Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 24


Every year, the awards ceremony is a carnival feast for the entertainment industry.

The next day, the entertainment pages of newspapers and webpages were full of reports about the award ceremony: who shined on the red carpet with stylish looks; Be careful to show off and make a fool of yourself; whoever wins the award will shed tears on the spot; whoever is unlucky to lose has a lonely smile...

Among all the news, there is one report that is unique—it has something to do with the award ceremony, but it has little to do with it, but it has attracted a lot of attention.

The cause of the incident was Fu Shaohua's solemn and grateful thanks after winning the Best Supporting Actor Award. Then, after the award ceremony, he accepted an exclusive interview and shyly admitted that he was more than just gratitude.

It is inconvenient to disclose the other party's name, one is because the other party is not an insider, Fu Shaohua does not want his relationship with the other party to be affected by public opinion, and the other is because - "I am not good enough for her."

In the video, Fu Shaohua's tone is sincere, a little helpless, but not inferior. He admitted frankly that the other party had a high status, and it was precisely because of the other party's help that he was able to clear up his grievances so quickly. Although currently he is not good enough to stand beside the opponent, but he has been working hard for it.

"If one day..." Fu Shaohua smiled shyly, nervous but determined, "When I become better, gain the approval of her family, and qualify to stand side by side with her, I will definitely tell everyone Say her name—I hope that day is not far away."

Regarding this unexpected air confession, although some people laughed at him because he was able to turn over because he climbed a high branch, most people supported his views. They thought this love affair sounded quite romantic, like a fairy tale about Prince Charming and Cinderella in trouble, except that the protagonist's gender was switched.

But anyone who has known Fu Shaohua knows that he was really cheated by his ex-girlfriend, and he even got the title of "Worst Cuckold King" because of it. His fans sympathize with him and hope that he can get out of the shadow of this relationship as soon as possible-what could be more appropriate than reopening a relationship? What's more, judging from Fu Shaohua's description, this time the lover is noble, kind and beautiful, very reliable, and is also the angel who saved him in distress. Even if there is a gap in status between the two and obstacles from family elders, fans are willing to wish their lovers a happy marriage.

The announcement of Fu Shaohua's love affair did not cause much disturbance except for the joy of his fans.

Firstly, his reputation is not that big, and the attention is not high, and secondly, no one has noticed the truth behind this love affair—of course, even if someone knows, they dare not disclose it due to various reasons.

In short, Fu Shaohua got rid of his single status quite smoothly, gained a lover outside the circle, and talked about sweet love with his unknown lover, and occasionally leaked a few grains of dog food to his fans.

Faced with his behavior, the Bai family was almost angry and laughed, and had to agree with the elder brother of the Bai family's evaluation of Fu Shaohua-this person is meek and honest in daily life, but when he encounters relationship problems, he is very straightforward and stubborn. You have to rush forward, reckless of the consequences, and don't give yourself a way out, which is stupid and true.

Once, he offended the son of the vice president of the company in order to save his ex-girlfriend, and almost destroyed himself; now, he does not hesitate to offend the Bai family in order to be able to get together with Bai Duan in a legitimate way—once the Bai family is dissatisfied with him, even if Bai Duan stands On his side, Fu Shaohua absolutely has no room to stand up.

For such a young man, the Bai family still appreciates it. After all, their family has a great career and has everything they want. The only thing they want is a sincere relationship.

If Fu Shaohua's gender changes, the Bai family will definitely allow Bai Duan to marry him in without hesitation, but the other party is a man, so they have to think twice.

Although they had no contact with Fu Shaohua on the surface, the Bai family had been observing him, testing him, and setting up various troubles for him to test his character. They knew that it was rare for Bai Duan to like someone so much, and without a reasonable excuse, it would be difficult to persuade the other party to leave Fu Shaohua, so they tried to find the unsuitable place between the two of them—except for sex, of course.

But to their surprise, Fu Shaohua's performance was very good every time, so that they couldn't find any faults at all, as if they knew the preferences of the Bai family like the roundworms in their stomachs.

With the secret confrontation time and time again, instead of finding out Fu Shaohua's shortcomings, the Bai family admired the young man even more. He is obviously not quite the same as the person they learned from the information, his whole person has undergone a great change, as if he grew up overnight, and he has become a lot more mature in his life, and he is smooth but reveals his own persistence with faith.

The Bai family is indeed arrogant. This arrogance stems from the environment in which they grew up, but it does not mean domineering or unreasonable, otherwise the Bai family would not have thrived for so many generations. For those who could win their favor, the Bai family did not hesitate to show their friendliness. In the past, Fu Shaohua did not have this qualification, but now he made the Bai family willing to get in touch and get to know him better.

——If this person is indeed worthy of Bai Duan's liking, then they will not be a villain, interfering with their son's hard-won happiness.

Therefore, after Fu Shaohua passed the test they set up perfectly, the Bai family invited him, and took the lead in trying to accept him, and Fu Shaohua took the olive branch without hesitation, and followed Bai Duan to I met my parents."

The Bai family's house was passed down from generation to generation. Although it has undergone several major renovations and modernized facilities, it still retains its antique appearance.

When Bai Duan and Fu Shaohua passed the courtyard in front of the main entrance, they saw Father Bai and Old Man Bai playing chess in the gazebo. Seeing the two people coming, Father Bai nodded to them, while old man Bai stroked his beard and looked Fu Shaohua up and down: "Little Fu, can you play chess?"

Father Bai and old man Bai's attitudes were very casual, and they didn't pretend to be formally receiving guests. Instead, they looked more like a family gathering—this made Fu Shaohua, who was facing an enemy (?), look a lot more relaxed.

Bai Duan silently looked at her lover and nodded awkwardly like a little white rabbit: "Go? I know a little bit."

"Oh?" Mr. Bai was obviously a little surprised, "Then why don't you come and accompany me to finish this game?"

Hearing what old man Bai said, Father Bai quickly stood up and gave way to his seat, with a three-pointed relief on his serious face.

Fu Shaohua sat on Father Bai's seat, picked up Hei Zi, and carefully observed the whole ending, while Bai Duan also stood aside and watched for a few moments, and found that his father seemed to have revealed his face, no wonder he gave up so quickly.

Soon, Fu Shaohua and Mr. Bai began to go back and forth. Although Bai Duan had learned a little from Mr. Bai, he didn't like this kind of sports that required a lot of thinking and slow progress, so he just learned roughly After watching it for more than ten minutes, I couldn't sit still anymore, so I just winked at Fu Shaohua and sneaked away by myself.

—Anyway, judging from the attitudes of Old Master Bai and Father Bai, they don't seem to intend to make things difficult for Fu Shaohua.

... Or, playing Go is actually a kind of embarrassment

He went to the kitchen to see Bai Mu who was instructing the helper to prepare today's dinner. Bai Duan was quickly driven out of the kitchen and sat with the eldest brother of the Bai family who was reading a newspaper in the living room.

The eldest brother of the Bai family raised his head and glanced at him: "Where is the other person?"

"Outside, grandpa kept me to play chess." Bored, Bai Duan picked up the remote control to turn on the TV, changed channels, and finally stopped on a TV series.

Looking at Fu Shaohua's face flashing past on the screen, the eldest brother of the Bai family showed a bit of forbearance: "You are not tired of seeing his face at home all day long?"

"Are you okay?" Bai Duan tilted her head and thought for a while, "On weekdays and on TV are two different feelings."

"... You are really hopeless." The eldest brother of the Bai family put down the newspaper and complained.

Bai Duan shrugged his shoulders, and accepted this evaluation frankly—he was indeed hopeless, and he never wanted to be saved.

Mother Bai came out of the kitchen and saw Fu Shaohua on TV. She also shook her head helplessly, but did not express any opinion on it.

Half an hour later, Fu Shaohua followed Mr. Bai and Father Bai into the living room. Bai Duan leaned over and asked about winning or losing in a low voice. Fu Shaohua smiled softly and said sincerely, "I won, but it was very difficult to win."

—Well, I really took great pains not to win too much and make the old man lose face.

Old man Bai is old, but with a hearing aid, his hearing is still fairly sensitive. He coughed dryly, and looked at Fu Shaohua with complaints and appreciation.

The Bai family pays attention to "eating without speaking" at the dinner table, so a dinner is quite peaceful. After the meal, everyone sat in the living room and chatted as usual, but the topic did not revolve around the matter of Bai Duan and Fu Shaohua, instead, it was wild and unconstrained, involving a little bit of everything.

The Bai family is well-informed and has received elite education since childhood, coupled with the subtle influence of the family, each of them is quite versatile, and they can talk about a variety of topics.

Regarding this kind of conversation, Fu Shaohua showed a bit of shyness at first, but after being led a few times, he quickly integrated into it, and he didn't feel embarrassed about not being able to pick up the topic at all, which once again surprised the Bai family. .

- Very good, now they don't have to worry about the lack of common language between Bai Duan and Fu Shaohua, and they are drifting apart.

... It's so confusing.

At first, Mr. Bai was in low spirits, so he got up and went back to his room to rest, and the symposium of the Bai family soon ended. As for Fu Shaohua, he was successfully invited to stay overnight.

Watching off the lover who followed the maid to the guest room, Bai Duan exhaled softly and rubbed his stiff neck.

The eldest brother of the Bai family looked at his younger brother with a half-smile: "Why, are you still nervous?"

"It's not really nervous." Bai Duan shook her head, "I just feel that everything went so smoothly, it's a little unbelievable."

"It's not too smooth, but he handled it well." The eldest brother of the Bai family raised his eyebrows, "For example, when grandpa asked him to play chess together at first, do you think it was just a simple game of chess?"

"... Isn't it?" Bai Duan was thoughtful.

"Of course not." The big brother of the Bai family raised the corners of his mouth, "As the saying goes, 'watching chess is like watching people'. By observing a person's style of chess and the number of moves, you can understand his character."

"Really?!" Bai Duan was taken aback, "How powerful is Grandpa's chess?"

"Of course it's fake!" The eldest brother of the Bai family raised his hand and slapped his stupid younger brother's forehead hard, "On the level of grandpa, let alone observing Fu Shaohua, I feel that he has almost been under observation! Your little lover is definitely not as easy to bully as he appears on the surface!"

Bai Duan rubbed his forehead with an innocent look on his face. He didn't understand why he was suddenly attacked by his brother: "Ah, I know..."

"What can you know?! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What's wrong with Fu Shaohua now?" The eldest brother of the Bai family spat at his younger brother, got up and walked to the study, intending to continue to deal with unfinished work.

Bai Duan was left where he was, full of grievances.

—Of course he knows that Fu Shaohua is not as easy to bully as he appears on the surface, he is simply a big bad wolf in rabbit skin!

—I don’t know, it’s actually you guys!