Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 64


The more he fantasized, the hotter his heart became. Samuel leaned against the edge of the pool for a long time without suppressing his physical reaction, and had to reach out to hold the part where he was "excited", while reminiscing about the "mandarin duck" with Bai Duan just now. Playing in the water", while self-reliant so much, barely relieved the anger surging in my heart.

At the same time, Bai Duan, who had rushed out of the bath, threw herself on the big soft bed, embracing her knees in a daze with shame and anger, and finally calmed down after a long while, frowning with a serious face—because he found that he had no feelings for Seymour. Muir's attitude is very abnormal, not just the abnormal one that makes his heart beat faster, but a deeper, more dangerous one that even he can hardly detect...dependence and trust.

Bai Duan grew up in the Black Street since he was a child. As an orphan with no father, mother and strength, he learned a lot in the Black Street. He is ruthless, ruthless - most importantly, he has learned tolerance and patience.

If the other party is an existence that he cannot overcome no matter what, then no matter what kind of treatment he encounters, Bai Duan can restrain his emotions, be humble enough to endure, with the ultimate goal of protecting himself, and try his best to avoid further angering the enemy.

But in the face of Samuel, who is high in position, unpredictable in strength, and also irresistible to him, he reacted completely differently.

If the other party wasn't Samuel, it would be impossible for Bai Duan to have a showdown with the other party so quickly and directly explore the other party's purpose and attitude. On the contrary, Bai Duan would be more inclined to pretend to be ignorant of his past "do not save"—after all, Samuel at that time was completely different from the current Son of God, and he didn't even see clearly at that time. Samuel's looks.

Bai Duan will pretend to be a black street kid who escaped from the black street. He is grateful and grateful. He will enshrine Samuel as a god, try his best to please him, soften him, and accept everything that is imposed on him The punishment on his body is used to alleviate Samuel's dissatisfaction and even hatred for himself—even if he can't, such a cowardly performance can make Samuel despise him, ignore him, lose interest in him, and relax his control. It is beneficial for him to escape from birth while he is not prepared.

—This is the truly wise course of a person who has a grudge against Samuel and has no power to resist.

However, Bai Duan put the grievances between the two of them directly on the table the first time she was alone with Samuel. She was tough and unfriendly to spy on Samuel's attitude, and tried to irritate him with words and even actions. , confronting him tit for tat, never giving in, and even complacent and complacent because he choked the other party so much that he was tongue-tied.

— This is not only completely different from Bai Duan's usual practice, but also extremely stupid, almost like asking for a dead end.

After calming down, Bai Duan coldly examined his performance just now from the perspective of a bystander, and had to admit that his previous actions were not so much a "negotiation and confrontation" with Samuel, but rather a continuous probing with confidence. The bottom line of the other party - on the one hand, he fears and doubts Samuel, but on the other hand, he trusts him instinctively, thinking that Samuel will not hurt him, but will give him unlimited pampering and indulgence.

Such an attitude is too contradictory, so contradictory that Bai Duan can't deal with it, and now he doesn't know what attitude he should use to treat Samuel.

Is it the continuation of the previous "Pride and Pride"? ——After all, Samuel seems to like his arrogant attitude very much, and even enjoys the feeling of pampering him; or should he suppress his instinct and keep a distance from Samuel, so as not to sink himself deeper and deeper

Is it true that Samuel said he did not put a curse on himself? Does he really have the same feeling of love at first sight for himself, even if he sees death as helpless, he still doesn't complain or hate

Or in other words, this is just a game played by this lofty Son when he is bored, and when he gets tired of playing it, he will turn his face and be ruthless...

Bai Duan was deeply entangled in his mind, but before he could reach a conclusion, he heard light and steady footsteps.

Bai Duan reflexively raised his head to look in the direction of the sound, and his cheeks that had just faded from the blush regained their color: "You, why don't you wear clothes?!"

As soon as the words came out, he wanted to slap himself—when facing Samuel, Bai Duan's instinct always acted before reason, and he frankly reflected his thoughts and thoughts in front of Samuel. , without reservation and without pretense.

Samuel raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and stroked his waist-length blond hair to his chest, which could barely block the private parts of his lower abdomen, but his expression was indifferent and innocent: "Wear clothes? What are you wearing? Why?" Aren't the clothes I prepared on you right now?"

Bai Duan choked for a moment, and then noticed the low-key, elegant but extremely luxurious robe on her body, and subconsciously closed the neckline again, feeling the smooth fabric flowing over her skin like water.

"Is it comfortable?" Samuel noticed Bai Duan's movement and chuckled, "This is a robe blessed by the holy light. It is invulnerable to cold and heat, invulnerable to swords and guns, and will automatically form a shield of holy light when attacked. , only the Pope and the Holy Son are eligible to have it."

Bai Duan twitched the corners of his mouth, only to feel that the robe on his body weighed a thousand pounds in an instant, causing him to neither put it on nor take it off—there was nothing under his robe, and Bai Duan didn't want to be in the eyes of Samuel, who was staring at him. Continue to be naked in front of you!

Fortunately, Samuel didn't mean to embarrass him or force him to take off his clothes. After all, he and Bai Duan "just met", and there were still some conflicts and knots that had not been resolved. Being too aggressive not only failed to get good results, On the contrary, it will make Bai Duan think that he has been offended and insulted.

Turning around and walking to the closet, Samuel took out another robe from the closet, then turned to look at the white satin who had just breathed a sigh of relief.

"...what are you doing?!" Bai Duan immediately became alert again when she received Samuel's gaze.

"What are you doing?" Samuel raised the corners of his mouth, showing a nasty but charming smile, "You are my 'personal servant' now, you must have some self-consciousness as a 'squire' right? — Just now, I have already" I have to teach you how to bathe me in the future, and now, you need to learn how to change clothes for me."

Bai Duan pursed her lips, and subconsciously recalled Samuel's "teaching" method, and her body suddenly turned pink, as if the touch of being touched and "cleaned" by Samuel inch by inch remained on her skin.

Cursing secretly "Shameless", Bai Duan was worried about her future work, and finally climbed off the bed, glanced at the messy bed made by herself in embarrassment, and then carefully took Samuel's hand. robe.

As soon as he got the robe, Bai Duan could feel the gap between it and the clothes on his body, and his eyes couldn't help but feel a little dizzy - the clothes worn by the servants were better than those of the master, this situation...isn't right

Bai Duan had a calm expression on his face, but Samuel had long been a roundworm in his stomach, and he knew what he was thinking at a glance: "What? Surprised?" He raised his hand and squeezed it affectionately The back of Bai Duan's neck - this is a part that can put a person to death. It caused Bai Duan's body to stiffen, but because of Samuel's caressing movement, there was a burst of numbness in an instant, with a sense of danger. With a stimulating impact, "The Holy Light Robe is the treasure of the Holy See, and even I only have one."

Bai Duan paused, feeling that the robe on his body was extremely hot, but before he could react, Samuel suddenly reached out and pressed his shoulder, and the next moment, the loose robe that didn't fit originally was illuminated by a burst of light. Tighten and shrink. After the holy light dissipated, it has become a size suitable for white satin. Even the pattern, color and style on it have changed, and it has become unattractive, just like ordinary clothes worn by ordinary people. — If it wasn't for the unusual smooth touch, Bai Duan would suspect that she had changed clothes.

She looked at her clothes in a daze, and Bai Duan looked up at Samuel in a daze.

Samuel lowered his head and kissed his forehead lovingly: "Do you like it? It will be yours from now on."

Bai Duan blinked his eyes, subconsciously filled with sweetness in his heart - he was almost calm about this, and it has to be said that the adaptability of the black street people is extremely strong. To Bai Duan's surprise, apart from pure joy and joy, he didn't feel any gratitude or fear. On the if this was a normal thing, Samuel should bring all the good things to him in front of.

Shocked for a long time by her cheeky recognition, Bai Duan frowned and waved away the inexplicable feeling, and raised her hand to take off the clothes on her body: "I can't take it!"

Samuel looked at Bai Duan with a smile, and watched him pull the belt around his waist calmly, until Bai Duan's movements changed from being cautious to rough and flustered, and finally "show mercy" and said: "Give it up, you can't take it off."

Bai Duan showed a somewhat unbelievable expression.

"Although the Holy Light Robe is worn on your body, it is essentially connected with my mind." Samuel stroked the top of Bai Duan's head and explained with a smile. While speaking, as if to verify the truth of what he said, he just hooked the collar of the white satin casually, and the robe that was originally motionless no matter how the white satin was pulled, suddenly loosened, revealing the delicate collarbone and A small and a half of graceful shoulders.

Reflexively, Bai Duan grabbed her collar: "..."

"Look, it's great, isn't it?" Samuel laughed happily. He bent down and touched the tip of Bai Duan's nose, then moved it to his ear, lowered his voice and said in an ambiguous tone, "Except for me, No one can take it off, and no one can put it on. Your body only belongs to me, and only I have the right to appreciate and treasure it."

A blank white satin: "... ... ... ... ..."

—It's just... perverted? ? ? ! ! !

—What is wrong with the Holy See? How could such a snake spirit be cultivated to harm the "public"? !

The collapsed Bai Duan endured and endured, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and covered Samuel's face with the clothes in his hands.

—When facing Samuel, he will probably never be able to remain calm and rational, so... let's do whatever we want and follow our instincts.