Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 54


According to normal logic, Luoxi's words are indeed quite reasonable. After all, just looking at the appearance and the experience of acquaintance with Xie Yan, the degree of overlap between the two is too high, and the time when Bai Duan appeared happened to be Xie Yan. When Luo Xi unilaterally broke up with Luo Xi and was most devastated, meeting Bai Duan, who was somewhat similar to Luo Xi, would inevitably produce some empathy.

Regarding this, Bai Duan would be lying if he said that he didn't care at all, but secretly, he didn't doubt Xie Yan's feelings for him.

Maybe it's because when Xie Yan first met him, it wasn't in the game but in reality

At that time, he didn't wear a white fox fur, nor was he "saved by a hero" by Xie Yan, but Xie Yan still expressed his desire to know him, and even offered food to show his favor. At that time, Bai Duan didn't have any special feelings about Xie Yan's actions, but when he learned about Xie Yan's past, and looking back now, he felt it was especially rare.

Xie Yan was originally an extremely introverted person with low self-esteem. Not to mention taking the initiative to talk to strangers, he even seldom talked to people he knew. What's more, Xie Yan must have been extremely disappointed and even desperate for reality at that time, but he was still seeing After arriving at Bai Duan, she took the first step cautiously and took the initiative to express her heart.

To be honest, Bai Duan didn't quite understand why Xie Yan chose to approach him - was it because he was the first to talk to him and had a friendly attitude? Or is it because... I look good

Bai Duan felt that it was possible to have both, and the latter was slightly more important. After all, as early as in the service point of "Myriad Worlds", Xie Yan had observed himself frequently, showing an attitude of hesitation—and himself It is precisely because of this that I greeted him and got acquainted with him.

Although the fact that the person he loves is his own appearance first makes Bai Duan a little depressed, but he can also understand, after all, "everyone has the desire to love beauty", and he didn't think it was because Xie Yan was not "beautiful" at first, so Do you doubt your own aesthetics, hesitate to accept your true feelings

— After going back and forth like this, the relationship between him and Xie Yan can be regarded as even. What's more, the appearance only affects the first impression, and the subsequent deepening of the relationship can only rely on the interaction between the two people bit by bit.

Thinking of the reason why he and Xie Yan met, and after affirming his appearance, Bai Duan carefully looked at Luo Xi in front of him, and raised his eyebrows quite proudly.

Although he has never cared about his appearance, and even felt that his outstanding appearance caused him a certain degree of trouble—after all, he did not want to be pursued by mad bees, waves and butterflies—but at this moment, comparing his appearance with Luo Xi’s, Bai Duan's fox tail still couldn't help but curl up, and shook it triumphantly.

Because he felt that he was much better-looking than Luo Xi, both in the proportion of facial features and in the degree of refinement, there was no slight similarity between them - no matter how lame Xie Yan was, it was impossible for Xie Yan to confuse the two of them.

What's more, in addition to appearance, the temperament of the two is also completely different. Luo Xi is pitiful, fragile and tender, while Bai Duan is confident, cheerful, and assertive; Luo Xi is used to relying on others, while Bai Duan is independent because her parents have been away from home for many years.

Apart from the details in the game, the two of them have nothing in common. If Bai Duan and Xie Yan really met in the game, then he might still hesitate for a moment and doubt the possibility of being a double, but now However, Bai Duan only has one kind of displeasure—that is the displeasure that the relationship between himself and Xie Yan has been tarnished by others.

However, Bai Duan did not intend to deny Luo Xi's words, because he was unwilling to reveal the details of his relationship with Xie Yan to these two people, and once there was no evidence to support it, all rebuttals would not be convincing and impossible Let Luoxi agree.

— What's more, why did he want Luoxi to agree? The other party wanted to use this to destroy the relationship between him and Xie Yan, so he just didn't like it. What could make "White Moonlight" more aggrieved than a "stand-in" stepping on the position of "predecessor Bai Yueguang"

As long as Xie Yan likes him, Bai Duan doesn't care whether his reputation is a "stand-in" or "Bai Yueguang", but facing this Luoxi who has failed Xie Yan's heart, his desire to protect is unprecedentedly strong, and he is eager to think about it. To let out a sigh of relief for Xie Yan, to make Luoxi feel uncomfortable and depressed.

"Really? What you said does make sense." Bai Duan bent his eyes, and the swaying white fox tail seemed to be dyed black, "Then I really want to thank you~"

"What?" Luo Xi was stunned.

"If you hadn't broken Qian Linfeng's heart, and Qian Linfeng happened to meet me who is similar to you, how could Qian Linfeng and I have known each other, loved each other, and finally got together?" Sincerely and sincerely, "It is thanks to you that I can find such a considerate lover! Don't worry, although Qian Linfeng and I met at first maybe because of you, but later we really fell in love with each other, there is no Concealment and suspicion."

—What could make "White Moonlight" more aggrieved than a "stand-in" stepping on the position of "predecessor Bai Yueguang"

— That is, after the "stand-in" expelled "White Moonlight" and gained his own favor, he sincerely thanked "White Moonlight" for his "selfless dedication" and "matchmaking"~

Sure enough, upon hearing Bai Duan's words, even the soft-tempered Luo Xi couldn't help blushing, and an uncontrollable anger surged in his heart - this is the most normal reaction for a person to be provoked .

Originally, Luo Xi had a good impression of Bai Duan because of her pity and sympathy, and she regarded Bai Duan as a "companion" who was deceived and deceived like herself, and a "poor man" who unfortunately was used as a substitute for her. But now, looking at Bai Duan's "little man's pride" showing off, he can no longer arouse any positive emotions. Instead, he feels that the other party is disgusting and disgusting - it's a waste of him caring about her as much as before!

People are like this, what they can’t get is always in turmoil, but when they get it, they throw it away like a shoe; no matter what, once someone fights for it, the value doubles, and it’s even more so for what originally belonged to you but was snatched away by others. It is heart-wrenching and haunting.

Possessiveness will always change a lot of concepts and attitudes. Obviously Luoxi did not think about getting Xie Yan back before, but when Bai Duan, an excellent competitor, appeared in front of him and showed him his happiness and considerate boyfriend However, the memory of Xie Yan in Luoxi's mind became more and more vivid and beautiful, making remorse and jealousy constantly wash his heart.

However, no matter how angry she was, Luo Xi, who had never had an argument with anyone and whose eloquence was not even as good as Bai Duan's, didn't know how to refute the other party.

The appearance of him about to cry made Bai Duan feel a little overwhelmed—God knows, he was just a bit mean and wanted to make the other party feel uncomfortable, but he never thought that he would make people cry!

And Cheng Hong on the side also couldn't bear to watch it any longer—the picture of two beautiful teenagers fighting for power and jealousy is indeed very eye-catching, but when he thought that the person being fought by the two was the extremely ugly Xie Yan with low self-esteem and gloomyness, Cheng Hong couldn't bear to look at it. Feel like a stick in the throat, it seems that the whole world has become unreasonable!

Just white satin is fine, maybe someone likes it? But why even Luo Xi, who couldn't accept Xie Yan's appearance and broke up with him on his own initiative, wanted to turn back? ! Was his head also damaged by that abnormal white satin? !

"Enough!" He slammed the table and stood up, Cheng Hong impatiently interrupted the "Sura Field" between Bai Duan and Luo Xi, his expression was full of disbelief, "What the hell are you going crazy about?!"

Cheng Hong was originally a self-centered person who acted purely on the basis of his own emotional likes and dislikes. He got close to Luoxi because he thought he was pleasing to the eye and had a good face by his side, and more importantly, he wanted to be with Luoxi. Seeing Xie Yan's desperate and painful appearance. To be honest, he doesn't really like Luo Xi's character that is too weak and needs others to take care of him. The little timidity caused by shock and awe was thrown into the sky.

Staring at Bai Duan, Cheng Hong was full of malice: "You are so devoted to that fat man Xie Yan, you won't be the same as him, you are all deceiving people with a fake face?! Is your face all right? Xie Yan helped pinch it?!"

Bai Duan almost made Luo Xi cry, so naturally he didn't dare to put in any more effort. At this moment, Cheng Hong jumped out to seek death, causing him to quickly shift his firepower.

If Bai Duan could understand a thing or two about Luo Xi who was "deceived" by Xie Yan and couldn't accept his true appearance, then Bai Duan would understand Cheng Hong who couldn't see other people's lives well and liked to sabotage them. It's disgusting to the extreme.

He threw aside Luo Xi who was about to cry or not, turned around and walked towards Cheng Hong, raised his chin slightly: "Are you a psychopath who pays so much attention to other people's appearance? What does it matter to you if you are ugly or fat? ! No matter whether my appearance is real or not, you don’t need to point fingers here!”

Bai Duan's spiritual power has become stronger after being tempered in several worlds. Once it is serious, it will appear particularly oppressive in this virtual space framed by spiritual consciousness. What's more, although he has no memory, Bai Duan's previous life was at least an important official in the court who could shock the whole country by stomping his feet. But when he's really upset, he'll blow it all up.

Cheng Hong was originally a gangster. After graduating from university, he achieved nothing and could only have fun in games. How could he bear Bai Duan's sudden eruption at this moment? As Bai Duan approached step by step, he subconsciously backed away with trembling legs. He was obviously taller than Bai Duan by half a head, but abruptly lower than Bai Duan.

The aura between lovers is inherently strong and weak. Because Xie Yan's character is "weak" in this life, Bai Duan naturally became tougher, exposing the nature of protecting the calf (?), wishing to protect Xie Yan under his wings Next, guard carefully and drive away everything that would hurt him—and Cheng Hong is naturally among them.

"I didn't know before, I allowed you to bully Xie Yan for so long, but now—he is my lover and I protect him, so I will never allow you to bully him any more!" Bai Duan stared at Cheng Hong closely , with cold eyes and sonorous words.

Cheng Hong was oppressed by Bai Duan's aura, and his mind was in a mess. He is not a person who can resist pressure. At this moment, the only thing he wants to do is to escape, to get out of Bai Duan's aura— Therefore, he subconsciously launched an attack.

Bai Duan has long guessed that Cheng Hong is the kind of guy who bullys the weak and fears the hard, and is ruthless. Only such a person who achieves nothing and has a corrupt heart will long to see other people's failure and pain, and take pleasure in it.

Therefore, when Cheng Hong attacked him, he didn't feel any surprise—in other words, it was Bai Duan's deliberate effort to oppress Cheng Hong with mental power and make him emotionally collapsed and confused.

Relying on his advanced equipment, Bai Duan took Cheng Hong's blow abruptly, and then dodged to avoid it. At the same time, he poured himself a bottle of advanced life potion that he had prepared long ago, instantly replenishing the lost vitality.

After successfully placing herself in the "innocent" situation of "being attacked by others and having to fight back to protect herself", Bai Duan curled her lips coldly.

—For a "little poor" with fighting power like Luo Xi, it's okay to verbally slap her, but for a selfish guy like Cheng Hong who has no shame in penguins, he can only accept it physically (?) Lesson learned!