Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 212


Although Marceline has been acting very harmless, she is a pure-blood after all. When she is emotional, she can't help but rush to Daniel with tremendous pressure—this is definitely not something humans can bear.

Bai Duan was startled, and her subconscious first reaction was to take a step forward, blocking Daniel's face, and reducing the deadly pressure for him.

Looking at his sweetheart standing in front of him, Daniel didn't have the slightest fear or fear of almost encountering life-threatening, on the contrary, he was so sweet that he almost couldn't help showing a happy smile—after all, his sweetheart didn't show up at the first moment when the incident happened. Going to check on her own sister, who was obviously not in the right situation, but took the lead in choosing to protect herself. Does this mean... that her status in the heart of her sweetheart is already higher than that of her sister who was dependent on each other and raised by one hand

Thinking of such a possibility, Daniel almost floated into the sky with joy. However, at this moment, he still had to show a worried gesture: "What's wrong? Is my sister okay?!"

—Although his acting skills are a bit exaggerated because he is too happy.

However, Bai Duan didn't have time to observe Daniel's "acting skills". After confirming that her lover was fine, Bai Duan quickly approached Marceline, raised her hand and pulled her into her arms: "Marceline, calm down!"

Daniel, who was very happy just now: "……………"

- so angry! But... just keep worrying!

Hearing her brother's soft call, Avril's momentum froze, she turned her head to look at Bai Duan blankly, and blinked: "Brother..."

"Well, I'm here. With me here, no one will hurt you anymore, don't be afraid..." Bai Duan replied, her voice soft and soothing.

Trembling, Avril nestled into her brother's chest, her slender fingers tightly grasped the white satin skirt, so hard that her knuckles turned white. After a long time, her mood finally stabilized a little bit, but she was still deeply impressed by the name she just heard: "Reed... Brother, where is Reed?!"

Bai Duan narrowed her eyes slightly, she didn't expect Yuanchen's younger sister to be so obsessed with Reed. Obviously, he didn't react to anything before, but he was so excited after hearing the word "Reed".

——Of course, this excitement does not come from the unresolved old love, but from the deep-rooted hatred.

Marceline hates the vampire hunter who gave her infinite pain, but she hates Reed even more who got her flawless love, but dismissed it, and even betrayed herself, pushed herself into hell and betrayed to the devil.

If Marceline hated Reed so much, would this be a way to untie her knot? Thinking so, Bai Duan finally cast her gaze on Daniel: "You just said... you brought Reed?"

Hearing the name "Reed" again, Marceline struggled emotionally again, but was trapped in Bai Duan's arms, restraining her movements without a trace.

Daniel looked jealously at his sweetheart who was "huddled together" with Marceline, but on the surface he smiled calmly: "Yes, I have already brought him, and he will be locked up in my cell." Under the carriage."

Hearing this sentence, Marceline couldn't bear it any longer, and her struggling movements became more violent: "Let me go, let me go, brother!"

"I can let you go, but you have to control yourself and don't hurt yourself!" Bai Duan frowned and spoke harshly.

Marceline paused, then nodded lightly: "...OK."

With this promise, Bai Duan finally let go of her arms. Marceline, who had regained her freedom, turned into a cloud of black mist and burst out of the window in an instant, and then a burst of exclamation was heard.

Bai Duan walked quickly to the window and looked down, only to see that the carriage that had been parked at the gate was now torn apart. The attendants brought by Daniel panicked and shouted to avoid them, and some even went limp because they were too frightened Legs and feet collapsed to the ground.

"...It seems that our sister really can't wait..." Daniel also saw the carriage where he was "divided by five horses", shrugged helplessly, "Where did she take Reed?"

"Probably... the dungeon. I'll go and have a look." Bai Duan sighed, turned her head and walked towards the door. And Daniel followed up quickly, resolutely implementing the policy of "never let the sweetheart and sister get along alone".

Every vampire castle has a dungeon, which is used to imprison and punish disobedient vampire slaves and even vampires. The dungeon is gloomy and cold, and the environment is extremely harsh. Just being in it can give people an infinite sense of oppression and despair.

Bai Duan led Daniel down the winding stone steps. Before he reached the dungeon, he heard the young man's shrill scream.

Bai Duan paused, then quickened his pace, and soon came to the hall of the dungeon, where he saw his sister who was covered in black air, and her sister, who was entangled in tentacles by the black mist, was rolling and crying hoarsely. juvenile.

In all fairness, this young man named Reed is still very cute, pure and childish, his facial features are deceptive, but it is a pity that this beautiful face is distorted ferociously because of pain, it is too horrible to look at.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Reed raised his head with great difficulty, looked in the direction of the sound, and then his eyes lit up, struggling to stretch out his hand towards Bai Duan: "Help me... forgive me! Adrian! I know Wrong! I regret it! Please, please! As long as you let me go, let me go... I will—uhhhhhh!!!!"

Before he finished speaking, Reed's outstretched hand was pierced by a black air, and it was firmly nailed to the ground. The gushing blood splashed out and quickly seeped into the black cracks in the floor.

Although she has experienced more than ten worlds and is considered well-informed, Bai Duan is still not used to such cruel scenes. However, he didn't stop Marceline from torturing Reed, he just turned his head to look at his lover and washed his eyes: "How did you catch him?"

During Reed's wailing and pleading, Bai Duan's voice and expression were extremely calm, to the point of being cold. There was deeper despair in Reed's eyes, but he still wanted to get close to him and ask for his mercy and softness, but Marceline couldn't give him such an opportunity.

"Even after I saw you and fell in love with you at first sight, I investigated everything about you." Daniel also didn't want to see Reed grab the attention of his sweetheart, for fear that his sweetheart would feel unhappy seeing his old lover in such a miserable state. Live with pity. Hearing Bai Duan's inquiry, he quickly said everything, "Since I found out about the relationship between you and Reed, I immediately sent someone to search for his whereabouts. Originally, I always thought that he should marry his childhood sweetheart. together, but the investigation did not find out for a long time, and it was discovered later that the direction of the investigation was wrong."

"Oh?" Bai Duan raised his eyebrows, his tone filled with gossip and curiosity, "Isn't he with that vampire hunter?" Marceline didn't see him all the time - he didn't even show up when his lover was killed by the vampire."

"Of course he wasn't there, because at that time, he had already been abandoned by his lover who was 'deep in love, and would rescue him at the risk of breaking into the vampire's castle'~" Daniel laughed.

"What's going on?" Bai Duan blinked.

"It's just that he has been defiled by vampires and is not clean." Daniel sneered, "He said he hadn't been touched by vampires, but who would believe it? After all, how can vampires trust and love everything? What if you don't pay?"

The corner of Bai Duan's mouth twitched. He met Daniel's tentative gaze and took a deep breath: "I really haven't touched him."

"Of course I believe you." Daniel was so satisfied that he almost burst out laughing, "but other people can't help but 'measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain'."

Bai Duan snorted softly, and really couldn't bear to see her lover's complacent appearance: "So, he was chased away by the vampire hunter?"

"It's not appropriate to say that you want to drive away. At least the other party gave him a high-sounding reason, saying that he was about to start a war with the vampires. He was worried that he would be in danger, so he let him leave early." Daniel pouted, "Even if the vampires and vampires When a vampire hunter goes to war, the safest place should be the vampire hunter's headquarters. If you really want to protect his safety, wouldn't taking him to the headquarters be safer than letting him wander around in human society?"

"So? Where did you find him?" Bai Duan was noncommittal.

"It's funny to say, I was able to catch him thanks to him throwing himself into the trap." Daniel chuckled, "When Reed left the vampire hunter, he took a large amount of severance pay and dressed up like a man , trying to mix into the upper class. It's a pity that he didn't expect that I would have told his face to the people below. He was discovered by my people as soon as he showed up at the ball. After asking me for instructions, he was arrested directly—— At that time, he was trying to flatter the daughter of a nouveau riche!"

Daniel has always used everything to discredit his rival in love, for fear that his sweetheart still has the slightest nostalgia for Reed.

Bai Duan naturally knew what kind of virtue he was, so he didn't bother to pay attention to it at all. Hearing that Reid gradually became silent, he finally turned his head and glanced at Avril, and sighed softly at Avril: "Avril, it's almost there."

Avril suddenly raised her head, her red eyes were full of cold hatred that had not yet faded: "Almost?! How could it be almost the same! I can't wait to eat him alive! Don't you think you can't bear him, brother?!"

"Avril!" Bai Duan frowned, and called out in disapproval, "I let you torture him, I just hope you can use this to vent your suppressed emotions, not to let you indulge in hatred." After a pause, he slowed down his voice, "Avril, that's enough. This is just a short period of twists and turns in your life. You have more beautiful days in the future. Don't let this villain pollute your heart. "

Hearing that there was no nostalgia for Reed in his elder brother's tone, instead he was wholeheartedly worried and caring for himself, Marceline finally calmed down a little. She stared at the dying and filthy Reed on the ground, and after a while, she suddenly showed a smile: "Brother is right, how can such a dirty reptile be worth remembering for the rest of my life? Even if I let him stay in my memory for a second , are all blasphemy against me." After that, she looked up at Bai Duan, her lips trembling twice, "I should be as strong and brave as my brother, and not be burdened by the past."

"I'm very happy that you can think clearly." Bai Duan nodded in relief, feeling that his mission finally had the dawn of completion. As long as she can pass this threshold, Marceline's xinxing will definitely grow rapidly. Even if she falls into a deep sleep and leaves the world, Marceline should be able to survive well and bear the glory of the Carlisle family.

Bai Duan's side is "very comforting", while the drowsy Reed on the other side showed a terrified expression when he heard Marceline's words—if Marceline couldn't let go of the past and needed to torture him to vent from time to time, then At least he still has the possibility to continue to live, but if the other party wants to open up and stop being attached to him, then what awaits him...

With a hoarse "no", Reed tried to beg for mercy again, but no one wanted to hear him say a word anymore.

Marceline raised her hand, and the black mist strangled Reed's neck neatly, twisting off that fragile part, and then threw the corpse with protruding eyes aside indifferently.

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, the smile on Marceline's face gradually changed from fragile and soft to proud and bright.

Finally, Avril opened her eyes, her sparkling red pupils seemed to be reborn from ashes, and she smiled at Bai Duan: "Thank you, brother."

"Between brothers and sisters, there's no need to talk about this." Bai Duan also laughed, feeling extraordinarily comfortable, with a hint of pride and pride.

—This, probably is the satisfaction brought by carving and shaping a piece of beautiful jade with your own hands, and seeing its brilliance grow

—Will Guan Wu feel the same when he sees the changes in himself