Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 78


I do not know how many worlds teenagers have experienced, and naturally they have also encountered the so-called "ABO" world. For such a world, the young man's perception was extremely bad from the very beginning, because he didn't like the pheromones that occupied an important position in this world.

It is true that pheromones have indeed given people great help, making Alpha stronger, with high combat effectiveness, able to adapt to various dangerous and harsh environments, and also giving Omega a strong reproductive ability to ensure the number and vitality of the group .

But on the other hand, this also makes the social form of the ABO world gradually become more and more deformed and extreme, which leads to many tragedies.

The original body of this body - Eddie Feline - is the tragic product of this deformed society.

He was originally the young master of the Feilin family. Although he came from a noble family, he actually had a very bad life since he was a child—because he was a Beta.

In this world, there are a lot of Betas. If she was born in an ordinary family like Bai Duan, she might not be able to live happily ever after. But unfortunately, in an aristocratic family, Beta is quite a shame.

The father of the original body is a powerful Alpha, and the mother is a beautiful Omega. It stands to reason that with the combination of A and O, most of the offspring born will be strong Alphas or precious Omega, but there is no absolute, although the probability Tiny, but the original body was indeed a Beta.

In aristocratic families, only Alpha and Omega can be recognized and liked. After all, the former can inherit and develop the family; while the latter can be used for marriage and win alliances for the family. What use is Beta

If it was just like this, Yuan Bo's life probably wouldn't be so miserable. After all, aristocratic families do not lack a mouth to eat. Even if he is not valued, he can live like other Betas born in aristocratic families who have no sense of existence but have no worries about food and clothing. It is also a kind of ordinary happiness. up.

—So, the worst thing about being a Beta is not being a Beta, but being a Beta with a mother who is eager to rely on her children to compete for favor.

The mother of the original body, like most Omegas, is a dodder who regards her husband as the god. The only thing they care about in their life is how to marry an excellent Alpha, and the other is how to continue Alpha's love go down.

Although Omega is extremely precious, and most Alphas will treat their own Omega like a treasure and cherish it for a lifetime, but such common sense does not belong to the aristocratic class, after all, power and status will break all routines.

For noble Alphas, they do not lack Omega, they can even mark several Omega at the same time, so as to produce more offspring and select better heirs, and the mother of the original body is one of these many Omega, and Because her family is not prominent, after Alpha got tired of her beauty and softness, she was on the verge of falling out of favor.

Such a situation forced the mother of the original body to impatiently want to give birth to an excellent offspring to secure her favor, and she did get her wish and got pregnant, but the child she never wanted to give birth to was a Beta with "flaws".

Looking at her child, Yuanzhen's mother almost collapsed, because she knew exactly what kind of predicament she would face when her Alpha learned that she had given birth to a Beta.

Omegas are weak, their spirits are slender and sensitive, but on the other hand, they are tenacious, tough and persistent in order to achieve their goals.

After a moment of panic, Yuancheng's mother quickly made a crazy decision—she wanted to change the gender of her child.

Alpha is definitely impossible, no matter how disguised, a Beta will never be able to have the robust physique of an Alpha, and it will probably be exposed by her husband who is also an Alpha in a few years. Then, she can only disguise her child as an Omega.

It's hard to make a Beta strong, but it's much easier to make him look weak, and most importantly, Eddie's mother has her own backs for making such a decision—her father owns a pharmaceutical company. Companies, and in this world, what people study the most is the pheromone that is most closely related to them.

After numerous researches, this world has extracted the pheromones of Alpha and Omega, and applied them to every aspect of the battlefield and life—of course, because these pheromones are extremely effective and very dangerous, they have always been classified as controlled drugs , Once someone uses it privately, he will be severely punished. However, as the person in charge of the pharmaceutical company, Yuanchen's grandfather still had certain rights to use secretly.

Unable to bear the begging of his beloved daughter, Yuanzhen's grandfather hesitated for a moment, and finally agreed to her request - of course, the reason for this was not because of his love for his beloved daughter, but because he was very fond of the Feilin family. He did not want his beloved daughter to fall out of favor. As for the plan to use the Omega pheromone potion to change Beta into Omega, although it is risky, it is still a good idea. Although this method cannot be hidden forever, it can also solve the urgent need.

As for whether this Beta will reveal his identity as he grows up, there is no need to worry about it - because he will never allow him to grow up and marry like a normal Omega. After all, even if the injection of Omega pheromones allows Beta to disguise itself as an Omega, Beta's physiological "defect" predestined that he cannot be marked by Alpha like Omega.

Therefore, before that, he must be killed, or pretend to be an accident, or blame others. In short, this Beta child must die as an Omega—even though Omega has always been closely guarded, it is only to prevent Intruders from the outside, and it would be much easier if the attackers were relatives close to Omega. Of course, no one would want to kill their precious Omega child frantically.

In this way, the plan of "stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix" will be perfect, and the mother of the original body will also be able to gain Alpha's sympathy because of the "pain of bereavement", further consolidating her favor. What's more, it was long enough for her to conceive again and have a "real" child.

After the plan was made, Yuanzhen's grandfather requested to have a physical examination for his grandson in his company's research institute in the name of caring for the child, and Yuanzhen's father naturally agreed to this "reasonable" request without doubting him.

If it is an Alpha heir, he must personally preside over the inspection to determine his qualifications, but Omega is not so troublesome, as long as he is healthy and can marry and marry.

Of course, as a matter of course, the physical examination report sent to the original body's father at the end indicated that the original body was a healthy Omega baby, and the original body was thus established as an Omega, and was raised by Jinjiaoyugui. Section is still a happy childhood.

If the original body was a little more stupid and credulous, he would probably live in false happiness, and then die knowing nothing. But it's a pity that the original body is quite smart, even smarter than ordinary children.

He keenly sensed the abnormalities around him, and even noticed the dislike and even murderous intention of his seemingly kind-hearted grandfather towards him. From the Omega students around him, Yuanbang learned that they didn't need monthly injections that were very painful after injections, and also learned from the physiological knowledge class...the development of their own bodies was abnormal.

Because Omega's male genitalia hardly needs to be used, it has degenerated very obviously. However, Beta is different. Even if it doesn't have Alpha's impressive size, it still falls within the normal range—at least in the eyes of the current "Eddie" normal.

I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune. Although under the effect of Omega pheromone and parental inheritance, Eddie's appearance is not inferior to the real Omega, even more delicate and cute, but the development of his male genitalia has not been affected. ——This used to make the original body extremely entangled, but it really made "Eddie" who now controls this body very happy.

Otherwise, his dignity as an attacker would really disappear.

Relying on all kinds of clues, the original body anxiously and calmly searched for the truth about his body abnormality. Soon, he began to doubt his true gender, and felt that he was not the Omega that everyone said, but a Beta. He even managed to figure out the reason and process of his transformation from Beta to Omega.

In the end, he did confirm his guess from his mother.

After all, the original body's mother was a delicate and sensitive Omega. On the one hand, she hated and rejected the child who had brought her endless troubles. On the other hand, she felt guilty and uneasy because of his destined death, and dared not face it. At the same time, Omega's nature makes her care about her own flesh and blood, constantly urging her to love him, protect him, and care for him...

Such diametrically opposite conflicting feelings kept tearing at the original mother's heart, making it unbearable for this weak Omega. She was always the submissive and affectionate wife in front of her Alpha, but when she faced her original self, she immediately became emotionally sensitive, easily agitated, and sometimes even confused.

Under the intentional guidance and stimulation of the original body, his mother confides the truth to him, which completely disintegrates the three views that the original body has always shaped, causing his whole world to collapse instantly.

Fortunately, because he had already been mentally prepared, Yuanchen quickly restrained his thoughts of committing suicide, and the desire to survive overcame the despair and pain. He began to struggle to save himself, and even his closest relatives had to be careful. Fortunately, this society has always understood and even condoned Omega's sensitive and timid nature. The original body was cautious in every step, coupled with the society's "meticulous" protection of Omega, and finally turned from danger to safety under the calculations of his grandfather time and time again. age.

No matter how impatient Yuan Shen's grandfather was, and even became more and more aggressive, Yuan Shen still successfully married the Odeon family under his father's arrangement, and began to prepare for a new life experience of his own with anxiety and anticipation—no matter what Smart, he is only a teenager, and he has been receiving Omega's family-oriented, husband-oriented and romantic education. Even though he knows his special physical condition, he still looks forward to meeting a true love. A lover who cares about herself, doesn't care about her real gender, and is worthy of her wholehearted dependence.

The original body no longer has family affection, so he yearns for love more than anyone else. What's more, even if he is a Beta, he can also conceive children for Alpha!

In this way, with longing and anticipation, the original body married the next heir of the Odeon family. He had met that person several times before, and he had a very good impression of him, and the other person seemed to like him very much, and he was courteous and considerate to him, almost taking care of Alpha for Omega to the extreme.

Such a strong, handsome, gentle and considerate Alpha almost satisfies all of the original body's fantasies about his lover, causing the original body to fall into the vortex of love uncontrollably, knowing that his body is "abnormal" and willing to take a gamble.

But the facts have proved that reality is always more cruel than imagination. For noble Alphas, they marry a wife, one is for the benefit of the marriage, and the other is to obtain a higher quality offspring, as for the thing like love? Even if it exists, it is impossible to waste it on an ordinary Beta.

After learning that the Omega wife he married back was actually a Beta, the next heir of the Odeon family was furious. He ordered the original body to be locked up, and asked why the Feline family humiliated him so much, and was also Naturally, the blinded original father couldn't let go of this mastermind who made him lose face and offended the Odeon family.

The original mother completely fell out of favor—after all, the law does not allow the killing of Omega, and the pride of the noble Alpha will never allow the Omega marked by herself to be possessed by other Alphas—but this is not the case for an Omega. At the same time, his grandfather's family also faced double revenge from the Odeon and Feline families, and fell apart without support for a few days after the wedding.

The original body who was imprisoned in the Odeon family didn't know the fate of his mother and the rented family, but he could also understand that they would never die well after the incident was exposed, and he himself would certainly not get any good results.

After being disappointed with family affection, Eddie also tasted the bitter fruit of chasing love. Knowing that he had no hope of escape, he finally chose to give up his own life, and if he had the chance to do it all over again, he hoped that he would no longer be constrained by gender, live a true and unrestrained life, and prove to his parents that even as a Beta, he can also have his own value—and then, find someone who loves him wholeheartedly, and experience the sweetness and warmth of love.