Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 60


In the dark and narrow alley, the white satin is like a silent shadow, passing by in the darkness. Suddenly, he slowed down, sniffed, and smelled a bloody smell that seemed to be there.

It is quite normal for someone to be injured or even die in the black street. It is even a good thing for "passers-by", because they might be able to pick up something good from the corpse and use it to In exchange for a little money or food.

Of course, because there are too many people who like to "pick up corpses" on the black street, some people later set up traps using this as bait, making "picking up corpses" gradually become a dangerous job.

—However, surviving in the black street is difficult no matter what.

Touching his slightly aching stomach from hunger, Bai Duan decided to take a risk. His footsteps were lighter, and he completely merged himself into the black shadow, silently groping towards the direction of the bloody smell, and finally saw a blood-stained figure in a white robe.

The man was prostrate on the ground without moving at all, as if he was dead, but Bai Duan, with his sharp eyesight, could detect the weak breathing of the other party—it was almost his last breath, and he was close to death. Not far away.

Standing in the shadow, Bai Duan calmly judged the opponent's state, while carefully observing the surrounding situation, looking for any clues that might be a trap.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief after noticing anything unusual, walked cautiously towards the man in white robe, and knelt down beside him.

Although the man's robe was tattered and stained with mud and blood, it could still be seen that it was of extremely fine quality. Obviously, it was only a fabric that the upper-class aristocrats could afford. Bai Duan's eyes were slightly bright, and he felt as if he was lucky enough to find a fat sheep—although the clothes were damaged in several places, they could probably be exchanged for a small amount by taking them off, washing them and drying them. money. Besides that, he might also expect that this person is carrying some other good things for the nobles.

Bai Duan was faintly excited in his heart, but his mind became more and more calm. He carefully groped his hand into the man's arms, and soon he touched something hard and metallic, and took it out.

When he saw the thing, Bai Duan's excited expression suddenly sank, because he knew what the thing in his hand was - this is a sign of belonging to the Holy See, cast with the finest and most expensive mithril, representing The noble status of the priests of the Holy See.

On the mainland where Bai Duan lives, the Holy See has a very high prestige, even surpassing the secular kingship, because monsters are rampant here, and only the Holy Light controlled by the Holy See can expel or even kill the monsters and protect the children on the mainland. civil.

Looking at the badge of the Holy See in his hand, Bai Duan frowned silently, quite hesitant.

To be honest, he didn't want to provoke the Holy See at all, even if he picked up the "corpse" of the Holy See, it might cause a lot of trouble.

Sighing secretly, Bai Duan, who was always careful, finally gave up the idea of grilling fat sheep. After all, he was young and weak, and he only had speed. If he was not always cautious, he would definitely not be able to grow up smoothly.

With nostalgia, he coveted the priceless mithril badge in his hand with his eyes, and Bai Duan reached into the man's arms again, put the badge back, and carefully erased the traces left by him.

Standing up, Bai Duan turned around in frustration, but he didn't expect that just as he took a step, his ankle was suddenly grasped tightly.

Bai Duan was startled, her body jumped away, and with a flick of her calf, she shook off the hand on her ankle. He quickly took a few steps back, staring vigilantly at the man in white robe who suddenly regained consciousness, silently holding the dagger hanging at his waist with his right hand.

"Save... save me..." The man moved his body, turned his head sideways, opened his eyes with difficulty, and looked at Bai Duan.

His face was also covered with dust and blood, and his facial features could not be seen. His long hair was disheveled, and he could faintly see that the original color should be dazzling and pure gold, but now it looked dull and dirty, like Gold plating of the worst quality.

When meeting that person's eyes, Bai Duan's heart skipped a beat, feeling pity and intolerance spontaneously, but this feeling did not make him help the other party, but aroused Bai Duan's vigilance even more, making Bai Duan took a few steps back abruptly, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Growing up in Heijie, Bai Duan's heart has been hardened and sharpened. He was used to death, and even himself almost lost his life several times. In order to be able to survive, he gave up his sympathy and compassion early on, even if someone he knew died in front of him, he would not change his face, let alone a stranger.

—It is too abnormal to feel pity for a dying stranger, and Bai Duan has to wonder if the other party has done something to him, confusing his mind with some unknown means.

— After all, that is the only Holy See that can compete with monsters, so it is not surprising to know any weird spells.

The dagger in his right hand was slowly unsheathed, and Bai Duan's first reaction was to kill the opponent, to eliminate this dangerous existence that affected his feelings. However, the indescribable uneasiness, worry, anxiety and concern in his heart made him unable to make a real move. In the end, Bai Duan could only grit his teeth, suppressing his desire to pick him up and take good care of him, like running away He left in a hurry and disappeared in an instant.

Lying on the ground with outstretched hands, the man in white robe could only watch helplessly as the white satin disappeared: "..."

—What about the saying that "the grace of saving life cannot be repaid, but can only be promised with the body"? !

- How should he act in the next scene? !

The man in white spurted out a mouthful of old blood, feeling unspeakably oppressed, while Bai Duan, who had finally escaped from that inexplicable emotion, finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Because of this accident, Bai Duan was in a state of confusion and completely lost interest in continuing to search for food—even though he was still quite hungry at this moment.

Desperate and having to go back to her room, Bai Duan really couldn't calm down and rest. He fidgeted and wandered around the house for a long while, first tidied up his almost empty room, and then carefully wiped and polished his most precious dagger, but when he finished everything he could do, still Still can't get rid of the flustered anxiety that seems to have lost something important.

Cursing the white-robed man secretly for a long time, Bai Duan opened the door again with a gloomy face, and quickly returned to the place where he found the white-robed man before—he didn't know what he was going to do, whether to rescue him, or... kill him

But no matter what, he had to see the other party first in order to relieve his restlessness.

The place where the white-robed man passed out was very hidden, but it didn't bother Bai Duan, who was very familiar with the structure of the black street. He made three turns and two turns, and quickly took a shortcut to reach that spot, only to find that the white-robed man had disappeared, leaving only a bloodstain on the ground.

Standing beside the bloodstain, Bai Duan was a little stunned. He tried to find out where the white-robed man had gone by relying on the bloodstain, but he found nothing—the man seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. If it weren't for the bloodstains on the ground Clear, even Bai Duan could not help suspecting that he had an inexplicable dream...

Since then, Bai Duan has never seen the figure of the man in white robe again, and his life seems to have returned to the previous pace - it is boring to work hard to survive, and dangerous and exciting to intrigue and fight for a morsel of food. endlessly.

However, whenever the night is quiet and lying alone on the bed, Bai Duan always thinks of that dying white figure, even in sleep, that shadow still lingers.

Several times, Bai Duan dreamed that the white-robed man lost his breath in front of him, and the pain of the sudden collapse made him almost suffocate, and finally woke up from his sleep covered in cold sweat, but he could only toss and turn with his eyes open until dawn, No more drowsiness.

Due to the plummeting quality of sleep, Bai Duan's temper became much worse, and his fights became even more vicious, causing the rest of the residents of Heijie to walk around him, for fear of offending this guy who suddenly changed his style of painting.

Even Hei Qi, who was the only one who was relatively close to Bai Duan and who had always been taciturn, couldn't help asking him what happened and why he suddenly became... so abnormal.

Bai Duan was silent for a moment, and told what happened to him during this period of time.

After hearing this, Hei Qi's complexion was slightly weird: "Your reaction... is a bit like the protagonist in the so-called 'love' story told by Grandpa Hans—you don't like him, do you?"

"How is that possible?!" Bai Duan frowned immediately, staring at Hei Qi dissatisfiedly, "I haven't even seen what he looks like, how could I like him!"

"...That's right." Hei Qi nodded, "Although there is a word called 'love at first sight', it also requires 'meeting'."

Bai Duan was so angry that he held the dagger: "He must be afraid that I will kill him, or he wants to lure me to save him, so he put a curse on me! What a bastard!"

Hei Qi looked at Bai Duan in pity, and also felt that this statement was probably the most likely truth—although he didn't know whether there was such a powerful spell in the world.

"If I meet him again next time, I will never let him go!" Bai Duan swears sternly to hide his guilty conscience. Because even he himself didn't know, if he saw that white-robed man again, would he dare to pounce on him to seek revenge, or would he quietly breathe a sigh of relief and feel at ease that the other party was still alive.

In the dark, some people may indeed be unable to bear the nagging. On the second day when Bai Duan and Hei Qi started discussing the topic of the white-robed man, a major event that caused a sensation in the whole Heijie suddenly happened-the holy son of the Holy See will Go to the black street in person and choose your own personal attendant.

After hearing this news, everyone was extremely surprised, because the Holy See has always been synonymous with holiness, and the Black Street is just like its name, where fish and dragons are mixed with all the dirty, corrupt and inferior people who are abandoned and rejected by ordinary society people. One of the two is in the sky and the other is on the ground, and it is impossible to be connected together. If the holy son of the Holy See wants to choose a personal attendant, there will always be countless noble young masters or pure children who grew up in the Holy See Competing to be responsible, it is impossible to come to the black street to choose.

The people in the Black Street couldn't understand what these noble gentlemen were thinking at all, but they didn't bother to understand - the only thing they knew was to seize this opportunity to get out of the Black Street and live a better life for themselves.

Therefore, on the day of the arrival of the Son of the Holy See, the black street, which has always been known for being dirty and chaotic, took on a new look. The officials in charge of the reception were afraid that the dirty black street would pollute the noble and pure body of the Holy Son, so they did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to clean it up. They cleaned up and down, and the residents of Heijie paid rare attention to their appearance, trying to make themselves look cleaner and neater.

Of course, the turbulent atmosphere in Heijie didn't affect Bai Duan. He was a bit abnormal and loved to be clean, and he was often ridiculed by other people in Heijie for putting on a show, so there was nothing to tidy up. The only change is probably that I received a relief food from the officials, and it was rare to have a full meal.

For the sake of this meal, Bai Duan was very cooperative with the arrangements made by the officials to welcome the "Holy Driver". He followed the rest of the Black Street crowd to the not-so-wide but rarely clean street, and then After faintly seeing the figure of the templar in silver-white armor, he obeyed the password and knelt down on his knees.

The speed of the Holy See queue was not fast, and Bai Duan knelt until his knees felt a little numb, only then did he see the templars passing in front of him with solemn and solemn steps in unison.

With his head buried, Bai Duan could only see one pair of boots after another. He couldn't help but yawned quietly. He always felt that the sonorous and rhythmic footsteps of the knights were very hypnotizing, and he couldn't help feeling dizzy. Sleepy—after all, he had another nightmare last night, and he is really sleepy now.

When Bai Duan was thinking about when he could go back to catch up on sleep, a length of white robe suddenly stopped in front of him. Above the head, there was an ethereal and gentle voice, neither happy nor sad: "Raise your head."

Bai Duan didn't react at first, until Hei Qi, who was kneeling beside him, poked him, which made Bai Duan bring his wandering attention back to the present moment.

Raising her head subconsciously, Bai Duan looked directly at the downcast gaze of the person in front of her, her pupils shrank suddenly, and her whole body tensed up.