Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 9


After returning to the apartment, Bai Duan washed up early and went to bed, because Liu Lang would take him out to play tomorrow and introduce him to some of his friends in the capital.

Bai Duan has always been insensitive to such gatherings, after all, he doesn't like contact with strangers, and he doesn't like places that are too lively. However, he couldn't refuse Liu Lang's invitation, because most of Liu Lang's friends are sons and daughters of the capital, and some of them are quite close to the Zheng family. They should know the Zheng family and "Zheng Xu" better than Liu Lang. Case.

Obviously, although they had only been in contact with each other for a day, Liu Lang quickly grasped Bai Duan's weakness - as long as "Zheng Xu" was hanging in front, no matter how unwilling Bai Duan was, he would obediently take the bait.

On the first night when he came to the capital, Bai Duan lay on the bed tossing and turning, his mind was full of Bai Xu's figure. He imagined what his brother would look like when he grew up, worried about his situation in Zheng's family, and fantasized about the relationship between the two. The scene when we met, I had been thinking about it for several hours, and finally fell asleep reluctantly.

Of course, that night, Bai Duan dreamed of his brother, and it was a pretty beautiful dream. In the dream, he hugged and kissed his grown-up brother, and then did something vague but shameful and pleasant.

When she woke up the next day, Bai Duan looked at her wet underwear with some annoyance, and sighed silently.

This is not the first time that Bai Duan has experienced a spring dream with himself and his brother as the protagonists. Ever since he entered puberty and began to awaken his sexual consciousness, Bai Duan's dreams have been filled with figures of Bai Xu, from blurred to clear, It was as if his feelings for Bai Xu had gone from ignorant to profound.

It can be said that it was because of the scene in the dream that Bai Duan gradually realized his feelings for Bai Xu, and realized that Bai Xu was not just a brother who grew up with him, but wanted to continue on. Lovers who stay together forever.

Turning over and getting out of bed, Bai Duan took out clean underwear and changed into it. After getting dressed, she took the soiled underwear into the bathroom.

After washing his underwear, he opened the door of the bathroom, but happened to run into Liu Lang who was also up and ready to wash up. Liu Lang said "Good morning" with sleepy eyes, his eyes flicked in Bai Duan's hand, and then he smiled "hehe", showing a knowing smile - boys wash their underwear early in the morning, and everyone knows the reason .

"Little brother has been busy with his studies, so he doesn't have time to solve physical problems, right? I heard that you haven't even had a girlfriend?" Liu Lang winked at Bai Duan, and said in a teasing tone, "How about it, do you want my brother to take you out?" Let's play' and see the 'world'?"

Although he didn't say it clearly, the "play and play" in Liu Lang's mouth is obviously not pure play. Bai Duan glanced at him calmly, then walked past Liu Lang sideways: "No."

"Why not? Are you shy?" Liu Lang hooked Bai Duan's neck with his backhand, laughing and preventing him from leaving.

Bai Duan stopped in her tracks, stretched out her hand and pulled Liu Lang's arm off, saying indifferently, "Because I'm still underage."

Liu Lang choked for a moment, and didn't know how to refute for a while. He watched Bai Duan walk back to the room quickly, closed the door, and raised his hand to scratch his messy hair: "Okay, you are underage. You are the biggest."

Inside the door, Bai Duan also quickly lifted off his calm disguise. He looked at the panties in his hands that looked like a hot potato, and then hung them up with flushed cheeks.

—It was the first time he stayed in someone's house and was bumped into by the other party. It was shameful and embarrassing. Bai Duan's mind went blank just now, God knows how he dealt with it.

—Fortunately, Bai Duan has a natural skill, that is, the more nervous he is, the more calm and calm he appears. nature.

After dawdling in the house for a long time, the heat on his face finally cooled down. When Bai Duan walked out of the room again as if nothing had happened, Liu Lang had already washed, changed his clothes and bought breakfast, and was sitting at the table eating heartily.

Seeing Bai Duan, Liu Lang raised the fried buns on his chopsticks: "You finally came out? Come and eat quickly, Wei, Cheng, Nian!"

Hearing this meaningful title, Bai Duan couldn't help being a little embarrassed. He pretended that he was deaf to Liu Lang's teasing, and sat down at the table silently.

After eating the "breakfast", which was not too early, Liu Lang took Bai Duan to the racetrack on the outskirts of the capital.

Because this party was going to bring a stranger to the party, Liu Lang ventilated his friends in advance, and the party venue also deliberately avoided those messy places. Although Liu Lang's friends didn't reject his proposal to introduce Bai Duan, in fact, they didn't have much interest in this little boy who was five or six years younger than them. After all, there is a three-year generation gap, and these fans in the capital don't think that they can play with this little brother.

However, this kind of indifference and indifference suddenly changed when they saw Bai Duan following Liu Lang. There was no other reason, it was purely based on face-even if they couldn't play together, there was such a beautiful little boy Being by your side is, at the very least, very pleasing to the eye.

Fortunately, people are divided into groups. Although Liu Lang's friends like to play around a bit, their natures are not bad, and no one has any bad ideas. Otherwise, Liu Lang would not be able to bring Bai Duan to them and introduce them to each other. .

Facing strangers, Bai Duan was always silent, and Liu Lang knew his temperament, so he didn't force him to talk to everyone. He planned to play with him for a while, and then help him find out about "Zheng Xu" after everyone got acquainted with him. information.

Familiar with the road, he had to put on the protective gear. Liu Lang gave Bai Duan a little instruction and ran to the stable to choose a horse. Bai Duan was left behind because it was his first time riding a horse, and was taught by the staff of the racecourse. How to wear protective gear, while listening to various safety matters that need to be paid attention to when running a horse.

Although he had never ridden a horse before, Bai Duan was not very interested in this sport. He casually put the protective gear on himself, and was slightly distracted. Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder from behind.

Bai Duan froze for a moment, turned his head to look, and then stopped suddenly, and the whole person froze on the spot.

The visitor looked at Bai Duan's shocked appearance, and smiled slightly: "What's the matter? You don't recognize me?"

"...Brother, brother?" Bai Duan's eyes widened. Obviously, he did not expect to see the person he had missed for four years here suddenly. For a moment, he just felt like falling into a dream and couldn't believe his eyes at all.

"Well, it's me." Bai Xu bent his eyes and raised his hand to scratch the tip of Bai Duan's nose.

Bai Duan subconsciously raised her hand, grabbed Bai Xu's wrist, and squeezed it hard. After realizing that the touch in her hand was extremely real, she suddenly realized that her brother had really stood in front of him, and all this was not a dream.

"Brother!" Bai Duan, who finally came to his senses, plunged into Bai Xu's arms, and hugged the body in front of him, which was much taller than he remembered, tightly, as if afraid that if he let go, the other party would disappear again.

Bai Xu hugged Bai Duan back, and raised his hand to gently stroke his back to soothe the other party's agitated emotions. His tone was extraordinarily gentle, with a hint of a smile, revealing a kind of intimate reproach, but his eyes were extraordinarily dark, as if he was brewing some dangerous thoughts: "Xiao Duan is really bad, why didn't you come to the capital with me?" Let me tell you? You even came to the racecourse to have such a good time with others—don’t you want to see brother?”

"I think! I think about it!" Bai Duan nodded quickly, afraid that Bai Xu would misunderstand something, he slightly pushed Bai Xu away, raised his head, and tried to explain, "I'm just worried that my brother will report the good news and not the bad news. I said, I... I want to see with my own eyes how my brother is doing!"

Bai Xu lowered his head and looked deeply into Bai Duan's clean and clear eyes. After a while, he didn't find any falsehood or concealment in them. Finally, he smiled and his eyes softened: "Of course I believe Xiaodu, just seeing Xiaodu get so close to others, I always feel a little jealous."

Bai Duan, who had already known what he was thinking, blushed and was a little nauseous for a while. He didn't know whether Bai Xu's words were just his brother's possession of his younger brother, or whether there was a deeper meaning.

Bai Duan couldn't wait to express her feelings to him, but she also knew that now was not an appropriate occasion. In order to avoid impulsively doing something wrong, Bai Duan had to forcefully change the subject: "Why did brother come here?"

"Of course I came here to relax." Bai Xu chuckled, "I didn't expect to see you. I just observed for a long time, and then I was sure that I didn't recognize the wrong person." After a pause, he said ambiguously Blinking, "Xiao Duan and I are really destined, right?"

The heat that had just dropped from Bai Duan's face was hooked up by Bai Xu's ambiguous hint, but before he could respond, Liu Lang's voice came carelessly: "Bai Duan, you haven't done it yet?"

Liu Lang had already picked out the horse, but found that Bai Duan still hadn't appeared, so he had to look back, but unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the door, he saw the younger brother of the Bai family hugging another man—or a boy—with white ears and neck. They are all bright red.

Liu Lang was taken aback, and suddenly felt like an enemy: "Who are you?!"

While speaking, he took two quick steps, wanting to drag Bai Duan to his side, but unexpectedly, the young man reacted very quickly, turned around slightly, and blocked Bai Duan behind him—and Bai Duan also cooperated with the young man's movements quite well, and was even very attached to her. He reached out and grabbed the opponent's sleeve.

Watching the actions of the two, Liu Lang quickly realized that the younger brother of the Bai family was not being bullied, and his mood calmed down a little. He looked at the boy hesitantly: "Are you...?"

"He's my elder brother!" Bai Duan poked his head out from behind Bai Xu, and introduced in a cheerful tone.

Liu Lang realized immediately: "Are you Zheng Xu?"

"Well, hello, I'm Zheng Xu." Bai Xu nodded reservedly and smiled slightly, "Thank you for helping to take care of Xiao Duan during this time, he didn't cause you any trouble, right?"

"...No." Liu Lang shook his head subconsciously. After answering, he realized that he was intimidated by a boy who was several years younger than himself and was led by the nose. Is the extremely controlling young man really the honest, low-key, transparent illegitimate child of the Zheng family

"It's fine if you don't have one." Although he noticed Liu Lang's scrutinizing eyes, Bai Xu didn't take it seriously, "I heard that Xiao Duan has been living in your house, it is really troublesome to you, I am also a I'm going to take him to my place."

Bai Duan glanced blankly at his brother, not understanding for a moment how the other party knew that he lived in Liu Lang's house. But his head was always extremely slow when facing Bai Xu. Not long after the question came up, he was quickly attracted by the second half of the other's sentence: "I want to live with my brother!"

—Before the meeting, he could still restrain himself and secretly inquire about Bai Xu's news, but once he met, Bai Duan didn't want to part with him for a second, wishing to stick together all the time.

Hearing Bai Duan's happy response, Liu Lang twitched the corners of his mouth, suddenly feeling ashamed of being used and thrown away. Although he could understand the eagerness of the brothers to meet, the initiative in this matter was not on him: "If you want to take Bai Duan away, I have no problem here, but the key is Uncle Bai's side. Bai Duan's parents entrusted him to my care, I definitely can't just let him go with someone else, you have to ask his parents for permission first."

"Of course." Bai Xu didn't read any reluctance from Liu Lang's expression and body language, and his hostility towards him finally dissipated a little, "I will ask for their consent."

"Okay, then there's no problem!" Liu Lang nodded, turned his head and left rather simply, leaving room for Brother Bai Duan.

After the eyes-obscuring person left, Bai Xu happily turned his attention to his younger brother, and stretched out his hand to adjust the protective gear on his body: "Xiao Duan has never ridden a horse before, right? Brother will teach you later, okay?"

"Okay!" Bai Duan stood obediently, letting Bai Xu put on the protective gear for himself, his eyes were bright, full of joy and anticipation, and he completely forgot that he was not interested in riding a horse just now.

—No matter what you do, even if you are just in a daze, as long as you have your brother by your side, Bai Duan will feel extremely happy and will never get bored.