Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 74


Samuel and the knights traveled all the way in light clothes and rushed to the Holy See at the fastest speed. At the same time, the monsters had already approached the Holy See city one step ahead, ready to go.

A huge amount of demonic energy shot up into the sky, just in response to the phrase "black clouds overwhelm the city and destroy it", and even the holy light above the high tower of the Holy See seemed dim and weak, as if it would disappear when the wind blows.

The Holy See has never been attacked by monsters. Even with Samuel's early warning, it is difficult to organize effective defense measures for a while, and can only rely on a strong city wall to temporarily resist.

Some people huddled inside the Holy See, praying hopelessly to the God of Light, but unfortunately their filthy voices could no longer reach the ears of the God; Surrounded and devoured by monsters—even if they are afraid of the burning of the holy light, the favorite food of the monsters is the delicious flesh and blood tempered and purified by the holy light.

Seeing the fate of those who escaped from the Holy See, whether they were active or forced, the congregation and knights had to climb the city wall and use their weak strength and flesh and blood to cast a barrier to guard the Holy See. For the first time, I realized the power of monsters, and realized how ridiculous and sad it was to be complacent and arrogant because of being deceived by monsters.

——On another world line, they also experienced the same profound lesson, but it was too late, and all that awaited them was a future swallowed by darkness, but now, they still have hope.

When the knights led by Samuel appeared at the end of the horizon, the congregation and knights on the city wall seemed to have seen the coming of the gods. They wept with joy and praised loudly, and the will that was originally covered by the shadow of despair was restored to clarity and their fighting spirit was rekindled.

In the previous world line, the monsters were fully prepared, but the Holy See had no expectations for it. But now, the monsters who were frightened by Samuel acted hastily, and although Samuel promoted the split of the Holy See, he also used this to wipe out those who were not qualified, and single-handedly established a powerful cavalry with pure faith and indomitable progress . Under the ups and downs, the balance of victory will naturally tilt slowly.

Samuel, who was riding in the lead, raised the long sword in his hand, and the holy light shone in the blade, as if a ray of light descended from the sky, splitting the cloud of demonic energy.

Behind him, the knights in silver armor also pulled out their weapons one after another and took up their positions. Under Samuel's order, they bravely rushed towards the monster camp, like sharp arrows of light. The group of demons retreated.

With the support of Samuel and the knights, the confidence of the congregation on the city wall also increased greatly. Under the attack of the hatchback, the biggest battle between light and darkness in the history of the Holy See began.

This war was later sung and praised by countless bards, adapted into dramas and legends, and also deeply engraved into the historical books of the Holy See, constantly reminding the successors to maintain the purity and holiness of faith, and to be vigilant. The changes of the monsters, don't make the same mistakes again because of singing and dancing and getting drunk, making the tragedy happen again.

In this war, the old and decadent Holy See collapsed, and on top of its ruins, the new Holy See stood tall, more pure, pious, noble and humble.

People commemorate this war, praise the collapse of the old Holy See, and sing praises to the brave and fearless knights, and the most revered thing is that they used the Holy Light to guide the way and turn the tide so that they completely smashed the conspiracy of the monsters and saved the Holy See from darkness. Son Samuel in the clutches of the devil.

If there is no holy son Samuel, the Holy See may not realize it until the monsters attack; if there is no Samuel, most people may lose their lives in the desperate counterattack of the monsters who are invincible and try to die together. Samuel, who single-handedly propped up the wall of the Holy Light, showed unparalleled strength and unyielding pure faith, and also let the world re-recognize the power, extraordinary, and indispensable of the Holy Light, and made believers who were once confused Renewed full of admiration, I crouched under its dazzling brilliance and prayed devoutly.

This war lasted intermittently for several months. Due to the prevention, it did not quickly spread and affect the entire continent after the fall of the Holy See like another world line. The victims were only the Holy See and its surrounding areas.

When the cloud of demonic energy finally dissipated from the sky above the Holy See, and the clear sky reappeared, everyone heaved a long sigh of relief, with a kind of gratitude and emotion for the rest of their lives.

Standing on the pile of bones and ruins, Samuel looked at the once glorious and white Holy See, but now it was full of scars. His expression was full of regretful remembrance, but also longing and hope for the future.

Before the war started, he was seriously injured because he went deep into the back of the monsters. Now that he has gone through several months of long war and over-consumed the power of the holy light in his body, Samuel looked haggard and emaciated.

He came down from the ruins, his body shaking due to loss of strength. Andre quickly reached out his hand, trying to help him, but Samuel politely declined with a smile.

Andre, who was rejected, stepped aside and watched Bai Duan walking quickly to Samuel's side with a stern face, and Samuel leaned on his shoulder unceremoniously, frankly and intimately, and said softly He said something in his ear, which caused Bai Duan, who was originally in a bad mood, to turn red. She seemed ashamed and helpless, and glared at him angrily.

Watching the interaction between the two, Andre's expression was a little weird, but he didn't say anything, instead he turned and walked towards the injured knights, and began to arrange many post-war matters.

Although countless people were taken away by the god of death in this war, the only thing to be thankful for is that the monsters did not successfully cross the towering city walls and invade the interior of the Holy See, nor did they harm the people hiding in the Holy See—such as those unarmed Attendants, such as the seriously ill but tenacious Pope, or two cardinals.

After rehabilitating the wounded, comforting the sacrificed congregants, and restoring the order of the Holy See and starting to operate, Samuel went against his usual habit of being kind and gentle and not interfering in the affairs of the Holy See. His attitude was so tough that he surpassed the Pope and directly sent Andre He led the knights to capture and bring the two "only remaining" cardinals to the trial court, and under the convincing convincing of all the believers and knights, he made a decision to withdraw them from power, drive them out of the Holy See, and distribute them to the frontiers.

—No matter how greedy, corrupt, and violating the canons and teachings the other cardinals who died in the battle were, they were able to face the danger when the monsters attacked and lead the congregation and knights to fight against the enemy.

Even though it is a human instinct to protect oneself, being so cowardly and cowardly and only hiding in the rear to receive protection is a shame for the red robes forged with merit and blood. They are neither qualified nor able to continue to serve as red robes. The noble duty of a bishop.

In this way, all the cardinals were judged out by reasonable and "legal" means, and no one could criticize the conspiracy. Compared with these disappointing cardinals, the image of Holy Son Samuel became more and more serious. The glory is great, and the prestige is becoming more and more prosperous.

After learning that all the cardinals were either dead or deposed, the pope who had lost his heir had nothing to do with it, but had to accept it—however, this was not a big deal, although most popes were succeeded by cardinals , but in the history of the Holy See, it is not without precedents that the Holy Son was appointed Pope.

Samuel is powerful, famous, and has made great contributions to saving the Holy See. He has won the admiration and trust of the congregation, knights, and even the people of the mainland. It can be said that he is the best candidate to succeed the Pope—and the only one.

Whether it is qualifications, status, or strength, Samuel is unique, no one can match him, and apart from Samuel, the public will never accept another candidate for Pope.

Holding on to his sick body, the old pope presided over a grand gathering of the Holy See. On the one hand, to celebrate the great victory of the Holy See against the monsters, on the other hand, he took advantage of the situation to announce the candidate for the next Pope, and relieved himself of the burden.

He was already too old and weak, and he had exhausted his last bit of energy because of the siege of monsters, so he couldn't hold on any longer. He had been thinking about successors a long time ago, but he never thought that the cardinals he had single-handedly cultivated would make trouble one after another, as if there was a hand manipulating everything in the dark, hiding the Holy See as much as possible. The filth and corruption of the country are exposed in broad daylight.

—This is probably... the will of the gods, right

Now, when all the dust has settled, his successor has withstood the test and finally got to the bottom of it. The Pope breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't wait to hand over the power in his hands—he thought it was a normal and expected thing, but unexpectedly, there was another problem in the middle.

Someone raised an objection to this, and firmly opposed the Son's succession as Pope. This person was none other than the Son Samuel himself.

Leaning weakly on the throne that symbolized the supremacy of the Holy See, the pope stared at Samuel with a determined face, almost suspecting that he was hallucinating.

"...Why?" The Pope, who was seriously ill, had difficulty even speaking. He looked deeply at Samuel, feeling extremely puzzled.

Samuel shook his head slightly: "Because I am not qualified to inherit this position."

"Except you, no one, has this qualification." The pope said forcefully, gripping the armrest of the seat.

Samuel smiled frankly: "No, I didn't, because I also violated the religious rules."

While speaking, he turned his head sideways, his eyes caught the white satin hidden in the corner with precision, and he no longer concealed the affection and love in his eyes.

"I fell in love with someone, and I am deeply in love with him, and I can't give up my friendship with him at all." Samuel met Bai Duan's shocked, bewildered and deeply touched eyes, with a gentle but firm tone, "I violated In the same way, I don't want my feelings to be buried deep in my heart all the time, and the person I love has always followed me as an attendant—I Hope to be able to be with him openly and aboveboard.”

Withdrawing his gaze, Samuel looked at the tall old pope again. He knelt down on one knee, took off the crown symbolizing the Son of God on his head, and placed it in front of him respectfully: the long golden hair also followed Scattered, meandering and hanging down on the ground: "I have already made a decision. After solving the danger of the monster siege, I will demote myself and leave the Holy See. I also ask... His Majesty the Pope to fulfill it."