Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 32


Although it was just a different name, Bai Duan felt that he and Zhou Mo were obviously much closer—maybe the fate between people is so wonderful, Zhou Mo introduced him as a confidant the first time he saw him , and Bai Duan also felt that Zhou Mo was extremely amiable and approachable, just like the elder brother he imagined.

Because Bai Duan's mother was injured during childbirth, and her family was too poor to support more children, Bai Duan became a rare only seedling in a rural family, and could only watch helplessly as other brothers and sisters gathered together , but I am alone and alone.

When he was a child, Bai Duan really hoped that he could have a brother, and for some reason, he always felt that he should have an elder brother—a calm and reliable elder brother who could shelter him from wind and rain.

Later, as he gradually grew up, this fantasy was quickly wiped out by life, until Zhou Mo's appearance once again aroused his desire for his brother, as if his wish had finally come true.

Seeing that Bai Duan really relaxed in front of him, Zhou Mo took the opportunity to hit the snake with the stick, put aside the serious topic, and chatted about some commonplace things that had nothing to do with business. He picked up a piece of draft paper used by Bai Duan and looked at it a few times: "Your brother is actually literate. Didn't he go to a private school?"

"It's just that I went to the private school window to listen secretly for a while when I was a child. It's not a class." Bai Duan smiled awkwardly, "After the Beihu people went south, I didn't go there again. Instead, I learned carpentry from the master. I stayed until the day It became stable, and I had more money, so I picked it up again, bought a few books, and learned a little by myself, I don’t know if it’s right or wrong.”

Bai Duan in this life did not go to school, but with the background of previous lives, even if he doesn't remember anything, it is much faster to learn again.

However, he is really not very familiar with writing with a brush. Usually, he writes and draws with carbon bars sealed and fired with wood. It's really shameful to be in a group.

Seeing his annoyance, Zhou Mo smiled lightly: "It's not bad to learn this level by yourself, but this word really needs to be practiced more." As he spoke, he seemed to have a sudden whim and was full of interest. I have to suggest, "Although Brother Yu is also a rough man, and he doesn't have much ink in his stomach, but the handwriting is still readable, why don't I teach you how to write?"

Bai Duan's eyes lit up, and he responded naturally, and Zhou Mo immediately set up his posture, spread paper and ink, brushed a brush on the white rice paper, and wrote a poem full of ambition and pride.

Zhou Mo's handwriting is indeed excellent, grand and magnificent, with iron and silver hooks, just like his people are straightforward, tough, and indomitable. Even a person like Bai Duan, who is illiterate, couldn't help secretly praising "good words" in his heart, and looked at Zhou Mo with admiration and admiration.

Zhou Mo managed to show off a handful of feathers in front of his spouse, calmly suppressed his pride, and then handed the pen to Bai Duan: "Come on, brother Bai, imitate my action just now, and try again. "As he spoke, he secretly rubbed his arms around the other's waist, and solemnly helped him support Fu Xuankong's wrist. While adjusting his posture, he explained to him the main points of writing, "Fingering, palm empty , wrists flat, palms vertical, wrists and elbows raised—speaking of which, when I practiced calligraphy when I was a child, sandbags were hung on my wrists, practicing Sanjiu in winter and practicing Sanfu in summer, it’s not at all easier than practicing martial arts!”

Bai Duan listened carefully, focusing on adjusting her movements following Zhou Mo's instructions, without realizing how much tender tofu she had been eaten.

Fortunately, Zhou Mo also knew not to go too far, so he quickly let it go. He pinched the top of the pen holder and lifted it, making sure that Bai Duan was holding the brush tightly, and finally nodded in satisfaction: "Now, let's try to write."

"Write... what?" Bai Duan had never written in such a formal manner before, so she was a little nervous, hanging on the pen and not knowing where it should go.

"It's fine to write anything... Just write the name of the younger brother." Zhou Mo suggested.

Bai Duan nodded, and wrote carefully, but because of being too careful, the handwriting seemed more strange and formal.

Zhou Mo chuckled, and suddenly wrapped his arms around Bai Duan's waist, while his other hand took advantage of the moment of his stiffness to cover his writing right hand: "Don't be nervous, I'll take you to write."

Zhou Mo's breath spewed into Bai Duan's ears, making his cheeks blush slightly, and he felt that his whole body seemed to be wrapped in the other party's breath, a little uncomfortable but at the same time at ease.

— This embrace gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and he couldn't raise his defenses and repulsion.

Under Zhou Mo's leadership, Bai Duan's arm moved with the strokes, slowly but firmly, and the word "Bai Duan" gradually took shape on the white paper, which not only has Bai Duan's own softness and delicacy, but also contains Zhou Mo's The firmness and determination of the two complement each other like one.

After writing Bai Duan's name, Zhou Mo did not let him go, but wrote the word "Zhou Mo" next to him. Seeing the two names lined up side by side, Zhou Mo showed a trace of a smile, but his tone was extremely serious: "How is it? Brother, have you found the feeling?"

Bai Duan nodded lightly. Although he was a little at a loss because of the too intimate posture just now, it has to be said that this kind of hands-on teaching method is indeed very effective, and Bai Duan quickly grasped the trick.

Under Zhou Mo's guidance, Bai Duan became more and more relaxed when writing, and his handwriting gradually changed from the previous jerky and immature to round and free. Lost his own strength of character.

—Anyway, Bai Duan has dealt with brush calligraphy in previous lives, and his attainments are not too shallow. As long as he really gets started, he will make rapid progress.

As my handwriting became more and more beautiful at a speed visible to the naked eye, Bai Duan became more and more interested in practicing calligraphy. It wasn't until the sunlight from the window gradually became dim that he suddenly realized that he had practiced for so long .

Looking at Zhou Mo in embarrassment, Bai Duan repeatedly apologized, wishing to turn back time—Zhou Mo originally planned to ask him about his ideas for improving equipment, but unexpectedly, he dragged him to practice calligraphy for so long. Such a long time really annoyed and frightened Bai Duan.

Zhou Mo waved his hand slightly, showing displeasure on his face: "Since you call me 'Big Brother', it is my duty to accompany my brother to practice calligraphy. Does it mean that you don't really treat me as a big brother with your attitude?"

Bai Duan was so intimidated by him that he lowered his head, guilt and joy intertwined in his heart, wishing he could immediately smear his "big brother" to the ground.

Seeing that Bai Duan was still so easy to coax, Zhou Mo sighed in his heart, really worried.

Bai Duan has a sincere temperament, if you treat him five points well, he would like to turn it into ten points in return. This kind of temperament is indeed lovable, but it is also very easy to be fooled and used by others. You can't tell whether the other party treats him sincerely or has other plans—or worse, even if you know that the other party is using you, as long as you are favored, you will be willing to be driven by him.

This is also the reason why Zhou Mo chose to seal his memory and let him live his life like an ordinary person. Bai Duan is not suitable for a situation full of intrigue and intrigue around him—at least, not for him now.

Slowing down his complexion, Zhou Mo raised his hand and touched Bai Duan's head, and reprimanded softly: "Since you recognize me as a big brother, you can't be so estranged with me in the future."

Bai Duan nodded obediently, no matter what Zhou Mo said, he would not resist in the slightest.

"It's late now, let's go have dinner together." Seeing that Bai Duan was being taught, Zhou Mo smiled and revealed it. He pinched Bai Duan's right hand and took off the brush in his hand, but accidentally touched the thick calluses on his palm and fingertips.

Zhou Mo paused, he put down the brush, opened Bai Duan's hand, stroked the thick cocoon and deep or shallow, large and small cuts on it, feeling very distressed.

In previous lives, Bai Duan had been pampered and pampered. There was not even a single scar on her body, and her hands were white and flawless, slender and delicate, like a fine work of art.

But in this life, so many flaws have been added to this perfect pair of works of art, it is obviously no longer beautiful, but it is more pitiful and loving.

Zhou Mo only felt a little sore nose: "These years... I have really suffered for you."

Zhou Mo held Bai Duan's hand and stroked it tenderly and pitifully. He was very uncomfortable and even more confused. He understood that Zhou Mo seemed to be distressed by him, but he couldn't empathize with this feeling.

In his opinion, his life is already very good, at least he has no worries about food and clothing, and has a little money to spare, compared to those poor people who have no clothes, no food, and have to fight to save their lives I am so happy.

What's more, when it comes to misery, Zhou Mo, a general who has experienced ups and downs, not only frightened every step on the battlefield, but also experienced the hardships of being sent into exile and being inferior to animals, is even better.

"I'm not bitter." Bai Duan shook her head lightly, "And I believe that you will make our life better."

"Well, I will." Zhou Mo clenched Bai Duan's hand and nodded solemnly.

—Originally, he did all this to fulfill the wish of the original body, to protect this land and the people living on it on his behalf. But now, he really wants to regain the broken mountains and rivers, overthrow the corrupt court, and return the people to a peaceful and prosperous age of singing and dancing.

— After all, this is the world where he and Bai Duan will live for the rest of their lives, and his lover should be well-clothed and carefree, instead of wandering and precarious in this troubled world.

Zhou Mo is selfish and indifferent, he can't appreciate the compassion of the original body to save the world and help the people, even if he abandons himself, he will never regret it, and even dismisses it.

But if his lover is also one of the many beings waiting for his help, if this is also his wish and desire, then Zhou Mo will give everything, do his best, and never slack off.