Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 38


If he and Bai Duan are already in love, Zhou Mo will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity—after all, Bai Duan is always frank about love affairs, and when he drinks a little wine and is slightly drunk, he is even more clingy and proactive. It made Zhou Mo love it so much that he wished to die on him.

It's a pity that the current Bai Duan is still in the stage of hesitation and struggle, and Zhou Mo is playing an upright general with strong self-control—such a gentleman must disdain to take advantage of others' dangers, and he has not fully accepted himself. The sweetheart "the overlord puts his bow hard".

Sighing secretly in his heart, Zhou Mo had no choice but to display the unruffled Liu Xiahui spirit when he fell in love with Bai Duan for the first time. He wiped his face again to make him sleep more comfortably.

After doing all this, Zhou Mo heaved a sigh of relief. He stood by Bai Duan's bed and looked at him for a long while, finally bent down uncontrollably, and placed a soft kiss on Bai Duan's forehead.

Bai Duan's eyelashes trembled violently, such a reaction naturally fell into Zhou Mo's eyes, and he couldn't help laughing—he even learned to pretend to be asleep.

After stealing the kiss, Zhou Mo helped Bai Duan smooth out the loose hair, and planned to let go of the lover who still dared not face his feelings directly. He turned around lightly, intending to leave at this point, but just as he took a step, he found that his clothes were being pulled by something.

Zhou Mo stopped and turned to look at the hem of his clothes, only to find that the hem of the clothes was being held and tightly held by Bai Duan. Bai Duan looked very nervous, his fingers were trembling slightly, and his knuckles were a little white, no one could tell that this was not an accident.

Zhou Mo hesitated for a moment, then walked back to Bai Duan's bed and sat down on the outside of the bed: "My dear brother, are you... awake?"

Bai Duan didn't answer, but those eyelashes trembled as if guilty.

Immediately, Zhou Mo understood.

Raising his hand to caress Bai Duan's cheek, Zhou Mo leaned down again, but this time, he was not satisfied with just kissing Bai Duan's cheek, but directly grabbed his lips, and after sucking for a while, he tried Then pried open the opponent's teeth.

Bai Duan didn't have any resistance to this kiss that was obviously out of bounds. He stiffened his body, but opened his mouth obediently to welcome Zhou Mo's invasion. It seems to be a response.

This was Zhou Mo's first kiss in a real sense after seeing Bai Duan for several years. Naturally, under the obedience of the other party, he quickly became out of control. He kissed Bai Duan deeply, tried to express his longing and love silently, and gradually climbed onto the bed, putting Bai Duan completely under him.

Zhou Mo's kiss was full of passion and extremely intense, and his kissing skills were extremely skilled, which quickly ignited Bai Duan's deeply buried lust. As a young child, Bai Duan really couldn't cope with Zhou Mo's seemingly endless offensive and entanglement. After a long while of catering, he lost his breath and had to whimper and push his body away, trying to turn his head away to breathe.

Seeing that Bai Duan was not strong enough, Zhou Mo had to let him go regretfully. He kissed the bright red lips of the white satin for a moment, and then slowly moved down, nibbling and sucking his slender neck, leaving red marks one after another.

Unknowingly, most of the white satin underwear that had just been put on was torn off again, revealing a slender and beautiful body. Zhou Mo seemed to be unwrapping his long-awaited favorite gift carefully and impatiently.

Panting heavily, Bai Duan tried hard to restrain his strange lust. He finally opened his eyes and looked at Zhou Mo on his body. In the next second, Zhou Mo seemed to feel that he raised his head like that, Make eye contact with him.

Zhou Mo's eyes were extremely bright, and with a passion that seemed to be able to burn Bai Duan to nothing, he pressed Bai Duan's neck and squeezed his lips again, even the breath between his lips was hot: "My dear brother! , Xiao Duan—I am very happy, really... very happy... "

Yes, he was so happy, Bai Duan had never seen Zhou Mo so excited and unable to control himself. Even when he broke through the capital and stood on the side of the Dragon Throne, only one step away from the King's Landing, he never showed such a satisfied, fulfilled wish, and no longer desired smile.

It's as if... Everything he did before was just to complete a task that had to be completed, but now, it was what he really longed for.

Bai Duan hesitated for a moment, but finally let Zhou Mo and himself go. He opened his arms, wrapped around Zhou Mo's neck, and offered himself completely - if he and Zhou Mo finally achieved this step and became husband and wife, then he would have no room to escape.

However, even though he was at a loss about the future, Bai Duan felt extraordinarily peaceful in his heart, because he knew that the man who held him in his arms and was about to possess him would face everything with him, and he just had to follow him By his side, following his guidance is enough...

Because Zhou Mo had already prepared well, Bai Duan, who had tasted the rain for the first time, did not suffer too much pain—God knows how long Zhou Mo had been secretly coveting him, so he always carried aphrodisiac lubricating ointment with him, so that he could distribute it anytime, anywhere. Useful.

Bai Duan lay on Zhou Mo's body, staring at him angrily, while Zhou Mo laughed dryly, while rubbing Bai Duan's sore waist, while dryly trying to shake off the blame: "This medicine... I didn't want it, it's the drug. Doctor Wang sneaked around and gave it to me from the fortress..."

Thinking that everyone in the army had already seen clearly the relationship between him and Zhou Mo, Bai Duan blushed: "Even if he gave it to you, why did you take it with you?!"

This time, Zhou Mo, who couldn't keep throwing the blame away, coughed dryly, lowered his head and kissed Bai Duan's lips: "I'm not...prepared for any danger."

Bai Duan was so angry that he finally realized that his lover was not as upright and honest as he appeared on the surface, and he was probably blinded by the harmless illusion of the other party. Knowing that he took the initiative to jump into the opponent's trap.

Gritting her teeth silently, Bai Duan glanced away, unwilling to look at Zhou Mo's flattering face, but unexpectedly, just as she looked away, she saw layers of scars on his chest.

Bai Duan's heart couldn't help but soften, and the anger that had just been brewing dissipated immediately.

Raising his hand, he stroked Zhou Mo's chest full of wounds. Bai Duan's movements were gentle and compassionate, but it was a pity that he felt something hot and hard on the top of his thigh before he could keep it warm for a long time.

Bai Duan paused for a moment, and suddenly became a little furious: "Haven't you had enough trouble?!"

"How can there be enough fuss." Zhou Mo lightly smiled and held his fiery fingers, put them on his lips and kissed them, "I'm going to 'make trouble' for the rest of my life."

Bai Duan was not good at words, and at this time he was stunned by Zhou Mo who suddenly spoke yellow accents. Before he could figure out how to deal with it, Zhou Mo turned over and pinned him down again.

Noticing that Zhou Mo's fingers stretched out to the position where he had just been used for the transition, Bai Duan quickly grabbed Zhou Mo's arm to stop it, and raised eyebrows at him: "Do you want to kill me?! "

— After all, he is also a person who has been in the army for so many years. Although Bai Duan has a gentle and bullying nature, he has also been influenced a lot.

Seeing Bai Duan's appearance, Zhou Mo suddenly softened, and became a "strict wife" without any struggle. He smiled lightly, and kissed Bai Duan's frowning brows: "Don't worry, I don't want to let you get hurt, I just want to see if there is anything wrong with you." I fumbled around the entrance, and said with pity, "It seems to be swollen."

Bai Duan was blushed again by Zhou Mo, and she wanted to push him away in embarrassment, but Zhou Mo pulled him into his arms, holding his hand and sliding up and down to cover her erection, causing Bai Duan to make a fuss. He couldn't help reacting, and was immediately caught by Zhou Mo, happily "reciprocating" and "helping each other".

After another round of nonsense, Bai Duan's physical strength was completely exhausted. He huddled in Zhou Mo's arms, not daring to move, but his mind was still quite clear, and even the previous alcohol seemed to be vented with lust come out.

Cuddling against Zhou Mo for a moment of silence, Bai Duan blinked: "Speaking when did you fall in love with me?"

Zhou Mo stroked his lover's sweat-soaked long hair, and raised the corners of his mouth: "Maybe... it was love at first sight, right?"

"Nonsense." Bai Duan glanced at him and said with a firm tone, "You must not even remember when you first saw me!"

"Oh? So sure?" Zhou Mo laughed. He lowered his head and raised his lover's chin, "If I remember, then do you want to make up for wronging me?"

Hearing the maliciousness in Zhou Mo's tone, Bai Duan snorted softly: "Then tell me first, when did we first meet?"

"Of course it was when I was sent into exile." Zhou Mo raised his eyebrows, "At that time, I was on the prison van, and you were seeing me off on the side of the road. I saw you, but you turned your head away gone."

Bai Duan was stunned for a moment, then gaped: "You... you actually remember?"

"Of course." Zhou Mo chuckled, "I still remember that when we met for the second time, it was almost the same situation, except that the prison car became a horse, and seeing off became welcoming—and then, I felt like a few years ago. I saw you at a glance before, but that time, you smiled at me, smiling so beautifully, it made my heart flutter."

Bai Duan was shy and happy when Zhou Mo said it. He never expected that not only he remembered the brief look at each other when they passed by each other, but even Zhou Mo remembered it.

—Even though Zhou Mo was just trying to make him happy at this moment, Bai Duan was willing to do so.

Seeing his lover secretly smiling so happily, Zhou Mo raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but want to tease him: "Then, when did you fall in love with me?"

Bai Duan turned her head slightly and thought for a moment.

If it is said that he realized that he likes Zhou Mo, it should have been last night, but he did not have any repulsion or disgust in the face of Zhou Mo's confession, which meant that he had already fallen in love with him long before that.

——As for when exactly was that, Bai Duan didn't know. He seemed to have had a heart-pounding reaction to Zhou Mo long ago, and was often teased by him so that his face turned red and his ears became hot, and his heart beat faster, but when exactly did it start, Bai Duan But have no way of knowing.

Carefully going through the process of getting along with Zhou Mo, Bai Duan didn't get a definite answer, but he didn't want to lose to Zhou Mo for no reason. He wanted to prove to Zhou Mo that he liked him more than Zhou Mo liked himself.

If he also had the throne to give up, Bai Duan would definitely not hesitate at all, but now he can't do it, so he can only try his best to push forward the time when he is attracted to Zhou Mo—although he doesn't know why he cares so much about it, But Bai Duan was still inexplicably trying to compare.

If Zhou Mo said that he "loved him at first sight" on the day of exile, then he must have done it earlier. Bai Duan pondered for a moment, and said in a serious tone: "I grew up listening to your deeds since I was a child, and I have always admired you very much. Later, my father died for the country, but the imperial court ignored it. My own salary took care of us. Since then, I have regarded you as the most respected person and the benefactor of our family. Therefore, when I know that I can help you, I am really very happy, even if I go through fire and water. no excuses."

What Bai Duan said was sincere and down-to-earth. If it wasn't for Zhou Mo's kindness to him, and he was grateful for the other party's love for soldiers like a son, and thought of his father, Bai Duan probably would not have hesitated to agree to help Zhou Mo manufacture military equipment, violate the court's laws, and save himself from an ordinary man. The common people became "rebel mobs" who joined forces with the rebels.

And if he didn't agree to Zhou Mo's request, with Zhou Mo's temperament, he would definitely not force him, then the intersection between him and Zhou Mo would be cut off, and there would be no fighting side by side in the future, and their relationship would grow stronger.

Bai Duan felt that what he said was extremely correct, but Zhou Mo's face darkened when he heard it, and he even knocked over fifty or sixty bottles of vinegar in his heart, which can be called a sea of jealousy.

—Because, the person who really loves soldiers like a son and pays for the martyrs out of his own pocket is not him, but the real Zhou Mo.

Thinking that his lover would be grateful to another person, wanting to repay him, and even asked the other person to "learn from Lei Feng to do good deeds", so that he can develop smoothly with his sweetheart, Zhou Mo really has a kind of feeling. Feeling like a dog, wishing to pull out the dead original body and whip the corpse to dispel the hatred in his heart.

—However, this time he was jealous, he couldn't say anything, even if he said it, no one would understand, he could only taste it alone in his heart, it was just... so aggrieved!