Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 90


Due to adequate preparations and the abilities of each team member did not drop the line, Restello's team finally won the first place without a doubt, and there were no accidents such as insect riots and Omega's estrus during the period-after all, this But it was a very serious exam, and a large part of the participating students were Noble Alphas. At the same time, it had to be broadcast live on the star network. The school must be cautious about the selection of the exam venue, and dispatched teachers in advance and entrusted the army to clean up potential dangers. , must not allow any accidents to happen, and the school absolutely cannot bear the responsibility for any accidents.

Having completed the assessment with such excellent results, Bai Duan was naturally awarded by the school, and was even allowed by the school to take the leapfrog test under the recommendation of Professor Zieg.

It is really not easy to get such permission. After all, Delmore Institute of Higher Education is the top school in the human country, and its studies are not easy at all. Ordinary students are already struggling to cope with daily courses, and there is no extra energy to learn more advanced knowledge. . Since the establishment of the school, there have been very few students who have been able to skip a grade, and even a figure like Restello, who has always been shrouded in a halo of genius, has not obtained such qualifications.

For a time, Bai Duan had the same reputation in the school. Those who were envious and jealous because of his close relationship with Restello also restrained their ugly faces and dared not make irresponsible remarks. Even people outside the school They all learned about Bai Duan through the live assessment, and knew that there was such an amazingly talented Beta student.

However, although Bai Duan has received some attention, the news that has attracted the most attention during this period is not him, but a new Star Thief Group that has just emerged out of nowhere.

This star thief group had previously plundered several small transport ships, but there were countless star thief groups in the universe, so it did not enter the public's field of vision and aroused the vigilance of government departments and nobles. But during this period of time, it was probably a successful test of the water. This star thief group became more and more aggressive, and its actions became more and more unscrupulous. Not only did it quickly accumulate a large amount of assets, but it also completely made the public remember itself. The name - "Spirit Devouring Sable".

Bai Duan has been paying attention to all the news related to Star Pirates because of Eddie, so naturally he noticed the name at the first time. The public media have speculated about what kind of creature the "spirit-eating mink" is, or what meaning the name intends to express. Unfortunately, even though there are different opinions, none of them can convince most people.

No one knew what a "spirit-eating mink" was, but Bai Duan felt as if he had heard of this creature somewhere, and he couldn't help feeling a kind and unparalleled love for it. And, more importantly, Bai Duan instinctively believed that the Soul Devouring Sable Star Thief Group had something to do with Eddie—even though he knew that Eddie could not form a Star Thief Group of his own in such a short period of time, Bai Duan couldn't help it. Satin still couldn't help watching its every move, and even faintly felt proud and joyful.

The Soul Devouring Sable Star Bandit Group grew extremely rapidly. When it first entered the public's field of vision, it was just the most ordinary star bandit group consisting of two small ships. But since then, its scale has expanded at an astonishing speed. Every time it plunders, it will add one or two warships compared to the last one. In addition, it commits frequent crimes, and now it has surpassed the medium-sized star thief group. The threshold has become an emerging force that cannot be underestimated.

It would be fine if it was just an increase in the number of personnel and ships. After all, quantity does not represent quality. In interstellar battles, it is not uncommon to win more with less, but what makes everyone most fearful is its ever-changing combat style. And weird and unpredictable ship configuration.

The Soul-devouring Sable Star Bandit must have an excellent ship commander. It doesn't look like a new fleet in battle. Instead, it is more cunning, treacherous, and cunning than those old star bandits. It is hard to guard against. . No one can predict its fighting style, it is like a poisonous snake in ambush, but whoever is stared at by it cannot escape being bitten severely.

When the Soul Devouring Sable Star Bandit first appeared, it created a "miracle" that it played around with only a few small warships and attacked an opponent whose strength was far superior to itself. Relying on its speed advantage and powerful protective cover, it constantly turns around and charges, haunting the enemy's bullets like a ghost, destroying the enemy's formation, luring them to deviate from their proper course, and then destroying them one by one, even until the end of the battle , and its enemies couldn't understand why they lost so aggrievedly.

—Of course, to be able to do this, in addition to tactical advantages, the performance of the ship is also extremely important.

The reason why the star robbers can withstand the pressure and gain a foothold in the universe is that they have gathered wisdom and technology from various races in the universe.

But sometimes, having too many technological resources in hand is not a good thing. After all, the science and technology trees of the cosmic intelligent race have developed in various ways, and some are even far apart. If they cannot be integrated, no matter how many technological resources they have, it will be useless. Even, forcibly installing cutting-edge technologies from different branches of science and technology on one's own ships, more often than not, it will be self-defeating and bring more trouble to oneself.

Therefore, most star thieves will only modify their ships in one aspect—mostly speed—and will not greedily try to improve all ship indicators by relying on the technology at hand, but the Soul Devouring Sable Star Thief has broken such a routine.

It is quite certain that, in addition to an excellent ship commander, it also has one, or even several talented ship designers and remodelers. Although on the surface there is not much difference from ordinary ships, the ships of the Soul Devouring Sable Star Bandit have undergone comprehensive and in-depth transformation.

It is like a soft and harmless monster on the surface, but in fact it is full of thorns. No one knows what kind of transformation its ship has undergone, but it will always suddenly appear in places unexpected by the enemy. Explosion, inflicting heavy damage on the opponent who cannot dodge the defense.

Such a powerful ship technology, combined with weird and unpredictable tactical skills, can almost make the Soul Devouring Sable Star Bandit Group invincible. Even though it is a group of star thieves with deep sins, people are still uncontrollably fascinated by it, constantly searching for all the combat information about it, trying to decipher its ship technology and behavior patterns, but no matter how research and exploration However, the Soul Devouring Sable Star Bandit Group is still tightly surrounded by a veil of mystery, looking at other people's pursuit with cold eyes from above.

Yes, the Soul Devouring Sable Star Thief Group is like a group of fans. Its origin is a mystery, the leader is a mystery, the members are a mystery, the ship is a mystery, the tactics are a mystery, and even the name is unclear. No one can match this mystery wherever it goes, and its hunting range happens to be in the area of the Human Alliance, which has brought huge losses to all human countries—whether it is intentional or unintentional. Among them, the most serious victims are Odeon family.

The Odeon family is deeply rooted and powerful, and owns several small planets as their resource warehouses. In order to deliver money and resources to its own family, it naturally has more than a dozen large or small transport ships and escort fleets. During this period of time, all the fleets leaving the port unfortunately collided with the soul-devouring sable star bandits. The muzzle was looted.

Although the destruction of several fleets was not enough to hurt the Odeon family, such a huge loss still made the whole family feel devastated. As the next heir, Restello also had to take a leave of absence from school temporarily and return to his family to help solve this predicament, until internal strife broke out within the Star Thief, diverting the hostile target of the Soul Devouring Sable Star Bandit.

Maybe it's because the Soul Devouring Sable Star Bandits have been too aggressive these days, touching the interests of the other veteran star bandits; maybe these star bandits have been instigated and bribed by other forces; maybe they are also jealous of the Soul Devourer The ship technology owned by the Sable Star Pirates—in short, the Star Pirates are currently in chaos, and the distribution of old forces is challenged by emerging forces. As a result, the emerging forces may die under suppression, or the old forces may die The forces fell apart.

But in any case, this development is a good thing for the human country that has suffered heavy losses for a while. The Odeon family also breathed a sigh of relief and regrouped. Restello was able to return to school from the family and continue his career. studies.

After returning to school and finishing all the matters that had been accumulated for a while, Restello found Bai Duan immediately, and was quite surprised to find that the other party was studying the news about the Star Thieves' rampage: "You are also interested in the Star Thieves. Are you interested?"

"...No, just take a look." Bai Duan closed the news page with a flat tone—he didn't want to share anything about Eddie with others, especially Restello.

Seeing Bai Duanyan's insincere perfunctory, the smile on Restello's face deepened a little. He knew that Bai Duan's interests were extremely single and lacking, and he never showed curiosity about anything except mechanical matters—then, the reason why Bai Duan would pay attention to the news of the Star Thieves... should be for himself? After all, the Odeon family were the biggest victims of the Star Thief's rampage this time. She even asked for leave from school because of this, so Bai Duan would probably be worried, right

Secretly delighted by his own speculation, Restello's tone became softer: "I've been busy with family affairs for a while, and I missed your leapfrog exam—congratulations on passing the exam."

"Thank you." Bai Duan nodded to Restello, showing a faint smile—since the other party congratulated him so sincerely, he couldn't be too ignorant.

Due to the mad bees and butterflies that plagued the college, Bai Duan has always put on a cold attitude since the beginning of entering the school. Even Restello rarely, or never, saw his smile. Suddenly seeing Bai Duan smiling at this moment, Restoro even stared straight away, flattered in a trance.

However, this smile was like a flash in the pan, and soon disappeared without a trace. On the one hand, Restoro was embarrassed by his reaction as if he was obsessed with beauty, but on the other hand, he couldn't help feeling disappointed. Thinking of his family's affirmation of his chosen technician partner, Restoro calmed down, and his expression became serious: "Brother Bai, the field practice assessment and successful grade jump not long ago all showed your talent. Now, I would like to solemnly I invite you to become my exclusive mecha technician after graduation."

Hearing Restello's words, Bai Duan's spirit was shaken—God knows, he has been waiting for a word for nearly a year.

Raising her head and looking at Restello solemnly, Bai Duan categorically said the answer she had been brewing for a long time in the anticipation and joy of the other party: "Sorry, please allow me to refuse your invitation, senior."

Restello: "……………………"

—Wait, this development seems a bit wrong

—Student, did you say the wrong thing in a moment of excitement? !