage the emperor's brain—after all, the brain is so One kind of organ is very delicate and fragile, and outsiders cannot determine the route of the male worm crawling out of the brain; the other is not taking out the male worm, but directly letting the emperor inhale a special gas to anesthetize the male worm and lose its effect, but this is a temporary solution. If the root cause is not cured, there is a great risk of recurrence. Once the male worm wakes up and finds that the female worm is gone, it is easy to get out of control and harm the host. Moreover, even if there is no recurrence, anesthetizing the male worm with gas for more than ten years or even decades will also cause harm to humans. The damage is done to the brain, leading to consequences such as slowed thinking and memory loss.

After listening to the witch doctor's explanation, Cao Yuying had a headache. After all, neither method is the most perfect and harmless, and the person receiving the treatment is the emperor, and even if Cao Yuying is the prince, she cannot bear the responsibility of injuring the dragon's body.

In the end, after some discussion, Cao Yuying decided to bring the witch doctor into the palace first, to anesthetize the male worm first, and make the emperor regain consciousness, and then let him decide on the treatment method.

After making a decision, the capital is also close at hand-as for success or failure, it depends on this last fight.