Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 35


Maybe it's because of the accumulation and thin hair, maybe this time the accident greatly stimulated Bai Duan's potential, in short, he finally overcomes the design bottleneck that has been troubling Bai Duan for a long time, and the next process will be smooth.

Soon, Bai Duan produced a newer type of equipment, which greatly reversed the decline of the rebel army on the battlefield. As the saying goes, "Science and technology are the primary productive forces" and "technical nerds save the world".

Volley ballista, nail-plated charging car, armored chariot...everything is a fearsome beast on the battlefield, countless dead are killed under the iron wheel nailed spear, and the black appearance seems to be soaked in countless blood Like that, exuding a chill.

Not only did the imperial army tremble with fear when they saw or even heard about them, even among the rebel army led by Zhou Mo, there were too many fearful ones.

There were even rumors in the camp that in the dead of night, faint cries could be heard in the arsenal where these ordnance were stored. Some have chills in their backs and chills in their hearts.

Gradually, Bai Duan became more and more famous in Zhou Mo's army, and even got the title of "Smiling Yan Luo". No one can imagine that the designers and manufacturers of these killing machines would be such a scholarly and beautiful woman, while Bai Duan himself is gentle and shy, honest and sincere, not even a living thing Killed by hand.

——Sometimes, such a stark contrast just highlights that Bai Duan is more mysterious and elusive. Even if he himself is just a war scum, he is still regarded as a god by the majority of soldiers, and they dare not be blasphemous or contemptuous.

Whenever a new army joins the army, they will always be pointed out by the old soldiers, teaching them who is not to be provoked in the barracks, and every time, Bai Duan is on the list and ranks among the best.

Even, in the eyes of most sergeants, even Zhou Mo, a mighty general with an informal smile, is slightly inferior to the gentle and mysterious Bai Duan. Many soldiers stopped to watch with curiosity, admiration or fear on their faces, secretly watching his every move, but they didn't dare to come forward to talk to him.

Regarding his "prestige" in the army, Bai Duan is very helpless, but he is not a talkative person, and he will not take the initiative to talk to the soldiers to explain and resolve their misunderstanding of him.

Even Song Ying once secretly asked him if he would feel sad when he saw the things he created killed so many people.

Bai Duan frowned and thought carefully, but unexpectedly found that he was quite calm, and even rejoiced and proud that they could be of great use and help Zhou Mo win.

Although this kind of behavior is a bit abnormal and cold-blooded, Bai Duan has never been a person who knows how to get into a dead end. He doesn't care whether he is good or evil, and he doesn't pay attention to how people around him think of him—the only thing he worries about is whether Zhou Mo will He will hate him and alienate him because of this.

After all, Zhou Mo is such a great hero with the world in his heart, he shouldn't like a cold murderer, right

For this reason, Bai Duan was troubled for a few days, and then Zhou Mo called him into the tent, and asked him if he had any concerns.

Bai Duan hesitated for a moment, but finally confessed all his worries. After learning about his sweetheart's troubles, Zhou Mo couldn't laugh or cry, he stretched out his hand to pull Bai Duan into his arms, and stroked his head: "Your brother is constantly improving and designing these instruments day and night, all for Brother Yu, isn't it? ?"

Bai Duan nodded lightly—he actually didn't have much compassion for the common people in the world, and he didn't even have the ambition to become famous. He was just a commoner, and the only thing he wanted was a stable and worry-free life.

However, he violated his own nature, not only set foot on this battlefield full of blood and crisis that he hated, but also blocked his own life with a large amount of money, becoming a thorn in the side of the imperial court and a thorn in his flesh. Once he failed, he would be smashed to pieces .

Bai Duan chose this frightening path, but only for his "confidant" and "brother" Zhou Mo. He hoped that Zhou Mo would no longer be injured, and that he would be able to win consecutive battles on the battlefield. No one or anything could stop him from advancing and winning continuously.

For this reason, Bai Duan would not hesitate to bear the lives of tens of thousands of people, and would not regret it.

"Brother Yu will always remember what you have done." Zhou Mo leaned his lips against his ear, forbearance and restraint, as if he touched Bai Duan's ear inadvertently, "I still remember when we were in the most difficult During that period of time, brother, you couldn’t sleep at night, almost exhausted your body, and even suffered a serious illness after the design was completed, and it took you more than a month to barely recover..." Thinking of those days, Zhou Mo’s heart ached. A burst of sourness, "At that time, I was really terrified, I felt distressed and blamed myself, and I wished I could replace it—if you have paid so much for me, but I still have contempt for you, then I am not a wolf, a beast Wouldn't it be better?"

Hearing Zhou Mo mention this matter again, Bai Duan pursed her lips, feeling slightly annoyed.

Ever since witnessing the cruelty of the battlefield with his own eyes and being protected by Zhou Mo, Bai Duan has plunged headlong into the research of new types of ordnance. Because he spent too much energy, and because he never closed his eyes for several days, the dormitory was uncertain, coupled with depression and pain, his not-so-healthy body collapsed suddenly after the research was over and his wish was fulfilled.

As soon as he witnessed the manufacture of new ordnance on his front feet and celebrated with the excited soldiers, Bai Duan fell seriously ill immediately on his back feet. Everyone thought that he didn't show up for dinner because he was too tired, so they didn't bother him to rest. They didn't see him until breakfast the next day, so they had to go to the camp to look for him, but they found that Bai Duan was already lying on the bed. The bed was burning hot all over, and I didn't know who I was.

That illness made it rare for Zhou Mo to lose his composure in public. It is said that when he heard the news, he didn't even have time to put on his clothes, and ran to check on Bai Duan's condition with his bare feet and disheveled hair. The changes in his expressions shocked the soldiers in the camp. I was about to be annihilated by the imperial court—it was a pity that Bai Duan was burning out of consciousness at the time, and I didn't see this rare "rare" scene with my own eyes, so I could only listen to Song Ying and the others marveling and recalling the story.

Zhou Mo took care of Bai Duan's bedside clothes for a long time, and he had no choice but to leave until Bai Duan's condition stabilized. After all, at that time, the battle was in a hurry, and it was a good time to counterattack. As the commander of the army, Zhou Mo really couldn't let his own temper mess up and delay the opportunity of the battle.

—Even if, at that moment, he didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to stay with his sweetheart for a moment.

Since then, Zhou Mo has strictly controlled Bai Duan's schedule, even in the middle of a meeting, he would pause for a moment and go to Bai Duan's tent to urge him to eat and sleep. Even, if it wasn't for Zhou Mo who often stayed up late to deal with military affairs, he would force Bai Duan to move into his tent and monitor him all the time to see if he was taking care of himself.

Moreover, under the command of the general to "lead by example", even Song Ying and the others regard supervising Bai Duan as an important task, and spontaneously take Zhou Mo's place in keeping an eye on Bai Duan when Zhou Mo is really busy. It was trouble and joy, and after persuading him to no avail, he could only let it go.

Thinking of Zhou Mo's care and love for her, Bai Duan couldn't help feeling annoyed that she suspected that he didn't like her. Slightly lowering her head, Bai Duan pulled Zhou Mo's sleeve and smiled flatteringly: "It's my fault, I shouldn't be thinking so wildly."

"It's good that you understand." Zhou Mo nodded affectionately between Bai Duan's eyebrows, "What's more, although you made those weapons, it's me who used them on the battlefield and commanded them to kill the enemy. And I have never regretted it - so, wouldn't I be more cold-blooded and cruel than you?"

Hearing Zhou Mo put the two of them on the same front, the last trace of hesitation in Bai Duan's heart disappeared, and he couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled happily.

Seeing his appearance after the rain, Zhou Mo also smiled, he hugged Bai Duan into his arms, and snuggled up close: "Actually, brother, you don't have to worry that I despise you, but in fact, I just Haohao is the one who can't leave you."

Bai Duan's cheeks were flushed, and she tried her best to be as reserved and humble as possible, without being overly happy and losing her senses in front of "brother": "Brother Zhou, you don't have to be so self-confident, I believe that even if I didn't make these instruments, you would definitely We will win in the end!"

Zhou Mo choked - of course he will win, there is no doubt about it, but the focus of his words is not on the "equipment", but on Bai Duan himself.

It's a pity that even though Zhou Mo said all the good things that he looked serious on the surface but was actually trying to please Bai Duan, Bai Duan, who had never known that a man was in love, still didn't get the hang of it at this moment. Those nasty love words were regarded as the heartfelt voices of confidants and brothers, and they were accepted without doubt and joy.

Sighing in his heart, Zhou Mo stared at his innocent little lover in his heart, but he was helpless.

However, even if this dull guy doesn't know love, Zhou Mo can clearly feel that Bai Duan cares about him - he has already subconsciously regarded himself as the most important person, instinctively chasing him, being attached to him, He cared about his every move, and this reaction reached its peak after Zhou Mo sacrificed himself to protect each other on the battlefield.

"Heroes save the beauty" is indeed one of the most effective ways to promote feelings. Although it is old-fashioned, it is still unstoppable and easy to use!

Now, the foundation of the relationship between the two has been laid, but Zhou Mo, who keeps expressing his feelings with all kinds of hints, can only secretly scratch his heart and lungs, and dare not really pierce that layer of window paper—after all, now It's not the time when their sons and daughters are in love, and they still face many, many troubles. Neither he nor Bai Duan has time to be distracted, so as not to mess up their positions and fall short of success.

Only when the world is settled, will they be able to pour out their hearts without any scruples and stay together.

—This damned ancient world, when he returns, he must beat up the white coat who chose this world!