Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 208


Leaving from the elders' house and boarding the carriage, Bai Duan looked dignified and preoccupied all the way. Daniel sat beside him, with a worried expression on his face, but he remained silent in a considerate manner, and did not speak out to disturb him.

Back at the hotel where he stayed temporarily, Bai Duan dismissed the accompanying attendants with a few words, and then quickly returned to his room. Until he closed the door, he finally couldn't hold back the heavy expression on his face, and couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a triumphant smile.

Daniel, who has been worried about his sweetheart's depression: "... "

"You look... seem happy?" Daniel blinked, this was the first time he was so puzzled.

"Well, happy." Bai Duan walked to the window with light steps, turned around and sat on the wicker chair, crossed his legs. Although his lover is still in a state of amnesia, he is not going to hide his actions from the other party, "I think my goal should be able to be achieved."

"What purpose?" Daniel sat down on another wicker chair beside Bai Duan, tilting his head to look at his sweetheart.

"Of course I rescued Marceline~" Bai Duan raised her eyebrows, "Even if the Elder's House doesn't want to completely tear themselves apart from the vampire hunters, they should support me in rescuing my sister in the same 'personal name'. As long as there are elders With the secret assistance of the hospital, I can gather more and better quality people, and I am more confident in rescuing Marceline!"

"Indeed, I also think that the House of Elders will make such a decision. Since the vampire hunter took the lead in crossing the line in the 'personal name', the vampire can naturally 'return the other's way'." Daniel nodded in agreement, and then some Curious, "By the way, how did you know that vampire hunters were experimenting on pure blood?"

"I don't know~ I used to hide and run away when I saw the shadow of the vampire hunter. How could I care about finding out any news?" Upon hearing this question, Bai Duan immediately became more proud, "I just followed the actual situation. , I thought it was reasonable to open my mind and make up a story. In order to get the House of Elders to agree to assist me, the more sensational, exaggerated and dangerous the story, the better, you see, wouldn’t this successfully bluff people?” Bai Duan, who was so vicious when he took the initiative to deceive someone for the first time, couldn't wait to show off his success to his lover, "I thought it might not be smooth, but I didn't expect those elders to really believe it! It seems that my screenwriting level and acting skills They're all pretty good!"

Seeing that his sweetheart looked so proud that his tail was going up, Daniel was speechless for a long time, and looked at him with complicated eyes: "Well, your level of deception is really good..." After a pause, he was a little Feeling, "This is the first time I've misjudged you. I thought you were the kind of innocent and straightforward, occasionally arrogant, but I didn't expect you to deceive people without blinking. Even I was fooled..."

Hearing Daniel's sigh, Bai Duan's flamboyant expression froze suddenly, and his heart skipped a beat.

He knew that his lover first extended a helping hand to him, and even fell in love with him, because he was innocent and innocent at that time, and being with him could make his lover feel at ease. But now, after more than ten worlds, Bai Duan is no longer the ignorant little white mink he used to be. He has learned to pretend and calculate, so is he now... still the person his lover likes? Will the other party be disappointed by his change

Thinking of this question for the first time, the whole mink of Bai Duan felt a little bad, wishing to go back ten minutes before wearing it, and stuff the smug self into the crack of the ground.

Looking at Daniel with a stiff expression, Bai Duan didn't dare to blink, for fear of seeing any disappointment and displeasure on the other's face.

It was a bit inexplicable for Daniel to be watched by his sweetheart like this, but the other party's appearance of being so anxious and cautious made him feel very affectionate, and his heart softened.

Can't help but raise his hand, rubbing Bai Duan's head presumptuously, Daniel softened his voice: "What's wrong? Suddenly stopped talking?"

Bai Duan was rubbed on the head, and he didn't think of the need to maintain his noble status as a blood clan. Instead, he felt a little relieved because of this extremely familiar action. He pursed his lips, and his tone was a little cautious: "I'm so good at deceiving people, don't you feel... well, disappointed?"

"Disappointed? Why?" Daniel was surprised.

"Because I don't match your imagination..." Bai Duan muttered softly.

Daniel laughed: "It's my fault to think about you and label you without authorization. What's more, when I fell in love with you at first sight, I never thought about who you are. Whether you are simple and straightforward or duplicity No matter the little liar, I like it very much!"

"...Really?" Bai Duan blinked, feeling relieved.

"Of course it's true." Daniel said without any hesitation in his tone, "What's more, I'm not a good person. When I was in the elders' house, I was lying to them too! I don't even know if the vampire hunters are doing something secret The experiment is to see that they are still hesitating, so they follow you to fool around."

Bai Duan twitched the corners of her mouth, and suddenly felt pity for the Elder's House who was deceived by Erlian. It's really "not to be afraid of liars, but to be afraid that liars are educated"-and they still commit crimes in gangs!

Feeling relieved, Bai Duan also had more troubles. He tilted his head and asked a proposition: "If, I mean if-if my character is as innocent and simple as you imagined, would you like me more?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Daniel sighed helplessly, and leaned over to kiss Bai Duan's curious eyes wide open, "Whether you are a little angel or a little devil, I like you the same, but I like you The method may be different.”

"What's the difference?" Bai Duan was even more curious.

"If you are a pure little angel, I will naturally give you a clean paradise, where you can live happily and carefree. I will bear it all." Stretching the hair on the side of Bai Duan's cheeks, and gently pulling it behind his ears, Daniel chuckled, "And if you are a little devil, then I can cheat with you Kidnapping, collaborating, seeing all kinds of things in the world, doing whatever you want—just like in the old people's house before, we both sing and follow each other, how well we cooperate! It's almost a tacit understanding, and we can understand without ordering!"

Hearing Daniel's words, Bai Duan's eyes lit up suddenly, and his heart was bursting with joy, and the dissatisfaction and sadness that had been suppressed in his heart disappeared.

Although they have lost their memory, there is no doubt that the present Daniel and Guan Wu are still essentially the same person, and the way of thinking about problems is exactly the same.

For Bai Duan, who was once pure and ignorant, Guan Wu constructed a peaceful and joyful paradise in this way. Even in the face of reincarnation with an uncertain future, he tried his best to protect him and prevent him from encountering setbacks and hardships.

—So, what Daniel said just now, does it also mean that now I have the qualifications to walk side by side with Guan Wu and support each other, and I no longer need to be sheltered by the other party

Bai Duan's heart was pounding, and he felt that even if he hadn't completed the task for the time being, he had already fulfilled his wish in this life and his merits and virtues had been fulfilled.

After all, he came to this world not to earn any energy, but just to prove himself and get the approval of his lover. And now, the amnesiac lover has recognized his ability, so after the other party recovers his memory, he shouldn't refute his current point of view, right

Bai Duan was so happy in his heart that he completely forgot about his cold pretense and narrowed his happy eyes.

Daniel looked at his sweetheart, and really couldn't figure out why the other was so happy—after all, he had been chasing after him all the time, and his sweetheart could only reveal a little bit of tenderness when he couldn't hide it from time to time. Why did he suddenly care about him so much now? Worry about gain and loss, worry about little things

... Although, such a sweetheart is very, very cute...

Of course, even if he feels strange in his heart, it is absolutely impossible for Daniel to give up the good benefits that are close at hand just because of such a little doubt.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Bai Duan was particularly docile because of his good mood, Daniel moved closer without hesitation, wrapping his hands around the other's flexible waist irregularly.

He licked his lips and kissed the red lips he had wanted for a long time. Daniel tossed and turned, grinding and licking, step by step, until he knocked on the white satin's teeth and wrapped around the soft tip of his tongue. Then he let out a sound of satisfaction. sigh.

Bai Duan was naturally familiar with the intimacy of his lover, and because he was happy, it was rare for him not to put on an attitude of rejecting others thousands of miles away. Instead, he condoned the other party's intrusion, allowing Daniel to press himself on the wicker chair and move his hands and feet.

The sweetheart's obedience and silent response made Daniel's blood boil. He impatiently tore off the complicated gown on Bai Duan's body, and his palms penetrated under the shirt, caressing his sweetheart's cold, smooth and firm skin, moving up and down, as if wanting to It's like transferring your scorching body temperature to the other person's body.

The too hot temperature made Bai Duan, who is a vampire, a little uncomfortable. He frowned slightly, turned his head to avoid Daniel's deep kiss that seemed to want to devour him, and gently pushed the other's violently heaving chest.

Daniel retreated a little, lowered his head, and kept pecking and kissing the corner of his sweetheart's mouth, his eyes were burning and deep.

"Honey, since we are so in tune, shouldn't we do something happy to celebrate?" He hinted in a hoarse voice impatiently.

Bai Duan squinted his eyes, and the water in his red eyes glistened, and he quickly got what Daniel meant.

The corner of her mouth twitched violently, and Bai Duan suddenly felt that she, who was coaxed into a smile by a sentence from the other party's amnesia, was really a little...too easy to bully.

Although Bai Duan was very satisfied with what Daniel said earlier, the other party has not really recovered his memory, and he and Guan Wu have not yet had a face-to-face serious talk and formally resolved the conflict—the cold war is not over yet, and he wants to eat meat , Hehe, what a beautiful idea!

Finally dragging his aloof avatar out of the corner, the white satin patted the dust on it, and put it back on with a calm face and no guilt.

After all, the power of the blood race is completely irresistible to human beings. With a little force, Bai Duan easily lifted Daniel who was pressing on him and making trouble.

Can't help but take a few steps back, Daniel with a confused face: "... "

Ignoring her lover's blank and aggrieved gaze, Bai Duan stood up and tidied up her messy skirt. Finding that he couldn't tidy things up well, he simply didn't bother to take care of it anymore. He raised his hand and combed the messy forehead hair to the back of his head, revealing that handsome face that had regained his composure and self-control, although there was still a bit of lust.

Daniel's breath was stagnant, and he just felt that such a sweetheart seemed to be more charming, so that he couldn't take his eyes off at all, wishing to pounce on Jiang Jiang Niangniang immediately.

"What's the matter, dear? Did I hurt you?" Taking a step forward, Daniel said affectionately without giving up.

"No." Bai Duan glanced at him lightly, and the corner of his mouth curled up, "I'm just a little tired and want to rest—rest alone."

After all, without waiting for Daniel to continue pestering, Bai Duan waved a black mist, engulfing Daniel with irresistible force, opened and closed the door, and threw him out of the room in an instant.

Daniel, who was burning with desire, watched the door close in front of him and was rejected: "... ... ... ... ..."

—The force value is too low, it is impossible to live this day!

Lying on the bed, there was some commotion in the body, but it couldn't beat the happy Bai Duan: ^_^

- It's really... so cool!