Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 45


Although he was very curious about what happened to Xie Yan before, Bai Duan did not dare to ask rashly—after all, he and Xie Yan had only known each other for a day, just as Xie Yan was worried that being too aggressive would hurt Bai Duan because of his appearance. As if leaving a bad impression, Bai Duan was also afraid that if she asked too much, it would make people feel bored.

After all, he still doesn't understand or can't really accept his special "feeling" for Xie Yan, and he doesn't want to get too close or alienated from him—maintaining the status quo is the best.

Under Xie Yan's "persuasion and self-deprecating", Bai Duan finally accepted that set of equipment, and put it on quite nervously.

It has to be said that although the original body's appearance is a bit bad, his aesthetic ability is very good. Bai Duan was good-looking in the first place, and the fox clan he chose also had the charm bonus of some races. In addition, the equipment made him look jade-like and elegant, and he completely lived up to Bai Duan's status as a "fox clan".

Xie Yan liked it in his heart, but he was faintly dissatisfied that this piece of equipment was not made by himself "by himself". At the same time, he secretly made up his mind to start making a piece of equipment for Bai Duan, which must not be inferior to the original body.

Seeing Xie Yan looking at him thoughtfully, Bai Duan grabbed the hem of the equipment uncomfortable and unhappy: "You think this equipment is an eyesore in the warehouse, should I put it on in front of you? Is it okay to dangle around?" To be honest, he was really worried that Xie Yan would "think of others when he sees things".

Bai Duan's displeasure could be seen at a glance, and Xie Yan immediately understood what was going on. He smiled lightly, not flustered, but with a bit of relief: "Of course not. Wearing them on you finally made me feel that my hard work was not in vain. Although the process was a bit tortuous, they finally worked out." Did you find a more suitable home—or maybe it was a blessing in disguise?"

The melancholy and worry in Bai Duan's heart was quickly dissipated by these words, and his ears couldn't help but turn red. He only felt that his performance was more and more like "falling in love", and he was so moved by the other party's expression or a word. Happy or sad... It's totally unscientific! He is obviously a fat man with a daunting appearance, but when he really gets along with him, he finds that the other party is so flirtatious, it's almost love talk! I don't know if it is born like this, or "practice makes perfect".

However, although Xie Yan made his heart beat faster, Bai Duan couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought of his chubby appearance in reality. I couldn't help but laugh.

Of course Xie Yan knew what the meaning of this smile was, he couldn't help touching his nose in frustration, and complained about Yuanzheng's body a hundred times—and the only good thing was that Bai Duan didn't care about those things he didn't care about. Or the intentional tentative hint did not feel disgusted and repelled, and even... felt a little bit? It was probably at the end of the last world, the memory seal did start to loosen again.

However, this time, Xie Yan was very grateful for this. After all, if it wasn't for this initial favorability bonus, it would probably not have been possible for him to "progress" so smoothly with Bai Duan without being completely dragged down by appearance.

In order not to let Bai Duan continue to think of his fat and slender appearance, Xie Yan decisively took him to the novice dungeon, and "show off his power" in the dungeon ten times in and out, and directly used this dungeon for a whole week. The numbers are all cleaned up.

The game "Myriad Worlds" strives for authenticity. Although players can also use the moves set by the game itself, it encourages players to explore and innovate, and design their own and suitable offensive methods.

The characters controlled by the player in the game are projections of their own consciousness, and the control method is also through the relatively strong and purposeful brain wave activities captured by the game cabin. VR online games are smoother, faster, free and rich.

Originally, I have spent a lot of effort studying the game. As the saying goes, hard work can make up for weakness, as long as you practice a lot, practice makes perfect. Xie Yan inherited the original body's research and experience, plus his mental power is much stronger than the original body, and his use of mental power is more precise and efficient. Once you get started with the game, even if it is limited by the game itself, Its strength is still above the original body.

Not only Xie Yan, but even Bai Duan inadvertently felt the benefits of strong mental power.

Bai Duan was born in the world of comprehension, which pays attention to the cultivation of the soul, and the foundation of spiritual power is far superior to that of ordinary people. Now that he has successfully passed through three worlds and obtained energy for transformation, the power of the soul will naturally grow stronger, although compared to Xie Yanyuan Not as far, but enough to control the game.

While Xie Yan was working hard to harvest mobs, Bai Duan was not idle. Although the level is relatively low, the skin is fragile and the blood is thin, and there are no effective means of attack, but relying on his own good equipment and the speed bonus of the fox talent, he followed Xie Yan who specially picked out the single monsters to catch the leak , his movements became more and more proficient and flexible, like a white whirlwind swimming around the little monsters, but he was gradually worn to death a lot by him, full of sense of accomplishment.

Seeing that Bai Duan was enthusiastically participating in the game, although Xie Yan was somewhat dissatisfied that his "heroic appearance" of killing monsters was ignored, he did not disturb his interest.

Because the original body cares about the game, this time the counterattack mission not only needs to become better in reality, but also needs Xie Yan to help the original body rectify his name in the game, and become the "great god" who is revered and worshiped again. That being the case, Xie Yan had to spend a lot of time in the game. Only when Bai Duan is really interested in the game, instead of just being a sightseeing party, will he stay in the game longer, so that Xie Yan can continue to "get the moon first".

Therefore, instead of stopping Bai Duan from "wasting time", Xie Yan tried his best to set aside as many mobs as possible for him to practice, and from time to time he would give some pointers and inducements, so that he could feel the charm of the game more.

In this way, Xie Yan only needed more than ten minutes to brush the novice dungeon, and was tossed and tossed by the two of them for a long time. Fortunately, although it took a long time, the rewards were extremely rich.

Because Bai Duan used the experience doubling charm of "compensating old players" given by the game, his level was directly doubled, and he also had his own understanding of the game's moves and gameplay. Enter the vast world of Ten Thousand Realms.

After finishing ten rounds of dungeons, Xie Yan and Bai Duan both heaved a sigh of relief. Although their mental strength is strong and they don't feel tired, it is indeed tedious to just brush monsters blindly.

"What are we going to do next?" Standing at the door of the instance, Bai Duan moved his body—since his level had risen, he felt his body became lighter and stronger, and such a wonderful change made him very fresh.

"Go to the city closest to here." Xie Yan opened the map, "Yaoyue City is the main city of all Yaozu, and Yaozu players will gather there after they leave the Novice Village of their respective ethnic groups—you also need to learn more here. Many fox skills."

"Okay!" Bai Duan's eyes shone slightly, obviously looking forward to the "new skills" that Xie Yan said. After all, only by mastering more racial skills, can players understand their own race better and create their own unique skills more easily—not to mention, the skill special effects of "Myriad Worlds" are gorgeous, colorful, and deeply white. satin favorite.

After confirming the next itinerary, Xie Yan summoned his flying mount and pulled Bai Duan onto the eagle's back.

The giant eagle spread its wings and soared into the sky, and Bai Duan couldn't open his eyes due to the strong airflow. He had to hug Xie Yan's waist and bury his head behind his back to resist the strong wind.

Xie Yan has quite a few flying mounts, but he chose the fastest giant eagle at the moment, obviously with malicious intentions. However, even though he was distracted by Bai Duan's movements, he still had a serious expression on his face: "Sorry, your defense power is relatively low now, and it may be a little uncomfortable to ride the giant eagle."

"'s okay." Bai Duan closed her mouth to prevent the cold wind from pouring into her body. Fortunately, the communication in the game does not only rely on voice, but also on thoughts.

This is the first time that Bai Duan has been so close to someone other than his family, and it is also an object that makes his heart flutter, so it is impossible not to have the slightest throbbing.

The original body was already desperate for his own figure in reality, so he spent 12 percent of his energy on the game character. Not only did he squeeze out the long legs of the wasp-waisted ape, but he also had eight-pack abs. More importantly, he I also want to show this good figure. The equipment I choose not only has excellent attributes, but also needs to be beautiful in shape. Some parts are even relatively thin. When I touch Xie Yan's waist with Bai Duan's arms, I can feel the hard texture on it. .

— This appearance is completely different from the reality. I don’t know whether it is ridiculous or sad. It is probably because the contrast is too great, so it is "too far away".

Bai Duan touched Xie Yan's abdominal muscles. He was not feeling well, so he had to say something to relieve his emotions: "Speaking of... are you quite famous in the game? There are many people watching you every time you go in and out."

Xie Yan gave a "tsk" in his heart, with a bit of a bitter smile in his tone: "Well... yes, quite famous, but not a good reputation, in the future... maybe it will bring you some troubles. "

"...I don't care, so don't pay too much attention to it." Bai Duan's eloquence is not good, and he doesn't know how to comfort others, so he can only respond dryly like this, secretly regretting that his level of finding topics is poor, and he happened to hit him On the opponent's wound.

Bai Duan has always been a lone ranger in the game. He likes to play stand-alone games, and he often plays online games in stand-alone mode. He only finds a temporary team when he needs to cooperate with multiple people, and quits the team immediately after completing the task. Therefore, this also caused him to not play each online game for a long time, and soon got bored easily, and then switched to new games.

Since he doesn't have contact with other players, Bai Duan doesn't care what other people think of him, but the eyes of the players at the entrance of the dungeon looking at him and Xie Yan just now really made him very unhappy.

For Xie Yan, they ridiculed, despised, and disgusted, while for him, some sympathized with pity, some gloated at his misfortune, and some examined and suspected him. In short, it was not a comfortable emotion.

Sighing quietly in his heart, Bai Duan stopped talking about this issue, and asked about the situation of "Yaoyue City". Outside Moon City.

Compared with the natural and simple scenery of Fox Clan Novice Village, Yaoyue City is obviously a different style.

The tall and thick city walls stand quietly, and the word "Yaoyue" is full of dragons and phoenixes, with awe-inspiring momentum. The pavilions and pavilions in the city are full of traffic, which is a bustling and prosperous scene.

Yaoyue City is the main city of the Yaozu, where all the Yaozu groups gather. Looking around, all the NPCs and most of the players have animal ears, horns, tattoos or tails, which can really be called "variety". "," colorful ".

Because Yaoyue City is very big, Bai Duan didn't go around much, but followed Xie Yan to the fox clan's academy, intending to learn the fox clan's skills first.

At the entrance of the Fox Clan Academy, they met a human swordsman and a monster boy. The two seemed to have just finished learning their skills and left. When they saw Bai Duan and Xie Yan, they stopped immediately. He obviously knew Xie Yan—at least his expression was different from other people's.

The human swordsman raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if he was a winner, proud and complacent, while the young man with a white foxtail beside him showed uneasiness and guilt, and bit his rosy lips lightly.

The young man looked quite beautiful, as if he was so adorable that people wanted to hold it in the palm of his hand and take care of him, almost instinctively, Bai Duan realized that he was the "original owner" of this set of equipment on his body, and couldn't help squinting slightly eyes.

—Is this the same as the saying "it's not that enemies don't get together"