Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 89


Many people couldn't understand Restello's invitation to Bai Duan to join his team. Even Professor Zig, who knew Bai Duan's actual level, thought it was too risky. However, what is done is done, Zieg can't change, and is not qualified to change Restello's decision, so he can only grab Bai Duan and make it up, trying to make Restello's "impulsive" decision not so wrong.

Bai Duan really benefited a lot from this period of tinkering. After all, Professor Ziger abandoned the step-by-step education policy and told him the most practical and effective repair knowledge, which expanded Bai Duan's knowledge base again. .

In such a busy study life, the final exam came soon, and Bai Duan followed Restello to meet his future "teammates" for a period of time, and then was air-dropped with the rest of the team to another star without residents. primitive planet.

Here, they will undergo a three-month survival training, explore the planet as much as possible and kill the remaining insects and beasts on the basis of ensuring their own lives.

Zerg beasts are not the same kind of creatures as the Zerg race. The latter have developed their own rationality and civilization, while the former are still in the stage of ignorance and survival by instinct—just like humans and monkeys, although they belong to the same order of primates, but But they cannot be compared.

Today, the Zerg has become a widely accepted cosmic race—even though they are greedy and aggressive by nature and are not flattering—but the Zerg is the common target of all intelligent races in the universe, and even the Zerg will not be merciful to these "same races" .

Insects have strong adaptability and reproductive ability, and they can survive no matter how harsh the environment is, and they don't know how to protect the environment and sustainable development like the Zerg. They only blindly satisfy their own desires, eat, destroy , reproduction, until a planet is riddled with holes, it will migrate in groups, looking for another environment that can inhabit.

Wherever this group of cosmic locusts went, let alone organic races, even inorganic races could not survive. Therefore, after the truce between the cosmic intelligent races, most of the troops were sent to various planets to exterminate insects and beasts. Sometimes I will join in, and hate this group of public enemies of the universe.

The planet where the students conducted field combat assessments had just been cleared by the army, killing the leader of the swarm and the most powerful soldiers, leaving the remaining swarm "worms" without a leader, which is just right for students to exercise here.

Bai Duan tidied up his tools, climbed out of the airdrop pod, and looked up at the unfamiliar surroundings—no matter how calm and calm he was, he couldn't help showing a little curiosity at this moment.

It's a pity that the rest of the team members who had seen similar scenes in a 100% simulated virtual environment last school year had no curiosity to share with him, and soon got together to discuss the way forward, while Bai Duan stood silently. On the side, there is no sense of participation.

Probably because of Restello's face, the rest of the team members did not show any disgust towards Bai Duan, an unqualified mecha technician, on the surface, but Bai Duan faintly sensed the real rejection deep in their hearts. with dissatisfaction.

Of course, Bai Duan didn't care about these things, because he knew - facts speak louder than words.

At first, the well-prepared and strong team traveled quite smoothly, and explored many areas safely. Bai Duan also sat on the co-pilot seat of the mech controlled by Restello, quietly acting as Invisible man, stay out of the limelight and get into trouble.

However, the actual field assessment is absolutely impossible to be so simple, easy and calm. Trouble soon followed as they started moving deeper into the jungle. People were injured, weapons were damaged, and mechs malfunctioned. When everyone stumbled to find a suitable camp and began to organize, Bai Duan finally stood up.

Because Eddie had taught him how to use his mental power, Bai Duan never neglected to exercise even though he was busy with his studies. After a year, he could control his mental power freely, and even applied it to the inspection and maintenance of equipment.

There is no need for professional large-scale testing instruments, Bai Duan's mental power can be extended to every tiny unit of the machine, and sometimes it is even more flexible and efficient than instruments. Without spending much effort, he found the problem, and repaired or even modified it based on the knowledge he learned—for precision weapon mechs, the most troublesome problem for mecha technicians most of the time is how to find them. Damaged "lesions".

After an overhaul, the eyes of the teammates looking at Bai Duan completely changed, and Restello even raised the corners of his mouth and smiled proudly. But Bai Duan's action this time changed not only the attitude of his teammates, but even the people who watched the live broadcast through Xingwang changed their attitude towards him greatly.

Although it was just a school final assessment, it has not been low in the attention of the public at all. The students of the Delmo Institute of Higher Education are all the pride of heaven, especially the mecha driving major. All of them are future stars with slender waists, long legs, and extremely standard figures. After wearing military uniforms, they are even more heroic. I don't know how good my little boy is. What's more, there is such an honorable son like Restello who has both talents and looks, noble status, and is rare to see, it can be called a feast for the eyes.

Whether it’s those who like body and beauty, or those who like ordnance and weapons, or those who just watch the fun, every time this period of time, there will always be a large number of viewers flocking to the live channel of Delmore College of Higher Education. The students commented enthusiastically, and Restello, who is a god-level figure, must be the focus of everyone's attention.

Everyone paid attention to Restello's team, and naturally they inevitably noticed Bai Duan, a new face, and quickly revealed his identity.

Although Bai Duan is beautiful, but this time his situation is not pleasing. After all, what everyone wants to see is a new star in the future military department, not just a simple vase. Even the sharp-eyed crowd noticed Restello's unusual care for Bai Duan, and they were even more unafraid to ridicule him maliciously. Even Restello was labeled as a dazed person.

However, when Bai Duan proved that he was indeed qualified to join this team, the wind on the Internet immediately changed. Although Bai Duan didn't do anything out of the norm, even if he used his mental power to check the guns and mechs, no one else would notice him, but as a first-year student, he was able to reach or even surpass the level of a third-year senior, and Enough to be eye-catching.

This is a society where strength is paramount. Even if Beta's social status is lower than that of Alpha and Omega, if he has talent, he will not be ignored.

When Bai Duan proved his strength, the slander against him on the Internet was quickly replaced by praise, and those who ridiculed him for clinging to Restello's superior position even thought that they were a good match—a chance of a genius Armor warrior, one is a genius mecha technician, really a good partner in business and life, not to mention the two people's appearances are also quite suitable when standing together, it is simply pleasing to the eye.

Restello has always cherished feathers, and except for that brief marriage that seemed like a farce, he has never been rumored to have an affair with anyone—this is the first time he has shown his concern for a person in public.

Restello's childhood sweetheart Omega "wife" "accidentally died", he must be very uncomfortable, now there is a like-minded Beta to make him come out of "love grief", there is nothing wrong with it.

The audience was extremely bored, and while watching the "interaction" between Restello and Bai Duan in the video, they were imagining, and even began to worry about whether the Odeon family could accept a Beta mistress—after all, due to the small number of Omega, The combination of an Alpha and a Beta is also permitted by law, but very few noble Alphas marry a Beta legitimately.

As for the mood of Bai Duan, who reacted slightly indifferently, it was not within the consideration of the public. In their eyes, it was luck accumulated over eight lifetimes for a commoner Beta to be favored by a male god like Restello. Reject the other party's affection

Bai Duan, who was undergoing an actual field assessment, had no knowledge of the remarks on the Internet, but Eddie, who had been learning about his movements through Lao Lin and watched the live broadcast on the star network early, could see clearly—in the sound of metal friction Afterwards, the armrest of Eddie's chair twisted and deformed under the horrified stares of the star thieves.

The angry mental power permeated the entire ship, suppressing the star thieves, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath—spiritual power is different from pheromones that can only act on humans, and it will also have an effect on other interstellar races. The same effect, even the inorganic races are no exception.

The star thieves looked at the gloomy Eddie with fear and sympathy - after all, as Eddie's subordinates, they also knew some of their leader's past, and knew the "emotional entanglement" between him and Restello .

This Restello turned his face ruthlessly because he disliked his own leader as a Beta, but fell in love with another Beta on the back and cared for him. Said to be their proud leader.

Seeing that the leader's emotions were a little out of control, a star thief had to speak carefully against the pressure in order to prevent himself and his companions from being overwhelmed by the leader's mental power: "Boss, that Restello doesn't like you, it's him Eye problems! We Hobbit star, there are countless Alphas who like you, such as Kreid, who is strong, beautiful, and has a good personality. Is the yellow-haired boy much better?"

Eddie turned his head to look at the star thief who was speaking, and showed a sinister smile: "You mean, I can sit in the current position, or is it thanks to Kreide's care that I walked through his back door?"

"Of course not! That's definitely not what I meant!" The misunderstood star thief blushed, shaking his head and waving his hands.

Regardless of gender, race, or age among star thieves, whoever has the hardest fist is the boss. Eddie's thin, soft appearance indeed received a lot of contempt and provocation at first, but now he can become the leader of this small team of star robbers, but it is all because of his own ability and hard work step by step.

Even though he has been in the industry for a short time, and his appearance does not look like a star thief at all, Eddie has indeed deterred the rebellious star robbers under his hands with his strength, and led them to do several "big deals", and really won the star thief. The thieves wholeheartedly support and respect.

"In that case, don't associate me with Cored." Eddie's eyes turned cold.

The star thieves silently added a rule in their hearts, and at the same time had to sigh with emotion for Eddie's long love—even though the one he loves is not human, and is severely hurt and abandoned by the one he likes, he still never forgets him, not only for the other Alphas and Betas He was unmoved by the love he showed, and refused all of them under the pretext that he already had a sweetheart, and even waited eagerly to watch the other party's assessment video on the star network.

"Boss, if you really like it, then just grab it!" I couldn't bear to see my leader suffering from love, another star thief suggested loudly, "Don't say it's a small Odeon family, even if We are not afraid of the Human Alliance! We are star thieves, if we see it, we will snatch it back, there is nothing wrong with it! Even if the kid is unwilling, we brothers still have ways to make him serve you honestly!"

Eddie was staring intently at Restoro, who was showing his love to Bai Duan without a trace, when he heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, his dimples deepened: "Well, you're right, I thought so too—Originally, I I still plan to start later and proceed step by step, but now it seems... I still have to get to my side early to be at ease."

The star thieves were shocked, and they all geared up immediately—it was the first time for them to do the job of robbing the boss's wife, so thinking about it makes them very excited!

"...But, there's no rush right now." Eddie glanced at the star thieves who were eager to go to the planet to assess the planet now, Eddie changed the subject, "If you want to rob, you have to rob it vigorously, everyone knows it, and you have to let it go!" They have no choice but to swallow their anger. Now, our strength is still a little weaker, and we must expand our power and improve our reputation as soon as possible." Raising his hand to window the Star Network live broadcast, and clicking on another file, Eddie's finger is on the light screen Swiping up, I quickly clicked on a record, "Next, let's make a bigger one!"

The star thieves applauded loudly, quickly took action under Eddie's instructions, and at the same time secretly winked at each other, understanding.

—Their boss, this is accumulating gifts for marrying a wife! What's more, this dowry is going to be snatched from the wife's house. It's really awesome, and it fully fits their identities as star robbers!