Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 211


In response to this incident, the Sanguinary House of Elders and the headquarters of the vampire hunters started a long wrangling.

The vampire hunters accused the blood clan of attacking their town and killing hundreds of innocent hunters, while the elders countered that this was a last resort, after all, their original intention was to save the noble pure blood princess of their clan.

The vampire hunter said that saving people is saving people. How could they adopt such a cruel method? Why don't we sit down and discuss it? Why did you suddenly attack without saying a word

The House of Elders chuckled: Didn't you learn this from you hunters? At the beginning, didn't you say nothing and suddenly rushed into the castle of the Carlisle family, killing and wounding many subordinates of the Carlisle family

Vampire hunter anger: last time there were dozens of vampires who were injured and died, but this time, they sacrificed hundreds of hunters, all of them died without exception!

The House of Elders sneered: Then you deserve it! Look at the Reed you rescued, alive and kicking, white and tender, and gained a lot of weight, and look at our little princess Avril who is still numb and gloomy, full of nightmares! Not to mention hundreds of hunters, even all the hunters combined are not as precious as our Pure Blood Princess!

In short, no matter what the Hunter headquarters said, the Elderly House ruthlessly responded, and even demanded compensation from them in turn to make up for the damage suffered by their pure-blooded princess.

As for the communication, it has nothing to do with Bai Duan. The only thing he needs to do now is to patiently accompany Yuan Shen's younger sister and help her get out of this dark past.

The vampire hunter was extremely secretive. After Marceline was imprisoned, apart from being tortured and depleted of strength in the past few days, she had been groggy and her mind was blank.

She didn't know what the group of vampire hunters did to her, and the physical examination of the vampires showed that she was extremely weak, but did not find any hidden dangers—as for the so-called "secret experiment", it was really submerged in In the mist.

With sufficient and high-quality blood, Marceline recovered quickly, and within a few weeks her cheeks were rosy and she looked very healthy.

While physical recovery is easy, mental trauma is much more difficult. Except for a few tears shed when she was rescued that day, Marceline never cried again. She became cold and numb, unable to move or laugh, and sat silently in a corner for a whole day in a daze.

The vampires hardly dream, and they are no different from real corpses when they fall asleep, unless they encounter some very strong stimulation—for example, when they almost misfired with Daniel, Bai Duan had a warm and fragrant "sweet dream" "—However, since being rescued, Marceline has nightmares every day, and wakes up quickly every time she falls asleep. Even if the blood race does not have high requirements for sleep, it is inevitable that they will lose their spirits after a long time.

Accompanying Avril, Bai Duan did not dare to leave even a single step, for fear that the poor girl would be stimulated by something and suddenly lose her mind.

He walks and talks with Marceline at night, looks at the stars and the moon-although he rarely gets a response, and falls asleep with Marceline during the day, patting her on the shoulder when the other party is awakened by a nightmare, and coaxes her to continue to sleep.

Accompanied by Bai Duan, Marceline's condition is fairly stable, except that she is still like a doll who does not cry or laugh, is quiet and lifeless, but does not show any intense world-weary emotions.

The people of the Carlisle family saw it, and felt that the relationship between their young master and young lady was getting closer, and it was only a matter of time before they got married. Even William, who has always been secretly in love with his master, accepted this result silently without showing any dissatisfaction—he could compete with that human being Daniel, but he never dared to compare with the honorable Miss Marceline.

So, when Daniel coaxed the queen well, finished taking care of the affairs at hand, and rushed to meet his sweetheart in a happy mood, he heard the rumors that the sweetheart and his sister were getting close before arriving at the destination.

Immediately, Daniel exploded with anger—it turned out that it was his rival in love who he worked so hard to save? ! If he had known this...then he would have to grit his teeth and save...

Full of jealousy, Daniel stepped into his sweetheart's castle. Because the Elder's House called him a "friend of the blood clan" and the well-known "ambiguous" relationship between him and Bai Duan, Daniel was not blocked.

Upon receiving the news of Daniel's arrival, William, as the butler, greeted him first.

"Where's Adrian?" Daniel spoke directly to his rival, not speculatively.

"My lord is in Miss's room, accompanying her to sleep." William narrowed his eyes slightly, and replied gently, with a bit of malicious intentions.

- When he lost his love, he naturally didn't want to make it easier for his rival. Let the other party recognize the reality earlier, it can be regarded as him... "showing kindness".

Daniel received William's "kindness". He sneered in his heart, but didn't reveal anything on his face: "Really? Then I'll go up and have a look. Miss Marceline's room is opposite Adrian, isn't it?"

While speaking, he Shi Shi ran past William and climbed up the stairs. William pursed his lips, looked sideways at Daniel's back, hesitated to speak, and finally violated his duties as a housekeeper, and did not speak to stop him.

— Seeing it with your own eyes should make the other party give up more quickly, right? After all, the Carlisle family has always been single-minded. Except for his own partner, he never provokes "wild flowers and weeds" outside, otherwise... even if he is an underground lover who is not worthy of the stage, he will be happy...

Daniel didn't know William's regret, he took two steps in three steps, quickly climbed up to the third floor, and soon stood in front of the concealed door. After calming down and adjusting his facial expression, Daniel raised his hand and pushed the door open.

Unlike other blood races who like to sleep in coffins, the Carlisle family prefers beds. This is probably because they don't despise humans too much, and they are willing to take the best and discard the dross. Hard and cramped.

So, when Daniel opened the door, what caught his eyes was the scene of his sweetheart hugging the girl, head to head, and falling asleep peacefully.

Blood clans all have good looks, especially pure-blood nobles, who are even more breathtakingly beautiful. The man and woman hugging and sleeping on the bed are as beautiful as a picture scroll, but in Daniel's eyes, it drives him crazy.

His eyes suddenly darkened, the temperature of Daniel's body plummeted, and the mental power that had been well restrained was a little uncontrollable, spreading dangerously.

Neither Bai Duan nor Avril slept soundly, and the sudden cold and menacing aura woke them up, and they looked at the door vigilantly.

Seeing Daniel leaning against the door with an unpredictable expression, Marceline looked indifferent and unresponsive, while Bai Duan shrank her pupils, slightly... a little guilty.

"...Why are you here?" Sitting up, comforting Avril who was not frightened, Bai Duan coughed lightly, trying to make herself appear calmer.

"Of course I came to look for you." Daniel walked slowly to the bed, knelt down on the bed with one knee, and put his hands on the shoulders of his sweetheart, "I don't see you in a day, it's like three autumns, so we have dozens Haven't seen each other for years."

Shocked by her lover's astonishing calculation ability, Bai Duan twitched the corners of her mouth wordlessly.

"I miss you so much~" Daniel's voice suddenly became sweet and soft, with shallow and distressing grievances hidden. He put his big head on the shoulder of his sweetheart, and rubbed it coquettishly. During the process, he also glanced at his rival who was lying on the same bed with his sweetheart, revealing unabashed hostility.

Marceline, who was hostile: "……………"

"...Speak well." Daniel rubbed goosebumps all over Bai Duan, raised his hand and pushed his head aside, but couldn't help but have a hint of helpless connivance in his tone.

Sensing the tenderness of his sweetheart, Daniel's eyes lit up for a moment, he leaned up obediently, bent the corners of his eyes, and said in a very sincere and caring tone: "How is the situation of my sister?"

"... who is your sister." Bai Duan resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"Your sister, of course, is my sister~" Daniel was very thick-skinned, and his tone was sweet and aggressive.

Inexplicably, Marceline has an older brother: "..."

Knowing the virtues of her lover, Bai Duan didn't bother to quarrel with him, she sighed and shook her head: "Avril's body is recovering very well, but psychologically... it seems that she can't get out of it."

Daniel glanced at Marceline, who was as stable as a puppet, hummed softly in his heart, and generously told himself not to have the same knowledge as "mental illness"—"snake mental illness", how could he care about "mental illness"

"Take your time, you will recover." He smiled, held his sweetheart's hand, and wiped the oil happily, "I will help too. Let's stay with my sister and help her get better slowly."

—Well, it must be "accompanied by two people"! It didn't matter that he wasn't there before, but now that he's back, it's naturally impossible to let his sweetheart and sister be alone!

— You know, the marriage of brothers and sisters in the blood clan is a very happy event!

Bai Duan was silent for a moment, knowing that the other party would never give up on this decision no matter what, so he was still too lazy to continue talking. He curled his lips and exhorted in a low voice: "It's fine to stay, but don't make trouble for me!"

"How could I make trouble!" Daniel blinked and accused innocently.

Bai Duan snorted coldly, ignored him, turned to check on Marceline's situation, and softly coaxed her to continue falling asleep.

Daniel watched from the side, his eyes were red with jealousy. However, "Small indifference can lead to big plans", "tolerance is a knife in the heart", he finally... endured it.

Daniel endured bleeding in this room, but Marceline in the other room lay back on the bed amidst her brother's gentle whispers, and closed her eyes obediently—as long as her brother was by her side, Marceline could always relax quickly, It is not in vain for Bai Duan to take care of and accompany her with all her heart during this period of time.

Seeing that Avril fell asleep again, Bai Duan breathed a sigh of relief. He got out of bed lightly, and greeted Daniel to come to the window sill: "What else do you need?"

"How did you know that?" Daniel was surprised.

Bai Duan didn't want to explain the effect of the "partner contract" to him, but just frowned and urged: "I naturally have my own method, you answer my question first."

"Don't be so indifferent, I just want to know more about you..." Daniel pretended to be disappointed, but quickly "bounced" together, "As for the matter, it is naturally a good thing." He said with a mysterious smile, "I bring you I found an 'old friend', I think, you must really want to see him."

"... old friend? Who?" Bai Duan raised her eyebrows, suddenly she had a flash of inspiration and thought of a certain person.

"His name is..." Daniel laughed happily, "Reed."

Daniel hadn't finished speaking, and even Bai Duan hadn't responded when the crystal lamp not far from the bed suddenly burst.

Bai Duan and Daniel quickly looked in the direction of the bed, and saw that Marceline, who should have been sleeping, had sat up quietly at this moment, with blood in her scarlet eyes.

"Ri, De..." She spoke slowly, her tone hoarse, and her abnormally cold eyes caught Daniel instantly, "Where is he?!"