Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 31


Accepting the important task from Zhou Mo, Bai Duan immediately began to study the sketches of the equipment he provided, and at the same time moved into Zhou Mo's current residence. On the one hand, this approach is because this sketch is extremely confidential to prevent the secret from being leaked; on the other hand, it is also convenient for him to discuss the progress with Zhou Mo, the original designer, at any time, so as to avoid detours.

Bai Duan had no objection to this arrangement. He was protected by a lieutenant general and returned to his shop. He settled down with his master, the old carpenter, arranged some clothes and supplies, and brought his usual tools.

On the way, the lieutenant general who called himself Song Ying showed great enthusiasm and curiosity towards Bai Duan, and Bai Duan followed suit and got a lot of news from him.

According to what Song Ying said—of course omitting a lot of fanatical admiration—General Zhou had the idea of making this kind of equipment long before he was unjustly imprisoned. Before finding the perfect craftsman, he was dispatched to a wild and bitter place.

Even though he was extremely disappointed with the court, General Zhou still did not give up his ideas, because he designed these equipment not to flatter the court and seek fame and fortune, but for the tens of millions of soldiers on the battlefield.

After rebelling against the imperial court, General Zhou restarted the process of manufacturing equipment again. Unfortunately, they searched all the way, but they couldn't find craftsmen who could perfect the design sketches. Doubt these concept sketches are just wishful thinking.

—The appearance of Bai Duan gave them a glimmer of hope.

"Brother Bai, don't put too much pressure on it. The general and we both know how difficult this matter is. Even if we can't make it, I will thank you!" Song Ying smiled brightly, and raised her hand to pat Bai. satin shoulders.

Bai Duan staggered from being photographed, quickly stabilized his body, and nodded earnestly: "General Zhou's benevolence and righteousness, I have always been grateful to you. To tell you the truth, my father also served under the general's command, and I have respected the general since I was a child." No end, I will definitely do my best to help the general achieve his wish."

Hearing that Bai Duan is the son of a comrade-in-arms, Song Ying treated him even more kindly, and couldn't help but mention a few words to this little brother who will be with Zhou Mo for a long time in the future: "Although General Zhou looks very serious on the outside, He doesn't like joking too much, but his personality is quite gentle, you don't have to be afraid of him, no matter what problem you have, just speak up directly, the general likes this kind of straightforward person the most!"

Bai Duan nodded again and again, and then was a little confused: "Is the general serious? I think he is very approachable."

Song Ying pondered for a moment: "I guess we hit it off with little brother Bai. The general's smile looks a lot bigger today, and he even joked about little brother Bai's nickname. It really surprised us!"

When mentioning this embarrassing matter, Bai Duan blushed a little, and smiled awkwardly.

Seeing his appearance, Song Ying smiled and comforted him: "Brother Bai, you don't have to be shy. We all come from poor families, and we all have nicknames. We are so casual, and these generals are also I know, even, the general gave many people their names!" After a pause, he was also a little puzzled, "But the general has never made fun of our nicknames, so today he laughed about it, so we So surprised."

Saying that, Song Ying looked Bai Duan up and down, raised her eyebrows slightly to tease, and raised her hand to pinch Bai Duan's cheek: "It must be because you look so handsome, more beautiful than the most beautiful girl we have ever seen." Peugeot, with this name, it will be more interesting!"

Before the teasing words fell, Song Ying froze suddenly. He turned his head vigilantly, holding the saber with one hand and the handle of the saber with the other, but before he could draw the saber out, the seriousness on his face instantly turned into flattery, coughing dryly. He said: "Uh... General?"

Bai Duan looked around, only to see that Zhou Mo had left the county government office at some point, and was standing at the gate of the house with his hands up and down, with a serious expression on his face.

Under his oppressive gaze, Song Ying quietly let go of her saber, and uncomfortably wiped the two fingers that pinched Bai Duan's cheeks on her underwear, only to find that her general's gaze was even more piercing.

"Song Ying." Zhou Mo said in a deep voice, "Since you are so free and still have time to tease others here, why not help organize and register the supplies."

Song Ying turned pale with shock: "Farewell, General! You know that I hate those trivial things the most. Just looking at the numbers gives me a headache! Please, General, be merciful!"

"Since you're not good at it, you can't escape it. Only by practicing a lot can you improve." Zhou Mo glanced at him lightly, unmoved at all, "Go!"

"... yes." Song Ying saluted Zhou Mo with a mournful face, and then left like a bereaved dog with her tail between her legs.

Seeing that the eye-obscuring person had left, Zhou Mo calmed down, walked up to the stunned Bai Duan, and said softly, "Sorry, my subordinates are all rough and rude, and they offended the little brother. "

Bai Duan came back to his senses, and quickly shook his head: "It's okay, it's okay!"

—Although he was indeed a little displeased by Song Ying's frivolous actions just now, but at this moment, his heart is full of sympathy for him.

Zhou Mo smiled slightly, raised his hand and made a "please" gesture: "I have ordered someone to clean up the wing room, come and see if you are satisfied, is there anything else you need to add?"

Bai Duan didn't expect that Zhou Mo would settle him down personally, and was a little flattered for a while. He followed Zhou Mo to visit the place where he was going to live for a while, and said hello repeatedly—it wasn't that he was being polite to Zhou Mo, but that this The arrangement was really proper and meticulous, and there was absolutely no fault to be found, it was more in line with Bai Duan's own preparation than Bai Duan's own.

After thanking Zhou Mo, Bai Duan couldn't find anything to talk about to relieve the unfamiliar and awkward atmosphere between the two of them. Come forward, at this moment, facing the powerful and imposing Zhou Mo, he was even more at a loss.

Seeing Bai Duan's cramped appearance, Zhou Mo sighed slightly in his heart, reached out and pulled him to the table to sit down, and took out a scroll with sketches: "I came here in person, on the one hand, for the sake of Let's see if you are satisfied with this arrangement, on the other hand, I also want to hear your opinion on this kind of equipment as soon as possible - you said earlier that you have some ideas, can you tell me?"

Hearing Zhou Mo's reasonable explanation, Bai Duan immediately put aside his bewilderment, took a few blank papers, and began to explain his ideas and corrections to Zhou Mo.

After mentioning the topic he was good at, Bai Duan quickly became focused. While writing and drawing on the paper, he straightened out his thoughts, his tone became more and more determined, and his thoughts became more and more clear. Throwing it to the back of my head, I started talking endlessly and got out of hand.

It's a pity that the other listener, Zhou Mo, was not very attentive. He had a serious face, nodding his head from time to time and asking a few questions, but his eyes were always on Bai Duan's slender fingers holding the pen holder and his slender neck. , white cheeks - and stared at the small area that Song Ying had "fingered" a lot, wishing to smear it twice with his eyes to erase the non-existent but very obtrusive mark.

In this life, Bai Duan is dressed in the plain attire of a working people, and his personality is more honest and dull, which makes Zhou Mo feel quite novel. However, he was not filled with joy because he saw the different faces of his lover. On the contrary, Zhou Mo has been a little crazy since he came to this world.

Bai Duan has always been lacking in love. When the two met for the first time, even in an information-explosive, open and diverse world, he spent a lot of effort to make the other person truly enlightened. Now, the two of them have arrived in the conservative and closed ancient world, and Bai Duan's memory has been completely sealed. Without the favorability bonus of love at first sight, Zhou Mo really doesn't know how long he will have to suffer before he can embrace the beauty again.

More importantly, in this era, people still believe in some gods, gods and ghosts. Even in front of Bai Duan, Zhou Mo can't show it too abnormally. He can only make himself more gentle, so as not to scare his honest The little lover made him even more afraid to get close to him.

——In order to fall in love in a logical manner, Zhou Mo was really worried, even if he was sent to prison and started from scratch in exile, he was never so troubled.

However, it's useless to be in a hurry, the road needs to be taken step by step, and the lover needs to eat bite by bite. The only thing Zhou Mo can do now is to boil the frog in warm water with a white ribbon by his side, subtly flirting with him.

Manufacturing military equipment is a very good reason. Zhou Mo has prepared for this for a long time, even going against the rules and inventing something that does not belong to this era.

However, although he produced the sketch, he intentionally changed it to be messy and full of errors, but what he actually perfected and produced was the white satin that was considered by the standards to be the native of this era, so it was not too much to reveal. After all, this is not the first time Zhou Mo has taken advantage of a loophole. Naturally, his technique is quite skilled and he has a good sense of proportion.

So focused on listening to Bai Duan's narration, while imagining the bright future with his lover in his arms, Zhou Mo soon saw Bai Duan put down his pen, and his cheeks blushed a little: "Well... I That's all I can think of. General, do you think there is something wrong?"

"Very good!" Zhou Mo immediately regained his distracted mind, and nodded earnestly, with unconcealed excitement and appreciation on his face, "I think your idea is very good! It's worth a try!"

Hearing that his opinion was accepted and approved, Bai Duan was naturally very happy: "Then I will start making models tomorrow!"

"Okay." Zhou Mo looked at Bai Duan with a smile, and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work."

Bai Duan's cheeks flushed suddenly, and he glanced away slightly: "It's an honor for Cao Min to be able to serve the general."

Seeing Bai Duan's shy appearance, Zhou Mo only felt itchy palms. He raised his hand, wanting to touch the other person's head, or pinch his cheek like Song Ying did, but he restrained himself for a long time, but in the end he just put his hand on Bai Duan's shoulder and patted him lightly. Pat: "Don't be so polite, you are the first person to understand my sketches, you are my only confidant, I don't want to have such a relationship with you. From now on, you and I are brothers, I will call you" My dear brother, how about you also call me 'Brother Zhou'?"

— After thinking about it, I always feel that Song Ying is too cheap, so let's give him more work!

For Zhou Mo's proposal, Bai Duan felt a little over the top. After all, everyone else called Zhou Mo "General" respectfully, but he was just an ordinary citizen, so he really couldn't afford to be called "Brother Zhou".

However, looking at Zhou Mo's eagerly expecting eyes, Bai Duan couldn't express his refusal for some reason. He murmured for a while, and finally nodded lightly: "Well, Brother Zhou."

Zhou Mo smiled in satisfaction, and finally raised his hand, rubbing Bai Duan's head as if he loved his younger brother, and looked at the white and tender cheek for three seconds with regret.

— Well, Soo Young's workload is doubled again!

Song Ying, who was busy in the warehouse, said: "... ???!!! QAQ"