Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 43


Bai Duan thought he was covering it up well, although he was quite reserved when he was drooling over the lunch box in Xie Yan's hand, but he didn't know that Xie Yan, who was looking at him, seemed to be able to see the sharp ears on the top of his head And the tail that was shaking so much that it was about to throw flowers.

Because the last life was too tiring, and he was also a little worried about whether Bai Duan's memory seal would loosen, so Xie Yan chose a relatively peaceful and simple world this time, and the mission goal was also the most basic personal counterattack instead of a family country. However, Xie Yan, who thought he had planned well, never imagined that once he entered the mission world, he would regret it too much.

— There is no other reason, because the appearance of this original body... is too horrible to look at.

Originally, Xie Yan couldn't understand why a young man with no worries about food and clothing like the original body would choose to give up his own life, but when he actually wore this body, he also wanted to commit suicide and go back and start over again—this picture The appearance caused the original body to suffer a lot and finally passed away, and Xie Yan also sympathized with his feelings.

If Xie Yan had no lover, then he would naturally not care about his appearance, but today, when he stood in front of his still beautiful lover with such a skin on his back, even the always confident him could not help but feel uneasy Even feeling inferior and depressed, he hesitated even to initiate a conversation.

—A fat man is not scary, but a fat man who is extremely enthusiastic and wants to hook you up is probably a tragedy in the world.

Xie Yan didn't want himself to leave a bad impression on Bai Duan, so even though he longed in his heart, even if that person was right in front of him, he had to restrain himself, which almost made him hold back bitter tears.

Xie Yan once thought about losing weight first, and then getting acquainted with Bai Duan, but when he thought that Bai Duan was next door to him, he was very unwilling-he moved to the next door to his lover after trying all means, not because of this. "Looking for plums to quench thirst"!

The only good thing is that Bai Duan doesn't seem to hate his appearance too much, but introduces himself to him on his own initiative, finally pulling the relationship between the two from strangers to acquaintances, and giving Xie Yan a visit Opportunity.

When he learned from the system that Bai Duan was hungry and was dealing with instant noodles with a frustrated face, Xie Yan felt distressed and happy—he felt sorry for Bai Duan not being able to take care of him, and was also happy that he finally had a relationship with him. White satin is an excuse to improve relationships.

So, he quickly cooked a rich and delicious meal, knocked on Bai Duan's door, and of course caught Bai Duan's heart—although with his current appearance, he couldn't conquer Bai Duan's heart, so let's go first Let him conquer the opponent's stomach with his craft!

As Bai Duan's lover for several lifetimes, Xie Yan naturally knows what kind of taste he likes, just by smelling it, Bai Duan is deeply seduced by it.

Dazed, he invited the person in, and after Bai Duan hurriedly thanked him, he ate happily with the lunch box until the lunch box was empty, then raised his head in embarrassment, and met Xie Yan who seemed to be smiling— Although she couldn't see clearly, there was indeed a kind of smile that made Bai Duan uncomfortable, but it was not disgusting in those narrow eyes that were squeezed by flesh.

Probably because his stomach was satisfied, Bai Duan looked at Xie Yan in front of him more and more pleasing to the eye, and even felt that he was cute with a chubby face—although a little...too chubby.

Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, Bai Duan smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry, I'm really hungry..."

"It's okay." Xie Yan squeezed the meat, "I'm also very happy to see you eating so happily."

Although not sociable, Bai Duan and Xie Yan were quite relaxed when they were together—probably because the other person's appearance was too non-aggressive, which actually made Bai Duan more relaxed.

"The food you cook is delicious!" He made no secret of his praise, "It's even more delicious than the takeaways I ordered!"

"Thank you." Xie Yan scratched his hair honestly and seemed a little shy, "I live alone, and I don't want to always eat takeaway fast food, so I learned to make some by myself..."

Bai Duan, who always eats fast food, felt that he had been shot by an arrow in the knee. He looked at Xie Yan with a look of envy. After all, he had tried cooking before, but the consequences... were hard to describe.

"It's great... I can cook by myself." Bai Duan sighed with emotion, reluctantly glanced at the lunch box in front of him.

Noticing his gaze, Xie Yan hesitated for a moment: "If you like... I can bring you some when I cook in the future..."

Bai Duan blinked her eyes, and touched her face in embarrassment: "I made my gluttony too obvious? Although your proposal is very exciting... But this is really troublesome for you..."

"No trouble, no trouble!" Xie Yan quickly waved his hand, "Anyway, I have to cook by myself, there is no difference between one person and two people, if I give you a little, I can also eat less... lose weight..."

Bai Duan paused, and glanced at Xie Yan's chubby body. He was obviously not polite to someone he met for the first time, but he still couldn't help but say what was in his heart: "... Well, you really should eat less and lose weight. "

Xie Yan understood what Bai Duan meant, and almost cried in his heart—he didn't want to leave his lover with an image of gluttony, laziness, and no self-control: "The main reason I became like this is because I had a long time when I was young. Because of the illness..."

Bai Duan seemed to understand and nodded. He seemed to remember that some diseases would disrupt the balance of hormones in the body during illness or treatment, causing the body to gain weight rapidly. He couldn't help but feel pity for Xie Yan: "In that case, Can you still lose weight?"

"Yes!" Xie Yan secretly gritted his teeth - even if he can't, he must be able! Otherwise, wouldn't you want to crush your sweetheart on the bed? …although it is too early to think about such a thing now some OTZ

Xie Yan doesn't think that a person's appearance is everything, but that is for normal people, and Xie Yan's body is obviously beyond the normal range.

He doesn't want to test whether Bai Duan can appreciate his "beautiful" inside through his bloated appearance, he can only try to make himself better as soon as possible—no matter how depraved and ugly he is, he hopes that his lover will love him as before. An extremely domineering, illusory and unreasonable idea is not only irresponsible to oneself and finding excuses for not seeking to make progress; it is also irresponsible to the lover and forcing him to shoulder a burden that he should not have to shoulder.

Xie Yan didn't want to embarrass Bai Duan, so he could only temporarily suppress his affection in his heart, and wait for him to get rid of the fat on his body before pouring out.

—I really don’t know how long I’ll have to wait, I feel a little desperate just thinking about it.

Xie Yan's expression was firm and solemn, which made Bai Duan sigh endlessly: "If you need any help, please tell me." He showed a slight smile and blinked his eyes, "Otherwise, I wouldn't dare It's just 'free food' for you."

Xie Yan knew Bai Duan well, knew that he must not be polite when he said this, but sincerely wanted to help him—even if it was just an exchange—and he would naturally not refuse. Smiling shyly, Xie Yan scratched his hair: "Actually... I really want to ask you for help..."

"Oh? What's that?" Bai Duan subconsciously sat up straight, and her expression became more serious.

"I want to ask you to supervise me to lose weight." Xie Yan tugged at the corner of his clothes a little helplessly, "If it's just one person... I probably won't be able to persist, so I want to find someone to supervise me..."

"No problem!" For this request, Bai Duan didn't even think about it, and immediately agreed, but then she was a little embarrassed, "But I haven't lost weight, and I don't know what to do..."

"It's all right! I've already planned everything!" Xie Yan's eyes were bright, and he quickly took out his optical computer and opened a document, "I've already made a weight loss plan, and now I will transfer it to you. Just follow this form and supervise me!"

Bai Duan nodded, leaned over to watch Xie Yan's optical brain screen, but didn't notice that Xie Yan's body froze, and his expression showed a bit of restraint and forbearance—the lover was so close, but he couldn't stretch out his arms to hug her. Hugs, hugs, and even a little extra body contact, such days are really hard. At least in the last ancient world, he could use the cover of his "brother" to eat some tofu in secret.

Bai Duan didn't notice Xie Yan's "painful struggle". He carefully read Xie Yan's weight loss plan, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became - such a large amount of activity, not to mention losing weight, is more than enough to train a soldier, right

Of course, Bai Duan didn't know the amount of training in the army, but his father and mother were both expatriates who were going to alien planets for development and research work, and they had requirements for physical fitness, strength, flexibility and other abilities that are closely related to survival. extremely high. Bai Duan often went to his parents' training ground to play when he was a child, and knew what kind of training they were doing, and Xie Yan's weight loss schedule was not inferior in any way.

After reading the entire schedule, Bai Duan looked up at Xie Yan with a complicated expression: "Where did you download this schedule?"

"I didn't download it, I arranged it myself." Xie Yan shook his head.

"When you arranged this... did you consider your own ability?" Bai Duan frowned.

"I've considered it." Xie Yan nodded seriously, "I can definitely do it."

Since Xie Yan insisted so much, Bai Duan couldn't interfere too much. He received the planner into his optical brain, but he still told him a little uneasy: "Don't be in a hurry to lose weight, after all, it's too late. Don't force yourself. If you hurt your body, the loss will outweigh the gain."

Even though he knew that Bai Duan had no other intentions, Xie Yan was still warmed by his caring words, and became more determined to lose weight quickly.

"Don't worry, I know." He looked at Bai Duan, trying to make his voice not so affectionate, but Bai Duan was still a little uncomfortable under his gaze, and his heart beat subconsciously faster point.

Realizing his own reaction, Bai Duan was in a bad mood. He never thought that the first person who made his heartbeat stall was such a... big fat man

Because of her beautiful appearance and good family background, Bai Duan has never lacked suitors since she was a child, and there are both men and women among them. Some of these suitors are outstanding in appearance, some are talented, and some are flirtatious, but none of them have ever successfully disturbed Bai Duan's heart lake. Satin's suitors gradually disappeared in the past two years.

Bai Duan originally thought that his vision was high, no matter what suitor he was, he would pick out a lot of faults, and he was not satisfied no matter how he looked at it, but he never thought that it was no longer a matter of high vision. But... Crooked eyes and weird taste? !

Seeing that Bai Duan's complexion was a bit weird, Xie Yan quickly restrained his involuntary and somewhat exposed emotions, and smiled dryly, trying to shift Bai Duan's attention to other places: "Speaking of which, didn't you say last time that you were going to come back to play games?" How does it feel to be back in Ten Thousand Realms?"

"It's... not bad." Bai Duan reluctantly withdrew his mind, "It's just that I haven't played for a long time, and I seem to be a little uncomfortable."

"That's for sure. Over the years, "Myriad Realms" has been updated and upgraded several times." Xie Yan nodded, "I have been in the game for more than two years, and I still know "Myriad Realms". When you play a game, I will take you to get used to it first?"

On the one hand, Bai Duan is a little apprehensive about the "unusualness" of this object that makes her heart-wrenching, but on the other hand, she is also a little curious about the feeling of being in love, wanting to stay away and get closer, and is extremely entangled. After hesitating for a while, he finally nodded: "Well... okay, then I will trouble you."

"Don't bother, don't bother!" Xie Yan was very happy when he got the answer - in this way, he not only occupied Bai Duan's real life and asked him to urge him to lose weight, but also invaded the other party's game time. ! Because of his excitement, Xie Yan couldn't control his mouth for a while, and subconsciously revealed, "Actually, I want to play with you."

As soon as the words fell, Xie Yan wanted to slap his own mouth, and Bai Duan was also agitated by this inadvertently revealed truth, and almost wanted to kneel down to his strange aesthetics.

For a moment, the two of them looked at each other in dismay, and the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing—and in this embarrassment, there were actually some faint but unavoidable ambiguities hidden.

Xie Yan: "... ... ... ... ..."

Bai Duan: "………………"

- It's a fucking dog!