Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 72


Temporarily putting aside a bunch of bad things about the Holy See, after Samuel led the Templars to the border front, he began to work hard to improve the favorability of ordinary people.

The people had pinned their hopes on the Holy Son because of their disappointment with the Holy See. After learning of the arrival of the Holy Son, they were naturally so elated that they almost wept with joy. Although they themselves were poor and starved of food because of being ravaged by monsters, they still took out the food they treasured and offered it earnestly—after all, these foods were already their most precious things.

For the gifts presented by the people, Samuel did not show the slightest dislike at all. He readily accepted them and ate them into his mouth without any reluctance. He sincerely thanked the people for their kindness. And with the Holy Son leading by example, even if the Templars who were born nobles and used to living a luxurious life find these ordinary or even inferior food extremely difficult to swallow, no one is willing to show their pickiness and pickiness, so they have to bite the bullet and give it a try. Swallow it with a cherished attitude, and smile like a holy son.

Without the barrier of the towering, solid and isolated walls of the Holy See and the Holy Church, the Templars went deep among the people, eating ordinary food eaten by ordinary people, and living in tents with poor conditions on the front line. Soon, this group of knights who were not bad-natured, strong-willed, and still had pure faith abandoned the bad habits of nobles, realized the value and loveliness of ordinary people, and reversed the class that had always been engraved in their consciousness. concept, and was deeply moved by the people's trust, dependence and respect for themselves, and the sense of responsibility and desire for protection in their hearts was unprecedentedly high.

—At this moment, they are not only fighting for the glory of the Holy See, but more importantly, they are using the weapons in their hands and the holy light in their hearts to protect thousands of people behind them.

Among this team whose style has gradually become stoic and simple, the only one who still enjoys special treatment is the inconspicuous white satin.

Long before he decided to leave the Holy See, Samuel unceremoniously stuffed a lot of delicacies and rare treasures into his space ring, enough for Bai Duan to live comfortably. Every time he and Bai Duan went back to their tent, Samuel would secretly cook for him, trying to feed his thin lover white and tender.

—He is so selfish. Samuel drove the templar knights out of their warm lair, brought them to the front line to hone them, and reversed their three views, but he was not at all willing to bear the same training for Bai Duan, but hoped that he could still be as good as he was in the Holy See. Jade food and brocade clothing, extravagant.

Regarding Samuel's actions, it would be a lie to say that Bai Duan was not touched in the slightest. He tried to refuse, but every time Samuel would be so excited that he would press him on the bed, hold him in his arms and feed him with his mouth, euphemistically saying that "as a servant, I have no right to refuse the master's request"—or he would take the initiative to be obedient Eat it, or... just use a "special" method, be forced to eat it, and by the way, perform the "important" duty of a "personal" attendant.

Bai Duan's force value was low, and he couldn't resist the strong Samuel at all. After struggling repeatedly, he had to choose the former in Samuel's regretful eyes, and then looked at his lips with nostalgia, and licked his lips.

Suddenly felt the hairy Bai Duan on his back: "..."

—Sometimes, he really can't stand this "sex maniac" son, his mouth will be bitten off, okay? !

—Obviously he is more cooperative on the bed, but for some reason, Samuel always pushes forward and pesters endlessly, as if he can never be satisfied. Is this relying on the protection of the holy light and the strong recovery ability? Holy Light is not used in this way!

Although he has no moral integrity behind others and always makes his little servants angry and blown their hair, in front of others, Samuel is still the Son of Light who is "respected by all", "holy and noble".

Under the influence and guidance of Samuel, this group of Templars, who still had pure faith and had no hesitation in breaking away from the Holy See's greenhouse, truly became a brave, pure and firm army. , the holy light on their weapons became more dazzling and powerful.

Feeling this change, the knights became more determined to the path they had found, and more and more believed in Samuel who led them in the right direction, and regarded him as the only commander and master.

——As for the filthy and depraved Holy See, it is no longer their spiritual belonging.

The people wholeheartedly trusted the knights who protected them and gave them the purest faith, and the knights wholeheartedly gave back to them and protected them from being attacked by monsters.

This kind of emotional interaction formed a virtuous circular chain, which made the always turbulent border calm and stable, and also greatly tempered the purity and cohesion of this team.

After roughly shaping his future team, Samuel was finally ready to fulfill another wish of the original body—to crush the monster's attack plan.

Now, the templars have grown a lot, and the monsters feel great pressure. Samuel can clearly feel their restlessness, and they are no longer calm and stable when they were dormant and gathering strength.

The Holy Light has always been the nemesis of monsters, and only when the Holy Light is in decline, they dare to expand their ambitions. However, now, with Samuel's actions, the holy light in the hands of the knights has hope to be rekindled. The monsters are absolutely unwilling to see this come true, and dare not continue to delay.

Even if they are not fully ready, but in order not to waste their long-term preparations, and to completely wipe out the natural enemies that suppress them in one go, they have to fight hard and take a gamble.

—And what Samuel has to do is to push up one last time, urging the monsters to act as soon as possible according to his plan.

Since he was going to go deep into the monster's lair, Samuel made better preparations in the early stage of departure, so as not to be careless and capsize in the gutter.

Of course, in order to pretend that it was a pure "accident", he didn't tell the others about his plan, and successfully concealed it from all the knights. However, he couldn't fool Bai Duan's eyes.

Although he was not a qualified "attendant" and often ignored his master, Bai Duan never ignored Samuel's every move—at first it was because of vigilance, but later this attention gradually changed.

Bai Duan didn't have Samuel's overview of God's perspective, nor did he understand the other party's plans, but he had an instinctive intuition and quickly noticed Samuel's "abnormality".

"...What are you going to do?" Standing behind Samuel, Bai Duan spoke in a faint tone.

Samuel froze, for some reason he suddenly felt guilty of doing bad things behind his lover's back. Standing up, he turned to Bai Duan, with a teasing smile: "Why, are you caring about me?"

It's a pity that Bai Duan didn't like his playful smile at all, and his expression was uncharacteristically indifferent: "Are you going to do something dangerous?"

Samuel coughed dryly, and spread his hands helplessly: "I'm indeed going to do something a little dangerous, but don't worry, I have my own measure." He softened his tone and comforted him softly, "I will return safely of."

Bai Duan pursed his lips, his face became more and more ugly, but he knew that he could do nothing. Although he has some skills, they are all opportunistic and wild ways. Even if he learned a few tricks from Andre and Samuel later, it is impossible to use them on the battlefield. What's more, the enemies they faced were monsters who had no weakness other than the fear of the holy light. As a mortal, Bai Duan, who had no holy light in his body, could only become a drag on Samuel even if he reluctantly followed, and made the other party's situation worse. more difficult.

—Therefore, it is meaningless to ask these questions. Even if he knew that Samuel was going to make some dangerous moves, he could only watch him leave.

Bai Duan's face was extremely ugly. Although Samuel tried to calm his emotions, he had no choice but to leave soon.

"Wait until I come back." Leaning down and kissing Bai Duan's forehead, Samuel tried to liven up the atmosphere, "You haven't really admitted that the relationship between us belongs to me from body to heart, how can I be willing to take it?" How about going on an adventure by yourself?"

Bai Duan didn't answer, and for the first time, he didn't refute Zha Mao. He silently followed Samuel out of the tent, watched him meet up with the knights who were ready to go, and got on their horses. When he came back to his senses, he found that his palm had been pierced by nails and was dripping with blood.

Although reason has always restrained his feelings and kept reminding him of the inexplicability of this feeling, Bai Duan still couldn't resist Samuel's harsh and ambiguous teasing and tender care, and sank into it without hesitation.

When Samuel was by his side all the time, he could still deceive himself into duplicity, but when Samuel was out of his sight and faced a dangerous situation alone, Bai Duan could no longer ignore his true intentions.

—Even if this feeling came suddenly and strangely, Bai Duan had to admit that he really liked Samuel, and he couldn't leave him, and couldn't face the harm he might encounter.

—Even though she knew that Samuel would never risk her own safety or fight unprepared, Bai Duan still couldn't help being worried and agitated for him, and behaved in a panic.

—Is this the so-called "love"? Without the control of reason, even if you know that the road ahead will be thorny and bumpy, you will never turn back.

Exhaling lightly, Bai Duan finally gave up struggling completely, and the heavy stone that had been pressing on his heart was instantly wiped out, and it was the first time he felt so relaxed and comfortable.

If Samuel can return safely this time, then he will admit it frankly. Even if he is in a humble position, he rides on clouds with the holy and noble Samuel, and can only be a shady lover forever; even if he finally mistrusts someone and becomes a victim of other people's love games, then this is his own. Choose, no regrets.